Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 203 Takahashi Hei 1 VS Matsumoto Kogen! 5

Chapter 203 Takahashi Heiichi VS Matsumoto Kogen!Fives

Accompanied by the heavy landing sound, a terrifying giant snake appeared on the battlefield, causing countless exclamations.

What kind of elf is that?
It was huge, its upper body standing upright was three stories high, not to mention the rear half of the ground.

This big snake has dark purple scales on its back, and the scales on its abdomen are white and yellowish in color. Its head is not the head of a rice spoon snake that Long Yi has seen before, but an oval shape closer to that of an Arbo snake. It is more ferocious, sharp, and looks very vicious.

On its back, there are special golden scales growing at intervals, similar to the back of a rice spoon snake.At the very center of the golden scales is a sharp bony spur protruding obliquely to the rear, which is wrapped in snake skin and scales, and there is also a thin film connecting the snake body below.

The closer the bone spur was to the head, the longer it was, and the one on the back of the head was about ten centimeters in length.

There is no doubt that this is a terrifying beast, but compared with its terrifying lower body, it is nothing.

Starting from the middle of the big snake's body, the snake's body is suddenly divided into eight parts. Each of the eight snake tails is as thick as a bucket, and the tip of the tail is flat and sharp, like eight purple-black blades.

"What monster is this!"

The audience was shocked, Gao Qiaoping opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Although the two elves in front of Matsumoto Xiaoxuan are also weird, they can still see a trace of their original appearance, which is a kind of preferential variation caused by artificial cultivation methods.

But what is in front of you?
It looks more like an elf than a monster imagined and fabricated by people in those stories!
"This is my strongest elf, Yagi! It is mutated from the hybrid offspring of the rice spoon snake and the abo snake. I am only one step away from restoring the glory of the ancient legendary elf, and let the horror of the Yaki snake once again Come to the world!"

Matsumoto Xiaoxuan glanced around. He saw the comfort of Daitokuji teacher, the worry of Principal Ando and the teachers of the academy, the fear and shock of his juniors, and the referee Mr. Jing Chuan and other contestants. Exploration, dignified.

With all kinds of emotions and expressions in sight, at this moment, only the belief of victory is left in Matsumoto Xiaoxuan's heart.

This is the highest achievement of more than ten years of research between him and Dade Temple teacher!
He believes that Baqi will definitely be able to open the door to the main match for himself!
"It doesn't matter what kind of monster you are, in front of my Frog Flower, I will kill even a real monster for you!"

Takahashi Heiichi ordered loudly: "Miao Frog Flower, use rose flowers for burial!"

The effect of clearing up the sun is not over yet. With the roar of the frog flower, countless pink petals filled the sky again, and in the blink of an eye, densely packed pink rose flowers were formed, surrounding Yachi.

Matsumoto Kogen didn't give an order, just watched quietly, Baqi spit out the letter and lowered his head, looking down at his opponent.


The spectacular scene of shining white light and hundreds of shots of sunlight and flames once again appeared in front of the audience, but Yachi did not dodge—his huge size and relatively slow agility could not dodge such an attack.

After a few seconds, the white light left on the retina gradually dissipated, and the situation in the field was also presented to people's eyes.

"How is it, did it work?"

"Has Matsumoto-senpai's big snake held up?"

Long Yi looked anxiously, and then he saw Ba Qi in the field covered with scars.Numerous burns and abrasions spread all over the body, and some serious places even broke the surface layer of snake skin and scales, exposing the white snake meat and dark red snake blood underneath.

Although such an injury has not reached the point of losing the ability to fight, it is obvious that as long as it happens again, Yachi will face the verge of coma.

Desperation began to spread in the battle dome. After all, the audience present were almost all students, teachers, and staff members of the Trainer Academy, and their positions were naturally inclined to the side of the academy.

"No, that move is too powerful, Matsumoto-senpai's big snake doesn't have enough defense." Igarashi Kurosawa shook his head.

"I thought I had some skills, but I didn't expect it to be scary." Takahashi Pingyi laughed and heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, Yachi's debut scene was too shocking, and Matsumoto Kogen's self-confidence made him really nervous, but he didn't expect it to be just a bluff.

"is it?"

Matsumoto Kogen suddenly smiled, and that smile lifted Takahashi Heiichi's heart that had just let go.

"If the legendary Yamato no Orochi only has this ability, how could it be rumored to be a big monster that will cause disaster?"

