Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 204 Rose Cheats and the Wrong Way

Chapter 204 Rose Cheats and the Wrong Way

The deafening explosions were still raging in my ears, accompanied by Baqi's unique howling and screaming.

This time the explosion lasted longer than any one Long Yi had ever seen before. After nearly a minute, the roar of the explosion gradually weakened. The first time he disappeared, he looked towards the center of the venue.

Who actually won?
The first thing that came into view was a battle field that was mostly broken, as if it had just been swept by a tornado or bombarded.

The original thick lawn has long since disappeared, not only the turf, but even the soil underneath has disappeared without a trace, exposing the base and walls made of alloy at the bottom, and there are traces of metal solidification after melting everywhere.

A metal hydraulic support rod looms in the corner of the bottom. Obviously, the grass field used for fighting has been damaged to a considerable extent, and it is even impossible to replace it.

In the entire site, only the small area where Miao Frog Flower is located is still intact, and the closer to Matsumoto, the more serious the damage to the site.

As for Baqi?

There are blackened snake meat, broken scales, broken bones and other debris scattered around, but the largest of them is only a piece of flesh the thickness of an ordinary human's thigh.

There is no doubt that Yaqi is dead.

"I lost." Matsumoto Xiaoxuan was no longer as high-spirited as before, and knelt down on the player bench as if he had lost the most important thing in his life. The head makes it impossible to see his expression clearly.

"Mr. Matsumoto."

Long Yi was a little worried, Matsumoto Xiaoxuan's current appearance reminded him of the Rockets elite player he had met before, Hellboy Gardon.

It was the same feeling when Gardon fed Helu plus the secret medicine, causing him to die from exhaustion, that kind of gloom as if he had lost the world.

People in this world always have a special feeling for elves, especially trainers. Many people even regard elves as more important than their lovers in life. There is no distinction between good and bad.

For the second personality who has been sleeping in the subconscious of Matsumoto Xiaoxuan most of the time, the meaning of Yaqi is even more extraordinary. However, now, this elf who has become the goal and partner of life almost since the awakening of his personality is dead. before his eyes.

Or died by his own order.

Such a blow is enough to make a person collapse!

"Yachi died, Miaowahua won, so the winner is Takahashi Heiichi from Shenshan Noble Academy!"

The referee dutifully announced the result, and his voice was a little low. Even though he had seen a lot, every time he saw the elves die in front of his eyes, he still couldn't help but feel sad.

Especially in games.

"Thank you." Takahashi Pingyi bowed in all directions, but there was no applause, and the atmosphere at the scene was terribly dull.

Some glared at him, while others burst into tears.

All this did not affect Takahashi Heiichi's emotions. He had already prepared for the possible snub when he signed up for this game. After all, it was an away game, so it was inevitable.

clap clap clap!
There was a sudden burst of applause.

It's Jingchuan Tiangong!
The congressman sent by the alliance to preside over the academy competition had a smile on his face, and he did not hide his appreciation for Takahashi Heiichi in his tone: "Excellent battle! I have heard many people talk about the magic of the rose flower secret technique. It is said that this kind of secret technique requires the grass elves to have strong mental power and delicate control, and to have a high degree of mastery of petal dance and sun flames, and then it is possible to learn it.

The burial of the rose flower in the first stage requires the elf to perfectly control 5 petals to form a rose flower to display the sun and flames;

The destruction of roses in the second stage requires the elves to perfectly control 25 petals, and use five small roses to form a medium rose;
The annihilation of roses in the third stage requires the elves to perfectly control 125 petals, and use five medium roses to form a big rose;
In the last stage, the emptiness of the rose flower requires the elf to fully control 625 petals, and five big rose flowers are used to form a super-large rose, which is said to be as powerful as a wave cannon!
Your Frog Flower can already condense 5 big roses, and you only need the last step of five-in-one to reach the highest level of this secret technique. Ms. Aida has a good student. "

Momoko Aida is the creator of this rose flower secret technique, and is also an element-level trainer registered in the alliance. She is famous for her delicate control and maximum utilization of energy. She is currently a tenured senior professor at the Kanto Shenshan Noble Academy.

"Thank you for your praise. In fact, the teacher has recently made new progress in the research on the rose flower secret technique. Maybe it won't be long before the fifth stage of the rose flower secret technique can be born."

Takahashi Heiichi said modestly.

The most frightening thing about the rose flower secret technique is that it can theoretically increase its power infinitely. The real problem is that the harsh conditions for the elves to learn this secret technique limit its upper limit.

Theoretically, if there is a grass-type elf with extremely powerful mental power and fine control, then its rose flower secret skill can be upgraded to the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth levels!
And every time you advance, the power of this secret technique will be multiplied, even geometrically multiplied!

"Oh? This is great news." Jingchuan Tiangong said with emotion.

After creating the fourth stage of the rose flower secret technique a few years ago, Momoko Aida admitted frankly that her elves were no longer able to enter the next stage. Breakthrough.

Thinking about the impact of this news, Jingchuan Tiangong nodded naturally, and then looked at another contestant, Matsumoto Kogen.

