Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 229 Farewell and the Way Ahead

Chapter 229 Farewell and the way forward (third update!)

Somewhere unknown location.

The sky here is always gloomy, with neither the sun nor the dark clouds, only a purple-black haze hanging over the sky and covering the earth.

The ground here is not ordinary land, but a swamp.It seems that the grass grows and warblers are thriving, but maybe when you step on it, there will be a thin layer of grass on the water surface, and a deep water hole underneath.

The swamp, the forbidden zone of civilization.

However, no matter how harsh the environment is, life will breed and multiply, even here is no exception. This is the greatness of life.

But different from the outside world, in this world, there is only one life.

A big snake.

It has a name, called Jormungandr.

Ever since Long Yi obtained the poisonous energy crystal core from Akasaka Swordsman and opened up a secondary element plane, Yemengard has become the most comfortable one among all the elves in Long Yi.

After getting rid of the shackles of the poke ball, not only was the body free, but the mind was also cleansed.

The ubiquitous poisonous energy in the secondary plane is subtly growing Yermungandr's body and energy every moment. Even if it does nothing, it can become stronger day by day, and there is no need to worry about the sequelae.

It is precisely because of such unique conditions that Abo Snake, who was originally in the middle of all the elves in Longyi, was able to grow up quickly, reaching the limit of the race.

And it has another adventure. When practicing the secret technique of fearing demons, it was recognized by the gate of death terror. Not only did it evolve into a terrifying serpent, but it also rushed to the dual limits of physique and energy in one fell swoop!

It can be said that apart from the increase in his own combat experience and energy manipulation level, Ye Mengjiad has no way to increase his strength in a short period of time.

This kind of life makes it more and more lazy, just like the boa constrictor in the deep mountains and old forests on the earth, there are no natural enemies at all, and food is readily available, so it becomes lazy all day long.

Today, Yermungandr was sleeping leisurely as usual, but suddenly, it felt a familiar breath coming.

Opening his eyes, a familiar bronze gate appeared in the sky of the secondary plane. The gate was slightly opened with a gap, and a black spot of light flew out of it, landing on Yermungandr's head.

The door of terror!
After doing all this, the projection of the gate of terror closed again, and then disappeared.

Visible to the naked eye, a scale in the center of Yemengard's forehead became brighter.

Originally, most of its scales were jet black, that kind of pure black.But now, the scale that was stained with black light has become black and bright, like a fine black pearl.

Yemengard closed his eyes, and opened them again after a while.

Its pair of dark golden vertical pupils contract and enlarge, ruthless and at the same time revealing the cunning and wisdom of a hunter.


real world.

Long Yi held the packed suitcase in his hand and a backpack on his left hand, turned around and looked at this dormitory that belonged to him for the last time.

After the game, he had already submitted an application for early graduation to the school. Although Noriko Ando did everything possible to persuade him to stay, he couldn't shake Long Yi's mind at all, so he had no choice but to agree.

The letter of recommendation that Aoki Masakazu helped to get was in place a few days ago, and now he only needs to wait for Long Yi to report to the Shueisha headquarters by himself and complete the assessment tasks to become an official Shueisha member.

"It's time to say goodbye." Long Yi said, no longer nostalgic, turned and left.

He came to the teaching building with big strides, and friends such as Masakazu Aoki, Yume Akino, Igarashi Kurosawa, Kurosawa Anzai and others were already waiting here.

"Long Yi, take care!"

"Take care of yourself!"

"When you settle down, remember to write to me."

One by one, Long Yi hugged and bid farewell to his friends. The most emotional girl, Arisawa Mie, even shed tears on the spot. After the hug, she threw herself into Sonoya Tatsuya's arms and wept. I don't know when the two of them were together.

After embracing An Xiku, Long Yi looked around, his face darkened.

"Meisa, is she still not here?"

Long Yi hadn't seen Misa Takagi since the celebration banquet after the game, and even the communication was disconnected.

In fact, he already had a vague guess in his heart, but until the last moment, when the reality really appeared in his eyes like this, he still felt sad for a while.

Graduation season, breakup season.

Nothing more than the case.

After tidying up his mood, Long Yi reluctantly raised his head, his eyes swept over each friend's face one by one, as if he wanted to remember their faces deeply in his heart.

"Everyone, I am lucky to know you, Miyazaki Ryuichi. The mountains and rivers will meet each other, and we will meet later!"

The people present here come from all over the world. After graduation, they have to run around for their livelihood and work. They are busy and often cannot help themselves.

Whether we can meet again in the future, no one can say for sure.

But at this moment, they are all sincere.

