Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 230 Huiyuan's Great Adventure

Chapter 230 Huiyuan's Great Adventure (Part Four!)

"Shui Jun, Yan Emperor, Lei Huang."

The dragon read out the names of the three one by one.

The legendary dream elf, the existence of the element level, is unique, and is called the three holy beasts!

And the opportunity for Ye Mengjia to break through the element level is to help the Death Terror Gate recover these three elves that should have died long ago! ?
Long Yi was taken aback by Yemengard's words, not only because of the power of the three holy beasts, but also because, behind them, stood an elf at the top of the world's food chain.

Phoenix King!

Whether it is the knowledge from games and anime before time travel, or what he has seen and heard after coming to this world, it all shows that Feng Wang is one of the top and most powerful elves in the world!

ancient!powerful!don't die!
This is the impression Feng Wang left on mankind.

Every five-year-old in Chengdu knows that the Three Holy Beasts are the legendary elves resurrected by the Phoenix King, and they monitor the world on behalf of the Phoenix King to check whether human beings are eligible to let them return.

And now, he actually wants to cut off the eyes and ears of Phoenix King?

"This is really... a crazy idea!" Long Yi sighed spontaneously.

There is also a difference between divine beasts and divine beasts. This world is not very clear, but in his memory before traveling, weak divine beasts such as Celebi, Xie Mi, Manafei, etc. may not even be able to beat a wild elf , and the powerful ones such as Fengwang, Chaomeng, Guradon, etc., even if the alliance king comes, they will be smashed into the sand.

From Long Yi's point of view, there should be stages at the element level, and the level of the Phoenix King is definitely different from that of ordinary Frozen Birds, and it is obviously not something that ordinary element level trainers can covet.

Even, it is likely to be a level stronger than the element level!
Otherwise, after so many years, someone would have subdued Phoenix King long ago.

Now that Long Yi doesn't even have a single element-level elf, yet he has set his plan on the three element-level beasts under his command, it is indeed a crazy idea.

But even so, Long Yi is not ready to give up easily.

The world's people are ambiguous about the breakthrough of the element level, and Long Yi himself has only a half-knowledge. Now he finally knows a specific method. If he dares to try it and give up, it is obviously not his style.

However, how to act specifically also needs to be discussed in the long run.

Ye Mengjiade is a fearful demon spirit blessed by the Gate of Terror. It is nothing to calculate a holy beast intentionally or unintentionally. How to find the traces of the three holy beasts and how to do it quietly is what he needs considerate.

"I see." Long Yi patted Yemengard's side face, watching it retract to the secondary plane.

"Master, I have a way to find the three holy beasts~" Ji Laqi in pajamas jumped onto the bed and shouted with his hands raised high.

"Huh? Do you have a solution?"

"Yes!" Ji Laqi nodded emphatically, and because of too much force, he threw the hat of the pajamas on his head to cover his eyes, and his body swayed and fell.

It hurriedly tore off its hat, then stood up and added: "Master, as long as you can get the hair of any legendary elf, and then prepare an elf illustration book that contains a world map, then the system can update new functions—" Map system!"

"With the map system, as long as the registered legendary elves use their own power anywhere in the world, the corresponding icons will be displayed on the map, so that you, the owner, can know where they are."

Ji Laqi's words reminded Long Yi of the map function when playing games in his previous life, when he was capturing the three holy beasts, he followed them around the map like this.

However, the one Jirachi mentioned is obviously more powerful and comprehensive.

Seeing Ji Laqi raised his small face and came to praise my cute expression, Long Yi smiled and rubbed its head, praised: "Awesome!"

"(*^__^*) Hee hee..." Ji Laqi looked happy.

Long Yi felt that if it had a small tail behind it, it would definitely be shaking back and forth like a puppy.

After teasing for a while, Long Yi went to take a shower, put on his pajamas and lay down on the bed.

"The power of the Zhenghe family is basically in Kanto, so the recommendation letter he won for me was also written for the Kanto Shueisha branch, which is within my expectation." Long Yi rested his hands on his head, looking at the ceiling and thinking.

Even if the League of Spirits has branches in every region, let alone Shueisha, the management methods of Shueisha in different regions must be different. In Kanto Dragon Together, there is also Zhenghe's relationship network that can be borrowed.

"It's just that in this way, parents won't be able to see each other often, as well as my sister."

Thinking of the little sister who was very clingy to him at home, Long Yi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Of course, you have to go back to Guchen Town before you report to Shueisha. Although it's done first, you have to give them an explanation."

"There is also the curse on Mo Yan, which is also a trouble..."

"The Miyamoto family, the Akasaka family, and Hattori Heiichi also died at my hands. The Hoenn Seven have always been united, and the Saizanji family suffered a big loss in the academy's hegemony, but I helped the academy regain the championship trophy. They He probably doesn't like me too much."

"I'm obviously from Fengyuan, why did I somehow provoke a lot of Fengyuan's large, medium and small forces?"

Long Yi was speechless for a while, turned his head, just in time to see Lacus lying flat.

"Of course, and most importantly, the dream monster!"

Long Yi's Lux was originally a powerful Xanadu, who had been entangled with it for several years in order to protect the soul of the deceased master, but was destroyed by Long Yi who inadvertently broke in, causing the girl in the painting to almost lose her soul.

In desperation, Xanadu chose to sacrifice himself to seal the soul of the girl in the painting. The price was that the body degenerated into Lalulas and was handed over to a newborn will to take over.

Thinking about it now, the normal sealing trick did not have this effect, and Xanadu probably used a special secret technique at that time.

But in any case, the seal is only a stopgap measure, and the source of the curse has not been lifted, so the girl in the painting is still in danger.

Especially when Lalulas evolved into Kirulian with the help of Long Yi, resulting in the weakening of the seal, the time left is actually running out.

Before, Long Yi was not the match of the dream monster, so he could only let it go.

But now, not to mention anything else, just the terrifying serpent Yemengad, who has mastered the ultimate skill and reached the racial limit, can crush that dream monster, plus it happens that he needs to go back to Guchen Town, Long Yi knows , The reality of completely solving this matter has arrived.

It was rare for Lux not to use telepathy, but let out a crisp cry.

"good night."

Long Yi turned off the light.

After an unknown amount of time, two blue balls of light suddenly lit up in the room.


Haibara's cry sounded in the darkness.

Long Yi didn't respond.

[My gray *Columbus* plains adventure is about to begin! 】

Huiyuan shook his hair in excitement, then carefully jumped off the window sill and landed on Long Yi's chair where his trousers were hung.

The ten elf balls on the black combat belt are shining brightly.

[This is cruel, don't; this is my little brother's, take it away; this is iron egg, take it away...]

Relying on his excellent night vision ability, Huiyuan picks and chooses, picks out five of them, and stuffs them into his mouth.

Then it walked to the gate without a sound, jumped up, and turned the doorknob with its front paws deftly.

The light from the corridor shines in through the crack of the door.


The sudden light change made Long Yi frowned, scratched his cheek, turned over and hugged Lacus in his arms.

In the dark place on the floor of the room, Geng Gui leaned out half of his body from the shadows, and looked at Huiyuan who was lying on the ground covering his eyes with his hands because of Long Yi's movement just now.

[Scared me to death, meow ha, I thought I was going to die. 】

Seeing that Long Yi didn't wake up, Hui Yuan heaved a sigh of relief.


[What to look at!I won't play with you! 】

Baring his teeth at Geng Gui, Huiyuan turned around and got out, closing the door behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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