It's a pity that Matsumoto Xiaoxuan obviously hasn't recovered from the double blow of losing the game and the death of the elf at this time, and he is still bent forward in frustration on the player's bench, even though there are already a few students beside him comforting him.

Looking at Dade Temple Wood and Ando Noriko, Jingchuan Tiangong commented: "Ms. Ando, ​​Professor Dade Temple, although you lost the competition, your school's research results on elf hybrid variation really opened my eyes. , is worthy of being a world-class top college.”

Noriko Ando blushed a little. It can be said that what Jingchuan Tiangong saw was only the personal research results of Daitokuji Wood and Matsumoto Kogen, and the academy played a minimal role in it.

However, because of her obsession with the trainer academy in her heart, although she looked hot, she did not directly deny it.

"But I have to say one thing, you seem to have gone astray."

"You mean..." Dade Temple Wood frowned, Jingchuan Tiangong's words made him a little uncomfortable.

You must know that Bingxue, Thunderbolt and Baqi, who just appeared on the stage, are representatives of his lifelong ideals. Although they haven't shown the demeanor that the final result should have, they already have a trace or two of charm.

It can be seen from the meaning of Jingchuan Tiangong that it seems to want to completely negate it?

"Please don't get me wrong, I don't mean to deny your achievements in any way, just a little reminder, whether you listen or not is up to you." Jingchuan Tiangong explained.

"Although the mutated toucan and mutated bird just now are special individuals that were quickly promoted with the help of the feathers of the frozen bird and the lightning bird, they are undoubtedly on the right path. But the elf who tried to reproduce Yamato no Orochi It's different."

"You mean..." Dade Temple Wood seemed to think of something.

Jingchuan Tiangong didn't say much, just clicked two words: "Reproduce!"

"Reproduce...reproduce..." Dade Temple Wood muttered to himself, his expression suddenly became tired, as if he had aged a few years out of thin air, "Wrong, all wrong! I see, I was always wrong."

"what happened?"

"what's the situation?"

The people around were puzzled, and they didn't understand why Dade Temple Wood became like this with just two words.

Dade Temple Wood saw Jingchuan Tiangong's expression of not wanting to explain, so he said: "

Although the research on hybrid variation of elves has a long history, there are very few experiments in this area. The reason is that the research cycle is long and the results are slow, and its instability is likely to make it impossible for a researcher to see it for a lifetime. little success.

And what is the ultimate purpose of this research?Obviously, it is impossible to succeed just by cultivating an element-level elf, and the expenditure ratio is too unbalanced.

The real purpose of the hybrid mutation of elves is to purify the overall quality of a certain elf, making them have a higher starting point and a higher limit, and truly fundamentally improve a race!
Just like Ice Snow and Thunderbolt, if I don’t encounter difficulties in the later stage of my research and everything goes smoothly, then even if they can’t become legendary elves like Frozen Bird and Lightning Bird who can step into the elements when they reach adulthood, they will probably become no less than Or second only to the super elves of false gods!Moreover, these two kinds of elves have strong reproductive ability. Frozen Bird and Lightning Bird are also legendary elves with ethnic groups, so even if their reproductive ability is weakened, at least they can successfully give birth to offspring.

As for Yaki, the difference between it and the other two elves lies in the goal it wants to reproduce in the end-the legendary elf Yagi no Orochi does not belong to its clan, but an ancient elf of unknown type Specific individuals produced by genetic mutations!
Under normal circumstances, this kind of specific individual does not have the ability to reproduce! "

This kind of situation is actually very common, such as the Phoenix King and the three holy beasts in Chengdu, it is like this, the ancient Chiming that Long Yi's Huiyuan mutated into is also theoretically unable to have offspring.

Although Baqi has not lost its ability to reproduce yet, there are actually signs of this. At present, the only offspring that really belongs to it is Liuqi in the hands of Matsumoto Xiaoxuan.

If it is really cultivated to the level of the ancient Yamato no Orochi, it is very likely that it will only get a Yamato no Orochi, and it will be gone when it dies.

It was precisely because he understood this that Dade Temple Wood said that he was wrong, and he had been wrong since the beginning of choosing the target.

After listening to Dade Temple Wood's explanation, the others suddenly understood.

At the same time, I also have a little admiration for Jingchuan Tiangong, who can see the disadvantages of Yachi at a glance, and at the same time, he knows the secret skills of roses like the palm of his hand. This Mr. Mr. Representative is obviously not the same as the two principals of the Trainer Academy: Hamada Zamichi and Sasaki Mingxi. An embroidered pillow like an honorary councilor, but a man of real ability.

"Actually, there is another point. The strength of mutant individuals like Yamata no Orochi is actually incomparable with the race before the mutation. Therefore, it is not only a problem of inability to breed, but also means that other cultivated experimental bodies are almost worthless. , if you want another mutant to appear, the probability is not to mention finding a needle in a haystack." Jingchuan Tiangong added.

Dade Temple Wood was stunned again and admired even more.

Then the acting principal Noriko Ando sent someone to maintain order, and the audience left one after another. She, the senior management of the college, and the contestants accompanied Jingchuan Tiangong and other college contestants and companions to eat together.

As for the title of the second qualifier, it will be announced at 8:[-] tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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