Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 210 Kitano Jasmine VS5 Arashi Kurosawa!superior

Chapter 210 Kitano Jasmine VS Igarashi Kurosawa!superior

Taking advantage of the time when the bat swarm was out looking for food, Kitano Jasmine quickly moved forward for a long distance, and then hid behind a rock for a while before they returned.

At this time, it was already 3 days in the morning, and Kitano Moli, who had been walking for a day, did not continue to move forward, but found a place to rest.

After all, after fighting all day, even with breaks from time to time, the electric shock monster is very tired.

On the other side, Igarashi Kurosawa also found a place to rest after defeating the team of more than 200 elves.

His elves were more or less injured. Fortunately, during the period when the academy granted the privilege, Heisawa exchanged for a wind chime with healing skills. In addition, Tanabata Blue Bird and Rose Redo also have self-healing skills. Evening time can also restore the combat effectiveness of Qiqibaba.

Silent all night.


Jingchuan Tiangong gave the two of them three days to search for the treasure in the Vampire Labyrinth. Kitano Jasmine knew the exact destination because of her special ability, but because no one knew the exact location, the people watching did not know how far she was from the treasure. how far.

On the map in Igarashi Kurosawa's hand, there are 3 guesses about the possible location of the treasure in the Vampire Labyrinth. On the first day, Kurosawa checked one of them and found nothing. The next morning he rushed to the second location. Unfortunately, Still not right.


Kurosawa hammered down the rock wall angrily, then pulled himself together and headed towards the third location.At the same time, Kitano Jasmine ended another prayer.

"just in front!"

Kitano Jasmine blinked her pale yellow eyes with a little excitement, looked at the dark passage in front of her, greeted the electric shock monster and walked in.

The treasure is just ahead!
This passage is completely different from the one I walked before, Kitano Jasmine felt the difference as soon as she entered - the angle!
This is a gradual upward passage!

After walking for about ten minutes, the rock walls on both sides stopped abruptly in the light of the flashlight, and Kitano Moli came to the end of the passage.

"This is……"

She stepped forward and found that she seemed to have come to a huge cave, and the current position was a hole in the cave wall.

The lighting range of the flashlight is limited, Kitano Jasmine looked around, and the end of the rock wall could not be seen up, down, left, and right, and the front was also dark, and nothing appeared.

After thinking for a while, Kitano Jasmine looked at her electric monster: "Use the flash technique."

The flash technique is a very practical trick, especially when walking in a dark environment like an underground cave.

It has two usages. One is that the elf emits a strong light, which can affect the opponent's sight. It is very good whether it is used for attack or defense.

Another is to emit a light ball, which will float in mid-air like the light ball produced by Qingqing, and then emit bright light.

There is no doubt that Kitano Jasmine let the electric shock monster use the second type.

A white light ball the size of a basketball flew out of the tunnel under the control of the electric monster, floated into the sky, and then began to release bright white light in all directions.

The light ball produced by the flash technique is much brighter than the clear light ball, but it is said to be a real "little sun", and the dark cave quickly faded the mysterious curtain in the eyes of Kitanojasmine.

This is a huge cave, about the size of a football field, like an inverted bowl, the ground is very flat, and a thick rock pillar in the center is tens of meters high.

There are large and small openings around the cave, which seem to extend in all directions.On the top of the cave, there are stone pillars hanging upside down, and there are countless densely packed blue bat elves, among which there are many evolved types of supersonic bats and forked bats.

Kitano Jasmine was so stimulated by the scene in front of her that she took a deep breath, a feeling of scalp numbness appeared in the heart of this girl from Shen'ao Temple for the first time.



Do not!
There are probably tens of thousands of bat elves living in this cave!
This is the real base camp of the super giant supersonic bat colony in the Vampire Labyrinth!

"The treasure in the Vampire Labyrinth must be here." Before Bei Nai Moli started searching, there were bursts of piercing cries and countless sounds of flapping wings from the top of the cave. Bats and forked bats have woken up from their deep sleep because of the flash light ball released by the electric shock beast!
Shadow Ball!Shadow Ball!Shadow Ball!
The shadow balls emitted by the three forked bats instantly extinguished the light ball made by the flash technique, and then countless supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats, driven by the forked bats, attacked Bei Naijasmine's cave.

The countless superimposed ultrasonic waves made the electric shock beast roar in pain, and Kitano Jasmine also felt that her mind was very dizzy, as if she had a hangover after drinking too much.

Clusters of white light lit up in the darkness, which were the wings used by countless supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats to attack.