"It's resilience!" Long Yi suddenly realized.

"The most terrifying thing about the legendary Yamato no Orochi is not its mountain-like shape, nor its terrifying appearance with eight heads and eight tails, but its almost immortal vitality! It is said that even if you smash its head or tail into pieces, the real Yamato no Orochi As long as there is still a head and a tail, it can grow back in a very short time, and it can be called an immortal monster!"

"So Matsumoto-senpai hasn't lost yet?" Kurosawa asked.

"Look at the field."

Everyone looked along Long Yi's fingers, and saw that Baqi, who was still scarred just now, had recovered more than half of his injuries, leaving only those places with serious injuries that hadn't healed yet, but they were also getting better at a speed visible to the naked eye. "

"What a terrible resilience!" Ayumi Inoue murmured.

Long Yi and Kurosawa thought about their own elves, and found that if they were to face Matsumoto Kogen's Yaki, even if the opponent didn't fight back, they might not be able to beat them just because of their terrifying recovery speed.

It can be said that it is invincible!

At this time, Takahashi Heiichi also noticed the abnormality of Yaqi, and his face suddenly sank.

"I don't believe that your elf can recover infinitely, even an elemental elf can't do this, let alone!"

Kogen Matsumoto nodded: "Indeed, before entering the elemental level, Yagi's recovery ability is limited, and every treatment will consume nutrients and physical strength in the body. But after all, its body shape is placed here, and the one just now This kind of attack, how many times can you use your Frog Flower."

This is a war of attrition, and it depends on which side of the elves can't hold on first, and whoever loses.

And for Takahashi Heiichi, the situation is even worse is that Matsumoto Kogen's Yaki is not a living target that stands still, it will attack!

"Baqi, use the poisonous tail!"


The giant snake swallowed the snake letter, twisted its body and launched an attack.

There are eight snake tails, and the blades at the tip of each tail are shining with purple poisonous energy. Although the huge body makes it slow to dodge, it also endows Yachi with terrifying power!

Baqi's body is really too huge. With this flick of its tail, its attack range almost covers the other half of the field. Miaowahua has no room to dodge at all and can only resist.

Sixteen vine whips coiled towards the tail of the snake like a python. However, in the face of the terrifying power of Yachi, Miaowahua needs at least three vine whips to compete with its uncondensed attack. Sixteen vine whips stopped 6 tails , and two more fell on it.

The sharp tail blade cut through the rough epidermis of Miaowahua, and the toxin entered the body. The blood was still bright red at the beginning, but soon turned purple-black.

"Let's see how long your Frog Flower can last." Matsumoto Xiaoxuan said with a smile.

There is not much time left for Takahashi Heiichi!

"Use Sunny!"

Another ball of light rushed into the sky from the corolla on the back of Miaowahua, making the scorching sun that had just slowed down dazzle once again.

"Useless struggle, Yaqi, let's do another poisonous tail!"

"Use hardened plants!"

Suddenly, circles of seismic waves emanated from the feet of Miaowahua, and steel-colored thorns jumped out from the ground, surrounding Miaowahua, completely resisting Yaqi's attack.

"Using the ultimate mystery to barely block it." Matsumoto Xiaoxuan didn't care.

Hardening plants is the ultimate grass-type secret move stronger than the sun and flames. It can be said that it is the strongest grass-type trick except secret skills.However, even if Takahashi Heiichi's Frog Flower has reached the limit of this kind of elf in all aspects, it is impossible to maintain this trick for too long.

As for defeating Yachi with hardened plants?Things that the burial of roses could not do before, let alone this time.

He's winning!
At this time, Takahashi Heiichi was already in a desperate situation no matter how he looked at it, but his calm expression made Matsumoto Kogen suddenly a little uneasy for no reason.

"You are very strong, really strong." Takahashi Heiichi said seriously, "But, I will win. Miao Frog Flower, use rose flower burial!"

"I have to tell you a few more times, your trick is useless at all!"

When Takahashi heard this, he just smiled.

Countless pink petals floated out from the gaps in the hardened plants, and soon they combined to form pink roses, surrounding Yaqi.

Something is wrong!

What kind of conspiracy does he have! ?

Matsumoto Kogen's heart was pounding, and a strong sense of uneasiness enveloped him.

Suddenly, he saw Takahashi Heiichi's eyes, and then looked along his eyes, and at the end of his eyes was Yagi's head.


is that one!
A ray of inspiration flashed through my heart.

