Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 207 7 On the Top of Wolf Peak, Yalang Yamadera VS Ayumi Inoue!superior

Chapter 207 On the top of Seven Wolf Peak, Yalang Yamadera VS Ayumi Inoue!superior
"Is this the Seven Wolf Peak?"

Half an hour after departure, Yalang Shansi rode a wind speed dog and stopped on a rock, looking up at the short peak in the forest in front of him.

The Seven Wolf Peak itself is not spectacular. After watching it for a while, Shansi Yalang set his sights on the protruding platform on the top of the main peak.

A dark shadow can be vaguely seen standing above it.

"It came very quickly, so I didn't get rid of it."

To obtain the crown of the wolf king, one must go up to the platform at the top of the main peak. Naturally, Shansi Yalang would not think that this black shadow was a passing elf.

Although he couldn't see clearly because it was too far away, he was 100% sure that the person standing on it was definitely his opponent for this trip—Ayumi Inoue!
"That's right, I wanted to fight your Benjira, and it's exactly what I want." Yalang Shansi's character belongs to the kind of person who escapes after all and likes to be free.If it weren't for the fact that this college hegemony competition was so important and accompanied by his second uncle whom he had respected and feared since he was a child, he would have fought Ayumi Inoue as early as at the entrance of the teaching building.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, take a break and prepare to climb the mountain."

Yamadera Arang took out food from his backpack and fed it to his wind speed dog, and at the same time he ate some energy bars.

Although his wind speed dog is endowed with excellent physical strength, it is impossible to use the speed of running in the forest for more than half an hour without stopping. The main reason for this is that Yalang himself is riding Sometimes use its own waveguide power to supplement the physical strength of the wind speed dog.

The power of waveguide can be said to be the power of life, so it is nothing to use it to replenish some physical strength.

After 10 minutes, Shansi Yalang, who had finished his rest, began to climb the mountain on his wind speed dog.

Seven Wolf Peak is not high, and the highest point of the main peak is only 900 meters above sea level, and he soon reached the summit.

There is hardly any vegetation on the top of the main peak, and there are bare rocks everywhere. The color of the soil is grayish, and the ground is full of burn marks and traces of explosions.

That is the imprint left by the seven wolf kings in the past in the battle for the top.

"You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Inoue Ayumi turned around.

She stands on the protruding rock, with the cliff behind her and her loyal partner Bangira in front of her.

A gust of wind blew up Ayumi Inoue's hair, revealing a bleak beauty.

"Ha, that's really embarrassing." Yalang Shansi jumped off the back of the wind speed dog, and the latter took a few steps forward, grinning like a lion.

Ayumi Inoue smiled. Her smile was different from that of ordinary girls, and it always gave people a very sharp feeling.

At the same time, Bangira also grinned mockingly, and then the wind on the top of the mountain suddenly became stronger, and the originally colorless wind suddenly had a color visible to the naked eye-yellow!

Yellow sand like pearls mixed into the wind at some point, so the biting mountain wind turned into a raging sandstorm, sweeping towards the wind speed dog.

Yalang Shansi also smiled, and spit out two words: "Secret technique - Pyroexplosion!"


The wind speed dog roared upwards in the sandstorm, a huge fireball formed above the mouth, burned, and then flew towards Bangira with a bang.

"Rock collapse!"

A half-meter-thick dark rock rose from the ground in front of Bangira. The fireball hit the rock and exploded suddenly.

As if a large-equivalent bomb exploded in front of your eyes, the rock barrier formed by the rock avalanche was blown to pieces almost at the moment of the explosion. Countless crimson flames flew in all directions, and the violent airflow instantly made Benji Layan The sandstorm that started stopped for a while.

It was just this pause, two reflected white lights entered Yalang's eyeballs, and a khaki elf hidden in the sandstorm was suddenly exposed.

It's a scythe helmet!
"Come on, use Cleave!"

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Ayumi Inoue immediately ordered a strong attack. At the same time, Bangira also fired a destructive death beam, directly hitting the wind speed dog.

You must know that this is not a regular game like Takahashi Heiichi and Matsumoto Kogen. The goals of Aro Yamadera and Ayumi Inoue are to take away the crown of the wolf king and stop the opponent respectively. As for how to fight during the period?
There are no rules!

The legendary extinct sickle helmet rushed towards Shansi Yalang without saying a word. The two sickles were dragged upside down on both sides of the body. The sharp blades could easily cut through thick rocks.

The speed of the sickle helmet is so fast, it swings a knife, as long as Yalang Yamadera is controlled, Ayumi Inoue has already won the game.

But the only wind speed dog who had the ability to rush over to stop the knife was unable to rescue because of Bangira's destruction and death.

Shansi Yalang, who was suddenly in a desperate situation, showed no panic on his face: "Do you really think this elf can hide from my waveguide power?"

The detection ability of the waveguide power can be said to be comparable to super powers. The strong breath of life in the sickle helmet is as eye-catching as a small sun in the eyes of Yamadera Arang, and no matter how severe the sandstorm is, it can't hide this.

Hearing his words, Ayumi Inoue's heart skipped a beat.

As the blade was approaching, Yalang Shansi turned around suddenly, and a gray-white thigh bone blocked the blade of the sickle helmet in time.

