Chapter 206
Long Yi looked up.

There are four pictures, the first one is Shansi Yalang riding a wind speed dog forward in the forest, almost teleporting away tens of meters in the blink of an eye.

"As expected of the supernatural speed known as the fastest trick, this speed is really..." Long Yi was secretly startled.

The second picture is the picture of Inoue Ayumi flying on a tropical dragon. Below is the vast forest, and the goal is directed at the Seven Wolf Peak.

Although the speed of the tropical dragon is not as fast as that of the wind speed dog, it can advance in a straight line in the sky and overtake it very quickly.

Bei Nai Moli on the third projection stopped a student who was asking for directions, but because the school gave a grand speech on the college competition before, it explained the pros and cons of it clearly.

Therefore, although it was very fulfilling to be asked for help by a beautiful girl like Kitano Jasmine, the male student still politely refused.

Noriko Ando nodded.

The fourth picture is Igarashi Kurosawa. After he went downstairs, he quickly found someone to prepare some props, then borrowed a flame horse from Aoki Masakazu, and soon came to a cave near the red dormitory, and released himself After the Tanabata blue bird walked in.

Igarashi Kurosawa did not use flashlights and other lighting tools. He is a high-tech trainer himself. Although the remade glasses do not have a lot of information, the night vision function is naturally not a problem.

At the same time, the projection belonging to him also turned green for night vision, allowing people to see the scene inside the cave clearly.

"There are tens of thousands of elves of the supersonic bat family living in the Vampire Labyrinth. These elves are very sensitive to light. It is really difficult without night vision equipment."

Long Yi sweated for Heize.

The Vampire Labyrinth is not the same as the Seven Wolf Peak. It is a notoriously dangerous place. The number of students, elves, and even teachers who have been trapped in it for various reasons over the years is unknown, and they are all risking their lives to compete.

Although Igarashi Kurosawa avoided the biggest hidden danger because of the night vision glasses, there are still some other elves living in that cave!

In case of a battle, the supersonic bat group was awakened, and the wild elves living in the cave had a way to escape, but he didn't.


"It's been 5 minutes, and that wind speed dog is still using super speed!" Long Yi said in surprise.

As the ultimate trick with the fastest burst speed in an instant, although it can allow the elves to obtain unparalleled super high speed, it also consumes amazing energy. Generally speaking, it can only be used as a trump card and cannot be used for a long time.

And Shansi Yalang's wind speed dog has been running at super speed for 5 minutes without any panting. It is obviously a wind speed dog with innate special talent like Long Yi's Gala Gala, and has very long physical strength.

Takahashi folded his hands on his chest, his face was a little dignified: "Not only that, but he moved in the forest with the same scenery, and the direction did not deviate too much. Obviously, he is very familiar with the terrain of the trainer's island."

Vice-principal Yoshiro Namikawa, who was sitting next to him, nodded, and continued: "Not only did we know the exact location of Seven Wolf Peak from the beginning, but we can also move forward accurately in the forest without a map. It is sufficient."

This sentence aroused the hatred between Ando Noriko and Ryuichi, remembering Hattori Heiichi and the other three who assassinated the contestants before, and at the same time set their eyes on Yamadera Shoumichi.

Originally, these two exam questions were beneficial to the trainer academy. For example, Kitano Jasmine on the fourth projection just asked about an entrance to the Vampire Labyrinth from a male student, got a relatively clear map and started to set off.

Even so, she was riding her electric monster alone, and only had a small amount of supplies, without any professional equipment.

However, the Fengyuan Seven Family spent a lot of money to infiltrate the island of trainers, and even sent ninjas to assassinate them in a frenzy.

Therefore, with the same test questions, Yaro Yamadera and Ayumi Inoue are basically on the same starting line.

"As a qualified world-class educational institution, I can't even do the basics of knowing myself and the enemy, and I still have the face to say it. I also admire Professor Langchuan's face." Said the head of Shansi sarcastically.

Namikawa Yoshiro glanced at Akasaka Chiyo with a blue face, smiled and did not answer.

From the very beginning, the imaginary enemies of their Shenshan Noble Academy have always been the other three academies.

Although the No.1 player of the Trainer Academy gave Takahashi some trouble, Matsumoto Kogen is definitely the strongest among them.Even he failed, let alone others.

On the contrary, the mysterious Jingtu Temple and Mijina Shrine, as well as Yalang Shansi, who was exposed by Jingchuan Tiangong and also has a race limit elf, are the key targets!
"I heard that the Hattori family, one of the seven families before the competition, sent people to assassinate the trainer academy contestants. One can imagine the character of the other six families." Akasaka Chiyo mocked.

"What the Hattori family does is their business, and it has nothing to do with the other six families. And no matter what, our Hoenen Seven Families are better than your Mijina Temple's pretense and tricks." Yamadera Chief Dao immediately replied sarcastically, not to be outdone.

When Namikawa Yoshi, Yamadera Somichi, and Akasaka Chiyo were secretly confronting each other, Monk Kukai and Master Wugui closed their eyes and chanted sutras, as if they were not interested in other people's affairs at all.

