Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 201 Takahashi Hei 1 VS Matsumoto Kogen! 3

Chapter 201 Takahashi Heiichi VS Matsumoto Kogen!three

"Is this the only thing you focus on?" Matsumoto Xiaoxuan looked at his opponent calmly.

That's right, the power of Thunder's thunder just now was indeed an attack beyond the limit of normal elf races, but that was only a qualitative change caused by quantitative changes because it carried electromagnetic waves all over the sky and a large amount of electricity in the dark clouds.

The real point lies in the combination of electromagnetic wave and magnetic field control!

Without the electromagnetic wave that almost covered the entire field, Hu Di, who had practiced teleportation to the point of being close to instinct, could teleport to other places the moment the thunder fell, and even had time to launch a counterattack.

No matter how powerful the trick is, it is empty talk if it cannot hit the enemy!

Only on the basis of Hu Di being temporarily paralyzed, this powerful thunder move could create such an amazing scene.

However, Takahashi Heiichi's first reaction was the power of thunder.

This made Matsumoto Kogen look down on Takahashi Hei, but it was also in line with the information he had received before.

Because Takahashi Heiichi grew up smoothly with the strong support of his father since he was a child, he is far rarer than others, and the result of the accumulation of powerful elves and a large amount of resources is that he hardly needs any tactics, relying solely on the strength of the elves is enough to win.

Just like Long Yi's Gyarados, a Gyarados that is close to the limit of race can completely sweep away most of the spirits of third graders, that power alone is enough to ignore most tactics!

It is also for this reason that Takahashi Heiichi's fighting style is more similar to the crushing of attributes and elf strength, and he does not use much tactics.

Because he doesn't need it at all!
This gave Matsumoto Kogen a chance.


Takahashi Heiyi didn't answer, and silently took out a poke ball and threw it out.


The Blastoise, who was replaced before, appears again!

Seeing this, Matsumoto Xiaoxuan was stunned. He originally wanted to wait for Takahashi Heiyi to release the trump card Frog Flower, and then replace Thunder.

After all, the battle just now, especially the final combination skill plus Thunder's strong attack, consumed too much of Thunder's stamina and energy, and it is now at the end of its battle.

But the appearance of Blastoise disrupted his plan.

After hesitating for a while, Matsumoto Xiaoxuan finally chose to continue fighting with Thunder.

After all, Thunderbolt's advantage against Blastoise is too great!
And his other elves, especially Frog Flower, are not very good at facing Water Arrow Turtle.

The battle continues!

Due to the consumption of too much stamina, Lei Ting slowed down a lot, and the power of the electric type's special moves also decreased.

Takahashi Heiichi is worthy of being the representative sent by Kanto Shenshan Noble Academy. Although he doesn't like to use tactics, it's not that he doesn't understand tactics.

The purpose of sending Blastoise was to make Matsumoto Xiaoxuan force Thunder to fight reluctantly, but he let Blastoise ignore it and attack directly.

Injury-for-injury style of play!
This water arrow turtle's defense, physical strength, and water cannon power are all very good. Although it is facing an electric-type elf that restrains itself, Lei Ting occasionally feels uncomfortable when it eats a water cannon.

After a few rounds, the water arrow turtle was scarred, but still standing.

In comparison, although Lei Ting received much fewer attacks, and it was not a unique skill to restrain his own attributes, his not-so-strong body could no longer hold on.

After all, for the sake of flight and speed, its physique is destined not to be too strong.

"Use the spiral water cannon!" Takahashi Heiichi ordered suddenly.

An attack faster than ordinary water cannons hit Lei Ting, and under the high-speed rotation, the power of the water cannons was even objectively improved.

Improved skills - spiral water cannon!
With just one shot, the thunderbolt, which was at the end of its strength, could no longer hold on. It closed its eyes and fell from the sky.

"The toucan loses its ability to fight, and the water arrow turtle wins!"

"That's all." Takahashi Ping said.

Blastoise swayed, then suddenly knelt down on one knee, gritted its teeth, and looked pained.

Thunder's attack is not so easy to catch!
"Bingshuang, it's you."

A bird call that was very different from Thunder was heard. If Thunder's call was like a sharp whistle, rushing straight into the sky, then the bird call that sounded now was a beautiful flute, mellow and melodious.

With this cry, a blue elf flew up into the sky, circling while flying, and sprinkled large spots of light.

That is a bird!
This is Bi Diao, but it is not an ordinary Bi Diao.

Like the Thunder just now, Matsumoto Xiaoxuan's Bingshuang can also be easily seen to be a mutant elf.

