Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 212 The official match, the calculations of all parties!

Chapter 212 The official match, the calculations of all parties!
On the beach at night, accompanied by a burst of white light brought by the poke ball, a giant crocodile appeared beside Kukai.

"Show me your newfound powers, Crocodile, use the water cannon!"

The [-]-meter-tall crocodile has a tyrannical taste. This is a powerful elf that is completely different from the Thorn Dragon King and represents the violence of water!
Following Kukai's order, this giant crocodile, once the leader of a group of small saw crocodiles, launched an attack on its companions without hesitation.

As thick as a thigh, the blue and white water cannon blatantly attacked the Thorn Dragon King.

The Thorn Dragon King calmly looked at the oncoming water cannon, his eyes suddenly lit up red.


The crocodile's water cannon had just flown over half the distance when it suddenly disintegrated and turned into a meaningless stream of water that splashed down and wet a large area of ​​sand.

Oh hey!

The crocodile took a step back in shock.

It felt that its water cannon lost its ability to control it after it left its mouth, and even the water system energy in it no longer existed.

This is completely beyond the common sense of the crocodile in the past!
Kukai looked at all this with admiration: "The king's hidden characteristics of King Thorn Dragon, together with the power of purifying water flow from Suicune, constitute a unique and special element in this world! It will be useless in front of the Thorn Dragon King, it is the real king of water!"

This thorn dragon king was baptized by Kukai with the power of purification every day when he was still in the elf egg, and he never fell for a day after he was born. It can be said that he is the elf who understands this power best in the world except Suicune.

Suicune's purification power purifies the impurities and filth in the water, and after this ability is comprehended into elements by the Thorn Dragon King, it can purify the water energy and even the spiritual power in the trick!
Without the control of mental power, without the boost of the water system's ultimate move, even the power of the water impact can be deprived, and what is left is pure water.

Pure water is harmless.

"This kind of element can be called the water purification element!" Kukai named it, and then said, "Next, try the boost effect of the trick. The Dragon King uses the water gun, and the crocodile uses the water cannon!"

The two elves acted at the same time, and the crocodile spit out a water cannon that was stronger than before, while the thorn dragon king spit out a small water column. The cannon is thicker and bigger.

The two sides collided with each other's tricks, and the dragon king's water gun almost pushed the water cannon of the crocodile forward like a bamboo, and then stopped in front of the crocodile, showing excellent control ability.

Whether or not an elf has the element of civilization, the strength can be said to be the difference between heaven and earth, which is even greater than the difference in strength before and after evolution.

One is to borrow part of the power of heaven and earth, and the other is to use its own power purely. The difference between the two is obvious.

So much so that, with only the most basic water gun, the Thorn Dragon King can suppress the water cannon trick of the crocodile.

"Okay, as expected, the elements have been enlightened. My painstaking efforts this time were finally not in vain." Kukai said happily, even though he was a young monk who grew up in the Pure Land Temple, he couldn't control his mind at this moment.

This is an element!

From now on, his Kukai's status can even be compared to that of his master, Master Wuhui, and the Thorn Dragon King in his hand is another Suicune, and it is not certain that he will surpass him one day!
After testing his ability to stab the Dragon King, Kukai took back the two elves, turned around and walked towards the residence.


Five days later, the sun was shining and it was a rare good weather.

Miyazaki Ryuichi, Inoue Ayumi, Takahashi Heiichi and Kitano Moli, who successfully passed the preliminary competition, followed Keigawa Tiangong to the newly renovated Battle Dome, accompanied by their teachers.

There are not many audiences today. Apart from some high-level and elite students of the trainer academy, there are also Yamadera Arang who has been eliminated, his uncle Yamadera Shoudao, and the calm-faced Monk Kukai and Master Wugui.

It is worth mentioning that, behind Shansi Yalang and Shansi Shoudao, Long Yi also saw an acquaintance, who was the strongest newcomer Boli who was very active before, and even challenged Long Yi.

"Haori is the illegitimate son of Yamadera Doichi, the half-brother of Yamadera Aaron, the spy of the Yamadera family who broke into the academy." Noticed Ryuichi's gaze, Ando Noriko said with a sigh.

The best seedling among the freshmen turned out to be someone else's spy. This incident made Noriko Ando exhausted, and she felt more and more powerless to support the trainer academy.

"Boli..." Long took a look, then looked away.

Now is not the time to pay attention to this. Although the hope of the academy has long been placed on Ayumi Inoue, and although the strength of each enemy is very strong, he wants to fight every battle well.

This is the duty of a trainer!
The restored battle field is much larger than the original one, and the area has expanded by almost one-third horizontally, and the external factors such as rocks, grass, pools, and ice blocks have been removed, and it has become a standard soil battle field.

