Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 231 In Huiyuan's Great Adventure

Chapter 231 In Huiyuan's Great Adventure

After Huiyuan left, the room fell into darkness again.

"Geng Gui, follow up and protect them." Long Yi's voice sounded in the darkness.


Geng Gui nodded, and disappeared into the floor.


On the other side, Huiyuan followed the slogan into the escape passage, jumped onto the handrail, and slid all the way to the bottom floor.

It spit out the five elf balls in its mouth one by one, and pressed the button on the elf ball with its paws.

Bang bang bang!

Several elves appeared one after another.

Gala Gala with a bone stick-well, this is a reliable bodyguard and thug.

Bibi bird with wings outstretched - can scout in the sky to prevent getting lost.

The lobster soldier who was still dozing off with snot bubbles—although he was a bit stupid, but he was the first boy he recognized, right?Being a dog's leg can barely make a living.

Hanhan's Cocoa Dora——Although Tie Dan is stupid and clumsy, he can still eat it, but he works hard and has great strength.

and finally...

Huiyuan casts his expectant eyes on the last elf ball, the ideal maid in its mind——Pippi!
A green flying mantis was so cool that it drew its knife and stood up. Sensing Hui Yuan's gaze, it cast a sharp look.

Haibara: Meow?
[What's going on, little brother! 】

[Where did my Pippi go! 】

Huiyuan stared at the Poké Ball under the feet of Flying Mantis for a while, and suddenly felt dull.

It even took the wrong poke ball!
Compared to Huiyuan, the other elves seemed much more excited.Because of the boat trip, Long Yi didn't let them out all day except for eating, and his bones were already itchy after a long day's sleep, and at this moment they all stretched their bodies and let out a happy cry.


Bibibird spread its strong wings and let out a sharp bird song.

The Flying Mantis was almost swept by Bibi Bird's wings, and it immediately raised its two knives and let out a threatening roar as it had always been at odds with it.

[Do you want to fight, stupid bird! 】

[Hit and hit, who is afraid of whom! 】 Bibi Bird is not to be outdone.

Seeing that the two elves were about to fight, a black cold wind flew between the two sides, freezing a small piece of black ice on the wall.

Huiyuan walked over with his teeth bared, followed by Gala Gala, who was watching the show, the lobster soldier who just woke up and was still confused, and Cocodora, who was as simple as ever.


[I want to hit you guys later, now either listen to me, or go back to sleep in the poke ball! 】

Bibi Bird glared at Flying Mantis, and turned his head away; Flying Mantis looked at the hopeless black ice on the wall with fear, and turned his back to Bibi Bird.

【Now, follow me! 】

[Flying Mantis, go and open the door. 】

Flying Mantis pushed open the wooden door of the escape passage, and before Huiyuan could move, Bibi Bird folded his wings and rushed out of the opened door. The strong wind pressure almost knocked Flying Mantis down again.

Flying Mantis looked at the sky and gritted his teeth for a while, but in the end he didn't attack.

In flight combat, it really isn't necessarily the opponent of that stupid bird.

Huiyuan ignored them, like a young master on a tour, and left swaggeringly with a few elves.

After they left, Geng Gui quietly popped his head out from the concrete floor, glanced at the five poke balls left there, shook his head helplessly, and hid them.

[I'm not here to see their expressions when they come back, but to prevent the Poké Ball from being stolen. 】

Geng Gui thought silently as he dived.


The metropolis at night is undoubtedly luxurious, with all kinds of dazzling neon lights, the smell of heaven in the food street, the beautiful clothes displayed in the window of the clothing store, couples walking, children playing, and couples showing affection , the vicissitudes of street performers, down-and-out frustrated people and so on.

The elves, including Hui Yuan, had never seen so many people, and had never ventured out alone at night in the city, so they were full of curiosity.

Fortunately, Huiyuan is still a little sensible after all, instead of walking on the road or pedestrian street with a few younger brothers, he shuttles through various dark alleys, or walks on the rooftops.

There are many wandering elves in the city living in this kind of place. Some of them came to the city to look for food because they couldn’t live nearby, and some were abandoned by humans. Some of them are the descendants of the former two. They lived in the city since birth. here.

For example, Meow Meow, Odachi, Deluby, Pikachu, Dark Crow, Smelly Mud, Magneto, etc., are all wild elves that are very common in the city.

Huiyuan is full of curiosity about this city, and he dare not go to places with too many people, so he looks for secluded places to drill.

However, there are a large number of wild elves living in these places, so conflicts are inevitable.

Naturally, the Huiyuan group, which Long Yi had carefully cultivated, would not lose to these wandering elves who couldn't eat enough to eat, and quickly established one territory after another, and gathered a large number of younger brothers under their command.

