Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 135 The Selector and Dongyue'er

Chapter 135 The Selector and Dongyue'er

"Human emotions should not be bound by curses." Long Yi said, went out and closed the door.

His view of feelings is actually quite pure, otherwise he would not have chosen Mari and resolutely broke up with Meisa who was in love.

You must know that even though Mari came together on purpose with other purposes at the time, she was quite weak emotionally. If Long Yi had a thicker skin, he would have a chance to maintain his genuine relationship with Mei Sha while secretly Not clear with Mari.

But he didn't.

It's the same now, Long Yi doesn't mind having a beautiful girlfriend, but it's hard to accept that it's because of some damn curse.

Of course, this has something to do with Shimada Ye not being the type of girl he likes and not being attractive enough.

Leaving the Kendo club, Long Yi thought that he hadn't had a good class for several days, so he walked towards the classroom.

When he returned to the classroom, it happened to be the recess time. Some of the students gathered together to chat, some read alone silently, and some leaned on the table and fell asleep.

The classmates all showed surprised expressions when they saw Long Yi, this guy has been a bit elusive recently, and his strength is already not at the same level as theirs.

After saying hello to a few familiar classmates, Long Yi returned to his seat and sat down, while Meisha next to him was naturally studying hard as usual.

"Meisha, what class is it?" Long Yi asked.

"Elementary trainer training class." Mesa said.

"Teach trick training or elf training?"

"Neither, according to the course, today should be to learn the energy cube that makes the hair of the fire elves softer."

Long Yi shook his head, this is what he hates the most, energy cubes are no more than food for elves, they can only make elves look better, sometimes these are even obtained by sacrificing part of their health, he never feeds them to his elves.

Long Yi stacked his feet on the crosspiece under the desk, put his hands behind his head, and the chair fell backwards.

Now he regrets coming to the class on a whim. If he had known that the next lesson would be a boring energy cube class, he might as well go back earlier and get more familiar with Hui Yuan's new body and abilities.

Looking sideways, Mesha's wine-red hair was combed into a ponytail as always. It was refreshing and clean, and it was his favorite hairstyle.

She tied a sky blue ribbon today and tied it into a butterfly shape, which is a little more cute than before.As the girl with the most prestigious appearance in the first grade, Meisha's skin is naturally quite good, very fair, but it is not a sickly extreme white, but a very healthy one.

The slightly round oval face is not irritating just like her personality. Although her height of 1 meters is not considered tall, she is not considered short among girls, not to mention her proud figure. .

As if feeling Long Yi's long gaze, Meisha put down the book helplessly: "What do you see me doing?"

"Because you look good." Long Yi blurted out.

Seeing the corners of Meisha's lips raised silently because of her praise, Long Yi's mood, which had become a little gloomy because of Mo Yan's curse and the next class, also inexplicably improved a little.

"By the way, this is for you."


He took the box from Meisha——it was a purple sand-colored box, long and about the size of a palm, made of unknown materials, and still a bit heavy.

"It was sent by the student union before. It is said that the president of the student union, Mei Miyamoto, gave you something. It may be a token of love, or it may not be."

At the end, Mesa's tone was a little sour.

Long Yi laughed at himself: "How is it possible, that chairman and I can't deal with each other."

He couldn't help recalling the first meeting between the two in his mind. Among other things, Mei Miyamoto's figure was indeed the best and sexiest in his impression.

There is a small brass buckle on the box, open the lid, inside is covered with red flannelette, five black pocket Mo Yan ornaments lie quietly in the reserved groove, exquisitely made.

"What is this?"

Long Yi took one out of curiosity, it was an ordinary trinket, the material was similar to gym badges.

"It's a proof!" A female voice cut in, "The qualifications for the next student council president!"

Looking up, the person speaking was a girl Long Yi had never seen before. From her uniform, it could be seen that she was a student of Class A, and she was in the second grade.

She can be called beautiful no matter her face or figure, she has black shawl and long hair, and her watery eyes seem to be able to speak.

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Fuyutsuki from Class A of the second grade. I don't know what I have to do to get the badge in your hand, Miyazaki-kun?"

