Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 208 7 On the Top of Wolf Peak, Yalang Yamadera VS Ayumi Inoue!Down

Chapter 208 On the top of Seven Wolf Peak, Yalang Yamadera VS Ayumi Inoue!Down
Frost Armor!Super Frostbolt!
Hot!Waveguide barrier!
There are four kinds of secret skills!

Watching the short battle that broke out on the Seven Wolf Peak, Long Yi was short of breath, and at the same time a strong sense of crisis stimulated his nerves.

"So strong! Too strong!"

For the vast majority of trainers, secret skills are almost unheard of. It is the luck of the ancestral grave to be able to obtain a cultivation method of a secret skill for the lucky few.

Even if he is the son of the owner of the largest elf playground in Kanto, and he is studying at the best Shenshan Noble Academy in Kanto, Takahashi Heiichi, the student council president, only showed one secret skill in the first round of battle! ——Although that secret technique is very powerful.

And now, Aaron Yamadera and Ayumi Inoue's ace spirit secret skills come out one after another!

Following the Frost Armor and Super Frost Arrow, the name of the fifth secret technique spit out from Ayumi Inoue's mouth.

"Secret Technique - Deep Freeze!"


Before Yamadera Arang could react, a large amount of ice cubes suddenly appeared on the surface of Lucario's body, and it was frozen into a big lump of ice in the blink of an eye. Through the transparent ice cubes, the inner road could even be seen. Cario looked surprised.

"It's over, give it the last Super Frostbolt." Ayumi Inoue said.

Bangira raised his right hand again. At this moment, Manula was fighting with the sickle helmet, and it was too late to rescue Lucario.

And even if there is time, the Manula of Shansi Yalang is just ordinary and strong, and it doesn't even know secret skills, so it cannot be Bangira's opponent.

The Super Frost Arrow condensed little by little in Bangira's hand.

"Wind speed dog!"

Even Shansi Yalang, who was powerful in this kind of secret skill, was about to burst into tears, and a waveguide power visible to the naked eye suddenly flew towards the ruins where the wind speed dog was buried, and then a loud dog bark resounded through the sky.


With a bang, all the rocks covering the wind speed dog exploded, and the wind speed dog stood up from the ruins with raging flames all over its body. Most of the injuries on its body had been healed by the power of waveguide.

"Use Pyroblast! The target is her!"

Yamadera Arou pointed to Inoue Ayumi herself.

He didn't dare to bet on whether Pyroblast, who was only considered as an entry-level dog, could break through Benjira's deep freezing secret technique. Even if he could break through, Lucario, who was out of trouble at this time, might not have time to defend against the Super Frost Arrow.

Therefore, Shansi Yalang chose to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

Ayumi Inoue looked at Fengsugou. At this moment, a huge fireball was forming near Fengsugou's mouth, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

Pyro Explosion is a secret technique similar to Thunder Fist, the core key is the word Explosion, and the power of this secret technique will be doubled with each additional burst!
However, the Pyroblast of this wind speed dog can only be said to have just started, and it is similar to Akasaka Sword's Night Demon Spirit, and its power is still far behind.

But if so, killing one person is enough.

Especially the Pyroblast's damage is explosive. Even if Inoue Ayumi asks Bangira to block the Pyroblast with her body, the secondary explosion cannot guarantee that she will be intact.

"Boring struggle, Bangira, kill it."

Bangira nodded, turned the direction of the super ice arrow that had just been completed in his hand, and shot towards the wind speed dog.


As soon as the Pyro Fireball left the center of the wind speed dog's mouth, there was an extra hole. Bangira's super ice arrow pierced the wind speed dog's head, and then the Pyro explosion, which lost its stability, produced a second explosion. The power of the explosion The body of the wind speed dog was directly blown out of the top of the mountain, and fell into the boundless forest below.

"Fengsugou, I will never forget you." Yalang Shansi closed his eyes, and two lines of tears flowed down immediately.

There is no doubt that the wind speed dog is dead.

However, the sacrifice of Wind Speed ​​Dog was not in vain, because of the time it bought, several cracks appeared in the ice block that sealed Lucario. Lucario escaped with moderate frostbite.

The secret technique of deep freezing is to silently lurk the cold into the opponent's skin and muscles, and then burst out at once. When the trick explodes, the elf is actually frostbitten.

"You completely pissed me off!" Yamadera Yalang exuded a strong waveguide power all over his body, and with the help of this most original life force, Lucario's injury quickly recovered.

"So what."

Inoue Ayumi's face was indifferent.

