Chapter 159

Feng Qianxuan, after all, you hate me so much that you don't even want to take a look at the child I gave birth to for you?That's your own flesh and blood.
At the beginning, he fed her medicine for selfishness, forced her to marry himself, forced her to be the matriarch, and even used the criminal law of humiliating the family against her.
As a result, in exchange for such a ruthless ending, he really committed his own crimes and could not live
"No, I don't believe she is so ruthless, I'm going to find her."

Baililian lifted up a corner of the quilt, regardless of her weak body after giving birth, and prepared to look for her
"Young master, you just gave birth and your body is still weak."

Mr. Wen's eyes were burning with anxiety, he half-carried the child, ran to the yard, and stopped in front of him like everyone else
"Get out of the way, whoever dares to block the way of this young master will pack up and leave tomorrow."

Baili Lian's face was pale, her lips were cracked, her brows were tightly clustered together, and her voice blamed those who hindered him from finding his wife.
"This is a father, why is he still acting like a child?" A magnetic voice came from above, tinged with reproach.

I saw the man half wearing a purple veil, slowly flying down from the house, the corners of the purple clothes gradually flew, and quickly took over the crumbling, weak body

"Mr. Leng" everyone called out, and the man who suddenly appeared in front of him

"Don't worry, that person will never hate you. She left probably because she was afraid of seeing the child and would never have the courage to leave again."

Leng Yue's tone was neither urgent nor slow, her voice was as gentle as silk, little by little, soothing the restless heart of the person in her arms

Perhaps Leng Yue's words had an effect, Baili Lian breathed a sigh of relief, and because of the exhaustion brought about by childbirth, he slowly fell asleep

His gaze moved to the gate of the courtyard, and unknown emotions flickered in his purple eyes,

Now, it's good to see you again
If Ye Ziyuan hadn't taken him to Baiyao Valley overnight to seek Baililian's treatment, his soul would have already returned to the west.

Leng Yue silently collected her thoughts and came back to her senses, gently picked up the sleeping Baililian, and walked towards the room

After several months of recuperation, Bai Lilian's body gradually recovered

In the afternoon, Leng Yue half sat in the courtyard, his handsome side face flashed with gentle light, coaxing the infant child, and the child seemed to respond, stretched out his little hand, giggled and said
And the man on the other side, seeing this scene, couldn't help but step forward with his slender legs, and the white robe flew up with his movements, and came to the side of the man.

"These years, would you blame me? Blame me for not letting you see the wife-lord"

Baililian's phoenix eyes felt a little guilty. In order to monopolize her, he forced the two of them not to see each other for five years
"No, because you, like me, love that person deeply, don't you?"

Just because you love someone too much, you tend to worry about gains and losses, become insecure, and fear that the person you love will leave

That's why I did disgusting things in the name of love, but when the disgusting things happened, I found that there was a heart covered in bruises and blood in places I didn't pay attention to
Dependent origin, karmic demise, always unable to escape the shackles of love, maybe our three life stones have already engraved the destiny of this life, suffering and joy, sorrow and joy, laughter and tears
Only then will you be destined to fall in love with the same person, and you will not resent and hate each other.
"Speaking of which, it would be nice if the child's name is Nianxuan."

Leng Yue is still smiling, Nianxuan, Nianxuan, Miss Xuan, the birth of this child entrusts all the thoughts of love in their hearts
"Okay, listen to what your father said this month."

"Daddy Yue?" Leng Yue's purple eyes burst into surprise. What does he mean, do you agree to let him be the foster father of the child?

Bai Lilian smiled without explaining, half bent down, took Xiao Nianxuan from his arms, and gently kissed that little pink face
(End of this chapter)

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