Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 226 23 things after the game

Chapter 226 Anecdotes After the Match

Trainer Academy, Intensive Care Unit of the Medical Department.

The Thorn Dragon King was placed in a glass fish tank, lying on the bottom of the tank with his eyes turned white, and would twitch from time to time.

Beside it, monk Kukai sleeping on a hospital bed.

One person and one pet have some magnetic disks attached to their chests and brains, which are connected to the equipment next to them, monitoring heartbeat, brain waves and other vital data.

At this very moment, Master Wuhui was wearing a yellow-red monk's robe, clasping his hands outside the door, bowing his head and chanting silently.

"Why don't you wake up, is something going to happen?" Noriko Ando walked back and forth outside the door anxiously, there were Jingchuan Tiangong, Ryuichi, Igarashi Kurosawa and others present.

Some elves will be killed or injured in every college competition, which is actually not a big problem, but if the life of a contestant is in danger during the competition, the situation is completely different.

After all, although the participants in the competition are elite colleges from various colleges, the elves can be subdued after death, and it is not easy to find such a good seedling after death.

And Kukai's situation is even more special than before, his Thorn Dragon King is not an ordinary elf, but a genuine element-level elf!
This one alone is worth as much as a dozen Kuailong!
Even if something happened to this elf, the Trainer Academy would be hated by the Jingtu Temple, and Noriko Ando couldn't help being in a hurry.

"Lucky Egg, use Healing Wave!"

A green ball of light was suspended in the ward, spreading out circles of green ripples, but the Thorn Dragon King and Kukai were in the ripples, but there was no sign of waking up.

"There is nothing wrong with the vital signs, but consciousness is in a coma and seems to be resisting waking up."

In the ward, the doctors of the alliance medical team who followed Jingchuan Tiangong looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Try it again, use the healing bell." A female doctor suggested.

"That's the only way to do it."

Different healing skills have different characteristics. For example, raw eggs are good at replenishing physical strength; healing fluctuations are good at healing trauma; aromatherapy is good at healing psychological problems; healing ringtones are good at healing spiritual trauma.

So another doctor released a wind chime and used the healing bell, but it still had no effect.

The others suddenly lost their minds.

Although they are a world-class medical team, only the oldest elf has the secret healing skills, and the others are only good at ordinary treatment, and they are helpless in the face of the strange injuries caused by this nirvana.

After all, healing elves are much rarer than ordinary elves, and medical secrets are a hundred times more precious than ordinary secrets!
"I can't help it, go ask Dr. Shanchuan." The deputy director of the team made a decision and went out to make a phone call.

At the same time, Jingchuan Tiangong and Long Yi were talking in the corridor outside the door.

"Did you know that the dread demon used by your elf before has reached the level of nirvana!" Jingchuan Tiangong said surprisingly.

Long Yi was shocked.


That is a super unique move known as a one-hit kill, an existence above secret skills!
Before today, Long Yi was still an ordinary trainer who didn't even have a secret skill, but now, the elf in his hand has learned a special move?

"Are you serious?" Long Yi couldn't believe it.

Check out the other nirvana he knows.

Ayumi-senpai's ice and snow behemoth requires the combination of six secret skills: Wind Walk, Super Ice Arrow, Cold Wind Domain, Ice Heart, Ice Armor, and Deep Freeze to form a nirvana!

Bei Nai Jasmine's brilliance of the Creator God also requires the combination of five unique secret skills of Dragon Pearl, Thunder Pearl, Earth Pearl, Grass Pearl, and Water Pearl to take shape.

And what about Jormungandr's dreaded demons?

It can be used by itself, and the speed is very fast. No matter how you look at it, it looks more like a secret trick than a nirvana!
And the German grandfather who gave him the secret book also said that this is a secret skill training method.

But Jingchuan Tiangonggui is a member of the alliance with real power and knowledge, he said that it is a nirvana, it seems that there is no need to deceive Long Yi.

Long Yi couldn't figure it out.

