Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 228 Water Monarch Phantom, the Gate of Death Terror!

Chapter 228 Water Monarch Phantom, the Gate of Death Terror!
Master Liaosheng closed his eyes, and the white elephant also closed his eyes.

It uses one mind and two purposes, completely devoting itself to the secret technique of Baixiang Carrying Buddha.

The moment the black mist was smashed away, Bai Xiang's will forcefully broke through into the maze of the mind with the help of secret skills and the power of elements.

Everyone's mind labyrinth is different. In Bai Xiang's eyes, Thorn Dragon King's mind labyrinth is a dark deep sea area, where nothing can be seen.

Dark, silent, lonely.

This is the labyrinth of the Thorn Dragon King's mind, and there is a huge fear hidden in the deepest part of his heart, which may not even be discovered by the Thorn Dragon King himself.

The white elephant with a misty white light on its body stands at the bottom of the water, like the only light source in the boundless darkness, it is really eye-catching.

A ray of light flew out from the fingertips of the figure on the white elephant's back, heading straight in one direction.

The white elephant is familiar with the road and walks along the light. Its owner has studied the fear of demons for many years. From the very beginning, he was unable to do so, and later he was able to do it with ease. This secret technique of white elephant carrying Buddha is specially created for this purpose. .

Even the ghost Juzi and Jingchuan Tiangong didn't know about this point. It was Master Liaosheng's hole card, and he had never used it when healed outsiders since he created it.

On the other hand, Kukai's mind labyrinth is different from that of Thorn Dragon King.

It was a forest, and it was inaccurate to say that it was a forest, because a maze wall stood windingly in the middle of the forest, as if a maze had been built in the forest.

Kukai had a horrible experience when he was a child. Although he was young at the time and could no longer remember this event, his brain recorded the fear at that time and sealed this memory.

Now, the seal is broken, and the fear returns.

The figure on the back of this white elephant also emits a guiding white light, but the white light penetrates the wall, which the white elephant itself cannot do.

And in this maze of the mind, flying is not allowed, jumping height cannot exceed the height of the maze wall, it is impossible to take shortcuts.

White Elephant had no choice but to give up walking in a straight line and let the white light guide the best route instead, advancing step by step in the maze.

The Dragon King's mind labyrinth is dead and empty, but Kukai's mind labyrinth is full of dangers. There are often elves hiding in the walls, trees, and underground to launch surprise attacks. Although the white elephant is powerful along the way, it is inevitable that scars will gradually appear.

Finally, after going through untold hardships, the white elephant finally came to the center of the maze.

In Kukai's spiritual labyrinth, there is a towering giant tree in the center, which is indescribably tall, big, majestic, and magnificent.

Looking at it, you will have the illusion of seeing the origin of life, as if all the life in this world was first passed down from this tree.

This is a world tree!

Under the World Tree, Kukai curled up and fell asleep, sleeping in the 'arms' of a phantom of Suicune.


The moment the white elephant stepped into the range of the World Tree, the Suicune phantom suddenly raised its head, opened its eyes, and its eyes were shining brightly, not at all like the eyes that a translucent phantom should have.

Through it, White Elephant seemed to see the legendary dream elf, Suicune, who was purifying sewage on a lake thousands of miles away!
At the same time, the other incarnation of the white elephant roaming in the labyrinth of the Thorn Dragon King's mind finally saw the target of the trip - the sleeping Thorn Dragon King and a phantom of Suicune beside him.

Two labyrinths, eight eyes, facing each other at this moment, the eyes representing the two wills understand each other's thoughts in a special way, and penetrate the intention of coming.

The two white elephants honked, and they were planning to wake up the will of Kukai and Thorn Dragon King, but since Suicune's consciousness is there, there is no need to do anything extra.

The two Suicune phantoms carried Kukai and Thorn Dragon King on their backs and came to the white elephant.

The frightening thing about the dreaded demons is that after being trapped in the maze of the mind, it is basically impossible to get out on their own.

Don't look at the white elephant walking all the way, there are traces to follow, but in fact, no matter whether it is the forest maze of Kukai or the deep sea maze of King Thorn Dragon, there is no exit.

That is to say, even though Kukai and Spiny Dragon's will is still awake and capable of overcoming various difficulties in the maze, they still cannot get out.

Only elves like Bai Xiang who have special secret skills and are strong enough can enter and exit the maze of the mind.

[Get ready, I will try my best to open the channel, and I will leave the rest to you. 】Bai Xiang conveyed this thought with his eyes.

Suicune Xuying nodded.

In this special space, they can communicate easily without words.

tata tao~
The strong right front hoof scratched the ground, the white elephant lowered its head and slammed forward.

A layer of dense white light enveloped the two phantoms of white elephants, turning them into a mass of moving white meteors.


In the seemingly empty place, suddenly there was a sound like glass breaking, and then the white elephant rushed out of a deep passage in the void. At the end of the passage, you can see the picture of Kukai and Thorn Dragon King in reality.

【give it to you! 】

The white elephant turned back, and then turned into countless light spots to maintain the passage, and the white elephant in reality opened its eyes.

The two Suicune phantoms didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately rushed up the passage with Kukai and Dragon King on their backs.


The exit is so close that Suicune can even see the tiny features on Kukai's face in the picture.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A door fell down, blocking the passage.

This is an ancient bronze gate, carved with countless human faces, beast faces, elf faces, some happy, some painful, some disappointed, some joyful, some sweet, some hated, some crazy, There are pious ones.

