Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 233 Huiyuan VS? ? ?On

Chapter 233 Huiyuan VS? ? ?Up (third update!)

The brown-haired boy flicked his long bangs, and was amused by the elves who were waiting in full force.


Although these elves looked very strong, he didn't think he would lose, especially to a group of 'wild elves' who had no one to command them.

"Let's fight, Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

The wind speed dog stood up.

This wind speed dog is more than 1.5 meters high at the shoulder and two meters high at the top. Its coat is soft and shiny. It can be seen at a glance that it has been bred very well, strong and healthy.

Huiyuan looked around, and his eyes fell on the lobster soldier who was still angry because of the food.


[Little brother, you go! 】

The lobster soldier immediately stood up waving his pincers, full of fighting spirit.

However, it is short, only half a meter in its early years. Although its eyes are sharp at the moment, its pupils are too small. Facing the tall and handsome Feng Speed ​​Dog, it seems that there is a huge gap.

Although the brown-haired boy was confident, he wasn't stupid. Facing the elf who didn't have a deep memory, he still pointed the illustrated book machine in his hand.

"Lobster minions, rogue elves, and water-type Pokemon. Their appetite and vitality are very tenacious. No matter what environment they are in, they like to use force to drive out other elves and make them their own territory."

"A bully elf who likes to use force." The boy murmured, and glanced at Huiyuan on the sofa.

I used a fire-type wind speed dog, and the opponent sent a water-type lobster soldier. Is it a coincidence?

【Use bubble light! 】

The lobster soldier opened a pair of pincers forward, and a large number of water-blue bubbles flew towards the wind speed dog, and the speed was not slow.

"Attack first!" The brown-haired boy's first reaction was to attack, "Wind Speed ​​Dog, use jet flames!"

Even if the attributes are restrained, my wind speed dog will not lose!

Thinking in this way, the boy saw the flames of the wind speed dog and the foam light of the lobster soldier collide in the air, and then the two sides even fought to a tie!


The brown-haired boy quickly flipped through the illustrated book, and confirmed that the lobster soldier hadn't evolved, and was in its initial form.

A lobster soldier in the initial form, the power of the unique move can be evenly matched with my wind speed dog?

"Are you kidding! Wind speed dog, use big characters to explode!"


The flame in the wind speed dog's mouth suddenly exploded, forming a big character, completely overwhelming the foam light of the lobster soldier in one fell swoop.

After the big character explosion wiped out the foam light, it landed on the lobster soldier, and the lobster soldier's carapace looked even brighter red in the flames.

"Well, this is my elf!" The boy laughed.

On the sofa, Huiyuan quietly watched this scene.

【Everyone only sees your gluttony, only I know your hard work.Only specialization can become powerful!Little brother, you who followed my advice and gave up the dragon and ground types, and you who practiced in the deep sea all day long, let everyone see your achievements! 】

[Use the wave of water! 】


The lobster soldier howling in the flames suddenly opened his eyes, and a clear blue water ball was formed in the center of the pliers of both hands, and then smashed to the ground.

Waves of water!

A huge current of water extinguished the flame of the big character explosion, and then under the control of the lobster soldiers, a high wave formed and fell towards the wind speed dog.


The wind speed dog was so washed by the water that it couldn't stand upright, and it was very uncomfortable to be wet all over.

【It's now! 】

[Water jet, use crab fist! 】

The lobster soldier moving at high speed under the jet of water quickly approached the retreating Wind Speed ​​Dog. The big pliers in his right hand lit up bright white, and he punched the Wind Speed ​​Dog hard on the chin.

[It hurts so much! 】

Blue Emperor, who was watching the battle from a corner, covered his eyes, unable to bear to look any further.

The water waves came and went faster, the lobster soldiers landed safely, and the heavy body of the wind speed dog fell heavily.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, you actually lost..." The brown-haired boy couldn't believe that his Wind Speed ​​Dog was defeated so easily.

The lobster soldier proudly waved his pincers at Huiyuan, who nodded with a smile.

"Come back, wind speed dog."

"Come on, giant pincer mantis!"

"Since the strength is not enough, we will use the speed to win this time!"

A handsome mantis elf with a red carapace all over his body appeared in front of the boy.

