The rest of your life is long, you are the most unforgettable

Chapter 1 Preface: There is true meaning in this, but I forgot to tell

Chapter 1 Preface: There is true meaning in this, but I forgot to tell
I like your name and the way you smile,
You are that rainbow-colored person I met.

One day, I saw a sentence from Qi Jinnian, and I was instantly hit: "Now I just want to be patient, live this life, live myself."

The idea of ​​writing a novel was born, probably because of this.Writing is a very lonely way, keeping the beautiful years that have passed away, absorbing this good fortune, and being gentle for the rest of your life; writing is also a kind of self-healing, the joys and sorrows in this world, after all, we can’t influence others, we can overcome them. only yourself.

When I was young, I made a promise to someone: "In the future, whether we are together or not, I will write down our stories." It was to commemorate, it was the innocence and sincerity of falling in love with someone at the beginning.Perhaps it was because the expression on his face was too serious when he said this, which only made him chuckle.

When we were young, we easily made many promises, like a proud knight who conquered the world, marking our own territory.After growing up, I realized that some promises may not be fulfilled even if we try our best, but the moment we say it, our courage and original intention cannot be questioned.Those who say they want to be together for a lifetime really want to live a lifetime.

This is my first book, a collection of short stories.

I have never thought that I am a good storyteller. Relatively speaking, I am better at observing and pondering people's desire and psychology in their emotions.Perhaps because I am a lover of psychology, and especially like to study emotional psychology, before this novel was compiled into a book, I had heard many love-hate stories by chance, and they became the nourishment and material for my writing.

The stories you will see in this book have more or less prototypes in real life, some are the stories of one person throughout, and some are the stories of several people mixed in one protagonist. Deductive elements.So most of them will make you feel real when you read them, as if it is a certain love of your own, or the love of a friend who is watching.There is no particularly soul-stirring or ups and downs in the plot, some are just ordinary people trying to find Plato's love in this big world, which is the love experience that you and I have had when we touched the veil of love lightly.

Therefore, I often see readers leave messages saying "An Qiao, what you wrote is my story", "It's been a long time since we broke up, and seeing your text reminds me of him again", "I'm crying, why are you so sad?" Sometimes, there will be some sighs in my heart, these are actually the appearance of love that we have experienced, imagined, and longed for.

I stubbornly believe that we will experience love throughout our lives, and find ourselves and explore our hearts in love.This is why most writers love to write about emotions and want to write about all the gestures of love.Before this book was published, I also wrote, and wrote a lot.The first story I wrote is included in this book - "I Really Hope You Stand Eternal in Time", which is a true love story of a friend.One day he came to talk to me, hoping that I would deduce it in words so as to make a conclusion in my heart.That is a friend who studies psychology. I am surprised that many times we know that love is cruel and unreasonable, but we still have no hesitation.It can be seen how innocent we are when we love.

When we were young, we had nothing but innocence, so we can love without hesitation. However, this kind of love often fails in its innocence in the end.At the end of love, we realize that when we know nothing about love the most, we meet someone who wants to love for the rest of our lives. This is the beauty of youth, but also its cruelty.But I like this kind of love. Although it has a little self and poignancy, it is not sophisticated in love, nor soaked in too much social experience. We are not smart people. When we are in love, we put aside the world and love Our domestication is willing to love clumsily, stubbornly, even foolishly and hopelessly.

Only those who have really experienced love will understand that love is the only way out for love, and love has to be done, not for the sake of a result.

Desperate to love, no matter how reluctant to let go, I feel that love is greater than the sky and everything.We gritted our teeth and persisted for a long time, but at a certain moment, we gave up all our patience and persistence.Growing up teaches us that if we see clearly, we will underestimate it. Maybe letting go is another way of love. Those things that were once unbearable in life are insignificant in the end. "Let you have what you want. I hope that what I can't give you, you have already got it elsewhere." Love to the end, and you can still bless.

The complexity of people creates the complexity of love. Many times we think we understand ourselves, each other, and love, but we are actually deceiving ourselves or others, or even Ye Gong likes dragons.Fortunately, all love leads to the same goal in the end. Among those loves that we have or cannot get, we finally understand that the core of love is that we must first love ourselves.This also confirms the phrase "get over yourself" at the beginning.

As for these stories, after people read them and flow through their hearts, what experience they will bring to them is beyond my control.

It's also a lot like love.

When we are in love, we can only love unilaterally. As for whether the other party receives our love, or how much we receive, we cannot control it.So I often feel that love is a matter of fate. Whether you love or not, the result is already predetermined.

Finally, I would like to thank my family who have always supported my writing, my editors who have worked so hard on this book, and everyone who has helped this book.

I would also like to thank my dear "buckwheat" for your encouragement and support, which became my strength to overcome inferiority complex and cowardice.Thank you for walking with me and continuing to be with me.There are so many people, I want to have you all forever.

"There is true meaning in this, if you want to distinguish it, you forget to say it." This is Tao Yuanming's words, full of philosophy, which I regard as my life motto, and I share with you.Loved, don't ask for amazing years, but ask to be gentle with you and me.enough.

I wish you a happy reading.

April 2017

(End of this chapter)

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