Jingchuan Tiangong explained: "The fear demon is a secret skill, but your elf... um, you call it Yemengard? When it is used, its power has reached the level of a special skill, even stronger than I have seen an element-level elf that uses this move is even more powerful!"

Jingchuan Tiangong didn't say one more thing, that is, in his feeling as a person who has seen two kinds of dreaded demons, it seems that Long Yi's dreaded demon of Yermungand is more authentic, while Chrysanthemum's ancient one is more authentic. The dread demons used by Aber monsters now look like pirated copies and fakes.

But Jingchuan Tiangong had confirmed with Juzi through the satellite phone before, that the dread demon in Longyi's hand came from Juzi, both of them practiced the same secret technique, and even the cultivation method was exactly the same.

"Did you not follow the cheats in the process of cultivation?"

Long Yi thought for a while, then shook his head: "Impossible, this is the only secret skill I know, how dare I change it randomly, it is completely done according to the secret book."

After thinking hard, he couldn't think of a reason, so Long Yi simply stopped thinking about it: "I don't know why there is such a change, but it should be a good thing."

After all, it has been upgraded from a secret skill to a nirvana!

"In the long run, it's true." Jingchuan Tiangong said, "But it won't be so in the short term."

You know, the nirvana is called a one-hit kill, but it can kill even element-level elves!

Long Yi used his nirvana on Kukai and his Elemental Assassin Dragon King in full view. Although it was an unintentional mistake due to knowledge, it is also true that the latter two have been unconscious until now.

"It's okay if Kukai and Thorn Dragon King can be rescued, but if you can't, you will be in trouble." Jingchuan Tiangong said.

Long Yi's heart was suddenly clouded.

There is not only the apprehension of being oppressed by the huge power of Jingtu Temple, but also the unbearable feeling that I might accidentally kill an innocent person.


Not long after, an old doctor in his 80s walked into the ward with the support of a female nurse.

"Doctor Shanchuan!"

"Doctor Shanchuan, I'm sorry to trouble you again." The other doctors greeted each other.

Dr. Shanchuan waved his hand, and with the support of the female nurse, he walked to Kukai's side, opened his eyelids, and only saw the whites of his eyes.

He did some simple examinations, and then listened to the other doctors explain the situation, then nodded: "It is indeed a tricky condition, but fortunately, my secret technique is good at curing it."

After speaking, he took out a friend ball made of orange fruit, and released a Pokkisi.

The white Pokkisi is a symbol of kindness and peace. It rubbed against Dr. Shanchuan so affectionately, and its voice was so gentle that it almost melted your heart.

"Good boy, good boy." Dr. Shanchuan stroked Pokkisi gently.This Pokkisi has been with him for more than 40 years, but unfortunately he is old and will leave it at some point.

"Use Radiant Healing on that child." Dr. Yamakawa pointed to Kukai on the hospital bed.

Pokkisi nodded and spread his wings, exuding pure white light all over his body.

The white light was gentle and not dazzling, and gradually became stronger, then rushed up into the air, made a bend and landed on Kukai.

White elves are flying and singing around the beam of light. They look like angels in legends. They look like miniature babies with a pair of wings. They have no clothes and hold harps, flutes, bows and arrows, etc. in their hands. Toys that spin and dance.

Radiant Healing, a therapeutic secret technique specially used to heal mental trauma!

Under the white light, Kukai's originally hideous, distorted expression of gnashing his teeth gradually calmed down, and his breathing became even and long.


"As expected of Dr. Shanchuan's secret healing technique, no matter how many times you watch it, it's still amazing!"

The others suddenly became excited, which was an effect that they had worked hard for an hour before!
However, suddenly, Kukai's expression in the white light became frightened and distorted again, and a trace of black smoke filled his nostrils, ears, and mouth, forming a small illusory and terrifying serpent, which swallowed a nearby little angel in one bite.


Pokkisi was shocked, everyone was shocked!

The rest of the little angels ran away crazily because their companions were eaten, but they couldn't stay away from the surroundings of the white light, and could only be eaten one by one by the big black snake.

