Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 214 I Want To Win

Chapter 214 I Want To Win
Charmander, the ultimate evolution of Charmander, the best initial fire element in the Kanto region!

The fire-breathing dragon has dual attributes of fire and flight. It is famous for its powerful fire attack and flying ability. It is also very good at melee attack. It is an excellent elf who is very good at fighting.

First the Blastoise, then the Bulgaria, and now the Charizard.

Takahashi Heiichi is worthy of being the son of the richest man in the Kanto region. He not only has one of the three royal elves, but also has one of each kind, and all of them have been cultivated to the ultimate evolutionary stage. The lineup is luxurious.

At this moment, the fire dragon with a height of two meters and a wingspan of three meters soared into the sky under the command of Takahashi Heiichi. The exuberant flames on the tail showed the powerful power of this fire-breathing dragon.

"It's just a fire-breathing dragon." Bei Nai Jasmine was unmoved.In front of elves with secret skills, even a pseudo-god elf is just a stronger mouse, let alone a first-class elf.

There is no secret skill of the same level, she only needs one trick, and she can win!
"Taitai Turtle, cut it off!"

The Turtle didn't make a sound, and tried its best to control the ground blade and leaf to climb up. The big khaki-colored hands that 'grow' out of the battle field grew longer and longer, and soon came behind the soaring fire-breathing dragon.

A green light flashed on the emerald green blade of grass, which became indestructible and extremely sharp again.


When the big knife fell, the flames at the tail of the fire-breathing dragon suddenly blazed up, covering the whole body in an instant, and then the huge power of the blade blade directly cut the fire-breathing dragon from the sky and smashed it into the soil.

The energy was exhausted, and the big khaki hands and blades of grass that made up the blade of the earth turned into dust and dissipated.

"Did you win?" Long Yi looked at the pit where the fire-breathing dragon fell.

Others also cast their eyes on the past.

"Lax, use your thoughts to disperse the dust."

The fluffy dust was swept away by the power of thought, revealing a large bowl-shaped pit with a diameter of more than three meters. A fire-breathing dragon wearing a flame armor squatted on one knee at the bottom of the pit, with drops of red blood flowing from the corner of its mouth.

"It actually blocked it!?" Kitano Jasmine opened her mouth wide, and her small mouth formed a circle the size of a banana.

Those who can resist the secret technique must also be the secret technique!

"What kind of secret technique is this?" Kitano Jasmine asked.

Takahashi heaved a sigh of relief, and replied, "Flame Armor, a defensive secret skill."

The power of the Flame Armor is definitely not as powerful as the Earth Blade and Leaf Slash, otherwise the fire-breathing dragon would not be injured, and it seems that the injury is not serious.

But compared with it, it has a huge advantage, that is, it consumes less!

Takahashi Heiichi's flame armor fire-breathing dragon can be used continuously throughout the battle, while Kitano Jasmine's earth blade blade and earth turtle can only be used up to 4 times, even if used by two elves, they can be used up to 8 times.

"Fly, fire-breathing dragon!" Takahashi Heiichi shouted.

Under his call, the fire-breathing dragon wiped off the blood and stood up again, flapping its wings that were also protected by armor, and rose into the sky again.

"What should I do?" Long Yi looked at Bei Nai Jasmine.

The earth turtle only has one blow left. If this blow can't knock down the fire-breathing dragon, then Kitanojasmine, who has only one elf left, will be very passive.

Because of the inherited secret technique of the Mijina Temple, at least two energy beads of different attributes are needed to activate it!
Kitano Jasmine bit her lips lightly. Ever since the forehead gemstone shattered in the Vampire Labyrinth, her ability to pray had plummeted. This made Kitano Jasmine, who was used to praying to solve problems, very uncomfortable.

"How many seconds can you control it?"

Long Yi thought about it, and asked Lacus to try it with her mind.

The flames burning on the flame armor on the fire-breathing dragon suddenly fluctuated. It looked around and scratched its nose disdainfully.

"No, that kind of secret technique can even defend against thoughts, I can't control this fire-breathing dragon."

Hearing these words, Bei Nai Jasmine had a sad expression on her face.

Takahashi tidied up his high-end suit, and the polite smile returned to his face: "The flame armor's protection is all-round, now it's my turn to fight back!"

The most dangerous time for him is the moment when he replaces the Frog Flower and lets the Charizard forcefully appear on the stage.And as long as the fire-breathing dragon can prop up the flame armor in time to block the knife, the rhythm of the battle will return to Takahashi Heiyi's hand.

