Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 215 I Want To Win

Chapter 215 I Want To Win
"Dragon King's divine power." Bei Nai Jasmine looked solemnly.

This kind of dragon-type secret skill was originally the unique secret skill of the dragon family in Chengdu. Later, the dragon family joined the alliance, and this secret skill was also contributed. Now it can be exchanged only by making a huge contribution to the alliance.

The dragon king's divine power starts quickly, consumes less, and can greatly increase the physical fitness of elves. At the same time, it can also increase the dragon, fire, water, and grass skills used by elves. The strength made Takahashi Heiichi's super fire-breathing dragon suddenly reach the realm of a pseudo-element.

At this time, the super fire-breathing dragon is no different from the least-increased element-level elf in terms of ultimate power, physical strength, strength, speed, and defense. The only difference between the two is that the super fire-breathing dragon does not have the special energy use method unique to element-level elves.

"It seems that your fire-breathing dragon has super-evolved to increase the dragon attribute." Kitano Jasmine said.

Dragon King Divine Power is undoubtedly a very powerful secret skill, it has only one shortcoming - it is very difficult to learn!

This difficulty is not a technical difficulty, but a qualification level!

If you want to learn the power of the Dragon King, you must be an elf with a very strong dragon blood.

Not to mention the fire-breathing dragon and tyrannosaurus of the pseudo-dragon, even the Thorn Dragon King, Tanabata Blue Bird, and Lay Flying Dragon who have awakened the blood of the dragon after evolution have no chance.

Before that, there were only three pure-blooded dragons who could learn the secret technique of the dragon king's supernatural power: the dreamy dragon Kuailong, the ferocious dragon Bloodwing Flying Dragon, and the earth dragon biting the land shark.

However, now, through the so-called super-evolution, Takahashi Heiichi has allowed the fire-breathing dragon to have a blood concentration comparable to the three pure-blooded dragons!
"You can actually cause such a big mutation in the elves. Even if you, the super-evolved fire-breathing dragon, don't use the dragon king's divine power, your strength has already surpassed the pseudo-god-level elves that have reached the limit of the race, right?" A new continent was discovered.

"Are you still capable of fighting?" Long Yi interrupted Bei Nai Mo Li's train of thought.

Ignorance has the benefit of ignorance.

Long Yi had never heard of the dragon king's divine power, so naturally he didn't understand the impact of the change of using the dragon king's divine power after the super-evolution of the fire-breathing dragon.

He just knew that Takahashi Heiichi's fire-breathing dragon was very strong, and it was difficult to win by himself.


Bei Nai Jasmine glanced at Long Yi in amazement, and shook her head: "My elf secret skills need to be used in conjunction. Since the earth turtle is defeated, no matter who is sent to play next, it will be a waste of effort."

"I admit defeat." She actually simply surrendered!

"Acceptance." Gao Qiaoping was so polite that he bowed, and then looked at Long Yi, "What about you, do you want to continue?"

His eyes were bright, and there was an eagerness in his eyes.

Now that the super fire-breathing dragon and the dragon king's divine power that were originally planned to be hidden have been exposed, Takahashi Heiichi doesn't mind exposing it more thoroughly, so that Ayumi Inoue can truly see her own strength, which can be regarded as a psychological attack tactic.

Takahashi Heiichi was even a little pity at this time, but it was a pity that Kitano Jasmine's remaining elves could only use the unique secret skills of the Mijina Temple with cooperation, and could not fully demonstrate the power of his super fire-breathing dragon.

"Come back, Lux." Long Yi took out the elf ball and took Lax back.

Seeing this scene, the others sighed.

"Oh, I still gave up."

"That's right. After all, the difference in strength is too great. Didn't you see that Kitano Jasmine from the Mijina Temple also surrendered?"

"Fortunately, we still have Ayumi-senpai."

The crowd watching the battle talked a lot, Noriko Ando breathed a sigh of relief, and put his heart back in his stomach.

