Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 220 Combination nirvana - the brilliance of the Creator God!

Chapter 220 Combination nirvana - the brilliance of the Creator God! (Third update!)
July [-], sunny, no wind.

The battle dome, a brand new arena to replace the broken field that was previously torn apart by the battle between Benjira and the super charizard-although it is likely to be damaged by the battle today as well.

Ayumi Inoue, wearing a sleeveless vest with an exposed navel on her upper body and tight black shorts on her lower body, showed off her graceful figure and strode onto her own contest platform.

As the contestant platform rose to a high place, Ayumi Inoue glanced over the crowd who were either mocking, restless, calm, or adoring, and finally fell on a little loli standing beside Noriko Ando.

That's her daughter, Mayu Kamiyama!
"Come on, mom!" Xiao Mayou, dressed in a pink princess dress, worked hard to cheer for her mother.

Ayumi Inoue was gentle, skipped Mayu, and looked at today's four challengers.

Kitano Jasmine, Kukai Monk, Miyazaki Ryuichi and Igarashi Kurosawa.

"Which one of you will go first?" she asked, condescending and domineering.

"I'm coming!" Kitano Jasmine said first.

She wore a white floor-length dress, her face was delicate and her skin was fair, her long hair was draped behind her back, part of which was formed into a hair ring at the back of her head, exuding a fairy air.

Kitano Jasmine's pace is not as domineering as Ayumi Inoue, but elegant and calm, step by step up to another contestant's stage, and also rose to a high place.

"How do you want to fight?" Ayumi Inoue asked.

Kitano Jasmine replied: "I am not your opponent one by one, we will compare the ultimate move! One blow will determine the outcome. In this blow, both sides can use any number of elves to participate in the battle!"

Undoubtedly, this is the most suitable battle method for trainers in the Mijina Temple, which has always been known as the source of combination secret skills.

"Okay! That's it!"

Ayumi Inoue agreed without hesitation.

Ten years ago, Long Shidu was the same. No matter how unfavorable the event was to him, he took it and won it. The difference is that the more difficult the conditions are, the more injured the challenger's spirit will be after the match. weight, and even death.

Since Ayumi Inoue is more than a dragon, she must imitate the other party, and she has only one trump card, Benjira, whether it is a group fight or a one-on-one fight, there is actually no difference. If Bangira wins, she can win, and Benjira Radu lost, and the remaining elves couldn't affect the overall situation.

"Fight for me, Bangira!"

The north wind howled, the snow fell heavily, and the terrifying Bangira appeared again.

"Ah! It's Mommy's Bangira! Lala, look, it's your mom~" Xiao Mayu said while touching Yukira's head beside her.

Although Yukira is petite, as it grows, its weight will become heavier and heavier, even exceeding the weight of some adults. At this time, Mayu can no longer hold Yukira.

While Yukira helplessly slapped Mayu's little hand off his head, he waved his arms to cheer for its mother.

"Bangira, use your nirvana, the ice behemoth." Ayumi Inoue ordered.

The ice heart exploded inside Bangira's body, and the ice energy accumulated in the past three days gushed out violently, forming the figure of a giant ice and snow bear outside Bangira's body.

Afterwards, the ice armor appeared out of thin air and turned into thick bear skin.

The power of the windwalk turned into long bear hairs, fluctuating with the wind.

The giant bear opened its mouth, and the super ice arrow turned into sharp teeth.

Deep freezing forms muscles, tendons and bones, and is full of strength.

Finally, there is the domain of cold wind, which turns into a halo of ice, hiding deep and restrained.

Six secret skills, combined into one!The nirvana Ice Giant Beast reappeared in the eyes of everyone.

"No matter how many times I watch it, it still makes people feel so shocked, it is indeed a nirvana!"

"Is it just my illusion? Why does the giant bear feel much smaller this time?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and many people found that the size of the ice behemoth today is smaller than that of three days ago.

Inoue Ayumi was unmoved, the energy accumulated in the heart of ice directly affected the fighting power of the ice behemoth, three days could only allow Bangira to reach the bottom line of using nirvana, and of course the fighting power was not as good as last time.

But it doesn't matter!

After using the ultimate skill, the power of the ice heart directly forms another ice heart in the body of the ice behemoth. During the battle, it will continuously absorb the free spirits in the air faster than usual. With ice energy, the ice behemoth will only become stronger and stronger!

"Come on! Unleash your elves!"

Kitano Jasmine gracefully put a strand of hair that was blown by the wind behind her ears, and looked at Ayumi Inoue: "It's just a nirvana move, do you think it can make you invincible? Go, my elves!"

Bang bang bang bang!
Five elf balls flew into the sky at the same time.