Jingchuan Tiangong stood up and announced the rules of the official game: "I don't want to waste too much time in the official game, so this game will adopt a 2-on-2 fighting method! Four players draw lots to select their teammates, and each can use a total of two Only the elves will fight, and the winning side will directly advance to the finals!"

2 on 2!

It's just a fighting method that has never been used in the last college competition!

In other words, if Ryuichi and Ayumi Inoue were assigned to different groups, then there would definitely be a student from the Trainer Academy who would enter the finals!
Akasaka Chiyo felt that something was wrong, and questioned: "Mr. Kyogawa, is this something wrong?"

There are two players from the Trainer Academy who have passed the preliminary round. Regardless of whether they are in the same group or not, they can cooperate in the future. However, even if they cooperate, Kitano Moli and Takahashi Heiichi seem to be far from each other, and they are relatively disadvantaged.

"No! I think this is just right." Lang Chuanyi said. In his opinion, this kind of game is just the opposite, and it is more beneficial to the Kanto Shenshan Noble Academy and the Mijina Temple!

Because among the four players, the one with the most outstanding performance and the strongest strength is neither Heiichi Takahashi nor Jasmine Kitano, but Ayumi Inoue from the Trainer Academy!

One-on-one, whether it is Takahashi Heiichi or Kitano Jasmine is not necessarily the opponent of Inoue Ayumi, but the 2-on-2 melee is different. Even teammates can be assassinated, but it should not be too obvious.

Noriko Ando also thought of this, and quickly said: "That's right, it's really not right."

But Akasaka Chiyo was also woken up by Yoshimi Namikawa, and changed her words: "No, no, since it was decided by Councilor Kyogawa, then I have no objection."

"Like I said, the official match is 2v2!" Jingchuan Tiangong laughed.

Although he was smiling, his tone was very serious, making it impossible to feel a smile at all. The three senior professors who were all well-known in the world were sweating coldly, and they dared not speak any more.

"Drawing lots!"

Four people from Long Yi stepped forward to draw, and the result of the draw was Long Yi and Kitano Moli's team, Takahashi Heiichi and Inoue Ayumi's team.

"You have 10 minutes to prepare. After 10 minutes, the game will start immediately."

After Jingchuan Tiangong finished speaking, he took his two assistants aside to rest.

The four contestants were divided into three groups, with Yoshiro Namikawa, Chiyo Akasaka, and Noriko Ando giving advice to each other.

Namikawa Yoshidao: "Ayumi Inoue has three secret skills, and she is your biggest enemy in winning the championship. After the battle starts, you will attack Miyazaki Ryuichi and create opportunities for Kitano Jasmine. Make sure that her Benjira cannot participate in the final !"

Takahashi nodded.

If he wants to enter the final, the team must win; if the team wins, the opponent in the final must be Kitano Moli.

Therefore, if Takahashi Hei wants to win the championship, Kitano Jasmine's Bangira has to be seriously injured in this battle, and like his Hu Di, he will not be able to participate in the final in a few days!
Chiyo Akasaka instructed: "I know Yoshiro Namikawa, Takahashi Heiichi must still have his hole cards, but his Frog Flower is not to be feared. Your biggest enemy is Ayumi Inoue's Bangira. That Bangira's terrifying I told you five days ago that Takahashi Heiichi will definitely help you secretly in today's battle, so don't hold back, go all out!"

"I know." Kitano Jasmine said softly, brushing the hair around her ear, looking at Kukai calmly.

On the academy side, Noriko Ando also explained: "Takahashi Heiichi and Akasaka Chiyo will definitely target you in partnership, so Ayumi, you don't need Bangira to play this game, and Takahashi Heiichi will help you win in order to enter the final, Mi The secret skills of Jina Temple are all about combination, and the limitation of two elves cannot allow Kitano Jasmine to display her strength."

Ando Noriko didn't even look at Long Yi, talking about the clever plan that she thought hard.

This is indeed a good strategy, and it completely hits the seven inches of Takahashi Heiichi and Kitano Moli. As long as Inoue Ayumi does not come out of Bangira, all the plans of the two are empty talk.

And in order to enter the finals, Takahashi Heiichi must also help the team win the battle!
Under the rule of 2 elves, Takahashi Heiichi's combat effectiveness is stronger than that of Kitano Jasmine.

"You want me to back down?" Inoue Ayumi looked unhappy, her character has always been to face difficulties, otherwise the relationship with Uesugi Jiro would not have turned into that kind of result.

"Isn't the matter of Uesugi-kun enough to warn you?" Noriko Ando persuaded, "Think about Mayu, if you win the championship, the academy will definitely give you a lot of rewards!"

Ayumi Inoue was silent.

After a while, she nodded and agreed.

On the side, Long Yi covered the shade with his hands, looked at the sky, and said with emotion: "Today's sun is really dazzling."

(End of this chapter)

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