22 Seaside BBQ

"In the 336th year of the alliance's calendar, President Damarachi stepped down. After the new president Kosaburo Matsumoto came to power, he felt the chaos in the management of trainers around the world, and promulgated the "New Trainer Law", which clearly stipulates that all trainers need The fulfilled obligations, benefits, restrictions and punishments have greatly avoided the huge losses caused by various trainers every year..."

In the trainer's basic class, Long Yi felt drowsy, but because he usually skipped too many classes, he was at the bottom of the class, so he had to work hard to take notes.

A small ball of paper suddenly bounced onto his desk.

Glancing quietly at the teacher who was teaching, seeing that he wasn't paying attention, Long Yi unfolded the note.

"Let's go to the beach barbecue tonight."

The characters are Honda's characters, which Long Yi is very familiar with.

"Okay." After writing the reply, he threw the note back. Unexpectedly, Honda threw it back soon.

There is a new line of text on it, "By the way, the monthly exam is coming soon, how are you preparing?"

Monthly exam?
Long Yi was taken aback, and counted with his fingers.

Today is the Friday of the third week of school, and the monthly exams are on the 4th and 29th of April, which means... there are less than 30 days left!
Surprised!Because there were too many things going on recently, he completely forgot about this!
Youyuan glanced at Honda, and Long Yi wrote bitterly on the note: "Why did you tell me this! Won't you say it again on Monday, my vacation!"

Just as he was about to throw the note over, Long Yi suddenly noticed that the teacher's eyes fell on him at some point.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi, what is Article 3 No.12 of Chapter [-] of "New Trainer Law"?"

How could I know that kind of thing, can I eat it?

Long Yi stood up in embarrassment, his eyes rolled around, the eyes of the whole class were focused on him, making people break out in cold sweat.

"This...that is..." Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw that the textbook of the deskmate Misa Takagi seemed to have accidentally turned to this page. Long Yi was overjoyed. You must go to the official department of the alliance to register the number and types of elves you own, and any trainer who illegally holds endangered elves will be stripped of his trainer rights for life!"

"Sit down and listen carefully." The teacher let him go.

Long Yi wiped off his sweat, and after sitting down, he quietly gave a thumbs up to the beautiful tablemate next to him.

Takagi Misa smiled back.


after class.

"Sure, Long Yi, I thought you would make a fool of yourself, but I didn't expect you to answer it." Honda Ke also walked over with a smile on his face.

"It's not all your fault." Long Yi punched him, and said in distress, "Monthly exam, I hate exams the most. I heard that there will be punishment tasks for those who fail the monthly exam of the Trainer Academy."

"That's right, that's what the seniors said anyway." Honda made a gloomy grimace, very scary, "Those who fail the monthly exam, a few people will die every year, they will die!" He said He growled and said, and then smiled again as if changing his face: "Do I look like a learner?"

Meisha interjected: "Don't listen to his nonsense, it's not that scary. The last monthly exam punishment task seemed to be to go to the Supersonic Bat Cave to find specific items, but someone was trapped in it for five days."

"That's also very scary, in a dark place, one will suffer from claustrophobia." Long Yi said.

The monthly exam of the Trainer Academy consists of three parts, with a total score of 350 points.Among them, the usual classroom score is 80 points, the written test is 120 points, and the actual combat is 150 points. A total score of 210 points or more is considered a pass.

Generally speaking, class scores are the best. As long as you attend class every day, don’t arrive late or leave early, and don’t get caught in class, you will generally have 60 points guaranteed, and those who perform well can get extra points.

But once you skip class, it will be very troublesome, and dozens of points will be deducted.

Long Yi counted the number of times he skipped classes, and was so desperate to find out that his class scores were not negative and he was very relieved.

Misa Takagi also frowned. Although she was doing well in her studies, she also skipped the morning class the day Katie was injured, which was also not optimistic.

"Don't think about it too much, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Remember to gather at the door of the dormitory at 5 o'clock to carry things, and put on swimming trunks. By the way, Meisha, are you coming?"

"Okay, I'll take part." Takagi Misa said, and she gradually got used to Honda's persistent calling.

It was soon evening.

Long Yi came to the entrance of the dormitory wearing beach shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, with short black hair in a very energetic way.

There were seven people participating in the barbecue, four men and three women, and he came neither early nor late.

"Student Miyazaki, you have a good figure." A classmate greeted him.

"Haha, yours is not bad either."

Walking to Honda's side, Long Yi exaggerated: "I didn't realize that you are still a local tyrant."

There are two rows of 6 large boxes stacked next to him, two of which are frozen seafood, three are filled with meat, and one is fresh vegetables.

The price of these ingredients is not cheap, at least tens of thousands of yuan.

"Don't laugh at me, she is the big boss today." Honda pouted.

Walking over there was a beautiful young girl, not too tall, with long blond hair combed into fluffy double ponytails, and a delicate face full of restraint and arrogance.

"It's her." Long Yi knew her, a first-year student in Class B, named Akasaka Rei, a daughter of a very rich family.

Rei Akasaka was walking an elegant and sexy catwalk, suddenly she seemed to see something, trotted to Misa Takagi who had just arrived, took a breath, smiled flatteringly and said: "Mesa, you are so beautiful today. "

Mesa had no choice but to cope.

That's right, she's a complete la la, and she's infatuated with Long Yi's beautiful tablemate, running over every now and then to offer her courtesies.

Well, that's how Long Yi knew her.

"I don't know who told her the news. Akasaka Rei found me with these boxes of food just after school."

Long Yi looked at him suspiciously.

Honda, "Hey! You don't think that person is me!?"

Long Yi didn't speak, Honda quickly retreated under his eyes, leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Okay, I know who leaked the secret, but I can't tell you. And that person is really not me!"

At this time, the people were all together, and Akasaka Rei released two powerful forces to carry the food, and the group set off for the beach.

The destination of the barbecue party is actually the beach where Long Yi usually trains elves. Rei Akasaka has already had people build complete barbecue facilities, wooden tables and chairs, parasol volleyball nets and campfires on it.

It was still early at this moment, but the bonfire had been lit, and the blazing flames dispelled the chill of the sea breeze at night.

Honda and another chubby student took over the task of grilling. Rei Akasaka took Misa Takagi to swim. After taking off her coat, one wore a black bikini and the other a white one-piece swimsuit, each with its own beauty.

Another man and woman played beach volleyball.

Long Yi came to the campfire and released a few elves of his own.

Korakola, Abo Snake, Gengar, and Huiyuan.

Yes, Long Yi specifically asked Miss Joy's permission to let Hui Yuan, who had not recovered from his injuries, come out to let him relax and relax.

"Okay, let's have fun tonight, remember to come and eat later." Long Yi said, and put the carp king in the sea again, letting it play freely.

(End of this chapter)

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