Dragon Elf Fanged Land Shark!Ground and grass dual-line elf earth turtle!The electric elf shocks the monster!Grass elves are cunning tengus!Water Spirit Snorkeling Itachi!
Five elves appear on the stage at the same time, some are rebellious, some are thick and steady, some are tall and strong, some are vicious and cunning, some are noble and handsome, each with its own characteristics.

"Sharp-toothed land shark, use the Dragon Orb! Turtle, use the Earth Orb! Electric Shock Beast, use the Thunder Orb! Cunning Tengu, use the Grass Orb! Snorkeling Itachi, use the Water Orb!"

The Dragon Pearl is cyan and brilliant, the Earth Pearl is yellow and thick, the Thunder Pearl is golden and bright, the Grass Pearl is green and moistens the eyes, and the Water Pearl is blue and soft.

Five energy orbs appeared in front of the five elves. Bei Nai Jasmine took a deep breath, subconsciously swept Fang Lu Shark's back with slightly worried eyes, and sighed secretly in her heart.

It's a pity that the pointed tooth land shark has not yet evolved into a fierce biting land shark. This blow is not perfect, but fortunately, Bangira's state on the opposite side is not at its peak.

He also looked at the giant ice and snow beast on the opposite field. After a short while, the giant ice and snow bear seemed to grow a little bit bigger, and Kitano Jasmine suddenly became anxious.

Not good!What Lang Chuanyi said is true, the fighting power of the ice and snow monster will actually become stronger with the passage of time!
No more hesitation, Bei Nai Jasmine made a decisive decision, and quickly ordered loudly: "Attack! Combination of special attacks - the brilliance of the Creator God!"

The five elves activated at the same time, and the five energy beads burst out with a strong light of their own, and then flew into the sky together.

The blue of the dragon family!The yellow of the ground system!The gold of the electricity department!Grass green!The blue of the water system!
Five beads and five balls of light merged into a rainbow of five colors in the sky, crossed a perfect arc, and fell on the head of the giant ice and snow beast.

Combination nirvana - the brilliance of the Creator God!
Inoue Ayumi's face changed drastically.

It never occurred to her that the opponent also had a nirvana!

Seeing that the attack was about to fall, Ayumi Inoue quickly ordered: "Jump up Bangira, and kill the giant bear!"

The upper body of the giant bear made of ice and snow fell slightly, then its limbs became exhausted, and it jumped into the air suddenly, swinging its right bear paw towards the beautiful five-color rainbow.

Clang clang clang!
The bear claws formed by the power of five super ice arrows popped out, shining with an extremely sharp cold light.

The bear's paw fell, the bear's paw was sharp, and the cyan light in the five-color rainbow suddenly trembled, turning into countless cyan particles, dissipating and flying.

"Not good!" Kitano Jasmine yelled.

Creation God's Brilliance, the combo nirvana, was conceived by the Mijina Temple based on the combination of energy in the gem of life bestowed by the Creator God on human beings in ancient legends, in which water, grass, and ground are the basic essence, and the power of thunder and lightning Used to integrate the three and reconcile contradictions, the power of the dragon is the most important, and it is the increase!

But now, because the Fangtooth Shark is the weakest, it is holding back, and its integration with other forces is not enough, so its Dragon Orb was blown away by the giant ice and snow beast!

Losing the boost of the Dragon Orb, the size of the remaining four-color rainbow suddenly shrunk to about half, but at this time the ice and snow giant was also wide open because of the attack, and was about to be hit in the chest by the rainbow.

The halo of ice under his feet instantly flew up, covering the rainbow, and a layer of blue frost condensed on the shrinking rainbow, not only greatly reducing the speed, but also shrinking the body shape again.

Finally, the brilliance of the Creator God fell on the chest of the ice behemoth.

Countless bear hairs fluttered and danced, and the power of the rainbow was weakened by [-]%!
The bear skin made of ice armor is tough and reliable, and the power of the rainbow is [-]% weaker!

The deep-frozen muscles are strong and powerful, but the damage they cause is [-]% weaker!
After several times of weakening, the remaining rainbow finally blasted open the giant bear's chest, and Kitano Jasmine saw Bangira hiding in it, and saw the huge heart of ice beside it.

However, at this time Rainbow's power was exhausted and disappeared without a trace.

The Heart of Ice suddenly started beating like a normal heart. With each beat, the wound of the Ice Behemoth would heal by a fraction. Ten seconds later, the Ice Behemoth was completely healed and unscathed. At the beginning, I had to be a little smaller, and my shoulder height was only a little over two meters.


"I lost, I am convinced." Kitano Jasmine withdrew the elf and left decisively.

The nirvana Chuangshi Shen's brilliance is extremely powerful, but it only has the power of a single blow, and she is comparable to this blow.

Unfortunately, he lost in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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