Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 202 Takahashi Hei 1 VS Matsumoto Kogen! 4

Chapter 202 Takahashi Heiichi VS Matsumoto Kogen!Four

Bingxue shrank her pupils and waved her wings.

The overwhelming dance of petals almost covered the entire sky, and it couldn't dodge it with its speed and dodge ability.

Now, only confrontation!
The trace of contempt in Matsumoto Xiaoxuan's heart disappeared immediately with this counterattack, and he regained his original calmness.

"Use Blizzard!"

The wings fluttered, the wind was strong, and countless white snowflakes flew out from under the ice and snow's wings and feathers.

This wind is cold, this snow is cold.

The knife-like dance of petals collided head-on with the fierce blizzard, and the pink petals were instantly frozen into lumps of ice, crackling and blown back by the cold wind, which actually increased the power of the blizzard.

"What a blizzard!"

Takahashi Ping praised again and again.

The power of this ice-type trick is definitely not inferior to that of the previous mutated toucan. Although it is not as violent as the thunder and lightning, it is as cruel as it is.

A series of thoughts quickly flashed through his mind, and he quickly said the solution: "Grow up, flying leaves and sharp knives!"

The body of Miaowahua shone with a green light, and pink buds grew on the two vine whips again, ready to bloom.

At the same time, pieces of sharp swords were separated from the rattan whip, and thousands of arrows were fired.

Flying Leaf Knife!

Countless hailstones were cut in half, and their power was gone. At the same time, there were endless leaves and petals growing on the rattan whip.

But a blizzard is a blizzard after all!

The flying leaves and petal dance of Miaowahua can cut the tangible and qualitative hail, but can't cut the invisible and intangible cold wind.

When the cold wind came, the flowers and leaves on the back of Miaowahua were blown crookedly, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and traces of hoarfrost began to spread on its body surface.

Gao Qiaoping frowned, and decided to change his strategy: "Use the rattan whip with all your strength.

Fourteen cane whips shot up into the sky, plus the first two used, a total of sixteen cane whips!
There are countless leaves and flowers growing on each of these sixteen vine whips. The Miao Frog Flower roared, and all the leaves and petals spun.

The cane whip danced wildly, smashing the air and making crackling noises.

The petals rotate and the blades are sharp, cutting the airflow to pieces.

The invisible blizzard was stirred by these sixteen thorny vine whips, and could no longer be maintained. The manic airflow blasted away, blowing the surrounding grass and leaves down, and the soil frosted.

Looking at Miao Frog Flower again, she shook off the frost on her body, a layer of green light flashed, and she recovered as before.

Before Kogen Matsumoto continued to attack, Takahashi Heiichi gave the first order.

"Use Sunny!"

A scorching sun-like ball of light shoots into the sky from the flower center of Miaowahua, like a small sun placed in the sky, emitting scorching light and heat.

The low temperature caused by the blizzard is illuminated by the little sun, and the temperature rises rapidly, condensing into water droplets and water vapor.


Bingxue suddenly raised the altitude, dodging the sixteen vine whips of Miaowahua, and opened his mouth to receive a flash of freezing light.

However, under the scorching sun, the power of this freezing light was greatly reduced, and Miao Frog Flower just whipped it with a vine whip to disperse it.

"Petal Dance!"

Countless petals lifted into the sky, enveloping the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the ice and snow.

Kogen Matsumoto tried to use the snowstorm to break the game again, but due to the influence of the sunny weather, the effect this time was not as good as before, only a small part of the petals in front of him was cleaned up.

Thousands of petals were contained in the sky, Takahashi Ping showed a smug smile on his face, and looked at Matsumoto Kogen: "That's it. The wonderful frog flower, use the rose flower to bury!"

Call ~
The countless petals suddenly gathered in fives and fives, forming the appearance of a rose flower, and the center of the flower was aimed at the ice and snow from all directions.

"not good!"

Alarm bells rang in Matsumoto Xiaoxuan's heart.

However, before he could give an order to respond, the little sun in the sky suddenly lit up, and countless streaks of white light fell, each of which fell precisely into the center of a rose flower.

Hundreds of roses and hundreds of flower centers lit up with white light at the same time.

