Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 216 The 5 Major Violent Organizations of the Alliance!

Chapter 216 The Five Violent Organizations of the Alliance!

"It's a pity, you almost won." Aoki Masakazu patted Long Yi's shoulder with regret.

"No, even if his super fire-breathing dragon can't break Geng Gui's illusion, I guess I will lose." Long Yi shook his head.

Geng Gui's physical strength is limited, and the super fire-breathing dragon's defense under the dragon king's divine power is too high, so Geng Gui may be the first to lose his physical strength in the end.

Therefore, from Long Yi's point of view, even if Takahashi Heiichi didn't have the special secret skill of Long Mu, the probability of losing is very high.

It's just that if you don't fight, sometimes you are really unwilling.

"In my heart, you will always be the best!" Meisha came over and took Long Yi's arm, raised her head and said.

Her eyes were bright, looking like a pool of crimson wine, extraordinarily intoxicating.

Long Yi smiled, lowered his head and kissed her lips lightly.

"Come on, let's go eat."

Other people in the surrounding colleges were cheering up Ayumi Inoue, but Long Yi and the others were in a small circle because of Long Yi's behavior before, so they might as well leave as soon as possible.

A group of people walked together, and it was still the old room of Master Xuan. The atmosphere in the room became more harmonious after there were no outsiders.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Long Yi suddenly brought up his idea of ​​wanting to graduate early.

"Long Yi." Meisha shouted, looking worried.

Long Yi gently held Meisha's palm, and gave her a reassuring look.

Aoki Masakazu put down his chopsticks, and said while thinking: "Long Yi, do you want a profession that can not only provide enough resources for your elves, but also obtain some precious props and secret skills?"

"Yes." Long nodded.

The help that the Trainer Academy can give him is getting smaller and smaller. Instead of continuing to waste time here, it is better to step into the society early and find a suitable job for yourself.

And in this world, what company can compare to the world management organization in name of the Fairy Alliance?
Therefore, Long Yi's first choice is definitely to join the alliance, and with his strength, there is no problem at all.

The question is, what position to join the league.

On this point, you must ask Aoki Masakazu for advice.

Aoki Masakazu explained: "The ones that can meet your requirements and are suitable for trainers are nothing more than the five major violent institutions of the alliance."

If trainers are equivalent to martial arts masters, and the Elven Alliance is compared to the ancient court, then the only special departments that are suitable for Long Yi are the East Factory, West Factory, Jinyiwei, and Six Doors.

"The five major violent organizations? Which five are they?" Long Yi asked.

Masakazu Aoki introduced them one by one.

The first, of course, is the army.The army is the cornerstone for the alliance to rule the world and maintain order. It has a large number of people and advanced equipment. It can be said that the most advanced and best results in all research will be first used in the army.

However, the army values ​​discipline over talent and strength, and is good at outnumbered enemies.Maybe every soldier inside is not very strong, but when thousands of such people charge together, they are far more powerful than the same number of senior trainers.

The second is the police.The police are similar to the army, but their overall quality and strength are lower, but they have a large number of people, and they are the main force for the alliance to maintain the daily order of cities around the world.

The main personnel of the army and police come from military academies, police academies, and the annual conscription and discharge system. Although outsiders are recruited, there are not many places, and they are generally excluded, so Long Yi shook his head in denial after hearing this.

In addition to the military and police systems, there are three other violent agencies left in the alliance, namely the Rangers, the Special Search Section, and the Shueisha.

Forest rangers are mainly responsible for maintaining ecological balance and protecting various precious and endangered wild elf species and the natural environment.

Rangers are basically not allowed to have their own elves. They use a special device called a hunting vernier. This device allows the rangers and wild elves to create a temporary spiritual channel, convey their emotions to the past, and get the help of wild elves. .

Because hunting cursors and Poké Ball skills conflict, forest rangers do not have their own Pokémon, and this profession has high requirements on character and morality, so it is not suitable for Long Yi.

The Special Search Section is a special department set up by the Alliance to target various terrorist organizations and evil organizations. Its members are divided into search officers and searchers.

The Special Search Section has very high requirements for its members, because most of them need to go undercover inside other forces when they act, so not only in terms of elves' combat effectiveness, but also in the corresponding abilities of sneaking, disguising, intelligence gathering, fighting, tracking, etc. It must be mastered, it can be said to be the official secret service department of the elf world.

