Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 227 Mind Labyrinth, White Elephant Carrying Buddha!

Chapter 227 Mind Labyrinth, White Elephant Carrying Buddha!
Chengdu, Jingtu Temple, Buddhist halls.

The travel-stained Master Wugui sat down on a futon with a serious face, his upper body straightened, and told the story of what happened on the trainer's island.

"Kukai and Thorn Dragon King have been in a coma since they were hit by the fearful demon. Doctor Shanchuan thinks that Uncle Shengshi can revive them, so I kindly ask the host for approval."

Master Wugui bowed deeply while saying that.

The room is covered with beige checkered tatami mats, and a low table is placed in the center, with a tower-shaped incense burner above it, and white smoke is curling up.

A monk wearing a black undershirt and a golden-red cassock was facing away from Master Wuhui, copying a Buddhist scripture stroke by stroke with a brush. .

This monk is now the abbot of Jingtu Temple, the largest temple in Chengdu, Jue Yuan!

Jueyuan presided over the writing of a page of Buddhist scriptures, put down the pen, and spit out a word: "Yes."

Then a wooden sign carved from fragrant pear wood flew up from the wall and fell into the hands of Master Wuhui.

"Thank you for hosting!"

Master Wugui thanked him, and stepped back out of the Buddhist hall step by step, watching the two wooden doors close in front of his eyes, isolating that generous figure from the world again.

Master Wugui watched for a while, then turned and left.


After receiving Jueyuan's presiding order, Master Wuhui immediately asked people to carry the Dragon King and Kong Hai to the back mountain of Jingtu Temple.

Master Liaosheng is old, and he came to live in Houshan more than ten years ago. He has never stepped out of Houshan in the past ten years. The relics left by him after his death will also be enshrined in the Houshan Pagoda Forest.

Half an hour later, Master Wuhui finally met the legendary Uncle Liaosheng.

The 91-year-old Master Lisheng has a large skeleton.

However, he is very thin, very thin, so thin that a set of monk clothes seems to be put on a wooden bamboo pole, and there is not a piece of plump flesh on his age spot and wrinkled face, as dry as a skeleton covered with a layer of skin .

When Master Wugui saw it for the first time, he was taken aback by the appearance of Master Sheng. It was hard to imagine that such an old man who looked like a living dead would be the world's top elemental healer. Maybe this was why he decided to move to the back mountain One of the reasons for living.

Thinking wildly in his heart, on the surface, Master Wuhui was so respectful that he performed junior etiquette to Master Sheng, and then explained his purpose of coming.

"Oh, it's the horror demon." Liao Sheng said, his voice was hoarse and dry, as if two rough pieces of wood were rubbing against each other, and he spoke very slowly, jumping out word by word.

Fearing demons is the famous stunt of hag Juzi. Although it is not unique, there are very few people in this world who know this secret skill.

Due to her advanced age in recent years, and the fact that she has a strong reputation and does not need a new record to prove herself, the number of times Hag Chrysanthemum has shot has become less and less, and many of the new generation of strong people have never even heard of the fear of demons. title.

But Master Liaosheng is different. He is a round older than Juzi. When Juzi first debuted, Master Sheng was already a world-renowned master of element-level healing.

Because its own elements and secret skills are good at healing mental trauma, and at that time, Juzi became famous after ten years of hard training, it was time to challenge all kinds of old masters everywhere, and many people came to seek it after their elves were injured. Therefore, Master Liaosheng is no stranger to the secret technique of fearing demons.

He explained: "The Dread Demon is a special secret technique for the hidden fears deep inside. Everyone has their own fear, and the Dread Demon can dig it out from the deepest part of your mind and amplify it to form a The maze of the mind traps consciousness, causing a vegetative effect."

This is the case with Kukai and Thorn Dragon King at this time, their own wills are trapped in the maze of the mind, and the consciousness and body are separated, making it impossible to wake up.

Master Liaosheng continued: "Many unsteady people and elves will be tortured by their own fears and go crazy if they are trapped for a period of time, and it will be too late to wake them up; It is basically impossible to get out of the maze of the mind with one's own strength, because only oneself is the one who understands oneself best, not to mention that the maze of the mind also has the power increase of the dread demons."

"Over time, either the consciousness collapses, or the body dies, or is awakened by someone."

