Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 218 There is another wave, since the dragon envoy

Chapter 218 There is another wave, since the dragon envoy

clap clap clap!
Jingchuan Tiangong stood up and applauded, and then there was warm applause at the scene.

"Great! Ayumi-senpai!"

"Ayumi-senpai, you are my idol!"

"Teacher, have you seen that I have kept the glory of the Trainer Academy!" Acting Principal Noriko Ando burst into tears with tears in her eyes.

Ayumi Inoue put down her arms crossing her chest and stood on the contestant platform, looking down at the dozens of juniors who were fanatically looking at her, at the teachers and professors who looked up at her, at Yuri Ando who was crying silently. son.

Once upon a time, she was also the favored child of the Trainer Academy, and even had the opportunity to compete for the throne of the student council president.

However, because she fell in love with someone she shouldn't love, the bright future left her, her mother came to her depressed, and her father severed the father-daughter relationship with her.

After living alone on an isolated island for several years, even the person who made a date with each other for a long time is no longer there.

but now.

She, Ayumi Inoue, is back!

In an even more radiant gesture, the mighty image is back!

Ayumi Inoue didn't speak, she just raised her right hand, and cheers immediately greeted her.

"It's a wonderful battle. I haven't seen such an outstanding young man for a long time. He can master a nirvana before becoming a super-class trainer. There is someone who will succeed Sawyer." Jingchuan Tiangong praised with a smile, but Those who are familiar with him can see that this praise is not from the heart.

This well-informed member of the alliance has already seen that Ayumi Inoue's secret skills come from the master trainer Fuyutani Sawyer who has the title of harsh winter, and is currently the master of Kona, the king of ice, one of the four kings of Kanto.

Fuyutani Sawyer has passed away, and his only disciple is Kona, and it is absolutely impossible for Inoue Ayumi to be his disciple.

Combining with Bangira's mastery of the six secret skills and one nirvana, while the other sickle helmets and ice crystal rock snakes can't even know one trick, Jingchuan Tiangong has roughly guessed the reason.

Nine times out of ten, Ayumi Inoue was lucky enough to get the crystallization of memory inheritance left behind by an element-level elf in Fuyuya Sawyer!

This kind of inheritance crystallization can allow an elf to learn the secret skills left by the dead elves without a teacher, but he can only know what they are but not why, so after Bangira learned the secret skills, he could not teach them to other elves .

And although Bangira has learned Winter Valley Yasuo's famous stunt, the problem is that it is not suitable for ice-type tricks, but relying on the secret skill of ice heart to barely exert the power of this combination of secret skills. In fact, Bangira's way forward has already cut off.

And because of these six secret skills of ice, when Bangira wants to develop other attributes—such as the ground, rocks, and evil elements it is best at, it will be strongly disturbed.

It can be said that Ayumi Inoue's Bangira will be very strong now and in the future, but!

It is almost a hopeless element for life!

This is a worthless powerful elf!It's the same as those false god elves whose foundations have been ruined by pulling seedlings.

In contrast, Takahashi Heiichi's fire-breathing dragon can be said to have excellent qualifications and excellent training. It has half a foot into the threshold of the element level. As long as it takes this step, the future is bright.

It's a pity that winner and loser, it died.

However, although Jingchuan Tiangong saw this point, he did not point it out, and the smile on his face was impeccable, and the atmosphere at the scene was joyous.

He loudly announced that Ayumi Inoue had won the academy competition, and at the same time, the title of the world's number one academy would once again belong to the trainer academy, and it would be kept for a full ten years!
As soon as this remark came out, the cheers became more intense, and almost everyone cheered.

Except for a few people.

"Hmph, it's just taking advantage of the competition method." Akasaka Chiyo slandered, because of their own inheritance problems, Mijina Temple has never been good at fighting alone, and it is very disadvantageous in this kind of competition.

It was a coincidence that this sentence was heard by Inoue Ayumi who had just walked off the player platform.

"You don't seem to be convinced?" Ayumi Inoue said, the scene quickly quieted down, and dozens of pairs of eyes looked at Akasaka Chiyo and Kitano Jasmine next to her.

"Yes, so what!" Akasaka Chiyo said, she is also an element-level trainer herself, full of confidence.

Ayumi Inoue was silent, remembering a story she once heard.

That was before she and Uesugi Jiro feigned death to escape, a group of the top students among the students gathered at that time, and one of them talked about the story of the senior student Long Shidu turning the tide in the last college competition.

At that time, Long Shidu, as a representative of the trainer academy, participated in the academy competition, overwhelming geniuses from all over the world, and won the championship of the academy competition with absolute superiority.

However, because the Trainer Academy at that time was just a start-up, if it weren't for the strong personal strength of the first principal and the support of the Dragon Family, the Trainer Academy would not have the qualifications to participate in the Academy Competition.