With the death of the angel, the color of the white beam of light became increasingly dim. When the last little angel died, Pokkisi suddenly let out a muffled grunt, leaving a line of blood at the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be seriously injured.

"This..." Dr. Shanchuan was dumbfounded. He had never seen such a weird, dangerous and stubborn secret technique in his decades of practice.

After eating all the little angels, the illusory and terrifying snake became so humanized that it roared and threatened the crowd, then dispersed into a cloud of black smoke, and burrowed into the seven orifices of the sea again.

Visible to the naked eye, there was a trace of black air floating on Kukai's face, and his situation seemed to be more dangerous than it was at the beginning.

It's getting worse!
"Hey, let's go out." Dr. Shanchuan shook his head and put Pokkisi away.

"But Doctor Shanchuan, this disease..." a doctor hesitated.

If it can't be cured, the reputation of their treatment team will be ruined!

"If it can't be cured, it won't be cured. If it continues to be cured, the child's life may be gone!" Dr. Shanchuan scolded.

Afterwards, regardless of the other people who looked ugly, they walked out first.

"Doctor!" Noriko Ando immediately greeted her, followed by Master Wugui.

Dr. Shanchuan shook his head: "This kid and his elf's tricks are too powerful, we can't do anything about it."

Noriko Ando's face turned pale. Master Wugui used force with his fingers, and a string of Buddhist beads in his hand broke, and the beads made of sandalwood were scattered all over the floor.

Dr. Shanchuan continued: "In my opinion, there are only two ways to cure this child."

"Which two?"

"First, find the legendary elves such as Suicune, Ho-oh, Cresselia, and Shaymi, and ask them to help treat them."

"Second." Dr. Shanchuan looked at Master Wuhui, "Look for a trainer who has elements of healing and secret healing skills, and is also good at spiritual healing. For example, Master Liaosheng from your temple."

Master Liaosheng is an element-level trainer in the Pure Land Temple who is two generations higher than Master Wuhui. He is 91 years old this year.

In the Pure Land Temple, the master refers to the status, and the dharma name refers to the seniority.

For example, Kukai is of the generation of Kongzi, even if he becomes Master Kukai, who has the same status as Master Wugui, but in terms of seniority, he is still inferior.

As for Master Liaosheng, his seniority is two generations higher than that of Master Wuhui, and now the abbot of Jingtu Temple always calls him uncle when they see him!
"I see, thank you Dr. Shanchuan." Master Wuhui said, looking at Jingchuan Tiangong.

Jingchuan Tiangong said decisively: "The condition is urgent, Master can leave on my boat tonight."

After a pause, he said again in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "If it really doesn't work, you can go to Kanto to ask Granny Juzi for advice."

Master Wuhui shrank his pupils, glanced at Long Yi quietly, and nodded.

The fear demon is the unique secret skill of the hag Juzi, and it is impossible for Jingchuan Tiangong to say the treatment method, and he himself does not know.But Long Yi's secret skill comes from Ju Zi's information, which can not only make friends with Jingtu Temple, but also make him jealous of Long Yi, not daring to retaliate at will, killing two birds with one stone.

That night, Master Wuhui took Kong Hai and his Assassin Dragon King to leave overnight on the boat of Jingchuan Tiangong. The well-deserved protagonist at the banquet, the idol in the hearts of countless students.

Misa Takagi sat below, looking at Long Yi who was the focus of attention on the stage, her heart ached slightly.

Obviously the two sides have become closer, but she felt in her heart that the distance between the two was getting farther and farther.

It was like two ordinary students, one of whom suddenly became a big star, while the other was still an ordinary student.

A gap called status is forming between the two.

"Long Yi..." Meisha closed her eyes, but she couldn't connect the boy who firmly remembered all her hobbies and always touched her just right, with the dazzling person on the stage.

"Why do you become so good, but I'm still so ordinary?"

She smelled herself in her heart, her wine red eyes were full of confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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