Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 205 New Exam Questions

Chapter 205 New Exam Questions
At 8 o'clock the next morning, Jingchuan Tiangong stepped into the door of the conference room with two assistants, and with a glance, he saw that all the staff had arrived.

Sitting on the left are the principal of the Trainer Academy, Sato Hamada and acting principal Noriko Ando, ​​as well as contestants Ryuichi Miyazaki, Igarashi Kurosawa and Ayumi Inoue.

Professor Daitokuji Wood and Matsumoto Kogen were absent.

On the right are Monk Kukai and Master Wugui from Jodo-ji Temple in Chengdu; Arang Yamadera from the Hoen-sanji family and his second uncle Yamaji-shoudao; Kitano Moli, a student from Mijina Temple in Sinnoh, and Professor Akasaka Chiyo.

Of course, although Kanto Shenshan Noble Academy has already passed the qualifiers, Takahashi Heiichi and Namikawa Yoshitaka also came based on the principle of knowing their opponents.

"Very well, everyone is here."

Jingchuan Tiangong opened the first chair and sat down. Two assistants stood behind him, one on the left and one on the right, holding a scroll in each hand.

"I won't gossip anymore, I believe you are all waiting, then I will reveal today's selection test questions."

Jingchuan Tiangong snapped his fingers, and the two assistants picked up the scrolls and unfolded them.

There are four large characters written on each of the two scrolls, the scroll of the assistant on the left reads 'Vampire Labyrinth', and the scroll of the assistant on the right reads 'Crown of the Wolf King'.

Jingchuan Tiangong had a friendly smile on his face: "There are many mysterious events on this island of trainers. Most of these mysterious events originate from certain magical treasures or special elves, and the 'Vampire Labyrinth' ' and 'The Wolf's Crown,' are two of the famous ones."

"The goal of the assessment is very simple. Whoever brings the treasures in front of me first will advance!"

People from the college smiled when they heard the words. This is the advantage of the previous championship. Not only did they have the home field advantage and the number advantage, but as long as they were willing to pay the price, they would get certain preferential treatment in the exam questions.

Of course, this preferential treatment will not be very big, if you want to win, you need to be strong.

In contrast, the faces of the contestants and accompanying elders from several other colleges were not very good-looking.

Jingchuan Tiangong suddenly looked to the right: "Student Shansi Yalang."

"Ah!?" Yalang Shansi was so bored that he rested his chin with one hand in a daze, until he was pushed by the second uncle beside him before reacting.

"In the forest of the island, there is a peak of seven wolves. Legend has it that there is a crown of the wolf king hidden on that mountain. As long as you wear it, you can command the pack of wolves and become the king of wolves!"

"The king of wolves?" Shansi Yalang's eyes flashed with surprise.

Jingchuan Tiangong nodded: "In fact, it was transformed from the remains of an element-level elf. The element it was enlightened at that time was the commander element. Although the elf who obtained it could not be comparable to the element-level of the same type, the commander Wanlang also It's not a lie."

"Wolves believe in the strong, so if you want the crown of the wolf king to appear, you need a wolf elf that has reached the limit of the race to explode at the top of the Seven Wolf Peak, and only such an elf is eligible to wear this crown. "

Jingchuan Tiangong finally said: "Your task is to deliver the wolf king's crown to me before dark."

Among all the contestants' bright information, only Yalang Shansi could complete this task.

After Jingchuan Tiangong finished speaking, he turned his head and looked towards the side of the Trainer Academy, "Mr. Hamada, Ms. Ando, ​​the task of your school's players is to stop him and tell me about your competitors in this round."

Noriko Ando said without hesitation: "It's Ayumi Inoue, Mr. Kyogawa!"

"very good."

The gazes of Yamadera Arou and Inoue Ayumi collided, one with a playful smile on his face, and the other with a serious expressionless face.

"Interesting." Yalang Shansi said with a smile.

The head of the mountain temple patted his nephew on the shoulder and said, "Go, don't let me down."

"Don't worry, Second Uncle." Yalang Shansi looked confident.

"You won't succeed." Ayumi Inoue said suddenly.

Shansi Yalang was stunned for a moment, then smiled and showed his big white teeth: "If you can do it, try it, Ou! Ba! Sang!"

After finishing speaking, he got up and opened the door of the meeting room and ran out, as fast as a gust of wind.

Ayumi Inoue was so angry with the word "obasan" that the veins on her forehead twitched, but she couldn't run faster than Arang Yamadera. After thinking about it, she got up and walked to the window, opened the window and climbed onto the windowsill.


She leaped over neatly, and suddenly jumped out of the window.

Long Yi was startled, and quickly ran to the window to check, and found that Ayumi Inoue fell in mid-air very calmly, and suddenly opened a poke ball when the landing height exceeded halfway.