The huge force carried by the bone rod caused the sickle helmet's right hand to be caught off guard, and his body slightly lost his balance.

At this moment, the elf who didn't know when it was hiding behind Shansi Yalang suddenly erupted and slapped the sickle helmet's chest with his palm, narrowing his eyes.

Get excited!

The sickle helmet backed up three steps in a row, each step leaving deep footprints on the ground.

"This is……"

It was a canine elf walking upright, with a thin upper body and a stronger lower body. Its body hair was mainly blue, yellow and black, with long ears and sharp eyes.

"Let me introduce, my original elf, Lucario." Yalang Shansi turned around and said with a smile.

The sickle helmet touched his chest with the knuckle at the end of the blade, and looked at Lucario with fierce eyes.

This kind of meat spirit that has survived since ancient times is an out-and-out hunter, even after being subdued by Inoue Ayumi, the wildness that penetrates into the bone marrow has not lost the slightest bit.

At this moment, Lucario was targeted by the sickle helmet!

On the other side, Bangira's destructive death light broke through the jet flames hastily fired by the wind speed dog, and the golden energy beam hit a rock wall against the wind speed dog, and then exploded.

Ayumi Inoue looked at the wind speed dog buried by the collapsed rock, then at Lucario, and suddenly realized: "So, I made a mistake, this is the dog elf that has reached the limit of your race!"

"The answer is correct, but there is no prize." Yalang Shansi said with a smile.

The wind speed dog is just an elf he used to drive on the road. Although he has also learned the secret technique of Yanbang, it is only at the most superficial level, and its power is at most slightly stronger than that of Dazibao.

His real trump card is Lucario!

However, Ayumi Inoue regarded Feng Speed ​​Dog as Yamadera Aaron's ace elf because of Keigawa Tengu's words, so the plan failed and was calculated by Yamadera Aaron, and the sickle helmet was seriously injured by a move. The most important flexibility and speed are discounted.

"Hmph! Don't think that you will win this way, the sickle helmet uses the wave of water, and Bangira uses the blizzard!"

A water wave ball in the sickle helmet hit the ground, and a half-meter-high wave swept away, and then Bangira spurred a strong wind, but this time the wind was not mixed with sand grains but snowflakes.

Soon, under the action of the blizzard, the water wave of the sickle helmet was frozen, and a layer of ice was covered on the ground.

"Bangira who knows how to blizzard?" Shansi Yalang's eyes lit up, which is quite rare.

Then seeing the new venue arranged by Inoue Ayumi, I couldn't help laughing again: "Are you preparing the stage for me? Go Manula!"

A Manuella with a sneer on the corner of his mouth jumped out of the poke ball.

Manula can be said to be an assassin in the ice and snow. This kind of elf has sensitive skills and powerful attack power, and can give full play to its own advantages in ice and snow weather. It is completely worthy of the sickle helmet of the ancient hunter.

Yamadera Arang let his Manula entangle the sickle helmet, and then ordered Lucario to attack Bangira.

Lucario has an advantage in fighting against Bangira, regardless of attribute or race, not to mention that it is a Lucario who has reached the limit of race!
"Bo missiles!"

Bangira grasped the wave missile in the palm of his hand with his claws. Its body was covered with a layer of armor composed of ice crystals at some point, and it was dazzling at first glance.

"This is..." Yalang Shansi watched Lucario's wave missile crushed by Bangira, and he was unharmed under the protection of the armor.

Although Bangira who can use Blizzard is rare, at least it has appeared in history, and it is still within his acceptable range.

But what is this in front of you?
Self-created skills?
Or... a secret technique of ice?

"Super Frostbolt!" Ayumi Inoue ordered.

Bangira raised his right hand, and a large amount of ice energy gathered in his right hand. An ice shuttle with a thick middle and two pointed ends, one meter long, and the thickest part of the ice shuttle appeared.

The secret technique that almost killed Igarashi Kurosawa Nianli clay puppet was finally presented to the world again!

Grip, twist, throw.

call out!
The ice shuttle turned into a flash of white light, and Shansi Yalang had no time to speak. The strong sense of crisis stimulated Lucario's nerves. He raised his hands in front of him almost subconsciously, and the power of waveguide in his body surged unreservedly. out.

Secret technique - waveguide barrier!
hum!An octagonal blue waveguide barrier appeared in front of Lucario. Almost at the moment when the barrier appeared, a blue ice tip also hit it, and water ripples immediately appeared on the waveguide barrier.

As long as it is [-] seconds slower, this super ice arrow will hit Lucario directly, and may even take its life!
"Hold on!" Yamadera Arang put his hands on Lucario's back, and the strong waveguide force surged out.

The super ice arrow lasted for three seconds, then collapsed and disappeared, and the waveguide barrier in front of Lucario also returned to stability.

"Huh~" Until then, Yalang Shansi exhaled the breath he was holding back unknowingly, his forehead was already covered with cold sweat.


The offensive power of that kind of secret technique is absolutely terrifying, Yalang Yamadera even has the illusion of facing the elders of the family.

This woman is even stronger than Matsumoto Xiaoxuan in the previous round!

Much stronger!
 Thanks for the reward of Heart of Heluo 11

(End of this chapter)

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