In the middle of the night, Huiyuan had already circled a large territory in the south of the city, looting more treasures than any previous night tour.

A lot more!
Huiyuan looked at the remaining 'treasures' piled up like a hill, feeling both proud and distressed.

So much, how to take it back?Where should I hide it after taking it back?
If the Demon King Long found out, he would definitely take away all its treasures and punish himself for going out at night without authorization.

Thinking of the terrible consequences, Haibara couldn't help but shudder.

At this time, there was a cat meowing.

Meow~ Meow~
A dirty cat boss came out of the darkness with three or four meows, tilted his head, and behind him came a meow timidly dragging a gray cloth bag, put the bag down near the hill, poured out A large pile of scattered coins, and then quickly ran back behind the cat boss with an empty cloth bag.

【This is dedicated to you, Master Haibara! 】

The cat boss lay on the ground, showing respect.

Huiyuan nodded calmly. It was sitting on a dilapidated sofa in an abandoned warehouse. Behind it stood the stern flying mantis and Galagala respectively. Bibibird, Lobster Minions and Cocodo were hidden on the beams above their heads. La is standing in front of the sofa, one on the left and one on the right, seeming to count the treasures.

[It's a pity that Pippi didn't come, otherwise it would be perfect to pass me fruit to eat. 】

Haibara felt disappointed.

It was agitated for a while when the first wandering elf leader nearby came to show its goodwill, but it has long been used to it, and it doesn't pay attention to dozens of coins at all.

With a wave of his hand, the cat boss and the meows stepped back, and Huiyuan was so bored that he stacked his forelimbs and put his head on top of them.

[Xiao Bu, I'm bored, are there no stronger elves nearby? 】

Huiyuan looked at a purple elf lying on the ground in front of the sofa.

It was a big purple dog with protruding ears, big fangs, and a huge head that was disproportionate to its body. It looked like a house dog raised by a rich family—although the lavender complexion seemed Wei Wei is so cute that doesn't fit.

This is a Blue Emperor, a notorious elf in the south of the city, with dozens of Dairubi and Blue running amok under his command, and the abandoned warehouse where Huiyuan is now is its lair.

But that was an hour ago, and later Huiyuan beat up one of its younger brothers, and followed the clues to find it. Galagala beat up Bruhuang and took away his country.

It was the Blue Emperor who came up with the idea before, letting his little brother spread the news that the boss had changed, and then ordered small groups of the wandering elves in the south of the city to come forward to offer treasures and meet the new boss.

But now, Haibara is tired of playing.

Hearing Huiyuan's voice, Bruhuang, who was lying on the ground licking his wound, suddenly trembled, turned his head tremblingly, and did not dare to look at Huiyuan on the sofa, buried his head in mourning and said: [Master Huiyuan, There are no powerful elves in the south of the city except for the ghost stone who likes to sneak attacks, but the three Helujia brothers in the west of the city and Leiqiu in the east of the city are very strong. As for the powerful elves in the north of the city, I don't know. 】

Both Gala Gala and Flying Mantis cast interested glances over.

Hui Yuan also raised his voice: [How is it better than you? 】

Blue Emperor said weakly: [Leiqiu is about the same as me. I am no match for the three Heluga teamed up, but if there are only two, I should be able to win. 】

Gala Gala and Flying Mantis suddenly lost interest.

Huiyuan said bluntly: 【That's not the same weak! 】

Blue Emperor was very scared and did not dare to refute.

Seeing it like this, Huiyuan didn't want to hit it anymore, turned over in boredom and scratched at the air.

The lobster soldier who was sorting out the treasures dropped the expired canned food in his hand, and covered his stomach with two large pliers.

【Boss, I'm hungry. 】

Bru Huang, who was hit just now, hastily said: [Boss Huiyuan, I know that there is a stall with very delicious food!And the most important thing is that he accepts elves to buy on behalf of him, as long as he pays, he can eat! 】

Since more and more people keep elves, some otaku and patients with severe lazy cancer have gradually been born to let elves buy things for them. Woolen cloth?
Huiyuan also felt a little hungry, so he nodded and called Bibi to come down.

【Xiao Bu, you are responsible for leading the way; Bibi Bird, you take the money and go with Xiao Bu to buy some food and come back. 】

The lobster soldier quickly picked up a lot of coins, and put some banknotes into a leather bag, and handed them to Bibi Bird graciously.

Bibi Bird grabbed the wallet with its claws, flew into the air, and looked at Blue Huang.


【lead the way! 】

Blue Emperor immediately ran hard.

(End of this chapter)

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