In fact, the Jingtu Temple is also the least ambitious among the five forces for the so-called No. [-] Academy in the World.

Located in the Chengdu area, where almost all the people believe in Buddhism, there are not many young children who want to enter the trainers of Jingtu Temple every day, and most of them are young people with outstanding talents.

The Pure Land Temple, which has no shortage of resources, money, reputation, and students, naturally lacks interest in this troublesome title.

The reason why people were sent to participate was just to maintain the status of the Pure Land Temple and avoid being underestimated.

Long Yi withdrew his gaze and focused on the projection.

In fact, among all the contestants, he may have the lowest background. After all, it has only been more than a year since he officially became a trainer and had his own initial elf, which is far behind the others.

Even with the help of the system, it is not comparable in many aspects.

Although Ryuichi is not the youngest in age, monks like Kukai and Kitano Jasmine were trained from an early age, Takahashi Heiichi and Yamadera Aro are similar, and even Igarashi Kurosawa started learning systematic training from junior high school Everyone knows, let alone other people.

In addition to the first game of fighting between dragons and tigers, although he is very confident in his own strength, Long Yi is also very nervous now, as if he has returned to the novice period that has not yet awakened the system.

In the three-person bickering, all four contestants are advancing, and it is not known how Jingchuan Tiangong's subordinates filmed this projection, even using the super-speed wind speed dog did not get rid of the photographer.

Igarashi Kurosawa quickly went deep into the Vampire Labyrinth, which is an extremely complex and huge underground labyrinth, with openings almost everywhere on the Trainer Island.

Visible to the naked eye, there are densely packed supersonic bats standing upside down on the roof of the cave, and occasionally a large-mouthed bat appears, distributed in groups, and it is impossible to count how many there are.

Igarashi Kurosawa was walking cautiously with his Tanabata blue bird.

Suddenly, a Chuanshan King suddenly drilled out of the ground, and the moment it saw Kuisawa and the Tanabata blue bird, it sent out a series of high-speed stars, and then made a strange cry, twisted its buttocks, dug a hole and escaped.

"It's broken!" Long Yi's heart skipped a beat.

In the picture, Kurosawa's face also changed. The Tanabata blue bird stretched out its wings to block the high-speed stars, but the cry of Chuanshan King had already alarmed the group of supersonic bats overhead. Dozens of supersonic bats opened their eyes, revealing pairs of supersonic bats. Scarlet animal pupils.

Normal supersonic bats have no eyes and rely on ultrasonic waves to fly and hunt.

However, the supersonic bats living in the vampire cave are different. They have eyes, and they have scarlet pupils.

Not only the supersonic bats, but the eyes of the big-mouthed bats and cross-worded bats here are also scarlet, like monsters in the dark, staring at people all over the hair.

The dense sound of wings sounded in the darkness, Igarashi Kurosawa was so painful that his ears were helpless, and the large number of ultrasonic detections made him feel dizzy.

"Qixi blue bird, use singing!"

The Tanabata blue bird is also very painful, and the ultrasonic wave of the supersonic bat is within its audible range, so it is much more painful than Igarashi Kurosawa at this moment.

Hearing the master's order, it sang beautiful notes one after another, and soon one by one supersonic bats fell into sleep and fell to the ground, followed by a few large-mouthed bats.

The power of singing echoed in the cave, spreading farther and farther away, and soon the short-term commotion was subsided, and the original tranquility was restored in the cave.

"Phew, it's dangerous, well done Tanabata Blue Bird." Igarashi Kurosawa wiped off his sweat and praised his elf.

This is the reason why he would rather move forward with the Qixi blue bird, otherwise, once the supersonic bat riots, even if he releases all the elves on his body, he will definitely be submerged in the bat ocean.

The team led by the former student council president is a lesson from the past!

"Keep going!"

Igarashi Kurosawa is full of confidence. The terrain of the Vampire Labyrinth can be said to have doubled the strength of his strongest combat power, the Tanabata Blue Bird, while the people from other colleges may not even be able to handle the supersonic bat group.

He has decided on this spot!
At the same time, in another fork in the cavern, the electric monster in front of Bei Nai Moli erupted with a powerful lightning attack, stunning dozens of supersonic bats and two big-mouthed bats coming forward.

Kitano Moli stepped forward, looked at the three forks in front of her, and closed her eyes.

The gem on her forehead shone white light, and Kitano Jasmine opened her eyes, looking at the passage on her right.

"Go this way."

Although she has no way to move forward silently, she can rely on prayer to choose the most correct path!
As for the supersonic bats along the way?

Just knock it all down.

 Thank you Oo Pastoral oO for the reward, this is also an old friend, I didn’t expect you to still support me, thank you very much

  Because I haven’t written for a long time, and a lot of things have happened during the period, and my thoughts, outline, and mood have changed, and I’m still a little unfamiliar for the time being.
  I will try my best to update later, but it should be impossible to return to two updates a day. This book is basically a game. After all, two updates a day take up too much time and have a great impact on life. If you can’t make money, it’s impossible to maintain. I hope everyone understand
(End of this chapter)

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