Its feathers are ice blue, longer than the common eagle, and its body is not so strong, but more slender.

The feathers on the head are shortened and crystalline.The tail feathers at the tail are long and curly ribbons, blown by the wind brought by the flight, fluttering, very beautiful.

"This is... Bi Diao?"

"I seem to see a frozen bird!"

The students muttered to themselves, and countless girls were captured by the beauty displayed by Bingshuang.

"Frost, use the freezing light."

Bingshuang spread her wings gracefully in the air, and opened her mouth to spit out a thin stream of freezing light.

"Water arrow turtle, use the spiral water cannon!"

It is difficult for the moving water to freeze, let alone the high-speed self-rotating water cannon.

The freezing light and the spiral water cannon collided, and the freezing light retreated steadily, but Bingshuang just gracefully turned sideways, and calmly avoided it.

Compared with Thunder, its speed may not be as fast, but it looks more beautiful, and perhaps because of the calm thinking brought by ice energy, Frost's evasion ability is actually stronger than Thunder.

The right wing hangs down, lowering the height, the frost and the thunder bully the Blastoise's poor turning ability to attack, one after another of freezing light falls on the shell of the turtle, and quickly freezes it.

After the water arrow tortoise, which was already seriously injured, was frozen, it completely lost its ability to resist.

"The Blastoise loses its ability to fight, and the bird wins!" the referee announced the result.

For him, it didn't matter that Frost didn't mutate, in his eyes he was still a Vulture.

Takahashi Heiichi releases the last elf.

There was a shock not much smaller than that of the water arrow turtle, and a huge elf appeared on the field.

It looked like a big toad carrying a huge overlord flower on its back, with pimples all over its blue skin, a terrifyingly large mouth with several pairs of sharp fangs.

Frog Flower, the king of the rainforest!
And Takahashi Heiichi's Frog Flower is the absolute king among them, because... this one has been bred by him to the limit of this kind of elf's race!

"It finally came out." Matsumoto Xiaoxuan heaved a sigh of relief.

It is definitely good news that Takahashi Heiichi's last elf is indeed Miao Frog Flower, not some other more powerful elf.

"Frost, use the freezing light!"

Bidiao Bingshuang, a mutant with both flying and ice attributes, is definitely a strong opponent against Miaowahua!

An ice blue ray fell.

Like the water arrow tortoise, the frog flower is not good at moving and dodging, unlike the water arrow tortoise. If this freezing light really hits it, it will definitely cause huge damage to it.

This damage, even the limit of the race, is unbearable!
After all, the limit of the race is reached, it is still a Frog Flower, and it has not achieved a qualitative change.

And Frost's ice-type trick is not comparable to ordinary wild elves.

"Use the rattan whip." Takahashi Ping ordered.

Miao Frog Flower let out a low growl, and two dark green vine whips the thickness of a baby's arms jumped out from under the leaves on both sides of its body, drawing towards the oncoming freezing light.

A frog seed can use two rattan whips, frog grass can use four rattan whips, and frog frog flowers can generally use eight to sixteen rattan whips!

Takahashi Heiichi's one can undoubtedly use up to sixteen rattan whips, but now, it only uses two.


The cane whip twitched and exploded in the air.

The freezing light at the front was directly smashed by the vine whips, but the freezing light was a continuous trick, and the continuous ice energy followed one after another, quickly freezing the two vine whips.

Even, this ice is still spreading along the rattan whip towards Miao Frog Flower's body!
"Do you think you won?" Takahashi Pingyi laughed; "Miao Frog Flower, use the petal dance!"

"Petal dance? What does he want to do?" Petal dance is indeed a good grass-type trick, but it is not suitable to use at this time.

Used to attack Bingshuang to encircle Wei and save Zhao?

Before that, the Frog Flower had been frozen long ago!
For defense?

That's not right, who has heard of the use of the petal dance.

Matsumoto Xiaoxuan soon knew Takahashi Heiichi's purpose.

I saw the Miaowahua on the field opened its mouth wide and let out a roar, then shook the vine whip, green leaves suddenly grew on the two vine-like vine whips, and then countless pink flower buds grew and stretched, growing in the blink of an eye. It became a beautiful pink flower.

Kacha Kacha~
Those petals and green leaves are like a sharp sword, not only growing on the end close to the body of the frog grass, but also growing on the ice-covered vine whip. The green leaves pierced the ice layer, and the flowers spun and shattered Frost.

"Combination skills, I can do it too!" Takahashi Heiichi said.

In an instant, countless petals fell off and hung in the air, like a thousand arrows, shattering the freezing light all the way, all the way towards the frost!

(End of this chapter)

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