[Come back, little brother. 】

For the giant pincer mantis, if I remember correctly, it should be...

Before Huiyuan could speak, a green figure had passed by and rushed out, confronting the Giant Pincer Mantis.

It's the flying mantis!
As the proudest and most powerful fighter in the insect system, the elves like the Flying Mantis had no evolutionary type. However, there are talented trainers among humans who successfully combined this elf with the new attribute steel system to artificially evolve!

This evolutionary type is the Giant Pincer Mantis!

Similar to this experience, there are electric shock beasts, three-in-one magnet monsters, big rock snakes, etc., all of which have been explored for further evolution.

Even now, some people have figured out how to artificially intervene again to produce super-evolution on the basis of ultimate evolution, so that it can reach the level of the strongest pseudo-god elves below the original beast elves!
This is the power of human beings!
Flying Mantis looked at this specious fellow in front of him, and the blood in his chest boiled after a long absence.

It launched the attack first, and a dazzling white light dragged behind it, and it was a flash of lightning!
"Interesting, giant pincer mantis, we also flash with lightning!"


The giant pincer mantis turned into a flash of red lightning, and the second strike came first, raising its steel-like pincers and colliding with the sickle of the flying mantis.

Although its whole body was turned into steel, which greatly enhanced its defense, its speed did not drop much, and it even surpassed it!

The two elves quickly fought three times, but the fourth time the Flying Mantis passed by the Giant Pincer Mantis sideways.

Its power is not as good as the opponent!
Stopping in mid-air, the twin knives of the Flying Mantis trembled slightly. After all, the knives were suitable for chopping, not for colliding.

[Flying mantis, use the whirlwind knife. 】 Huiyuan ordered.

[It's so loud! 】The Flying Mantis roared behind him, but he didn't buy it.

Seeing this, the brown-haired boy's eyes flashed: "The giant pincer mantis, use the steel wings!"

The two pairs of wings of the giant pincer mantis glow white.

[Steel Wing is all, I will too! 】

The Flying Mantis let out a roar, and the wings on its back also lit up white.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!
It was another series of quick confrontations, but soon, the Flying Mantis was defeated again.

One is a pure steel elf, and the other is a rookie who has only recently learned steel wings. One can imagine the power of their unique moves.

"Now, use and Golden Claw!"


The giant pincer mantis suddenly appeared behind the flying mantis, and smashed it to the ground with one move and golden claws.

The brown-haired boy's eyes flashed, and he threw a poke ball decisively: "Go, poke ball!"

The elf ball was blown away by a pair of wings, hit the wall and embedded itself.

[Can you do it, green caterpillar. 】Bibi Torii looked down at the Flying Mantis, it was the one that just flapped its wings and knocked the Poke Ball away.

[Shut up, stupid bird! 】The Flying Mantis stood up with the knife in his hand, and almost fell to the ground again due to the pain in his waist.

The shot and the golden claw just now hit its vital point.

[I don't need your help!Also, I'm not a green caterpillar! 】

Even so, it is still bickering with Bibi Bird.

[Anyway, they are all the same, they are all green, they are all insects, and they should be equally delicious. 】

Bibibird stretched out its slender tongue and licked its beak, saying that it hadn't eaten green caterpillars yet, but the memory told it that Bibibird should eat this kind of elf.


The Giant Pincer Mantis lowered its height to be level with Bibi Bird.

[How about we compare, the red green caterpillar? 】

Bibi Bird's body suddenly trembled, and when it reappeared, it was already behind the giant pincer mantis, and the powerful flying energy in front of it condensed into a horizontal V-shaped sharp airflow.

Flying unique skill - Yan back!
Bibi Bird ran into the wall of the warehouse with the giant pincer mantis, and then let it go.

The giant pincer mantis stuck to the wall for a while, and then fell to the ground. There was an obvious white spot on the back of the waist, and mosquito coils had appeared in both eyes.

"This is... Yan Fan!"

"What a fast Yan Fan! What a strong Yan Fan!"


[Is there anything else, this bug is not playable. 】

Bibi bird spread its wings and glides against the wind, looking at the brown-haired boy provocatively.

(End of this chapter)

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