The golden stars are like shooting stars in the night sky in the dark, they are high-speed stars coming at a very fast speed!
clap clap~
Clouds of purple venom hit the rocks near the cave wall, making a violent corrosive sound.

Kitano Jasmine tried her best to keep calm, and an Alidos was released by her.

"Alidos, use the spider web continuously on the hole! Be quick!"

Alidos nodded coldly, his abdomen contracted for a while, and he opened his mouth to spit out. A mass of white spider silk fluttered in the wind, stretching into a textbook-like perfect spider web and fixed it on the entrance of the passage.

The people of the Mijina Temple believe in the legendary god who created everything, the creator god Arceus.

The guardians of the temples in the past dynasties have been served by people with magical abilities, such as prophets with predictive ability, priests who can communicate with elves, and priests who can heal elves.

Bei Nai Jasmine has the ability to pray to the existence in the dark to get hints, and is also a strong contender for the next prophet. She has a very special status in the temple.

And because of the historical rules of the temple, the people there also have special requirements for the elves they subdue.

For example, this Alidos.

Alidos is the elf who is best at weaving spider webs among all elves. Spider webs have a special meaning in mysticism, representing the web of information covering the world, and any movement can be read through this web.

There used to be a prophet without foresight or similar abilities, but he possessed an Alidos who had civilized the elements of the spider web, and his foreknowledge of major events in the world was stronger than most of the prophets of all ages!
Kitano Jasmine's original intention of subduing Alidos was also to imitate the sages and strengthen her own talent for prayer. Therefore, her Alidos spider silk has been specially cultivated, and the spider web formed is tough.

puff puff~
It was almost a spider web every second, and in the blink of an eye, Alidos laid five obstacles between Kitanojasmine and the supersonic bat swarm.

Then, the swarm arrived.

Clap clap clap!

One by one, the supersonic bats ran into the spider webs laid by Alidos. The massive impact caused the first spider web to be pulled and broken, and then countless large-mouthed bats that used their wings to attack smashed the second spider web against the supersonic bats. Zhang, the third spider web.

Fortunately, the fourth spider web finally stopped the swarm of bats at the end of their strength. The densely packed supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats huddled together, and countless scarlet eyes stared at Kitano Jasmine and her two elves.

"Electric Shock Monster!"

A powerful golden current burst out from the Electroshock Monster, and its two black tails swayed slightly behind it.

"Use one hundred thousand volts!"

All the wild elves in front of them are the most ordinary wild elves. Facing the supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats restrained by electric special moves, the electric shock beast does not need to use the temple's exclusive electric secret skills at all, and it doesn't even use thunder. It's just one hundred thousand volts Will suffice.

Following Kitano Jasmine's order, violent thunder and lightning surged out from the hands of the electric shock beast, forming criss-crossing lightning whips and attacking the huddled group of supersonic bats.

Lightning, flames, screams!
One hundred thousand volts ignited the spider web, and the current directly stunned these hundreds of bat elves, and the huge kinetic energy pushed the bodies of the unconscious supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats to fly out of the cave entrance and fall into the black pitch-black space. abyss'.


With the flashing light of [-] volts, Bei Nai Jasmine saw the densely packed bat elves waiting in formation in the cave, led by more than a hundred forked bats!

Even if it is a wild elf, being able to evolve into a forked bat in nature proves that their combat effectiveness cannot be so low, let alone the thousands of big-mouthed bats behind the forked bat.

It can be said that Kitanojasmine's head can be blown apart with just a single ultrasonic wave from an elf!

"Electric Shock Beast, block the entrance of the cave with the Lightning Palm." Kitano Jasmine immediately ordered the Electric Shock Beast to seal the exit.

There is no doubt that the treasures of the Vampire Labyrinth are in the cave ahead, but so many wild elves cannot be cleaned up by herself.

Others will think of a way, Kitano Jasmine from the Mijina Temple chose to pray.

By praying to the unknowable, unspeakable, and invisible existence in the dark, Kitanojasmine can get the most beneficial hints for herself.

Soon, a thought came to Kitano Moli's mind—wait.

This thought came without warning and without reason, but Kitano Moli knew that this was the most beneficial choice for her at present.

What are you waiting for?
The vampire labyrinth has existed for a long time, and no one has been able to take away the treasures in it so far. Obviously, it is not something that usually exists.

So, what is not usually happening, but what is going to happen here?

Kitano Jasmine, who is good at interpreting prompts, quickly thought of her opponent on this trip - Igarashi Kurosawa!

Maybe this person can solve the countless supersonic bat swarms!

Having figured this out, Kitano Jasmine simply sat down and closed her eyes to rest her mind, getting ready for the upcoming battle.

(End of this chapter)

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