Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 213 I Want To Win

Chapter 213 I Want To Win
An assistant checked the time, stepped forward and reminded Jingchuan Tiangong: "Master, the time is up."

"Oh? It's time, let's start." Jingchuan Tiangong opened his eyes.

"The time is up, the players are in place!"

Ryuichi, Inoue Ayumi, Takahashi Heiichi and Kitano Moli took their respective positions.

Long Yi took a look, Kitano Jasmine was on the right, Takahashi Heiichi was directly in front, and Ayumi Inoue was in the front right.

"Release the elves!" The referee shouted.

Long Yi was the first.

"Go, Lacus!" Kirulian appeared on the field and gracefully raised her skirt to the opposite side.

Next up is Takahashi Heiichi, and the Pokémon he uses is the ace Frog Flower.

The third one is Kitano Jasmine, who did not use the Electric Shock Beast and Fangtooth Land Shark that appeared in the previous qualifiers, but a brand new elf.

"Come on, Terra Turtle!"


The Tutai Turtle is undoubtedly a heavyweight elf. Its limbs are like a dinosaur, and its back covered with blue scales has a large turtle shell on its back, which is very strange.

What's even more strange is that apart from the armor of a stegosaurus on the top of the tortoise shell, there is actually yellow and green grass!

On the grass, a dwarf tree grew. This dwarf tree and the Terra Turtle co-existed in symbiosis, which also brought it a powerful grass-type attack ability.

This is a ground and grass elf, perfectly restraining Ayumi Inoue's Bangira!

"Taitaigui... It really was carefully planned." Ayumi Inoue murmured.She pursed her lips. Although she was beautiful and her body was full of wild sexiness because of her long life in the wild, her originally strong temperament seemed weak at this moment, and even her cheeks seemed softer for no reason.

"My elf is—Scythe Helm!"

Kaboo hiss!
Sickle Helmet appeared on the field and licked his scimitar.

"Sickle helmet?" Lang Chuanyi, who was in the audience, was stunned, and a bad feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

That girl, isn't she planning to not use Bangira in this game! ?
At this time, the referee looked around and confirmed the four elves, then raised the flag with both hands and shouted: "I declare, the game begins!"

"Taitai Turtle, use the Pearl of Earth!" Bei Nai Jasmine gave the first order.

A khaki bead condensed around the mouth of the earth platform turtle.

"Next, use the Grass Orb!"

The leaves of the dwarf tree on its back rustled, and an emerald green grass bead appeared right after.

"Don't waste time, change your trump card and come up! Combination secret skill-Earth Blade and Leaf Slash!"

The two energy beads slammed into each other, and an earthen hand rose from the ground in front of the earth turtle, as if a giant was buried underground and was about to escape.

The giant clay hand was getting taller and taller, and a bright green light began to appear on the hand. A large amount of green grass grew out, and one of them became extremely huge, with a length of three to four meters. It was held by the giant hand like a blade of grass. Ye Dadao.


The giant hand moved on the ground, quickly crossed the half-court, and then slashed down with a powerful wrist, with an astonishing momentum.

"Sickle helmet, use the water jet to avoid it." Ayumi Inoue ordered quickly.

Two rows of small holes were opened on the back shell of the sickle helmet, and the jet of water propelled it to move quickly, as if wearing a rocket backpack.

However, Bei Nai Jasmine just smiled, and with a shake of the giant clay hand, the blade of grass sliced ​​across a rounded arc, hitting the sickle helmet and breastplate accurately.

With just one blow, the sickle helmet was smashed into the ground, and he passed out directly.

This is the power of the secret technique!
"The sickle helmet lost the ability to fight!" The referee issued a verdict.

"Come on, let me meet your Benjira!" Kitano Jasmine was eager to try.

Ayumi Inoue retracted her sickle helmet, raised her head, and smiled slightly: "Okay."

She throws a poke ball.

The elf ball opened in mid-air, releasing a ball of white light that fell onto the field, and soon the white light solidified into an elf.

A huge elf as beautiful as an ice sculpture appeared on the field.

"Ice Crystal Rock Snake!" Long Yi blurted out.

The ice crystal rock snake that fought with the sickle helmet on the Daxue Mountain!It was also conquered by Ayumi Inoue!

"This is……"


Kitano Moli, Takahashi Heiichi and the others changed their faces drastically, and the worst that Yoshiro Nami had worried about finally happened.

"No, it's not too bad." Kitano Jasmine woke up suddenly, and Inoue Ayumi gave up the strongest combat power Bangira herself. Although it allowed her to break through the internal and external difficulties, it also gave Kitano Jasmine an excellent opportunity.

As long as this ice crystal rock snake is defeated and Takahashi Heiichi is eliminated, Kitano Jasmine's opponent in the final will be Miyazaki Ryuichi, the weakest of the four!

"Tutaigui, do another earth blade and leaf slash!" Thinking of this, Kitano Jasmine decisively issued an order, intending to eliminate one person before Takahashi Heiichi could react.

