Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 219 The Scary Serpent Yemengade!

Chapter 219 The Scary Serpent Yemengade!

On July [-]th, the gate of ghosts opens, and hundreds of ghosts travel at night.

At ten o'clock in the evening on July [-]th, Long Yi spent an hour finally moving the one hundred pictures of evil spirits and monsters and corresponding objects that he had drawn long ago from the dormitory to a dirt road crossing that is rarely visited by people.

These originally ordinary sundries have undergone incredible changes after this period of cultivation. For example, the snow representing the snow girl is icy cold, and it will not melt even if it is exposed to the sun; for example, the umbrella surface of the umbrella ghost An eye-shaped pattern appeared on the wheel; for example, a wooden tumor resembling a human head appeared in the center of the wooden wheel representing the wheel, and at night there would be red will-o'-the-wisps.

A hundred kinds of sundries, a hundred kinds of evil spirits, and a hundred kinds of abnormalities.

"Finally, it's July [-]th. Whether it's successful or not depends on tonight." Long Yi was wearing black short sleeves and trousers, standing on the side of the road and muttering to himself.

After working hard for more than 100 days, today is the time to receive the goods!
"Jilaqi, you said that this ceremony will not cause any harm to the Abo Snake." Long Yi asked.

Ever since Geng Gui was defeated in battle a few days ago and lost the phantom bell, Long Yi never locked Ji Laqi in the small black room again.

Ji Laqi, who was wearing a cartoon pajamas, had already had his little heart pounding by the strange situation in front of him, so he hid behind Long Yi and poked his head out to peek.

Hearing this, he quickly shook his head, and said in a waxy voice: "Master, I don't know about this either. I don't have any information about the secret technique in my memory."

Long Yi was speechless for a while: "Why don't you know anything?"

Ji Laqi's big watery eyes immediately filled with a layer of mist, he carefully pulled Long Yi's clothes corner, and said pitifully: "Oh~ but I really don't know about the master, master, you must not be ignorant." Take care of me, woo woo woo~"

"Okay, okay, don't cry, I didn't say to ignore you." Long Yi quickly comforted.

After finally persuading Ji Laqi, Long Yi saw more and more light in front of his eyes, and even some strange sounds and strange words gradually appeared, and finally made up his mind.

"Come out, Arbor Snake."

Lifting his hand, a circle of purple light formed on the palm, and a much longer Arbor snake appeared in front of Long Yi.

"Abo Snake, I have already told you about the dangers and benefits, are you sure you want to continue?" Long Yi finally confirmed.

Although a lot of efforts have been made for this, if Abo Snake refuses, Long Yi does not want to force it.

Without any hesitation, the oval snake's head of the Arbor snake nodded up and down, and then swam towards the pile of debris.

Next, it will hide in this pile of miscellaneous objects that symbolize ghosts and goblins, experience the night walk of ghosts in person, get in touch with the legendary gate that distinguishes the boundary between life and death-the gate of death terror, and use the method described in the witch ghost chapter to absorb the countless ghosts above. The fear left by the dead elves, life, and human beings over the years has condensed its own terrifying demon spirit.

Long Yi didn't know whether this process was easy or difficult, and whether it was dangerous, because the rune ritual he got didn't write about it.

Long Yi can do it, just watch Abo Snake leave, and then pray.

"Let's go."

He took Ji Laqi and walked away, watching from a distance.

As time went by bit by bit, the intersections piled up with debris became more bizarre, and all kinds of horrible, weird crying, roaring, and talking sounded one after another. Even though the distance was more than 1000 meters, Long Yi still felt his hair stand on end. , as if invisible terrifying monsters passed by him one by one.

59:59:[-] midnight.

As the second hand turned again, the time came to 12 midnight on July 0th, which is [-]:[-] am on July [-]th.

A loud sound came from afar, sonorous and clear, as if some kind of steel object was hit hard.

The loud noise is getting louder and more frequent.

There was a jerky door opening sound.

"Ah!" Ji Laqi screamed, an illusory wooden door appeared in front of him, he hurriedly opened the door and ran in.

Long Yi felt a strong sense of dizziness and fell to the ground.

a long time.

Long Yiyou woke up.

"Hiss~ my head." My head felt as uncomfortable as a hangover, and it seemed to be forcefully poured into a pile of paste, shaking violently.

Long Yi supported the ground and climbed up, shook his head vigorously, took a long rest before waking up.

"What happened, why did I faint?"

Looking at the time, it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

The strange scene at the intersection in the distance disappeared without a trace. Long Yi ran over together and found that there were strays all over the ground. All the pictures of ghosts were torn apart. The color of the ghost patterns on them was dull, as if they had been left for more than ten years and faded.

For other sundries, the snow has melted, there is a big hole in the umbrella, the wheel is split in two, the wooden fish is scorched and cracked, the wine jar is broken, and the wine is spilled all over the floor...

All items representing ghosts have been damaged!

"Hundred ghosts at night, is it over?" Long Yi was dumbfounded, and suddenly remembered his purpose, "Wait, where is Abo Snake!?"

