Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 217 The winner is decided!

Chapter 217 The winner is decided!

Three days later, the match between Inoue Ayumi and Takahashi Heiichi started on time.

The final adopts a 6-on-6 all-member battle system. The contestants on both sides need to register the six spirits participating in the competition in advance. Each player has the right to change spirits three times. Other rules are the same as ordinary competitions.

"Please take the players on both sides!"

The three referees, one official, two assistants, took their positions. Ayumi Inoue and Heiichi Takahashi stood on the red and green tables respectively, and then the power was turned on, and the tables rose to a height of two meters.

"The champion must be mine!" Takahashi Heiichi looked confident.

"Go, fire-breathing dragon!"

The orange-red fire-breathing dragon spread its wings and flew, and then Takahashi Hei raised his right hand, linking himself with the fire-breathing dragon's mind, bursting out powerful energy.

"The fire-breathing dragon super evolved, super fire-breathing dragon!"

The jet-black super fire-breathing dragon is reborn from the ashes. This is the highest crystallization of alliance technology. It uses the evolution keystone to avoid the interference of the elf ball through the soul link function of the hunting cursor. Sublimate under the power and help the elves evolve again!

"You sent a super fire-breathing dragon as soon as it came up? Takahashi Heiichi is very courageous." The crowd watching the game exclaimed.

The super fire-breathing dragon is Takahashi Heiichi's biggest hole card, and he actually dispatched it in the first game of the final, which seemed menacing.

"Use the power of the Dragon King!"

The indigo dragon's flame outlines the pattern of the dragon's head on the super charizard's belly, and the super charizard in the state of the dragon king's divine power suddenly possesses the terrifying power of pseudo-elements.

"Come on, unleash your elves!"

Ayumi Inoue narrowed her eyes, "Do you think you are sure to win?"

The super fire-breathing dragon in the state of the dragon king's divine power is indeed powerful, but Ayumi Inoue is not afraid of it!

"Come on, Benjira!"

The heavyweight Bangira fell into the arena and let out a terrifying roar. In an instant, the north wind howled, and the water system energy in the air gathered and condensed, forming hexagonal crystal snowflakes.

"Super evolution plus the power of the Dragon King can make your super fire-breathing dragon have the power of pseudo-elements at most. However, my Bangira has super ice arrows for attack, ice armor for defense, and deep freeze for control, whether it is attack, defense or control. And they all have the strength of the element level, I'm afraid you won't succeed!?" Inoue Ayumi's momentum was astonishing, and her words hit Takahashi Heiichi's self-confidence.

Ordinary secret skills are only a little stronger than the ultimate esoteric tricks, but the power of advanced secret skills like super ice arrows and ice armor is not inferior to the power of the tricks used by ordinary element-level elves!
Of course, the power of the secret technique used by element-level elves is definitely not as powerful, but the Super Charizard is not a pure element-level elf, and the two sides are actually the same!

"Dragon King consumes very little divine power, but you can use those secret skills several times!" Takahashi Ping retorted, not to be resigned.

"How many times?" Ayumi Inoue's lips curled slightly, and her eyes fell on Benji Raben.

My Bangira knows more than three secret skills!

The blizzard after entering the arena is actually not a simple blizzard, but an auxiliary secret skill, Howling Wind Domain!
The Howling Domain is the basis for controlling the secret technique of deep freezing, which strengthens the power of Super Frost Arrow and Ice Armor. Its existence gives Bangira a good location, weakening the power of Super Charizard every moment.

Bangira also has a secret movement skill, Wind Walk, which can achieve a near-teleport effect when combined with the cold wind domain, which completely makes up for Bangira's biggest shortcoming-speed.

In addition, there is an auxiliary secret skill, the heart of ice, in Bangira's body. The energy sources of the other five secret skills all come from the heart of ice, and the energy of the heart of ice is usually absorbed by the ice energy stored in the air. What came down was enough for Bangira to use secret skills to fight for a long time.

At critical moments, Bangira can also release a large amount of energy from the Heart of Ice to heal himself, which is a top secret skill no less than the divine power of the Dragon King!

There is attack, defense, movement, assistance, control, energy, and treatment!
This is a perfect combination of secret skills!

Ayumi Inoue's smile made Takahashi Heiichi suddenly feel uneasy.

"I don't believe your Bangira can keep fighting like this! Super Charizard, use the dragon claw!"

The super fire-breathing dragon contained its wings and attacked Bangira.

"Use the ice armor!"

A large amount of cold air rushed towards Bangira like a sea of ​​rivers, and soon an armor made of cold clothes condensed on its body surface.

Ice armor, a defensive secret technique similar to flame armor!

The super fire-breathing dragon rushed down against the storm, and Bangira raised his right arm to resist the dragon's claws.

Ka Ka Ka ~
As if the sound of sharp claws slicing through the glass, three deep scars appeared on the ice armor on Bangira's arm amidst the piercing friction sound. However, with the help of the cold wind domain, the damage was rapidly visible to the naked eye. recover.

"Spray flames!"

"Use Windwalk!"

The blue flames of thousands of degrees baked the ground hard and cracked, and Bangira, who had used the wind walk, came to the back of the super fire-breathing dragon mysteriously, with a pair of arms tightly wrapped around the super fire-breathing dragon's neck.


Ayumi Inoue's eyes lit up, and she ordered: "Use the Super Frost Arrow!"