Although there were turmoil, but fortunately everything finally returned to the track she expected.

Even the referee members of the alliance thought that Long Yi had given up, and raised the right hand representing Takahashi Heiichi's victory: "Kitano Jasmine, Miyazaki Ryuichi lost..."

"Go, Gengar!"


A new poke ball flew into the sky, the referee's voice stopped abruptly, and the two senior students who had already turned away suddenly turned their heads.

He didn't give up!
Misa Takagi stood up excitedly, Masakazu Aoki, Igarashi Kurosawa and others were in complicated moods, but basically the disappointment was diluted by surprise.

The poke ball was opened, and a Gengar appeared.

"Give up?" Long Yi smiled, "Of course not!"

He raised his right hand, loosened his fist, and an old golden bell hung down, hanging on Long Yi's middle finger through a red string.

dang lang~
A gust of wind blew by, and the small and delicate golden bell made a crisp sound.

Long Yi took a deep breath, and fixed his eyes on the phantom bell.

"This is..." Noriko Ando's face changed, and the memory of last year's Academy Cup competition began to wake up.

"Jilaqi!" Long Yi said silently in his heart.

"Master?...Master! I'm here!" Ji Laqi, who was wearing loose pajamas with one shoulder exposed, hurriedly pushed open the illusory wooden door, and leaned in front of Long Yi with a happy face.

Of course, only Long Yi himself can see this Jiraki transformed into a system elf.

"Target fantasy bell, instill the previously sealed 1000 points of superpower energy!" Long Yi ordered.

Originally, he was prepared to live with the situation and prepare for the competition, but the school's repeated and repeated ignorance still aroused Long Yi's inner resentment and pride, and made him make this dangerous decision.

Go all out and win!
"Okay!" Ji Laqi agreed, and a purple energy ball appeared in his hand immediately, and then a beam of light was connected from this ball of superpower energy to the golden bell on Long Yi's hand.

Visible to everyone's naked eyes, the copper rust and spots on the golden bell on Long Yi's hand gradually became lighter and disappeared, and after a few seconds, it changed from an old bell to a bright as new one.

"Come on, let me see how powerful the so-called super fire-breathing dragon is!"

Geng Gui's eyes lit up, and at the moment the phantom bell was unsealed, it regained its previous powerful power, dragging all the people and elves present into the illusion.

This is it!

What a familiar feeling!

So powerful and so wonderful!
Geng Gui closed his eyes greedily, let out a moan of enjoyment, and then quickly woke up.

Unfortunately, although this power is powerful, it is not mine.

Geng Ghost is no longer the Geng Ghost it used to be. During the period of following Long Yi, its mentality has completely changed.

To become stronger, one naturally wants to become stronger, but not through this cheating method of relying on foreign objects. What Geng Gui wants more is to completely grasp such a powerful power by himself.

The confident expression on Gao Qiaohei's face disappeared, and he frowned.

"I'll do it for you, super fire-breathing dragon, use the dragon claw!"

Two huge blue flames lit up from the Super Charizard's wrists, and flew backwards to form two terrifying dragon claws that looked like scimitars.

The dragon king's power is extremely powerful, but it also has a fatal weakness, that is, during the use of the dragon king's power, elves cannot use any other secret skills.

But under the increase of the dragon king's divine power, the dragon claws of the super fire-breathing dragon are still several times more powerful than ordinary fast dragons!

The super fire-breathing dragon accelerated, quickly approached Geng Gui, and the right dragon claw fell hard.


The berserk dragon flame penetrated Geng Gui and punched a deep hole in the ground, but Geng Gui was unscathed, just grinning strangely with a gloomy expression, and his figure slowly dissipated.


The real Geng Gui has long been hidden in the dark, the Super Charizard can't see it, and Takahashi Heiichi can't see it!

"Gengar, use Frozen Fist!"

Geng Gui suddenly appeared on the right side of the super fire-breathing dragon, and swung out a fist, which exuded a strong cold air.