Long Yi's elf combat is definitely satisfactory, and his personal fighting ability is also qualified, but he is a complete rookie in other aspects.

"Therefore, there is actually only one that is most suitable for you, and that is Shueisha!" Masakazu Aoki concluded.

Shueisha, an association that gathers elites!
This is the department with the least restrictions on members among the five major violent organizations in the alliance. As long as you have a corresponding recommender and complete the entry task, you can become a member of Shueisha.

Members are divided into 1-9 levels, and each level has different welfare standards, which can be exchanged for corresponding alliance benefits.

For example, elf food, treasure equipment, mentor teaching, secret skill learning, elf exchange, information exchange, etc., can be said to be almost omnipotent.

But correspondingly, Shueisha members also need to complete tasks while enjoying benefits. Level 1 members need to complete a minimum guarantee task every month. Once the quota is not completed, the benefit amount of the next month will be cancelled. If the task is not completed for three consecutive months, the membership of Shueisha will be cancelled.

The higher the level of membership, the more difficult the tasks that need to be completed, but the corresponding task span is longer, and the penalty for high-level members is downgrading, and only the first-level members are expelled.

In addition to the monthly guarantee tasks, members of Shueisha can also receive additional tasks, and after completion, they will receive corresponding rewards, which can be used to exchange for various items.

"This is it!" Long Yi made a final decision.

Small constraints, good benefits, and high degree of freedom, this is the perfect job in Long Yi's ideal!

Moreover, Long Yi specifically asked Aoki Masakazu that Shueisha's exchange list included treasures left behind by various element-level elves. Suo Ran was very expensive and had level requirements, but it was also Long Yi's stable source of energy crystallization in the future.

"Zhenghe, what kind of qualifications does this introducer need?" Long Yi asked a key question.

Shueisha can be said to be a group of mercenaries raised by the alliance, so the introducer is very important, this is the only guarantee that can guarantee the loyalty and character of the members.

It can be said that if a member of a terrorist organization or an anti-alliance trainer appears among the Shueisha members, or someone violates the alliance law, then the recommender will be jointly and severally liable.

Aoki Masakazu smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this, just leave it to me."

He didn't talk about the risks that recommenders need to take at all.

"Good brother!" Long Yi felt moved and patted Zheng He on the shoulder.

Aoki Masakazu helped Long Yi a lot, and he never asked for anything in return, these things were deeply remembered by Long Yi.

After the party was over, Long Yi calmed Mei Sha's emotions, and then sent her back to the dormitory.

I went back to the room alone, the lights were not turned on in the room, and the curtains were drawn, it was dark, only a small area of ​​light came in from the door.

As soon as Long pressed the switch, the light came on.

After closing the door, Long Yi walked to a corner of the room, looked at a large piece of black cloth in front of him, under which there were faintly colorful lights flickering.

Long Yi lifted the black cloth, revealing all kinds of things inside, including brooms, umbrellas, broken bowls, fox tails, turtle shells, wooden wheels, etc. There was a picture of a ghost beside each thing.

A whole hundred objects, a whole hundred pictures of ghosts!

These are exactly the preparations that Long Yi did for Abo Snake to practice the Rune Ceremony!

The piles of common sundries seemed a little weird and terrifying at the moment, and as the day of July [-]th drew closer, this pile of items also began to become unusual.

The faint light when covered with black cloth is one, and the movement similar to talking every night is another.

Sometimes Long Yi even has a feeling that the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts may have been held in his room long ago.

"It's still a few days away, just a few days away!" Long Yi punched the wardrobe, making a 'bang' sound.

In the past, I didn't feel it because I had little contact with it. During this period of time, I have seen a lot of secret skills. Long Yi discovered that the secret skills are not omnipotent. The attack secret skills only give the elves more lethality, but if they can't hit people, then they are useless .

What can really give elves an overwhelming advantage below the element level is not offensive secret skills, but defensive or auxiliary secret skills!

And his rune ritual is an auxiliary secret skill!

It's a pity that the Academy Tournament came too fast, Long Yi's Abo Snake hadn't had time to learn the Rune Ritual, and he had already been eliminated.

"I'm really not reconciled." Long Yi looked down for a while, then covered the black cloth again.

(End of this chapter)

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