Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 21 The Evolution of the Carp King, the Conjecture of Dragon 1

Chapter 21 The Evolution of the Carp King, Long Yi's Conjecture

"Huh~huh~ I can't do it anymore..." Long Yi stopped and panted heavily, and after looking back, he found that he finally got rid of the army composed of lobster soldiers and iron claw lobsters.

He sat down against the big tree, took out a bottle of water from his backpack, and drank half of it in one gulp.


Passing the bottle to Kola Kola, Long Yi finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Last time it was Arbo Snake, this time it was Lobster Soldier. Life in the wild itself is so thrilling and exciting. Even in the low-intensity wild area planned by the college, a fatal accident can happen inadvertently.

This is why many people refuse to become trainers.

After resting for a while, Long Yi called a few elves and returned to the dormitory before dark.

Let's talk about the lobster soldier later, anyway, he is not planning to go to that lake recently.

Long Yi went to the store and bought a big fish tank, the kind that hugs the thick and thin, and filled it with clear lake water.

Fortunately, Kola Kola has great strength, otherwise, it would be troublesome for Long Yi to transport this tens of catties back to the room by himself.

Point that new Genie at the fish tank and press the button.

A red elf fell into the water.

Red body, long beard, golden fins.

This is a carp king that survives all over the world and is known as the weakest Pokémon, but once it evolves into a Gyarados, it will be very powerful.

Long Yi carefully observes his carp king through the fish tank, the double hundred attributes on the system show that it has reached the limit that carp king can achieve, it can be said that it is the king of carp kings.

Of course, after all, he was still a carp king, and he couldn't beat a dog.

This carp king is a little over one meter tall, with a very long beard, more than half a meter long, and the color is much brighter than the photos of other carp kings that Long Yi has seen.

The most special thing is those eyes!

The eyes of the ordinary carp king are similar to those of the lobster minion, with round and big whites and only a small pupil, which looks dull and stupid.

But this one in front of him is different, its pupils are much bigger, following Long Yi's gaze, its gaze falls on him, it looks very smart.

"Hello." Long Yi tried to say hello.

The carp king stared at him, slowly flapping his small fins in the fish tank, without saying a word.

It doesn't seem to speak.

Long Yi scratched his head, feeling a bit difficult.

The fighting power of the Gyarados was unquestionable, and he really wanted to have one, but there were very few wild ones. Usually, there would only be one in a big river, and there was no guarantee that there would be one.

There are a little more Gyarados in the sea, but catching them is no different than finding a needle in a haystack.

More importantly, according to Miyamoto Mei, if the foundation is not laid well before evolution, then it will not be able to break through the element level in a lifetime. Even if such a Gyarados is cultivated, its future achievements will be limited.

So the best way is to start with a carp king and wait for it to evolve. This one of Long Yi has already gone through the most difficult first half of the road, so it can be said to be the perfect choice.

but!God knows how long it will take to evolve!

ten days?ten months?Or ten years?
The carp king is not a green caterpillar. This kind of elf does not evolve as it grows. It can grow from a baby carp king to an adult carp king, then grow old, and then die.

In fact, 99.9% of the carp kings in the world will never evolve in their lifetime, which is the most frustrating thing.

Let it go, I'm really not willing to part with it; keep it, it feels like a tasteless again.

Why don't you try to see if you can instill energy?

An idea suddenly popped up in Long Yi's heart.

His system can infuse the absorbed energy into elves, so that they can quickly master and increase the intensity of this energy, but can an elf who has trained the energy intensity to the limit of 100% continue to infuse energy of the same attribute? , what will happen after the indoctrination, but Long Yi still doesn't know.

If the indoctrination continues, will it trigger the evolution of the elves?If it is possible, then instilling the ultimate evolution type after reaching the limit value, will it break through to the so-called element level?
This is a tempting thought!

Long Yi swallowed his saliva, glanced at King Carp, and made up his mind.

Instill 1 point of normal-type energy, the target... Carp King!

[Target confirmed, executing...]

A faint white light began to appear on King Carp's body. It seemed a little uneasy. Not only did it speed up its breathing rate, but its fins danced a lot faster.

Gradually, strands of white light emitted from the gaps in the carp king's scales, the color was very similar to the light during evolution!
[Carp King is evolving, progress 1%...]

The system prompt tone suddenly changed!
It really works!

Long Yi was so surprised that he almost jumped up, which showed that his idea was feasible, and the evolution of Emptiness can really be accelerated through the system!
No, it's not just about evolution, he can definitely use the system to make his elves quickly break through to the element level, and even mass-produce them!

He will become the strongest elf trainer in the world!

When Long Yi was fantasizing, he suddenly heard a howl full of pain, that sound was a bit like Kedora's cry.

Long Yi turned his head and looked around, there was no one else in the room, only him and a few elves.

Is it...

Turning back suddenly, the carp king's eyes were already closed, and the head of the fish was obviously stiff, but it was inexplicably able to make people feel its pain.

"Is it you? Are you screaming?" Long Yi asked.

Then the carp king opened his eyes, and those eyes made people feel distressed.

[Carp King is evolving, progress 24%...]

The white light became stronger and stronger, and gradually the scales all over the carp king's body began to become transparent, spreading towards the head little by little.

Long Yi gritted his teeth and tried to give an order.

【Ding!The energy infusion stops, and the carp king's evolution stops! 】

Huh, in an instant, the white light dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

Hard work!

The carp king, who finally got rid of the pain, took a big breath, with an expression as if he had survived a catastrophe.

Carefully, Long Yi put his hand into the fish tank, gently stroking the carp king's dorsal fin.

"I'm sorry." He said, "I shouldn't have let you suffer this kind of torture because of my selfish thoughts. It's better to let nature take its course."

The carp king didn't understand, it just enjoyed Long Yi's touch, and then slowly closed its eyes.

It fell asleep and was very tired.

"Good night~" Long Yi said.

The world of elves is simpler than that of humans. If you treat them well, they will treat you well; if you treat them badly, they will beat you.

It's like a group of children with super strength, because of their simplicity, they can do whatever they want.

Some people say that the scariest people in the world are children, because they don't distinguish between good and evil, they only look at what they like and don't like when they do things, and they can even laugh and show off after killing people and setting fires.

The elves in this world are like countless bear children who can easily kill an adult male, and they have all kinds of love and hatred with human beings every day.

(End of this chapter)

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