Chapter 158 Dystocia
"Here," Mo Yan hurriedly responded, and turned around to discuss some matters with Rome.
"Baililian, wait for me."

She squeezed the letter paper in her hand into a ball, her eyes were full of worry, she wished she could grow wings and fly to his side immediately.


Outside the delivery room, all the servants in the mansion were piled up, everyone was a little anxious, waiting, for fear of bad news coming from inside

Baili Lian was half lying on the bed, breathing heavily, her hands tightly covering her lower abdomen, bursts of pain hit, not only the white trousers were even redder, even the bed sheets were stained a frightening blood color

Immediately afterwards, his eyesight became hazy, and while he was fainting, he saw a white figure indistinctly, broke through the door quickly, and rushed towards him
this figure?Could it be her?
Consciousness gradually collapsed, he finally couldn't bear it, the pain brought by his abdomen, and fell asleep
"It's not good, the young master has passed out." Mr. Wen next to him whispered that something was wrong

"Lian..." She came to the bed eagerly, feeling a little heartbroken and pulled her powerless hand
With a pale face, eyes closed, and a thin and bony body lying quietly on the red sheets, the whole person is like the side of the roadside of the underworld, where the flowers of the other side of death are blooming, so coquettish
"How can I give birth after falling asleep? If the production line continues to shrink like this, not only the fetus will be suffocated in the abdomen, but even the adults will be lost~"

The doctor's face was a little anxious, and he was at a loss when he saw the pregnant husband sleeping

"Doctor, what should I do?"

"First of all, we must wake him up, and we must find a way to stabilize the emotions of adults."

The doctor quickly explained that although he didn't know why the woman suddenly barged in, his intuition told him that she was the only one who could reverse the situation.
"Lian, let me wake you up." She got up and went straight outside, her phoenix eyes half-closed.
Leaning halfway against the pavilion pillar in the corridor, she pulled out a blue flute from her right sleeve
Close your eyes slightly, place the green flute horizontally between your lips, and a beautiful, clear and melodious tune pours out...

Lian, this song is called "First Sight". When I first saw you, your white clothes, as elegant as a fairy, seemed to be shrouded in a layer of light smoke and mist.

They walked towards me, admiring them, and marveling at the presence of such a handsome man in the world. It was the first time that I was so amazed that I lost my mind.
At that time, your anti-marriage words still exist deep in my heart.
When I recovered my memory and learned all the truth, I should have hated you, but when I saw your fragile white clothes that were about to crumble, the emotion of 'hate' was filled with pity.

"Wife master, don't leave Lian behind"

The man on the bed let out a raving word from his lips, and slowly opened his eyes
"Great, the young master is awake." Mr. Wen exclaimed, signaling that the delivery room is ready for delivery.

"Wow" the child's crying and laughing came from the delivery room

When Feng Qianxuan heard the cry of the child, the green flute in her hand paused slightly, a faint smile appeared on her lips.

With a little tiptoe, she disappeared out of the corridor. No one noticed her leaving, because everyone's attention was focused on the little master.

"Young master, you look like a boy." Mr. Wen carried the infant child in front of Baililian

"Well, the eyebrows and eyes look very much like her." He leaned weakly on the threshold of the bed, took the child, and the joy of being a father for the first time filled his heart with emotion.

"Where is the mistress? Let her come in to see our child." Bai Lilian's eyes were full of relief and satisfaction. He heard her flute just now, and she came.
"This madam left just now." The servant half lowered his body, not daring to vent his breath, and carefully told the young master the news
 I feel that the way the boys narrate this paragraph is not well written. I hope the beauty will forgive me.
(End of this chapter)

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