Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 211 The Path of Dragon 1

Chapter 211 Long Yi's Path
"Tomorrow night, the last qualifier will be held, and the venue will be - No. 70, Room [-]!"

The chief referee of the college competition, Jingchuan Tiangong, just announced that Kitano Jasmine had successfully advanced, and immediately determined the time and low point of the final qualifier.

"No.70 Classroom [-]?" Long Yi frowned upon hearing this.

In other words, he didn't know the meaning of this name before, but he had just exchanged this information with Kurosaki Mai not long ago, so he was not ignorant.

Classroom No.70 No. [-] is as mysterious to most students as other students' ghost talks, but to the high-level students in the student union, this classroom is just a special training place, and it is not unusual to enter it whenever they want .

Classroom 77 is located on the bottom of the sea, it is a special underwater classroom, it is a special place specially used to train elves to fight in the sea.

To fight in such a place, the requirements for the types of elves are naturally higher. It can be said that most of the elves in Long Yi's hands lost their qualifications to play before they started.

The only ones who can really play are the Lobster Soldier, Gyarados, and Geng Gui.

However, the combat power of the lobster soldiers is seriously insufficient in the face of this level of combat, and even the Gyarados are a bit reluctant. Only Geng Gui, who has unsealed the phantom bell, has a chance of winning.

But the phantom bell is too powerful, and Geng Gui can't control this power. The last time he used Geng Gui in the Academy Cup Competition, he almost lost control, which was too dangerous.

It can be said that Long Yi couldn't even display half of his own strength in this match!
"Have I become an abandoned child?" Long Yi sighed inwardly.

He is not good at underwater combat, and his opponent, Kukai Monk, is a trainer with the title of Son of Suicune!

He specializes in water elves!

Of the four qualifiers, the first round was the fairest, and the second and third rounds could be said to be somewhat biased towards the academy. Although it was a preferential treatment at the price of treasures, it was obvious that Jingchuan Tiangong wanted to ensure its own fairness. , it is impossible to make concessions just because of this.

Combined with the questions of the fourth assessment, the answer is obvious.

The academy gave up Ryuichi in exchange for Ayumi Inoue and Igarashi Kurosawa's advantages in exam questions!

After figuring this out, Long Yi's confidence in winning or losing the game became much weaker.

He himself thinks that he can't match the top geniuses of these big forces in terms of combat power, let alone using his own strengths to defeat the other's strengths.

There is a [-]% chance of losing!
"It's good to do your best, but it's a pity that you can't have a dignified battle with such a genius."

Leaving the teaching building, Long Yi had dinner with Meisha, Zhenghe and others as if he was not the one who will compete tomorrow, and then took a walk along the beach alone.

There is no one on the beach, there is a lone moon in the sky, and there are no stars tonight.

The cool sea breeze blows from the sea in waves, the waves are sparkling, and there are fine spots of light under the moonlight.

It was rare for Long Yi to feel the tranquility of nature, so he simply took off his shoes and stepped barefoot on the soft sand.

The few elves are stored in the elf ball except for Abo Snake who is on the sub-plane of poison attribute and Huiyuan who is released to accompany him.

Walking and walking, Long Yi walked out of the sandy beach and came to the sea cliff.

Picking a random stone and sitting down, Long Yi lightly stroked Hui Yuan's back.

"Hui Yuan, don't you see how beautiful the scenery is?"

The wind on the sea cliff is stronger than that on the beach, and there are jagged rocks below.

But Huiyuan couldn't tell the difference, he just yawned with his mouth wide open, and let out a characteristic lazy cry, while his two big dark and watery eyes looked at the forest behind him cleverly.

Even if it evolved into the ancient Chiming, its strong curiosity from the snake bear has not changed a bit, and it still has a childish temper that is curious about the world.

"You." Patting Hui Yuan on the head, Long Yi shook his head and laughed.

"Tomorrow it will be my turn for the qualifiers of the Academy Tournament, but I will probably lose."

He didn't care about Hui Yuan's absent-mindedness, Long Yi just wanted to find someone to confide in.

"Life here is beginning to make me feel boring. Compared with other academies, the Trainer Academy can hardly help me."

"Elements...Elements...I really want to see what the so-called civilization of elements is like."

"There are also alliance conferences in various places. I must be able to fight with many interesting trainers."