Because the previous assassination incident of the Hattori family affected his daughter Mayu, and Ayumi Inoue had a particularly bad impression of the Fengyuan Qi family, so they were merciless in their actions.

"Manula, come back." Aaron Yamadera called Manula back, and Ayumi Inoue also called the sickle helmet back to her side.

These two elves are already very powerful for most trainers, but they can only play supporting roles in this battle, and they can't even influence the outcome.

Since Manula and Scythe Helmet can't deal with each other in a short time, it is better to call back to protect themselves than to let them waste their energy fighting.

At least if the sickle helmet was by her side just now, Inoue Ayumi could have let the sickle helmet detonate the Pyrobomb of the wind speed dog, and then relied on Bangira's super ice arrow to directly win the victory.

Yamadera Arang's cheerful personality hides his innate arrogance. Since he was a child, his powerful guiding power comparable to that of his ancestor, the brave Aaron, has made the Yamadera family ask for whatever they want. He seems to be easy-going, cheerful and free-spirited. In fact, I have never treated anyone equally in my bones.

Now, however, the death of the wind speed dog has made Yamadera Yalang tear off his usual disguise.

"I'll let you see my true strength! Lucario, activate the waveguide battle mode!"

Alang Yamadera finished speaking and closed his eyes, a powerful waveguide power rose from his body.

Lucario also closed his eyes. As an elf who was born to use waveguide, although the power of waveguide on it is not as powerful as Yamadera Arang, the two can be connected, greatly enhancing Lucario's combat power!

At this moment, in the eyes of Yalang Shansi and Lucario, the world is still the same world, but they have begun to observe the world from another angle.

"Although your Bangira is powerful, its speed is its fatal injury! Just for this alone, I will definitely win!"

In the induction of Shansi Yalang, Bangira's waveguide energy is very strong, which proves that its vitality is very strong.Especially Bangira's heart, where the waveguide reaction was even so strong that he almost suspected that he was wrong.

Although he doesn't know the reason, Yalang Shansi knows that this is indeed the strongest enemy he has ever encountered.

But just like a person has what he is good at and what he is not good at, although Bangira's heart energy response is extremely strong, the reaction on the right side of his abdomen is very weak.

Of course Yalang Shansi knew what this meant - it meant that there was a hidden wound in this position of Bangira!

And it was quite a serious hidden injury!

"Lucario, use waveguide fist to attack!"

The secret technique of waveguide boxing is the famous secret technique of the Shandera family. It uses the power of the waveguide to attack the enemy's waveguide. No matter how powerful the defense is, as long as the enemy's waveguide at the attacked position is not as strong as the attacking party, it will cause huge damage.

This is a secret technique that ignores defense!

After connecting the waveguide power of Yamadera Arang, except for Bangira's heart, the waveguide power anywhere else is not as strong as Lucario's at this time.

Attacking the right side of the abdomen is just to cause the most damage.

Shansi Yalang was sure, with just one punch, Bangira, who was still majestic just now, would kneel down in front of him.

Switching back to the normal perspective, Lucario, with his eyes closed, started to run after Yamadera Arang gave the order.

It was fast, and its movements were light and flexible. The claws on its feet easily dug into the ice to prevent slipping. Lucario left cracked footprints where he ran.

Ayumi Inoue shook her head boredly: "I've said it all, needless struggle. Bangira, another deep freeze!"

Click click!

The running Lucario slowed down and gradually stopped, his body was once again frozen in the ice.

"How is it possible!" Yalang Shansi opened his eyes in shock, and Lucario, who was imprinted in his eyes, had indeed been frozen.

No trace!

No attack!

How did that secret technique work?
Yalang Shansi did not understand.

"Super Frostbolt."

This time there was no accident, the super ice arrow pierced Lucario's chest, and the elf who had been with Shansi Yalang for 20 years lost his eyesight in the cold wind.

"You lost." Ayumi Inoue said.

Without Lucario, a dog elf who has reached the limit of his race, Yalang Shansi would no longer be able to summon the crown of the wolf king, and naturally he would not be able to complete the mission goal of Jingchuan Tiangong.

However, Ayumi Inoue, who had already suffered a loss, defeated Manuella of Yamadera Yalang just in case, and then knocked him out, and asked Bangira to leave Seven Wolf Peak with Yamadera Yalang on his back.

Trainer academy, conference room.

"Yamdera Arou failed, Inoue Ayumi advanced."

Following Jingchuan Tiangong's announcement of the result, Noriko Ando and Ryuichi breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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