Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 225 Fearing Demons!

Chapter 225 Fearing Demons!

"The next one is the last one." Jingchuan Tiangong turned his head and looked over.

Long Yi stood up, brought a smile to the friends and lovers around him, and then walked down step by step.

He was wearing a black samurai suit today, the kind in the form of a robe, with no patterns, and a wide-brimmed white combat belt tied around his waist.

The red and white elf balls shrunk and were attached to the belt. He held a long samurai sword in his left hand, which was his demon sword——Mo Yan.

Long Yi walked down from the auditorium under the eyes of everyone, and passed by Hei Ze who was walking towards him, both of them raised their right hands and clapped hands.

"Are you sure?" Kurosawa asked.

Long Yi shook his head: "No."

Then the two passed by each other, Kuisawa returned to the stands, and Long Yi stepped onto the player's bench.

The platform mechanism was activated, and Long Yi was raised to a high place.

Looking away, the Thorn Dragon King on the field has dispersed most of the water flow, leaving only a water tank-sized ball floating in the air for himself to inhabit.

On the opposite platform, Kukai finally waited for Long Yi to take the stage, and asked impatiently: "How do you want to compare?"

Long Yi smiled.

After the official opening of the college competition, he had a little understanding of several participating forces. Among them, the name of Jingtu Temple represented its way of practice.

The practice method of Jingtu Temple is to use ancient and serious rules to calm people's minds, not to be disturbed by various messy thoughts, so that they can concentrate so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The disadvantage of this practice method is that the emotions and distracting thoughts of the practitioner are suppressed by the rules and habits. Once the mental state of the practitioner is broken, the body that has been suppressed before will produce an explosive emotional flood in a short period of time. , It's like an out-of-control flood after a dam breaks!

Kurosawa's efforts were not in vain, the song "Death or Life" just now was not only sung to the Thorn Dragon King, but also subtly affecting Kukai's heart.

Step by step hints, step by step integration, until the dragon king almost died, the difficult choice between the ups and downs and the flash of gambling at the last moment finally broke Kukai's mood left over from his life in Jodo Temple for more than ten years, and let him live for a short time. Guie has become a person who is more emotional than ordinary people and is more easily affected by his own emotions.

As for a trainer who is not calm, one can imagine the level he can perform.

Hearing Kukai's question, Long Yi smiled and said: "Let's compare, the power of my unique move! Let your Thorn Dragon King take my elf's move, next, you win; if you can't catch it, I win."

Long Yi intentionally stated the same competition conditions as Kurosawa.

Sure enough, upon hearing this sentence, Kukai's pupils visibly shrank, and a clear anger appeared on his face: "You really treat element-level elves as wild elves on the side of the road who can be bullied casually! Come on! Just let the horses come! "

"I'll do it if you don't say it." Long Yi smiled even wider.

Kukai looked even more annoyed, he walked up and down the platform irritably, whispering words that only he could hear, but it was obviously not a good thing.

The two sides agreed, even if the rules have been set.

Long Yi didn't go to pick up the ten poke balls hanging around his waist, but raised his right hand, with the palm facing Kukai, five fingers spread out.

"Huh?" Kukai was taken aback.

"Come out!"

A purple-black light circle appeared in Long Yi's palm, and then quickly enlarged, and soon expanded to a height of more than three meters. It was oval and black, as if a door to another dimension had been opened.

"My elf, Jormungandr!"

hold head high!
A terrifying roar resembling a dragon chant came from the purple-black portal, and then a dragon head the size of a water tank emerged from it, followed by a long, waist-thick snake body.

"This is!"

"This elf!"

Kukai stepped back a few steps, and didn't react until his back hit the guardrail behind him, Junxiu's face flushed red.

At that moment just now, he inexplicably felt a sense of fear for no reason, as if he recalled some kind of terrible memory when he was a child, which had been self-sealed by his brain!
Not only Kukai, but almost [-]% of the audience couldn't help standing up and looking at the huge and terrifying snake on the field.

"This snake..." Jingchuan Tiangong didn't know how many times he was surprised today, but he swore that this was definitely the strongest one.

He had seen this snake before!
No, it can't be said that he saw it, because what he saw at that time was not a real giant snake, but just a phantom of a giant snake.

"What kind of elf is it! Why is it exactly the same as the spirit behind Juzi's ancient Arbor monster when he used the secret technique of fearing demons!"

In fact Yemengjia didn't have to be so troublesome to appear, as long as Long Yi moved his mind, it could appear anywhere within ten meters around Long Yi.

The reason for doing this is that Long Yi is not very clear about the upper limit of Ye Mengjia's ability, just in case to maximize the chance of winning.

Such a cool and domineering way of appearance is naturally shocking and impressive, especially the particularity of Jormungandr itself can make people feel fear involuntarily.

It crawled out of the portal little by little, and the fear in the hearts of all those who saw this scene increased little by little.

The onlookers were fine. Kukai and Thorn Dragon King, who were specially targeted by Yemengard, were so intensely afraid that they were almost hallucinating.

Finally, Yemengard's nearly 30-meter-long body emerged completely from the portal, coiling up into a mountain of snakes, occupying a small half of the field, with his head raised high, overlooking the Thorn Dragon King and Kukai on the opposite side.

The purple-black halo in front of Long Yi suddenly disappeared.

It's now!

Long Yi didn't wait, his previous series of layouts were aimed at this moment: "Jomungard, use the dread demon!"

hold head high!
Yemengarde opened his neck ribs, revealing the penetrating black and white pattern.It suddenly opened its snake kiss, swallowed it down, and let out a terrifying roar.

A huge purple-black halo that was a hundred times larger than before appeared behind Yermengard. In the black mist, two star-like golden eyes lit up, and then a terrifying snake exactly like Yermengard appeared, making the same move. The posture of biting down.


With a plop, the water polo wrapped around Thorn Dragon King's body suddenly exploded, and the latter rolled his eyes and fell to the field, his unconscious body still twitching.

Kukai's handsome face twisted into an ugly chrysanthemum, with tears streaming down his face, he raised his right hand and pointed at Yermungandr on the field as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. ' After a sound, he fell limply, and even the hem of the monk's robe slowly seeped water stains.

"This feeling……"

"This figure!"

"It's the black shadow that appeared on the island the night before yesterday!"

A scream sounded from the auditorium, and the students and teachers who were watching finally recovered from the shock. Almost everyone remembered the night when they were awakened by inexplicable terror in their sleep. The man even pointed at the phantom behind Yemengard and talked nonsense.

Jingchuan Tiangong's right hand trembled slightly. He subconsciously turned his back and grabbed it firmly with his left hand. The strength of his right hand even made the skin of his right hand turn pale.


"This is a fearsome demon at the nirvana level!"

(End of this chapter)

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