"This is……"

"This kind of light, could it be..." Long Yi and the others who were sitting in the spectator seats couldn't help standing up at the same time, a guess emerged in their hearts.

Takahashi Heiichi had a confident expression on his face: "Launch!"


boom! ~
Hundreds of beams of white energy light were launched at the same time, falling on Bingxue in unison.

"Absolutely right, this is the flame of the sun!"

"These, all of them!"

Long Yi suddenly felt bitterness in his mouth.

Originally thought that the academy's hidden hole card, Matsumoto-senpai, was already very strong, and he could overwhelm the contestants from the Shenshan Noble Academy, but he didn't expect that the other party would give everyone such a big surprise in the blink of an eye.

What is Sunshine Flame?
The ultimate trick of grass!
And because of its great power, under normal circumstances, if you want to use it, you must have a process of accumulating power, and its power can be ranked even among all the ultimate tricks!

But now, now what do they see?
Hundreds of sun and flames burst out!
Although these flames of sunshine are undoubtedly shrunken versions, they are flames of sunshine after all!
With the same energy consumption, other people's elves might only be able to use one or two shots of Sunshine Flame, but in Takahashi Heiichi's Frog Flower, it was scattered into hundreds of shots.

Although the power of each shot is greatly reduced, but combined, it is definitely several times, even ten times the power under normal circumstances!

This is definitely a secret technique!

After the white light passed, all the roses withered and dimmed as if they had lost their vitality, and then turned into fly ash.

At the same time, a group of black shadows fell in the sky, it was the beautiful mutated sculpture—Ice and Snow that could not be seen at all.

"Quick, get on stage!"

The medical team that had been prepared for a long time came to the stage quickly. Bingxue's injuries were similar to Hu Di's before. They were all serious injuries that were almost life-threatening, and they could not heal in a short time.

Matsumoto Xiaoxuan silently watched the ice and snow lying on the stretcher disappear from sight, and then let out a long breath.

Takahashi Pingyi is worthy of being the representative of Kanto Shenshan Noble Academy, and his strength is indeed strong.

His Hu Di and Water Arrow Turtle are averagely strong, but this Miao Frog Flower is extraordinary!
Takahashi Heiyi looked at Matsumoto Xiaoxuan, and smiled triumphantly: "A toucan that mutates in the direction of the lightning bird, a bidiao that mutates in the direction of the freezing bird, your last elf won't be a flame bird A mutated elf."

"There was a plan, but it didn't work out."

Cultivating mutations is not a one-time effort, but selection and cultivation from generation to generation, and sometimes even if one fails, you have to start all over again.

Matsumoto Xiaogen has only tried this for five or six years. Even if Bobo's breeding cycle is short and the breeding frequency is high, it is impossible to achieve his goal so quickly.

The reason why Thunder and Bingxue were successful was because his teacher Datokuji Wood begged him for a feather each of the Frozen Bird and the Lightning Bird.

Thunder and Bingxue have been with these two feathers day and night since they were in the eggshells, absorbing the energy of the legendary elves bit by bit, coupled with the hybridization of the previous generations, they successfully mutated.

The flame bird's feathers are flames, which have no entity at all and cannot be obtained, so there is no success.

Now the two sides are tied 2 to 2, and there is only the last elf left, and the outcome is here.

Matsumoto Xiaoxuan took out a Poké Ball, hesitated for a while but did not throw it out, but changed it to a special silver-white Poké Ball.

"This is."

Daitokuji Wood and Noriko Ando looked at each other, with a hint of worry in their eyes.

"Takahashi Heiichi, this is my strongest and most trusted elf! Originally, I didn't plan to use it in the preliminary round, but now... are you ready?"

"Pretend to be a ghost."

Takahashi Pingyi looked disdainful, he had absolute confidence in his Miao Frog Flower.

As long as it's not an element level, it doesn't matter what kind of elf you are.Once buried like a rose, even a big steel snake will kneel down!
"Go, Yachi!"

Kogen Matsumoto called out the name of the elf and threw the elf ball at the same time.

Long Yi just sat down when he heard the words and suddenly stood up.

"It's eight divergences!"

He knew the elf!
(End of this chapter)

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