"Block him, use the dragon claw!"


The powerful dragon claws tore Geng Gui apart again, but it was still an illusion!
A layer of ice suddenly appeared on the left wing of the super fire-breathing dragon, and then Geng Guiguai appeared with a smile, and then turned into a phantom and dissipated after the tail of the fire-breathing dragon swept by.

Geng Gui's attack was not real, neither was the Geng Gui attacking by the super fire-breathing dragon, and even the direction of the super fire-breathing dragon's attack was not the direction it thought it would be!

This is the terrifying power of the phantom bell!
Bang bang bang!
Frozen punches landed on the Super Charizard, and gradually its entire left wing was frozen, unable to maintain its balance.

"Melt ice cubes with flames!"

The super fire-breathing dragon turned its head and spewed out hot blue flames, but under the control of Geng Gui, the flame fell on the intact right wing, causing more damage to the super fire-breathing dragon.

Another freezing punch hit, and a fist-sized ice cube appeared on the fire-breathing dragon's head.

"What a strong defense." Long Yi was shocked.

Although the power of Geng Gui's unique move is not very strong, it is absolutely impossible to have only this power. Obviously, the super fire-breathing dragon's own powerful fire attack endows it with super resistance to ice, and at the same time, the dragon king's magical secret skills may also have defenses The role of secret skills.

When Takahashi Ping saw that the super fire-breathing dragon failed again, he couldn't help feeling irritable.

"Damn it, what's going on with this Geng Gui, why is his hallucination ability so powerful."

At the beginning of the battle, Takahashi Heiichi thought it was Geng Gui's unpredictable figure, but slowly he realized that it wasn't that his super fire-breathing dragon was not fast enough, or that Geng Ghost was too fast, but that he saw it. Everything the Super Charizard sees is an illusion!
"Huh? Wait a minute, illusion!"

"Have it!"

Gao Qiaoping's eyes lit up, and he thought of a way: "Charizard, use the smoke screen!"

The super fire-breathing dragon looked back at its master, and Gao Qiaoping nodded.

It suddenly took a deep breath, and then exhaled heavily, a large amount of black smoke sprayed out from the two nostrils of the super fire-breathing dragon, covering most of the venue in the blink of an eye.


"Use Lombok!"

Following Gao Qiaoping's order, two blue dots suddenly lit up in the black smoke, and then two beams of light swept across the audience, Long Yi was suddenly taken aback, feeling as if his mind had been swept clean.

"It's not good, master, Geng Gui's illusion has been broken!" Ji Laqi yelled in panic.

Long Yi looked down, the phantom bell in his hand had been forbidden, a long and thin crack appeared on the bell, and the mottled copper rust reappeared on the surface of the bell.

The phantom bell suddenly split in two and fell to the ground.


The fire-breathing dragon's beam of light continued to shoot, and Geng Gui's figure hiding in mid-air suddenly appeared with a panicked expression.

"I found you!" Takahashi Ping's eyes flashed, and quickly ordered: "Use Flame Charge"

The huge super fire-breathing dragon soared into the sky from the smoke screen. At this moment, the pattern outlined by the dragon king's divine power was no longer on its body. A group of platinum bright flames enveloped the whole body, and the ice on its body had long been melted by the hot flame.

The ultimate mystery of the fire system - Flame Charge!
Geng Gui, who was in panic, did not escape the attack of the super fire-breathing dragon, and his weak defense and physical strength were exposed at this moment. Geng Gui fell headlong from the flames and passed out.

"Geng Gui lost his ability to fight!"

Long Yi sighed, took out the elf ball, put away Geng Gui, turned and left.

"I surrender."

"Miyazaki Ryuichi and Kitano Jasmine both lost their will to fight, so the winner is the combination of Takahashi Heiichi and Inoue Ayumi!"

Takahashi turned his head, his eyes collided with Ayumi Inoue, and there seemed to be a spark current between them.

(End of this chapter)

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