With a sweep of his gaze, he immediately landed on a strange big snake.

It was a big black snake with a dragon head and a snake body, with raised fins on its back, dark gray scales on its abdomen, and jet-black scales on its body, as if shrouded in a layer of mist. It seemed that there was a frightened and terrifying picture on each scale. Unreal face.

This snake is extremely huge, Long Yi's Gyarados is already huge, but the big snake in front of him is even bigger than Gyarados, like a monster in myths and legends, thicker than a human waist, roughly estimated body length There are also two 30 meters.

Seeing this snake, Long Yi seemed to have seen the most terrifying creature in the world, every hair on his body stood on end, his heart was pounding, and the desire to survive from the most original life was constantly in his mind Roar, tell him to get away from this dangerous creature.

"This is...Abo Snake?" It took a lot of perseverance for Long Yi to hold back and not run away.

The big snake was still sleeping, breathing heavily and forcefully, and with each breath the surrounding black mist became thicker.


Long Yi called up the system panel, only to see that the information belonging to Abo Snake had changed beyond recognition.

2. Horror serpent: It was originally an ordinary Arbor snake. After communicating with the legendary gate of death terror through special secret skills, it mutated and evolved and became a terrifying serpent that mastered the power of fear.

Elven Race: Dread Serpent

Status: healthy (sleeping)
Age: 4 years old
Personality: indifferent

Talents: Fear of Fog, Huge Body, Fast Recovery

Fog of Fear: The mysterious mist permeating the gate of terror can evoke the deepest fear in the creature's memory and amplify it.

Huge body: The terrifying serpent is a giant creature. When fighting against large, medium and small creatures, physical attacks will cause crushing effects.

Quick recovery: By consuming body fat and energy, the scary snake can quickly recover from injuries, and can swallow prey to quickly replenish physical strength and energy when injured.

Intimacy: 255 (Life and death together)
Evolution progress: Poison energy 100%, Evil energy 100%, Normal energy 100%; Physique 100%.

Mutated evolution, scary big snake!
A series of data showed that Long Yi was short of breath, because there was no racial value to show, so Long Yi did not know what level the Arber Snake's evolved strength had reached, but the four 100% showed that it had reached the limit value of the race , I'm afraid it's much more submissive than the Gyarados.

Even stronger!
"Terror Serpent, Horror Serpent."

Knowing that it was Abo Snake, the fear in Long Yi's heart was suddenly swept away, and he sat down next to Abo Snake's head, stroking the black snake scales with his palm.

The head of the evolved Arbo snake has become a dragon head. Compared with the smooth snake scales on the body, the scales on the head are rougher and harder, and there are protruding bones, which look very fierce.

"Now that you've evolved, it's inappropriate to continue calling you Arbor Snake, and the Scary Serpent doesn't sound good either."

In Long Yi's mind, he recalled all the names suitable for the Arbor snake, the Japanese Yamato no Orochi is one, and the Western Hydra Hydra; the more famous ones in Chinese myths are Xiangliu, Jiuying, Ba Snake, and Teng Snake. Snake, the ouroboros Uroboros, which symbolizes infinity, and the serpent in Norse mythology learned by Marvel, the earthly python Yermungandr.

The first few are all hydras, which are more suitable for Matsumoto Xiaoxuan's Yachi. Long Yi mainly chooses between Ba Snake, Soaring Snake, Ouroboros and Yemengade.

"Ba Snake Tunxiang is characterized by its large size, but it does not reflect the characteristics of a terrifying big snake; Teng Snake is a snake with wings, which is not suitable; Ouroboros and Yemengade are both ouroboros, but Uroboros Ross is more inclined to the concept of infinity, the world, immortality, completeness, and wisdom, while Jormungandr is a symbol of the doomsday, and Thor, the god of thunder, was even killed in Ragnarok, which is more in line with the characteristics of the fearful incarnation of the terrifying serpent."

"It's decided, I'll call you Yemengard from now on!"

Long Yi's voice fell, and Abo Snake next to him... oh, no!It was Ye Mengjiade who just opened his eyes. After the outer eyelids were closed, a layer of transparent inner eyelids was drawn down, revealing the dark gold-backed snake eyes with pitch-black vertical pupils.

Yemengard straightened up, the bones of the neck stretched to the sides, revealing the scales on the abdomen with scary patterns.

It opened its mouth, neighing silently, and black venom was secreted from its two sharp fangs.

A huge black giant snake phantom appeared behind it. The phantom big snake was tens of meters high and hundreds of meters long. Behind it was a round dark space, and its appearance was exactly the same as that of the Arbor snake.

"This is... the eyes of the big snake?" Long Yi exclaimed, only then did he realize that the evolved image of the Abo snake is exactly the same as the phantom big snake that appeared after using the big snake to stare.

When the huge snake shadow landed on the island, all birds flew together and all beasts galloped, as if some great horror was about to come.

Secret Skill - Fear the Devil!
(End of this chapter)

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