Super Ice Arrow is a top-class secret skill with super powerful attack power. The only shortcoming is that the condensation speed is too slow, giving people time to defend and dodge.

Bangira let go of one hand, a large cloud of wind and snow formed snowballs on its paws, and an ice crystal-like shuttle slowly formed.

Takahashi Hei gave a cold snort, the appearance of 'Windwalk' made him even more afraid of Ayumi Inoue: "Get rid of it and use the flame car."

The super fire-breathing dragon clasps Bangila's left arm with one claw, and Bangila's arm is directly broken under the terrifying brute force brought by the dragon king's supernatural power and super evolution. It was broken abruptly!

The blazing flames wrapped the whole body of the super fire-breathing dragon, and the flaming car was like a broken bamboo. Inoue Ayumi had no choice but to let Bangira disperse the super ice arrow that was about to be formed, and use the wind walk to avoid it.

The super fire-breathing dragon is flexible, powerful, and the power of the fire is terrifying.

And Bangila has the wind walk, which is elusive, has the full protection of the ice armor, and has the super ice arrow to harass from a distance, and has no shortcomings at all.

The two elves will meet Liangcai, meet their opponents in chess, and go back and forth for more than ten rounds, forcibly beating the newly repaired field to pieces. The strength of the fighting power makes the audience outside the field dumbfounded.

"How is it possible, why hasn't your Bangira fallen down yet!" Takahashi Ping shouted with an ugly expression. This Bangira has used the secret technique nearly twenty times, why does it still have energy!

"I have the secret skill Ice Heart, and I want to fight a war of attrition with my Benjira? Go ahead and dream!" Ayumi Inoue sneered, and suddenly ordered, "Use Deep Freeze!"

Since the battle so far, the power of Howling Domain has finally broken through the super charizard's defense and penetrated into its scales, skin, and muscles. The prerequisites for deep freezing have been met.

Ka Ka Ka!
Exactly the same as the situation at the top of the Seven Wolf Peak, with Bangira's roar, countless ice blocks suddenly appeared from the inside out of the Super Charizard's body, and the ice cubes fused and grew, and soon the Super Charizard was frozen in a huge ice block among.

"Cold Wind Field, Super Frost Arrow, Ice Armor, Deep Freeze, Wind Walk, Ice Heart. The six secret skills are gathered together." Inoue Ayumi said the names of the secret skills used by her elves one by one, with a smile on her face .

"Takahashi Heiichi, I'll let you see a trick that's more powerful than a secret technique."

Benjila threw his hands back and roared towards the sky, a wave of terror actually burst out from his body.

"Nirvana - Ice Giant Beast!"

The ice heart in Bangira's body exploded, and the astonishing reserves of ice energy overflowed layer by layer, fused with the energy of the ice armor, forming a giant ice beast with a height of three meters at the shoulders and five meters in length!
The giant beast was shaped like a bear, and its whole body was made of snow-white ice. Each hair was born out of nothing and fluttered in the wind. It was the power of the Wind Walk.

The giant ice and snow beast roared with its mouth open, sharp teeth formed one by one, and two saber-toothed tiger saber-toothed fangs stuck out of its mouth, which was the power of the super ice arrow.

Muscle textures began to appear in the body made of ice cubes, and the deep freeze formed the muscles, tendons and bones of the ice giant.

Finally, when the giant beast took shape, the cold wind domain shrank and condensed, turning into a blue halo and falling at the feet of the ice bear, rising and shrinking.

"Nirvana? Ice Beast?" Takahashi repeated subconsciously. A deep memory in the depths of his mind was awakened, and his face suddenly became extremely pale.


He quickly took out the elf ball, trying to get his super charizard back.


The hind limbs exert strength, and the giant bear is culled!

In just an instant, the ice and snow behemoth crossed the distance between Bangira and the super charizard, and its two long fangs penetrated the outer layer of ice as if there was nothing, and plunged deeply into the super charizard's chest.

The red light from the poke ball fell through the ice and fell on the super charizard, and then...

The red light covering the Super Charizard's body suddenly exploded.

Pseudo-elemental strength, another super-evolved super charizard on the basis of ultimate evolution, died.

The giant bear slapped the frozen super fire-breathing dragon body to pieces, then shook its head and roared like a divine beast descending.

"What other elves do you have, show them to me." Ayumi Inoue folded her arms and squeezed out a deep ravine.

Be still like a virgin, move like a rabbit; if you don't come out, you will be dead, and you will kill with one blow!

This is nirvana!

"I..." Takahashi Pingyi's lips trembled, his face turned pale.

Although he has many elves, most of them are powerful elves that he tamed directly and then trained. There are only three elves that he really cultivated from a young age.

Bulgaria, Blastoise, and Charizard.

Among them, Blastoise has the lowest aptitude, followed by Frog Flower, and Takahashi Heiichi's core elf is actually only a fire-breathing dragon!

Half-step elements, race limit!Coupled with the super transformation ability and secret skills such as the dragon king's power and dragon eyes, it can be said that even if he meets a master trainer, his super fire-breathing dragon can still fight.

But now...

Charizard, dead.

13 years of hard work have come to nothing!
"I admit defeat." After saying this, Takahashi Heiichi seemed to have lost all his strength, and sat limply against the contestant's platform, his eyes dimmed.

(End of this chapter)

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