"You said just now that it is a qualification certificate for the next student council president? What do you mean?" Long Yi played with the Mo Yan jewelry in his hand. For some reason, this woman who called herself Dongyue'er was also a beautiful woman, but he just had An inexplicable feeling of malice.

It seemed that he had heard this name before, but he couldn't remember exactly when and where he heard it.

Although Dongyue'er didn't understand why Long Yi was the badge issuer but didn't know what it represented, she still explained: "President Miyamoto announced the rules for the election of the next student council president not long ago: she chose four candidates Each of these four people has 5 qualification badges in their hands, and anyone who gets two different badges from the selectors is eligible to participate in the competition for the next student council president."

"As for the conditions for issuing badges, it is entirely up to the selectors to decide, even if it is free."

"The sword-shaped ornament in your hand, Miyazaki-kun, is one of the four qualification badges!"

"Really?" Long Yi played with the so-called qualification badge in his hand, his first reaction was that Mei Miyamoto wanted to make trouble for himself, but on second thought, something was wrong.

According to Dong Yue'er, the conditions for issuing badges are completely determined by the selectors, if Long Yi is afraid of trouble, he can give them away directly, there is no loss at all.

On the contrary, Mei Miyamoto's decision has only advantages and no disadvantages for him. As long as he reveals his tone a little bit, those seniors and sisters who want to compete for the student council president have to obediently send various gifts and money to come through the back door?
Money, fairies, treasures and even women are all at your fingertips!
Four selectors, each with five badges, only 20 badges in total, and only ten places if they are fully booked!

If you count those who don’t make up all the badges, those who deliberately obtained multiple badges to squeeze out competitors, at the end of the day, there will be a question mark as to whether the qualified ones can fill one hand.

"Who are the four selectors?" Long Yi suddenly asked.

"First of all, Miyazaki-kun, of course. Others include Ye Shimada from Class B of the third grade, Akemi Morishita from Class A of the third grade, and Asuka Uehara from Class B of the second grade."

This time Long Yi is sure, this time it really wasn't Mei Miyamoto who was looking for trouble with him, otherwise the student council president would definitely not include Shimada Ye in the count.

So... is it because I have obtained Mo Yan's inheritance, so I deliberately show my favor?
Long Yi didn't know.

He glanced at Dongyue'er, who had a look of anticipation on her pretty face: "What if I say... want you to stay with me for a night?"

As soon as the words were finished, a small hand suddenly reached out from the side and pinched the soft flesh around his waist, Long Yi's face turned pale, and he had no choice but to look at Meisha who pretended to be fine.

"Hmph!" Meisha turned her head away, but she didn't let go, being quietly held by Long Yi, unable to escape.

Dongyue'er smiled sweetly, lifted her skirt lightly and sat on Long Yi's desk, and he saw the scenery in an instant.

It's sexy lace purple!

One hand stretched out the index finger to touch the lips, bent down, and the other hand was placed on Long Yi's right hand holding the badge, the skin was quite smooth.

Dongyue'er's figure is already good, but now she bends over deliberately, and a deep gully is exposed on her chest. Her career line is quite amazing.

"If Miyazaki-kun is willing to give me this badge, then Yueer... will naturally be willing..."

The voice was crisp and waxy, almost moaning, Dongyue'er's charm at this moment was amazing, Long Yi even heard the sound of a boy in the same class swallowing saliva not far away.

"Really!?" Long Yi seemed pleasantly surprised.

Dongyue'er was disdainful in her heart, but on the surface she lowered her head shyly and timidly, as if she was shy and let you pick.

"Hahahaha!" Long Yi burst into laughter suddenly, shook off Dongyue'er's hand, put the sword-shaped badge into the box, and closed it with a 'pop'.

"Unfortunately, I'm not interested in courtesans."

Long Yi finally remembered who this Dongyue'er was, she was a well-known courtesan among the students of the Trainer Academy, she roamed around the bed of various powerful young masters in Class B, and she once heard Aoki Masakazu mention it.

Of course, for the ordinary-born students of Class A and Class C, Dongyue'er is of course the kind of high-ranking goddess who usually doesn't even bother to talk to you.

"You!" Dongyue'er was stunned for a moment, her face turned cold immediately.

At this moment, she still doesn't know that she has been put together.

"How on earth do you want to give me the qualification badge!?"

(End of this chapter)

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