Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 221 Purify the elements, embark on the journey!

Chapter 221 Purify the elements, embark on the journey! (fourth more)

"Do you need to rest?" Kukai monk came out.

After Kitano Jasmine failed, he would naturally be next.

Although Long Yi and Igarashi Kurosawa are eager to prove themselves, they will never take the lead in this situation and fight internally. That would be too hateful and unkind.

"How do you want to compare?" Inoue Ayumi did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

She needs to decide according to Monk Kukai's competition conditions. After all, although the ice behemoth has shrunk by a circle, most of its power is still there, which is harmless.

Kukai clasped his hands together, lowered his head slightly, and said, "One on one, fight with my Thorn Dragon King."

Inoue Ayumi couldn't believe it, and asked, "Is it the thorn dragon king?"

Kukai nodded: "It's the Thorn Dragon King."

Those who knew the inside story were speechless, and many people's eyes subconsciously fell on Long Yi.

During the qualifiers, Long Yi and Kukai had an underwater battle in classroom 77. Under the siege of countless crazy megalodon sharks, Long Yi's Gyarados defeated Kukai's Thorn King strongly.

Although the thorn dragon king is very strong, he doesn't know secret skills, at most it is only the strength of a first-class trainer.

However, now, in the face of Bangira, who possesses special skills and is infinitely approaching the element-level elves, Kukai proposes to use this thorn dragon king to fight one-on-one!
Who gave him confidence! ?
"Okay, I promise you! Do you want to change the venue?" Inoue Ayumi obviously meant that there was no need to compete another day.

At this time, the venue on the field is a standard battle venue, and the Thorn Dragon King is a water-type dragon-type elf, which is not suitable for going ashore to fight, so I have this question.

Unexpectedly, faced with this favorable and reasonable suggestion, Kukai still shook his head: "No need."

Although his face is calm, handsome and young, he looks harmless to humans and animals, but what he said gives off a kind of arrogance that is almost arrogant!

So Ayumi Inoue didn't say any more.

Ignoring the chattering crowd in the auditorium, Kukai took out his Poké Ball and threw it out.

Long Yi's familiar Thorn Dragon King appeared, spit out a ball of water hanging in the air, and jumped in by himself.

Regardless of size, color, and body shape, they are all exactly the same as last time. The only difference may be that the eyes of the Thorn Dragon King are much calmer than last time.

"Bangira, use..."

Ayumi Inoue was about to give an order, but Kukai spit out two words first.


There was a flash of light in the Thorn Dragon King's eyes, and an invisible wave spread out. The violent and ferocious Ice Bear suddenly froze, and there was a clicking sound from its body.


A series of cracks appeared on the body of the giant ice and snow beast, and then spread and expanded rapidly. In a blink of an eye, the lifelike giant ice bear turned into a giant ice crystal bear covered with cracks like spider webs.

There was a loud noise, and countless ice cubes exploded and flew. When the ice mist produced when the ice cubes shattered fell, the ice and snow monsters on the field had disappeared, leaving only Benjira standing there with a blank face.

"How is this possible!" Ayumi Inoue opened her eyes wide, her expression full of disbelief.

This is a nirvana!
nirvana!Not a secret technique!It's not an ordinary trick on the bad street! ! !
Just because of two words, was it broken?
what reason!
"Water gun." Kukai said again.

A water cannon thicker than a water cannon hit the dazed Bangira, and hit it against the wall at the edge of the venue. Then the huge impact directly destroyed the wall and hit the wall below the auditorium.

With just one blow, Bangira fell unconscious and lost the ability to fight!
Jingchuan Tiangong stood up suddenly, looking shocked and excited at Master Wuhui of Jingtu Temple.

Master Wugui smiled, clasped his hands together, and nodded slightly.

"Is it really an element?" Jingchuan Tiangong confirmed.

"Yes. That child combined his talent with the characteristics of elves to form a unique purification element. There are only two elves in this world with this element. One is his Thorn Dragon King, and the other is Suicune."

Who is Suicune?