Long Yi got into the car, found a seat and sat down, waiting for the school bus to take him to the pier.

Outside the window, there are luxuriant grasses, which is the most vigorous season of the year.

However, in the eyes of the dragon, it gradually changed into the face of a young girl.



"Katie Dog, use the flame cart!"

Deep in the forest, a girl's crisp voice came from a clearing.

Katie spit out flames to envelop itself, and then slammed into the big tree in front of him.

There is a painting pasted on the trunk of the big tree, a painting by Long Yi, which was painted by Tatsuya Sonogu on behalf of Mesa.

In the flames, the sketch quickly yellowed, charred, and then burned to a mass of ashes.

Faintly, there was a siren sound coming from the direction of the sea.

The boat is off!
Meisha raised her head stubbornly, her wine red eyes pointed at the scorching sun in the sky, as if she saw that hateful figure in the center of the scorching sun.

"He even said that he would graduate after graduation, and he didn't discuss it with me."

"And I want to go with him."

"With my current strength, what can I do when I go? Washing and cooking?"

"Just wait, Long Yi, one day, I will catch up with you!"

"Damn it, the sun is so bright that it made me cry."

The girl said a few words to herself, then lowered her head to wipe away her tears, flicked her ponytail, and regained her fighting spirit.

"Catty Dog, we have to work harder and harder! We can't let that guy look down upon us!"

Katie barked, full of energy.

"That's it, continue to use the flame car!"

Next to it, a fluorescent fish is bubbling cutely in the pond.

A little Lada sneaked up to Mesha's backpack on the tree stump, and sneaked in.

A fire stone was thrown out.

"Hey! That's my stuff!"

Mesa's voice alarmed the little Rada who was stealing, and little Rada poked her head out of the backpack in a panic, with biscuit crumbs left on her mouth from stealing biscuits.

"Catie Dog, catch this thief!"

Little Lada!
The little Lada was startled, and ran away, and the Katy dog ​​chased after him.

Meisha walked over, picked up the fire stone, wiped off the dirt on it, looked at it for a while, and carefully put it back into the bag for safekeeping.

"Let's go fluorescent fish, let's go after Katie Dog."



Holding Lacus in one hand, Long Yi walked into a hotel in Binhai City with his luggage in the other.

In front of him, Huiyuan curiously ran to the feet of a girl in a skirt, stretched out his paws and pulled the small white pieces of cloth reflected on the tiles.

And in Longyan, there is also a Jiraki floating in the air wearing super cute cartoon pajamas, but no one else can see it.

"Hello, open a room for me."

Long Yi quickly opened the room, then greeted Hui Yuan who was running around, and followed the waiter into the elevator.

"Here, this is your room."

After inserting the room card, the room quickly lit up.

It's not a high-end presidential suite, but it's not a low-end room either, it's above average.

"If you need anything, you can call the front desk. I wish you a good rest and good night."

"Good night."

After the waiter left, Long took off his coat and fell on the soft big bed with his head up.

"Ah~ I haven't slept in such a comfortable bed for a long time."


Lux, who was the size of a middle school student, jumped up suddenly. Fortunately, Long Yi had just removed the demon knife Mo Yan and put it beside him, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle with such a long knife.

Huiyuan wandered around the room before losing interest, then ran to the window and climbed onto the bay window, condescendingly looking down at Binhai City at night.

In the night, the neon lights are colorful and charming.

Haibara's eyes were bright, happily looking at the beautiful scenery in the night.

I, Gray *Columbus* discovered a new continent today!

Looking back secretly at Long Yi who was playing with Lacus, Hui Yuan was making some small calculations in his heart.

Is it possible to have a long-lost night tour tonight?

Rolling around on the bed with Lux in his arms, Long Yi smiled and said: "Okay, okay, stop making trouble."

"Earlier, Ye Mengjiad seemed to have something to say to me, but it was too big, it was not convenient to release it, Lacus, you will help me set up a soul link channel later." Long Yi instructed.

Lacus nodded, and a green voice sounded in Long Yi's mind: "Got it, Dad."

Only then did Long Yi stretch out his hand and expand the portal, allowing Yemengade to poke out a head.

"Master, I have received the gift of the Gate of Terror!"

"It told me that as long as I can recover these three elves, each one can give me a lot of gifts!"

"I can feel that as long as I have one, I can civilize the elements!"

As soon as the mind link was established, Yemengade's cold voice rang out hastily.

Later, with the help of Lux, Yemengarde recalled the appearance of the three elves, and then showed the dragon.

That is:

Suicune!Emperor Yan!Lei Huang!

(End of this chapter)

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