The pseudo-god-level elf Bangira fell heavily on the ground, smashing a large piece of floor tiles in front of the teaching building, and smashing out a deep bowl-shaped pit full of spider web cracks.

At the same time, it sent out an upward airflow, which supported Ayumi Inoue, who was falling slowly, and supported her to fall lightly on Benjira's shoulder.

"I'll go, this is very dangerous, okay!"

A phantom suddenly solidified in front of Bangira, revealing a bright-colored wind speed dog and Shansi Yalang riding on the wind speed dog's back.

If it hadn't been for Ayumi Inoue who jumped off the building decisively, by the time she went downstairs under normal circumstances, Shansi Yalang would have run away on the wind speed dog, and would not be able to catch up.

"It's you who hit it!" Ayumi Inoue slapped the elf, and Bangira, who was in touch with her, launched the attack spontaneously without ordering.

Intense energy condensed in Bangira's mouth, and the golden ball turned into a beam of light in the blink of an eye.

The ultimate trick - destroying the dead light!
Ayumi Inoue used the ultimate ultimate move of the ordinary type as soon as she came up, and her strong physique made it possible for Bangira to use this move without the burden of other elves, and it could be used as an ordinary ultimate move.

"This is a pseudo-god-level elf." A flash of excitement flashed in Shansi Yalang's eyes, but he quickly restrained himself, "Forget it, Wind Speed ​​Dog, use God Speed!"

The wind speed dog roared, and it and the figure of Yalang Shansi on his back blurred for a moment, and then Bangira's destructive death light passed through his body, leaving a deep hole on the ground.

At the same time, Fengsugou and Shansi Yalang appeared at the door of the teaching building. At that moment, they had bypassed Bangira and advanced hundreds of meters!
"Although I really want to have a good fight with your Bangira, but if I lose, my second uncle will definitely put me in confinement, so I will take the first step just to be on the safe side."

Yalang Shansi turned his head and waved his hands: "Goodbye, Obasan!"

After finishing speaking, the wind speed dog launched the super speed again, and Yalang who planted Shansi disappeared in an instant.

"Damn boy, you can't escape!"

Ayumi Inoue retrieves Benjira, throws another Poké Ball, and rides the newly released Tropical Dragon into the sky.

"Go to Seven Wolf Peak!"

Watching Ayumi Inoue go away, the few people standing by the window in the conference room went back and sat down.

"Okay, let's continue." Jingchuan Tiangong said, "The blood-sucking labyrinth is similar to the wolf king's crown, and it is also a legend that was spawned by a special item. It is said that there is an intricate underground labyrinth on the island, and countless people live in it. Tens of thousands of supersonic bat elves, and in the center of this super giant supersonic bat group, there is a mysterious treasure."

"This legend is much more mysterious than the crown of the wolf king, because no one knows the specific content of the treasure. They only know that there is such a thing. The goal of both parties is to fetch the treasure. Whoever brings the treasure to me first will be able to advance. .”

This time, because there are no special requirements, players from the Jingtu Temple and Mijina Temple are eligible to participate.

The two monks, one big and one small, from Jingtu Temple folded their hands together and shook their heads.

Akasaka Chiyo, the professor of Mijina Shrine, glanced at his students: "How is it?"

Kitano Jasmine closed her eyes, she was wearing a white gauze dress today, her long hair was still tied up with a simple hairpin at the upper part of the tail just like yesterday, looking dignified and clean.

The difference from yesterday was that today Bei Nai Jasmine wore a piece of jewelry on her forehead, which was an inverted triangle-shaped princess-style forehead chain, outlined by several bead chains, with a white gemstone inlaid in the center.

Bei Nai Jasmine closed her eyes, in a trance, everyone seemed to feel that the gemstone on the bead necklace on her forehead lit up, and then she opened her eyes.

She nodded towards Akasaka Chiyo, and then said, "I'll come."

Jingchuan Tiangong nodded, then looked at the academy side: "What about you?"

Noriko Ando chose Igarashi Kurosawa.

"Very good." Jingchuan Tiangong looked at both sides, "Because it is a maze, you have three days. If no one succeeds after three days, then change the exam questions."

"Yes." Both of them agreed.

Kitano Moli turned and left the room, Ryuichi raised his fist at Igarashi Kurosawa: "Senior Kurosawa, come on!"

"Wait for my good news." Igarashi Kurosawa smiled, his smile was full of confidence.

Then, he also walked out.

After the two left, Jingchuan Tiangong suddenly sent someone to close the doors and windows of the conference room and draw the curtains, making the entire conference room plunge into darkness.

"Now, let's see how they progress.

Four projection screens appeared on the four walls, each showing the four contestants who had just left.

(End of this chapter)

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