Faces with various expressions were engraved on the bronze gate, and a thick layer of black mist enveloped the entire gate. Ghost-like human faces, animal faces, and elf faces appeared all the time in the black mist.

Joy, anger, sorrow, love, and evil desires.

Countless faces are generated every moment, and countless faces disappear every moment.

On it, you can find all the feelings in the world, whether they are positive or negative, sincere or exaggerated.

The door frame of the gate was carved into the shape of a giant snake connected end to end. The position where the snake's head bites the snake's tail is directly above, and two citrine-like crystals act as the eyes of the giant snake.

While running, Suicune's feet brushed against the passage maintained by the light spots and came to a near stop, looking at the door with a terrified expression.

The door of terror!
The legendary gate that separates the boundary between life and death!
In the elf world, it is the gate of the bitter swamp that houses the souls of the dead, similar to heaven, territory, and the underworld!
This is the natural enemy of all demons and ghosts!

And what is Suicune?
Suicune was originally an ordinary elf who died in the fire at the Bell Tower, and then was revived by the divine beast Fengwang, endowed with the power to purify sewage, and became one of the world-famous three holy beasts in Chengdu.

This is not the so-called sacred beasts such as the blue lion, white elephant, roc, and colorful deer in the Pure Land Temple, but a title commonly recognized by several major regions.

Suicune is the incarnation of the north wind and the protector of nature.It is kind-hearted and powerful. It has rescued countless human beings, and its lifespan is almost endless. Unlike Rogia and the Three Holy Birds, it will suffer from birth, old age, sickness and death.

This is the only existence in the world!
Yet that is the human perception.

From the perspective of the Gate of Terror, what is Suicune?
Suicune is a dead but alive alien species, a virus that deserves to die but is not dead, and seriously interferes with the normal death of other lives!
It is a mistake that must be corrected!

Grimgate and Bitter Swamp don't have sentience, but they have rules.

Long Yi's Yemengard had a bit of a bitter swamp atmosphere due to the secondary plane developed by the system, so when he was cultivating fear demons, he was judged as his own by the Death Terror Gate, not only did he mutate and evolve into an ancient The terrifying serpent that guards the gate of terror even now has a trace of authority over the gate of terror.

Why is Yermungandr's dread demon so powerful, reaching the level of a nirvana?
Because Chrysanthemum's ancient Abo Snake was an outsider and a thief when he was cultivating fear demons, he could only steal a little bit of the fear mist on the gate of death terror; while Long Yi's Yemengard was one of his own, not only did he not need to cover up , and even the Gate of Terror actively instilled a fog of fear into it when it evolved, and it also has special bonuses when it is used normally.

This is the reason for sublimating Yermungandr's Dread Demon to the level of a nirvana!
On the contrary, it also caused Yemengard's fear demon to bear the brand of the gate of death terror.

Therefore, when Suicune Kage was carrying Kukai and Dragon King on his back and wanted to leave the mind labyrinth, the Gate of Terror sensed Suicune's breath and lowered the projection.

Suicune phantom turned her head and wanted to run away, but the door of death terror was only slightly opened, and the terrifying suction force sucked the two Suicune phantoms in, and the latter had no power to resist.

After absorbing it, the door of terror in the passage disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared before.

Kukai and Thorn Dragon King, who were affected by the suction force, were already at the end of the passage, and when they rolled again, they rolled out of the passage and returned to the real world.



Kukai, who was in a coma, suddenly straightened his upper body, covered in cold sweat, his face was pale and bloodless.

"Teacher, you're awake."

Kukai Xunsheng saw his master, Master Wuhui, and his frightened mind suddenly became more at ease.

"Master, what's going on here?" Kukai asked, his memory was still in the battle with Long Yi, but in the blink of an eye, things changed, and there was a strong lingering uneasiness in his heart .

Master Wuhui recounted what happened next, "If it hadn't been for Master Shengshuzu to take action, I'm afraid you would be really in danger."

Regardless of the weakness of his body, Kong Hai turned over and bowed to Master Lisheng to the end: "Kong Hai thanked Grand Master Uncle for saving his life!"

Master Liaosheng waved his hand: "Okay, let's go back."

Both Kong Hai and Master Wuhui also knew that Master Sheng was getting old, and at this time the Thorn Dragon King and Kong Hai were out of danger, so they got up and said goodbye.

Walking on the road, Kukai was still shrouded in uneasiness.

He suddenly saw a puddle on the side of the road. It was the accumulated water left by the rain two days ago, mixed with mud.

Kukai subconsciously stretched out his hand to aim at the puddle, and suddenly his face changed drastically.

"My purification power is gone!"

Pulling open the skirt suddenly, there was a vivid Suicune tattoo on Kukai's heart, but at this moment, the tattoo disappeared and was empty.

Tattoos, gone!The power of purification is gone!
Kukai was so anxious that he suddenly thought of something and released his Dragon King Thorn.

"Thorn Dragon King, purify this puddle!"

The Thorn Dragon King looked at the muddy puddle, but there was no response from the puddle.

Kukai felt dizzy.

What he was most worried about appeared - the purification element of the Thorn Dragon King also disappeared!

From now on, Kukai is no longer that gifted son of Suicune, and his greatest guard of honor, the Assassin Dragon King, has also lost the most important source of power at the element level.Although the energy increase is still there, it is only the lowest 5 times, which is completely incomparable to the 50 times energy increase that also does not have any special spiritual enlightenment elements.

His Thorn Dragon King will be the weakest elemental elf in the world!
He, Master Kukai, will be the strongest super trainer in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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