In fact, if it weren't for the pressure from the final opponent Ayumi Inoue after winning this game, Takahashi Heiichi could have sacrificed Miaowahua to give Charizard a better and safer appearance.

"Let you all see, I, Takahashi Heiichi's real hole card, the world's top advanced technology!"

The left hand rolled up the sleeve of the right suit, revealing the high-end brand-name watch on the wrist, and a glass-colored bead inlaid on the dial of the watch was reflected in Takahashi Heiichi's eyes.

"Higher! Faster! Stronger! The sweat of countless hard training is just to climb the peak of the element beyond the ordinary!"

An invisible channel communicates the hearts of Takahashi Heiichi and the fire-breathing dragon. The air between one person and one dragon is slightly distorted, and the powerful spiritual energy even interferes with reality.

"This is..." Long Yi narrowed his eyes, he couldn't see anything, but felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Something is happening!

Something I don't know about!

Turning his head to look around, other people also looked surprised and confused, only Jingchuan Tiangong stood up, looking at the battlefield thoughtfully.

Takahashi Pingyi raised his right hand high, and looked at the back of the fire-breathing dragon with fiery eyes. A steel ornament was exposed from the gap in the flame armor, and a bead was also inlaid on it, a sky-blue bead!
"Let them see your power! Super evolve, Charizard!"

As these words fell, Takahashi Heiichi and the fire-breathing dragon saw four or five energy rays suddenly appear. The red light burst out from Takahashi Heiichi's hand, and the blue light appeared from behind the fire-breathing dragon.

The red light and the blue light perfectly matched together in the air, and then the two turned into brilliant golden energy, which fed back to the fire-breathing dragon, making its entire body start to emit a dazzling red light.

"This light is..."


"Could it be possible that after a fire dinosaur evolves into a fire-breathing dragon, can it evolve again? I've never heard of an elf that can evolve three times!"

No matter how many people talked about it, they couldn't believe it, under the mysterious red light, the body of Takahashi Heiichi's fire-breathing dragon actually began to change, becoming taller, bigger, and stronger!
"It has really evolved!" Long Yi couldn't believe it, this was news that he had never heard of before time travelling.

After a while, the light dissipated, and a brand new fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of people.

The fire-breathing dragon is more than [-] meters tall, the fine dragon scales all over the body have turned into a deep black, the belly is blue, and the sides of the tail are back with raging blue flames, and the flames on the tail have also turned into the same blue flames .

A pair of dragon wings are shaped like sawtooth, and hideous thorns grow out of the spine and shoulders, making it look even more ferocious.

"Look, this is the super-evolved image of the fire-breathing dragon, the super fire-breathing dragon!" Takahashi Heiyi raised his hands and laughed loudly, with an astonishing momentum.

Long Yi bowed his head and said to himself: "Super... a fire-breathing dragon."

"Pretend to be a ghost, earth turtle, use the earth blade to slash!" Bei Nai Jasmine snorted coldly, and launched an attack decisively.

She was keenly aware that after the super-evolution of the fire-breathing dragon, the flaming armor on its body had disappeared!

What nonsense super-evolution, in front of the secret technique, the incompetent elements are all scum!
The thick pearl of earth and the crisp pearl of grass collided again, and amidst the roar, the earth-yellow behemoth rose from the ground, and the grass blades in its hands quickly rose and grew.

Takahashi Heiichi watched all this calmly, his gaze was exactly the same as that of the super fire-breathing dragon in the sky.

A trace of blue flames circulated on the fire-breathing dragon, outlining a pattern of a dragon's head on its abdomen.

It looks like the badge of the Yanmo Gymnasium in Yanmo City, Chengdu.


The giant hand exerted strength, and the blade fell down.

"Stop it." Takahashi Ping said.

The super fire-breathing dragon raised its hands, and suddenly closed them in the middle at the very moment.

Two thin but powerful dragon claws firmly clamp the bladed knife in the middle, and blue lines connect the dragon claws and the dragon head pattern on the chest.

"My super fire-breathing dragon possesses the magical power of the Dragon King, a secret dragon technique! Kitano Jasmine, you lost!"

The super fire-breathing dragon exerted force with both hands, and the six dragon claws pierced through the blade sword forcibly, and the khaki-colored giant hands and blade sword that formed the earth blade and leaf blade collapsed, becoming energy particles floating between the sky and the earth.

The earth turtle wailed, and its limbs went limp and fell down.

The ground blade and leaf slash just now had emptied the last trace of energy in its body.

"The Turtle has lost its ability to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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