"Therefore, unless there is a special secret technique that can build a spiritual defense system, the fear demon secret technique can almost be said to be invincible in one-on-one combat, which is why it is one of the top secret techniques."

Fearing demons is a very terrifying secret technique, but it is not very difficult to save people or elves who have been hit by fearing demons.

The easiest way is to find a way to rescue the will trapped in the maze of the mind.

Master Liaosheng has done this before, and he intends to do so this time.

"Go, call my white elephant."

Next to him, a practicing monk who was in charge of taking care of Master Sheng nodded in response: "Yes, Grand Master Uncle."

"White Elephant!" Master Wuhui's eyes lit up, his expression excited.

Today, there are four holy beasts in Jingtu Temple, namely white elephant, green lion, roc and colorful deer.

These four elves can be said to be the signs of the Pure Land Temple, and their status is like the Phoenix King enshrined in the Lingling Pagoda, the overlord of Chengdu, although the strength of the Phoenix King is much stronger than these four holy beasts.

Master Wugui's generation is alright, for those in Kukai's grade, they almost grew up listening to the legends of the Four Sacred Beasts!
For this legendary elf that he was about to meet, Master Wugui was in a firm state of mind and his complexion was a little rosy.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from behind the house, and the young monk with a calm face led the way, and then a white elephant turned around the corner of the room, appearing in the eyes of Master Wuhui and his disciples.

This is an ivory pig, but it is completely different from ordinary ivory pigs.

The white elephant in front of Master Wuhui's eyes was much slimmer than the chubby figure of ordinary ivory pigs, and was closer to the appearance of ordinary elephants.His long brown hair turned as white as snow, but even the hair on his four hooves was not stained with any stains.

The iconic ivory of the ivory pig is much shorter on the white elephant, and has changed from two to six, three on each side, close together.

If it weren't for the iconic pig-like short nose and the tangled tuft of long hair on the face, Master Wuhui really couldn't connect the white elephant with the ivory pig.

"Is this the white elephant?" Master Wuhui murmured.

He could feel that as the white elephant approached, his heart instantly calmed down. Those big eyes, which were different from those of ivory pigs, seemed to have reassuring power. It seemed that all troubles and fears would be wiped out by the owner cover for you.

This is the essence of the white elephant - holiness!
In the eyes of scientists, white elephants, white tigers, white foxes, and white crows that occasionally appear in nature are just suffering from rare albinism. However, in the eyes of practitioners, these animals and elves are symbols of purity and peace. .

The power of the mind can affect the material. In this world, what is manifested is that the white elephant has enlightened the holy elements.

From the moment after the civilized element, no matter what it looked like before, it will really be a symbol of holiness in the future.

Master Liaosheng sat on the mat and raised his hand with difficulty to caress the white elephant's thigh.

He is too old to move, and the white elephant has a long lifespan.

In recent years, Master Liaosheng has never seen a white elephant, the purpose is to reduce the latter's sadness when he leaves.

The white elephant lowered its head and let out a mournful cry.

"Idiot, idiot." Master Liaosheng shook his head, patted the white elephant's thigh lightly, pointed to the unconscious Kukai and Thorn Dragon King and said, "Go, old friend, take them out of the maze come out."

The white elephant nodded, its wisdom was much higher than that of many elves.

So the white elephant walked over step by step, and the white color on its body became brighter every step it took, until the whole body was emitting a hazy white light from the inside out.

The white elephant raised its head and let out a long cry, and the white light on its body became more dazzling. An illusory white elephant phantom appeared behind it. It looked slimmer than its body, with hairless white skin, a long trunk, and no facial hair. That prickly bristle.

On the back of the phantom white elephant, there is a luan ride, and a figure with a vague face sits cross-legged on it, seemingly wearing a monk's robe.

Elements - holy!
Secret technique - White Elephant Carrying Buddha!
The hunchbacked white elephant phantom ran, and split into two halfway, one headed towards the empty sea, and the other headed towards the Thorn Dragon King.

Two clouds of black smoke gushed out from the seven orifices of Kukai and Thorn Dragon King almost at the same time, but before they condensed into the phantom of the terrifying big snake, they were smashed into pieces by the white elephant, but the phantom of the two white elephants also disappeared without a trace at the same time .

"This..." Master Wuhui looked at Master Sheng, who closed his eyes in exhaustion.

"Wait," he said.

(End of this chapter)

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