"It's a pity that I don't have enough financial resources, otherwise I will take you to various regions."

As Long Yixu chattered, Huiyuan silently lay beside him, enjoying his master's touch.

Naturally, he can travel in various regions like Xiao Zhi and the others in his memory, challenge gyms to collect medals, and then participate in alliance competitions.

However, in this way, the long trek and life in the wild will inevitably prevent the elves from getting the best care, not to mention steady progress, without enough nutrition, and even lead to malnutrition in the long run.

Anyway, according to what Long Yi learned, those who would do this are trainers from poor families. Their elves may have rich experience, but most of them are malnourished, and their combat effectiveness is also uneven. Few of them are really capable.

If you want to experience the customs of various places and see all kinds of elves in the wild, you also want the elves to develop healthily and thrive, unless you have strong financial resources!
It is necessary to ensure that the elves eat high-quality food even in the wild, receive timely treatment for injuries, and support high-intensity training in terms of nutrition.

Among the people Long Yi knew, probably only Takahashi Heiichi from Shenshan Noble Academy had such financial resources, and the others, even Aoki Masakazu, were not so close.

"No! There is another situation, that is to absorb element-level treasures of various attributes, so as to open up a secondary plane for each elf. In this way, the healthy growth of elves can also be guaranteed, and it is not even inferior to the one I am currently enjoying. treatment!"

Long Yi's best conditions are not the powerful Gyarados and Huiyuan, nor the carefully selected Lacus and Pipi, but the Abo Snake!
A secondary plane of the poisonous system allows Arbor snake to live in the most suitable environment for its growth for 24 hours.The ubiquitous poisonous energy can subtly increase the strength of Arbor Snake, achieving a double increase in physical and energy strength!
Long Yi's Abo Snake, even if he sleeps all day, his strength is steadily increasing!Although the speed is not as fast as the energy instilled by the system, it is definitely not much slower than those hard-trained elves, and there is no need to worry about hidden injuries caused by excessive strength.

"Yes! If my system has enough secondary planes, then I can completely get rid of the predicament caused by insufficient financial resources! My elves are getting stronger when other elves are training! My elves are getting stronger when they are eating! Even when other elves are sleeping, my elf is still getting stronger!"

"Other trainers, even a rich second generation like Takahashi Heiichi, have all kinds of powerful elves to choose from, but his own energy is limited, and it is impossible to choose too many core elves, otherwise the daily training, feeding If you are too busy, how can you become a master trainer."

"But I'm different. As long as there is a secondary plane, my elves can become stronger all the time. It requires very little energy. Sooner or later, it will reach the limit of the race!"

"No matter how difficult the elemental level is, if I have dozens of elves that have reached the limit of the race, wouldn't all of them be able to break through? This is the most suitable path for me!"

The more Long Yi thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, as if seeing the scene where dozens of plain elves under his command finally became a master trainer of a generation.

"For me, any treasure is secondary, the most important thing is the energy crystal nucleus of the element level!"

Although other treasures are also useful, they are just icing on the cake. Only the element-level crystal cores of various energies are the core needs of Long Yi at present!
Frowning, Long Yi murmured: "The energy crystal nucleus of the element level is different from ordinary dragon balls and electric beads. Each one represents a dead element level elf, and not every elf will die. Leave this kind of thing."

This energy crystal nucleus is also useful to other trainers, although it is not as useful as Long Yi.And because of the scarcity, it is a treasure that cannot even be bought with money, so it is very rare.

"The best way is definitely to get it from the league. It seems that after tomorrow's game, I will ask Zheng He. By the way, let him help me with my plans after graduation."

Long Yi is no longer ready to continue studying at the Trainer Academy, and it doesn't mean much to him to continue studying. It's time to apply for graduation.

But where to go after graduation, what to do, he has no idea.

In this regard, Aoki Masakazu, who was born in a police family, must be able to give him some advice.

"Let's go, Huiyuan, let's go home."

"I'll apply for graduation when the Hundred Ghosts Walking Ceremony of the Rune Ceremony is completed and Abo Snake learns this trick!"

Long Yi stood up, patted his buttocks, and beckoned Hui Yuan to go to the dormitory.

At this moment, he was completely indifferent to tomorrow's academy competition qualifiers.

(End of this chapter)

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