Suicune is one of the Three Holy Beasts of Chengdu revived by Ho-Wang!Unique Legendary Pokémon in the world!Born to purify sewage!
People around were shocked when they heard Master Wuhui's words, Long Yi's feeling was particularly strong.

A few days ago, Kukai's Thorn King was fighting back and forth with his Gyarados.

A few days later, Benjira, who was undefeated and undefeated, was defeated by the Dragon King in the blink of an eye.

The contrast between them was too strong, and it also allowed Long Yi to see the gap between ordinary elves and elemental elves very clearly.

This is still the case that the Thorn Dragon King has not learned the secret technique!

Wouldn't it be even more terrifying when Kukai returned to the Pure Land Temple this time and learned the secret skill Suixinlian?
What if you learn the nirvana again?
Long Yi couldn't imagine.

Jingchuan Tiangong suddenly realized: "Purify the elements! I understand. Just now, the Thorn Dragon King used the power of the purification elements to remove the will of Bangira in the ice and snow behemoth, and turned the energy that made it into pure wandering energy. It caused the giant ice and snow bear to fall apart and disappear without a trace."

Ice is another form of water, and the Thorn Dragon King can get rid of impurities in water, so naturally it can also get rid of ice.

As for the water gun in the back, each of the unique moves of the plain elves will be amplified by the energy of the world, at least a few times and at most dozens of times. It is not uncommon to knock down Bangira with one blow.

The corner of Master Wuhui's mouth twitched slightly, he lowered his head to hide his emotions, and sighed in admiration: "Mr. Jingchuan is right."

With only one name, he guessed the effect of the purification element eighty-nine points, and the knowledge of Jingchuan Tiangong shocked Master Wuhui.

At this moment, Ayumi Inoue on the stage finally came to her senses.

"I... lost." She swayed a bit, and quickly grabbed the handrail to avoid falling.

I thought that I would be able to reproduce the glory of the Dragon King when I came back strong, but I didn't expect to be defeated so easily.

Inoue Ayumi felt that there were countless needle-like eyes on her at this moment, and countless gossips were chattering behind her back.

Arrogance is one of them, and more importantly, she lost the championship trophy that she had already received from the Trainer Academy!
She didn't know how she got back, and she didn't want to hear the voices around her, so she hugged her daughter Mayu tightly and cried silently.

Long Yi looked at Ayumi Inoue, heard countless accusations, took a deep breath, and stood up.

At this moment, the only thing he can do is to help Ayumi Inoue regain that trophy!

"Let me go first." Igarashi Kurosawa put his hand on Long Yi's chest and said seriously.

"Hei Ze..." Long Yi followed the sound and looked.

Kurosawa chuckled: "I don't know what your hole card is, Long Yi, but you should know mine."

He took a deep breath, and exhaled again heavily: "Element-level elf! My ears are callused, and I finally saw one today."

"Good! Very good! There is no one who can prove the value of my own unique trick better than this opponent!"

"As long as I can defeat this Thorn Dragon King, my unique technique 'Death or Life' will definitely be recognized as a new secret technique!"

"I, Igarashi Kurosawa, will be famous all over the world today! That Thorn Dragon King is my stepping stone!"

Master Wugui's face was ugly, Kurosawa's words were simply trampling on his disciple's face.

"Arrogance! Even if you really create a new secret technique, you won't be the opponent of the element-level Thorn Dragon King!"

"Hey, who knows." Kurosawa didn't care.

"Rep. Kyogawa, I'll challenge Kukai next." Kurosawa said, seeing Kyogawa Tengu nodding, he walked towards the aisle.

"Hei Ze!" Long Yi shouted towards his back.

"Huh?" Kurosawa turned back in doubt.

"come on!"

"Thanks." With a toothy grin, the strong and wise man started his journey again.

This road is high and the road is long!

This road is difficult!

This way, no one understands!

This way, I am proud of myself!

Kukai, here I come!

World, here I come!

Let the name of Igarashi Kurosawa spread throughout the world! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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