Although Yaki already has a trace of the shadow of the ancient legendary spirit Yamata no Orochi, after all, there are still many shortcomings, such as its defense!

Bingxue was on the verge of death after being buried by a rose flower before, but Baqi was only moderately injured, not because Baqi's defense was much stronger than Bingxue, but because it was too big, and Miaowahua's attack was scattered to On the whole body, the injuries caused are naturally light.

If Takahashi Heiichi controls Miaowahua to concentrate hundreds of small sun flames on Yaki's head...

There is no doubt that Yamato will die!
Baqi, who has only one snake head, cannot recover from such injuries, and there is only one way to die.

It turned out that this was his idea!

Matsumoto Xiaoxuan, who had pierced Takahashi Heiichi's eyes, was scared and nervous, and quickly ordered: "Yaqi, use coils to hide your head!"

Layers of layers of snake body rolled into a disc, the ends of the eight tails pointing in all directions, but at this time the eight-pointed snake head has disappeared from people's sight.

"Has it been discovered?" Takahashi Heiichi felt a little regretful, but he was not too disappointed.

After all, it is a competition between the top universities in the world, and one cannot expect the opponent to be as stupid as usual.

Although he regrets, he is still confident.

"I didn't expect that it was only the first qualifier that I could force out my bottom-of-the-box trick. It is worthy of the trainer academy that won the championship ten years ago."

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use Rose Flower's Annihilation!"


Miaowahua let out a loud roar, scattered the hardened plants that were divided into two purposes, and went all out to control the hundreds of roses in the air.

I saw that the roses moved suddenly, as if they had suction to each other, five small roses formed a medium-sized rose, and then five medium-sized roses formed another Large rosettes.

After all these changes, when everyone reacted, there were only 5 super-large roses the size of the mouth of a water tank left among the densely packed hundreds of roses.

East, South, West, North, and above!
Five large roses are arranged in five directions, each of which is composed of 125 small roses layered on top of each other, which looks both beautiful and dangerous.

"This is……"

That kind of secret skill actually has a stronger level!

Cheats and cheats are different.

After some secret skills are learned, their power will be fixed, such as Ishida Yamato's Leiqiu's Thunder Sickle encountered in the Zijin Gymnasium, such as the water pressure cannon used by Jingtian Yiye Giant Swamp Monster.

And some secret skills have room to go further, such as the thunder fist of the Akasaka sword family, such as the rune ritual that Long Yi's Abo snake is learning, such as the burial of roses used by Takahashi Heiichi Miaohua in front of him.

The Rune Ceremony was okay, it belonged to the type that became more powerful the longer it was learned, while Thunder Fist and Rose Burial were both layered secret skills.

That kind of secret skill, it's fine to stand still, but once you enter a higher level, the power can be said to almost double!

The annihilation of the five large roses on the field that are about to be used will definitely be more powerful than the burial of the previous roses, much stronger!
"Matsumoto Xiaoxuan, the annihilation power of this rose flower is beyond your imagination. My frog flower can only be barely controlled, and it is likely to kill your elf directly. It is still too late for you to surrender." Takahashi Heiichi said seriously .

He is eager to win, but he also doesn't want to make enemies with a talented trainer for nothing.

Matsumoto Kogen clenched his fists, he could feel that his opponent was telling the truth, not just bluffing.

Yamato may die!

Looking at the sidelines, Teacher Dadeji opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Matsumoto Xiaoxuan gritted his teeth and made a decision: "Come on!"

"As you wish." Gao Qiaoping shook his head.

This is your choice.

"Beautiful Frog Flower, the annihilation of Rose Flower—launch!"

Hundreds of white lights descended from the sky, falling precisely into each little rose flower.When the energy of the small roses was fully charged, they suddenly spun, and then the white light falling from the sky joined together and turned into beams of light, starting to charge the five medium-sized roses.

After one breath, the medium-sized roses were fully charged and began to rotate, and the light became a thicker beam of light, and the five large roses lit up little by little.

Finally, after a few seconds, all the large roses were fully charged.


Boom boom boom boom! ! !
Like five gunshots, the dazzling white light burned Long Yi's eyes for a while, he quickly closed his eyes and turned around, the strong wind made his clothes firmly stick to his body, and his ears buzzed.


A huge explosion occurred when no one could see it, and at the same time there was Yachi's sharp scream.

It's decided!
(End of this chapter)

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