Chapter 140 Wife Lord, You Are Mine


From the pavilions and pavilions, there is a pleasant and smooth sound of the piano, the tune of the piano fluctuates, it is as elegant as flowing water, and there is loneliness and sadness in the elegance

Baililian lightly closed her phoenix eyes, as if she was intoxicated by the artistic conception she had created, her slender hands quickly slid across the body of the piano, attracting many passing white birds to stop by his side
The whole picture is magnificent and beautiful, he seems to be surrounded by elegant white clouds, like a fairy sitting in a heavenly palace, so elegant and elegant.
The music stopped, and the white birds flew together. They seemed to be obsessed with the sound of the piano. They spread their white wings above the pavilion and never parted for a long time.
"Where's the young master's wife?" He raised his eyebrows, looked straight at the young servant not far away, and asked, pressing his fingers lightly on the guqin on the desk.
"Returning to the young master, the young master's wife has been staying in Xianle Tower recently."

Baili Lianjun's face suddenly turned pale, and a trace of blood appeared on his lower lip as he bit his teeth.

"Zheng~" The strings of the Guqin suddenly broke and scratched Baili Lian, and the delicate fingers were bleeding from the wound
"Young master, your hand."

"It's okay. What else did she say?" He shook his head, motioning for him to continue
"The young lady said, if you don't approve of Nafu, she won't step into the gate of Baili mansion for a day."

After the boy said this, he gritted his teeth a little. At the beginning, the young master didn't dislike her unknown origin, so he exhausted the rare medicinal materials from the Hundred Medicines Valley to save her life, took her in, and became the wife-lord

Now, not only is she not grateful, but she is making an inch of it and getting a new husband
"Is she really so heartless?" Baililian said tremblingly, her eyes were covered with a layer of white mist, and her voice gradually choked up.

The servant wanted to comfort her, but as servants, they had no right to interfere with the master's affairs, so they left the room silently

Baili Lian caressed halfway, and the strings on the desk were broken. The Guqin with ancient rhymes reminded him of the days he and she used to have
he plays the piano, she plays the flute

The combination of the zither and the flute, the sound of the qin and the zither, the two people of the same species, their moods converge like music, love and harmony, and envy others

But now, the day before yesterday, she embraced another person, but said abruptly in front of him, "Either make peace, or Naf"

Xuan'er, it's really cruel for you to say this, you've never thought about my feelings
Two lines of clear tears flowed down from his elegant face, dripping on the strings of the guqin

On the night of getting married, you clearly said that there is only my husband in this life, not anyone else, only me Baililian

Why did you change, so that you no longer belong to me alone?

Yes. That person appeared, it was Ye Raochen, it was he who stole your heart.
There is no longer sorrow in Baililian's eyes, but a deep hatred, if that person dies, it will be fine
Those who hinder him from being with her are unforgivable.

"The slave is here" Another servant hurriedly saluted the young master and said
"The 'Blood Brake' of Baiyao Valley, come here"

"Blood Brake? Could it be?" The boy lowered his head tremblingly when he heard the word "Blood Brake", feeling uneasy
This blood brake is the leader of Bailigu's hidden guards, an elite killer. It is said that he kills without blinking an eye. Anyone who is a spy, not only himself but also his related people, will not be spared, escape the abyss of death

Why did this young master, who is usually as elegant as a fairy, suddenly have the idea of ​​killing?
Although I was full of doubts in my heart, I quickly responded to the young master's order and went to discuss the matter

The coldness spreading in Baililian's phoenix eyes, under the white sleeves, her hands clenched into fists
Wife Lord, you can only belong to me, anyone who dares to covet his woman should go to hell
(End of this chapter)

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