Losing to such an unknown new school obviously made those old famous schools and influences very unconvinced, so some people inevitably mocked at the awards ceremony.

At that time, Long Shidu only said one sentence, he said: "I am here, if any of you are unconvinced and can defeat me, I will give up the championship!"

So most of the contestants launched a challenge. However, in front of Kuailong, who had used the secret skills of the Dragon King's magic power and was as strong as an elemental level, these challengers fell into the sand one after another. The main elves were either dead or disabled, and countless efforts were ruined.

So far, no one has questioned Long Shidu's position as the champion, and the title of the world's number one academy is worthy of its name.

After ten years, a similar situation appeared in front of Ayumi Inoue again.

The difference is that due to the tragic situation of the last session, the number of participants in this session of the Academy Tournament is smaller, and some other participants have lost the capital to challenge in the previous competition.

Weighing the pros and cons inwardly, the calm Ayumi Inoue just calmly glanced at one type of contestants, and said the famous words of Long Shidu ten years ago: "I am here, whoever is unconvinced and can beat me, I will do it!" Hand over the champion!"

"Ten years ago, what To-senpai could do, today, I, Ayumi Inoue, can do the same!"

She is trying to cross herself!Want to become another regional king!
Jingchuan Tiangong reminded: "Student Inoue, you have to think clearly, if you lose, then the champion who originally belonged to the Trainer Academy really does not belong to you."

"Ayumi!" Noriko Ando said quickly.

"Needless to say, I've made up my mind!" Ayumi Inoue interrupted Noriko Ando.

Ando Noriko's face was gray.

At this moment, she finally understood that even though she tried her best to win the championship for the academy, she still failed to protect it well.

It was Ayumi Inoue's own efforts and encounters that won the championship. It has nothing to do with the Trainer Academy. There is an essential difference here.

If it is really a student who is taught by the academy's painstaking efforts, even if it is an elemental class, it will not be so bold, completely ignoring the interests and face of the academy!

"What a big tone." Lang Chuanyi had a sarcastic expression on his face. He is a veteran strongman in Kanto, and of course he knows the name of Severe Winter, and even had a discussion with him before his death.

Namikawa resented Ayumi Inoue for ruining Takahashi Heiichi's main fire-breathing dragon, and at the same time knew that she was basically hopeless, so she had no scruples about exporting.

"It's not up to you whether you speak loudly or not. If you are not convinced, you can let Takahashi Heiichi continue to challenge me!"

Lang Chuanyi was dumbfounded.

Takahashi Heiichi's strongest fire-breathing dragon has been defeated, what challenge?Frog flower?

Although further hope has been lost, it has to be said that Ayumi Inoue's Bangira has surpassed 99% of the elves in this world.

"Okay, I'll challenge you! It's just a one-shot decision, and the number of elves is unlimited!" At the critical moment, Kitano Jasmine stood up without hesitation.

Among all the contestants, only she did not fully display her strength in the competition, and the suppressed dissatisfaction broke out at this moment.

"Okay, three days later, right here, I accept your challenge!" Ayumi Inoue agreed.

Her Bangira burst out the energy stored in the heart of ice just now because of the use of the nirvana, so she had to wait for a while to re-accumulate the energy.

"I want to try it too." The handsome young monk Kukai put his hands together and said calmly.

Master Wugui stood beside him, also with a calm expression on his face.

"No problem, who else!" Ayumi Inoue looked around.

Gao Qiaoping stared blankly, and looked at Yalang Shansi, who suddenly looked away with guilt.

"Since no one..."

"Wait a minute!" A voice suddenly sounded.

Long Yi stood up under heavy gazes, looked at Ayumi Inoue, and said with a smile: "If it's three days later, then I want to try it too."

"Try it, your limit."

Ayumi Inoue looked at him for a while, nodded, and agreed: "Okay, I am looking forward to your performance, junior."

"Me too!" Igarashi Kurosawa stood beside Long Yi and said with a serious expression.

Secret technique, secret technique, or secret technique!There are even nirvana!

He has heard this word so much since the game that his ears are almost callused.

Igarashi Kurosawa is really unconvinced, he wants to prove his own strength, and prove that his self-created 'death or life' is not weaker than any secret technique in the world!

Aren't all the secret skills or nirvana created by the predecessors?

Since they can do it, why don't I believe it!

Death or life, why can't it be a secret technique!

"Very good." Ayumi Inoue was a little angry, and it's okay for others to be unconvinced. I didn't expect that there were still two people in my academy who were unconvinced.

"Professor Daitokuji, Matsumoto-san also wants to challenge me?"

Dade Temple Wood shook his head in denial.

"Well, in three days' time, we will have a showdown!"

(End of this chapter)

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