Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 134: Silence is the main defense, Mo Yan is the main killer!

Chapter 134: Silence is the main defense, Mo Yan is the main killer!

Due to the high number of absenteeism recently, especially after Huiyuan evolved, Long Yi has not been to class for several days.

Stepping into the teaching building again, Long Yi clearly felt that the surrounding atmosphere had slightly changed compared to before.

The students in the first and third grades are not too obvious, but most of the second-year students are in a hurry, with strange expressions, as if everyone has thoughts and plans.

"Did something happen?"

Long Yi felt strange, but he himself was not a person who liked to join in the fun, although he was puzzled, he didn't stop to inquire, but went straight to the Kendo Club.

He hasn't been to the Kendo club for a long time. Iaido's tricks are very simple. After Shimada Yashou taught Ryuichi the ten-style Iai slaying, he once bluntly said that he doesn't need to practice in the kendo club. not enough.

He was lucky today, the gate of the Kendo club was not locked, which meant Shimada Ye was just inside.

Knocking on the door, Shimada Yeqingli's voice came to ask.

"It's me, Long Yi." Long Yi responded.

"come in."

Pushing open the door, the layout inside is still so simple, almost exactly the same as when he first came here, except that the demon sword Mo Yan was missing from the knife holder.

Shimada Ye was practicing his sword, and he didn't get distracted when he heard Long Yi coming in. He concentrated on completing the last square cut before putting the knife back into its sheath, and turned his head to look.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Her temperament was as cold as ever, as if nothing else could arouse her interest except Mei Miyamoto and Kendo.

In fact, if Long Yi hadn't obtained Yaodao Mo Yan's approval and awakened his qi, Shimada Ye wouldn't even let him enter the kendo room before expressing his intention.

"I want to ask you something." Long Yiyi took off his shoes at the door and closed the door.

The two knelt on the futon facing each other, their long demon swords clinging to the curves of their legs, and the swords never left their bodies.

Long Yi looked at Shimada Ye's porcelain-like delicate face, his eyes fell on the Yaodao Buyu on her waist, and asked: "Senior sister, can you tell me why Buyu and Mo Yan are called Yaodao?"

Shimada Ye rarely showed a surprised expression, as if he didn't expect him to ask this.

But soon she came to her senses, looked at Long Yi with those calm eyes from the outside to the inside, and asked without answering: "Have you obtained Mo Yan's inheritance?"

She asked bluntly, and Long Yi didn't feel like going around in circles anymore. He nodded and said: "Yes. I made a mistake when subduing the elf before, and killed it by mistake. Mo Yan absorbed the blood of that elf, and then my brain went crazy. There is another way of swordsmanship."

"The way of killing the sword." Long Yi added.

A blush suddenly appeared on Shimada Ye's face, and the whole person suddenly lost most of his usual coldness, and became a little more sexy.

This was the first time Long Yi saw her look like such a little girl, he couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

Shimada Ye was not angry, and quickly calmed down.

"Since you have obtained Mo Yan's inheritance, you are one of your own, and you should know some things."

"Buyu is the master of defense, Mo Yan is the master of killing. The meanings of these two knives are completely different. What you have obtained is the way of killing swords, and what I have inherited is the way of guarding swords."

"I should have told you at the beginning, but even though you got Mo Yan's approval at that time, it was only equivalent to having the key, but you stood outside the door and didn't come in. Naturally, you can't be considered as one of your own."

"Demon sword, demon sword, no matter how demon's sword is, it is still a sword. The sword is forged to kill. Only when you kill a person or an elf with Mo Yan, you will get the real inheritance if you get the approval of the demon sword. It is the killing sword that appeared in your mind."

Shimada Ye talked a lot, this time she spoke in detail and patiently.

Just like the introduction given by the system, these two demon swords were indeed cast by a man named Jukuro Miyamoto, who was also an ancestor of Mei Miyamoto and the former elder of the Miyamoto family.

This Miyamoto Jukuro is not only an excellent swordsmith, but also a powerful onmyoji with an innate special ability.Similar to super powers, but more weird and evil.

He left a curse after casting these two long swords, and then bestowed them on the two most outstanding warriors of the Miyamoto family at that time.

One of the two warriors was good at killing, and was the trump card of the Miyamoto family to assassinate the enemy, and what he got was Mo Yan; the other was good at defense, and was the personal bodyguard of the Miyamoto family, and what he got was silence.

After two samurai died, their souls were trapped on the sword due to a curse.After a long time, the memory has been wiped out, leaving only the purest kendo inheritance.

And because of the existence of that curse, all the successors who have acquired the swordsmanship inherited by Bu Yu and Mo Yan will be influenced by the samurai's deep-rooted loyalty to the Miyamoto family. With the power of the curse, although they will not lose their nature and be at the mercy of others, but It will also be subject to certain restrictions, at least it cannot harm the direct descendants of the Miyamoto family.

"It is precisely because of the existence of this curse that these two famous swords have gradually been passed down as demon swords." Ye Shimada sighed and concluded with this sentence.

As a kendo enthusiast, Ye Shimada felt deeply sorry for Bu Yu and Mo Yan. Originally, these two swords should have been handed down from generation to generation, instead of being dubbed demon swords like they are now.

"That is to say, although the curse on Mo Yan will affect me a little, but the Miyamoto family has no ability to order me to do anything?" Long Yi asked the question he wanted to know the most.

How he wished to get a positive answer from Shimada Ye.

But unfortunately, facing this question, Shimada Ye remained silent.

After a long time, she opened her mouth and said, "The legend is so, but..."

"Historically, there have been several heirs of the Demon Sword who died inexplicably... so if the request is not too excessive, the successors of the past generations will not reject the Miyamoto family. After all, they will give you a reward when they ask you to do it. "

"Just like you are Mei Miyamoto's bodyguard now?"


"I understand."

Long Yi lowered his head, thought for a while, and then expressed his sincere gratitude to Shimada Ye: "Thank you for helping me clear up my confusion, Senior Sister. Also, if possible, can you temporarily help me keep the secret of obtaining Mo Yan's inheritance?"

Shimada Ye shook his head: "Once the inheritance is confirmed, the Miyamoto family will get the news. I can't help you with this."

"Okay, it must be Miyamoto Jujuro's means of staying. Last question, is Miyamoto Mei the only member of the Miyamoto family's direct line?"

Long Yi originally had a good impression of the sexy and beautiful student president, but the latter had some prejudice against him for some unknown reason.

One day, Asaoka Tomo told him this news via email. Although the two parties had conflicts, Long Yi's intuition told him that what Asaoka Tomo said was probably true.

Because Aoki Masakazu also made a similar hint, although he didn't say it explicitly, but after thinking about it, this is what he wanted to express.

If the Miyamoto family really has the means to control the heirs of the Demon Sword, then Long Yi must make preparations in advance.

Fortunately, Shimada Ye gave good news this time: "Yes, the president also has an older brother named Miyamoto Takano."

Shimada Ye was really not a good chat partner. After asking the question he wanted to ask, the two soon fell into an awkward silence.

Long Yihao thanked this cheap senior sister again, and then left.

"and many more!"

When he walked to the door, Shimada Ye's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"One more thing...the two warriors back then were actually a couple, and their love for each other was preserved after their death because of the curse, the successors of Silence and Moyan in the past, basically They are also married..."

"What did you say?" Long Yi turned his head in astonishment, and saw Shimada Ye turned his head to one side, his face was already flushed red, so tempting that one just wanted to take a bite.

(End of this chapter)

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