But Takahashi Heiichi's reaction speed is also not slow.

"Don't let her succeed!"

Previously, Takahashi Hei was eager for Kitano Jasmine to defeat Inoue Ayumi, so he just let Miaowahua fight Lacus with ordinary tricks. Although it was very lively, neither side was hurt.

But the situation is different now, Takahashi Heiichi needs Ayumi Inoue's strength!

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use rose flower burial on Tutai Turtle!"

Both the annihilation of the rose flower and the destruction of the rose flower cannot be used quickly by the frog flower, and it takes a certain amount of time to accumulate power, so Takahashi Heiichi chose the burial of the rose flower, which has the fastest activation speed.

Countless pieces of pink petals appeared between the sky and the earth, quickly forming beautiful and deadly rose flowers.

Bei Nai Jasmine's face tightened, and she was about to make the Tutai Turtle divert her target when she suddenly heard an unexpected voice.

"Lax, use your mind power." Long Yi calmly ordered to his elf, "Target, all rose petals!"

Lux's eyes lit up with a strong purple light, and all the rose petals were affected and controlled by the ubiquitous thought power, and the rose petals that had just lit up were extinguished one after another as the petals that made up the flower were shattered.

The secret technique of burial of roses - broken!
"Secret skills are not invincible. After watching your game, I know that rose flower secret skills are not terrible." Long Yi looked at Takahashi Heiichi and said seriously.

On the other side, because the burial of the rose was interrupted, Kitano Jasmine decisively let the newly formed earth blade leaves of the earth turtle fall on the ice crystal rock snake. Although Inoue Ayumi had already let the ice crystal rock snake use the iron tail to resist, but the attribute The restraint and the strength of the secret technique still made the Big Rock Snake lose in one move.

"The Big Rock Snake has lost the ability to fight!"

It wasn't until this moment that other people watching the battle reacted.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi, what are you doing!" Ando Noriko stood up angrily, she seemed to see the championship trophy she had originally got with wings and flew away.

Long Yi turned his head, looked at the angry acting principal, and at the puzzled teachers and students of the academy.

He withdrew his gaze, returned to the field, and said softly but firmly.

"I'm a trainer."

"I'm fighting with all my might."

"And, I want to win."

I want to win!
These three words hit Noriko Ando's chest like three heavy hammers, which made her face turn pale, make her crumbling, and make her breathless.

Ayumi Inoue couldn't say what she wanted to blame, she nodded calmly, and praised: "Well said, come on!"

"Come on, Long Yi!"

"Come on! I know you are the best!"

Behind him, his girlfriend Takata Misa, friends Aoki Masakazu, Akino Meng, An Xiku and others cheered one after another, giving Long Yi great strength.

"Long Yi..." Igarashi Kurosawa was startled, and smiled, "Come on!"

"What, too selfish!"

"What kind of a trainer is he who disregards the interests of the overall situation for the sake of his own limelight!"

Some people agree, and naturally some people oppose it.

Especially the senior management of the academy, the vested interests of the title of the world's number one academy, even reprimanded and cursed Long Yi for his 'betrayal' on the spot.

Long Yi turned a deaf ear to this.

He turned his head, looked at Bei Nai Moli, and suggested: "You attack, I defend, how about?"

Long Yi's elf has no secret skills, so it lacks the key power to make a final decision, but Lux's superpower perfectly restrains the rose flower record, which can make the Tutai Turtle output with confidence.

"Okay!" Kitano Jasmine naturally had no objection, it was a win-win result.

"Taitai Turtle, let's do the Earth Blade Leaf Slash again!"

The secret combination secret technique of the Mijina Temple consumes more than the ordinary secret technique. It was originally used by two elves, and it is a heavy burden to put it on the earth turtle.

The two Earth Blade and Leaf Slashes had already made the Tutai Turtle panting, but it still had the power of one blow at least, and even if it was exhausted and fainted, it would still be able to strike again!

"Damn it!" Takahashi Heiichi almost gritted his teeth.

Miao Frog Flower's speed is not good, and it can't dodge the Earth Blade and Leaf Slash at all. Even if the defensive trick is to use hardened plants, it may not be able to withstand it.

As for the counter attack, with Long Yi's Lacus guarding it, there is no possibility of success in Rose's record.

Miaowahua has fallen into a desperate situation!
"Come back, Frog Flower."

Helpless, Takahashi Heiichi took back the spirit.

The Earth Blade and Leaf Slash hovered in an emergency, and the Turtle was sweating profusely. Although it took a lot of pressure to maintain the Earth Blade and Leaf Slash, it was better than losing a knife.

"Takahashi Heiichi, please don't delay, release your second elf!" The referee urged, not giving Takahashi Heiichi a chance to deliberately delay.

"You forced me to do this!" Gao Qiaoping said angrily.

"Go, fire-breathing dragon!"

White light shines, and an orange dragon vibrates its wings and soars into the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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