Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 234 Huiyuan VS? ? ?Next

Chapter 234 Huiyuan VS? ? ?Next (fourth update in 4000 words!)
"Come back, giant pincer mantis."

The brown-haired boy was sweating on his forehead. He didn't know why. He was fighting a few wild elves, but the pressure on him was greater than any enemy he had encountered before.

"If the enemy is Bibi Bird, then it should be used!"

"Come on, Queen Nido!"

The boy sent out the queen of the Nido clan, the queen Nido of the dual lineages of poison and ground!
Bibibird let out a mocking laugh in the sky: [What, this elf, what is his name Nidohou, he is obviously not as tall as me, it makes me laugh so hard hahahaha! 】


Empress Nido was jumping in anger, but she couldn't hit the Bibi bird flying in the sky.

"Queen Nido, use Rock Smash!"


Nidohou punched the ground heavily, zig-zag cracks spread out on the concrete floor, and the gravel shot up into the sky with strong energy.


Bibi Bird moved at a high speed and quickly left the spot, but the front of Nidohou's attack was Huiyuan sitting on the sofa and the pile of treasures it had looted.


【My treasure! 】

Huiyuan yelled.

Gala Gala, who had been standing against the sofa all this time, suddenly opened his eyes, jumped over the pile of treasures to the front of the shattered rock, and smashed down with the bone stick condensed in mid-air.

Ground fissure!


A crack that was three times thicker than the one smashed by Nido Queen appeared, and quickly swallowed the original Nido Queen's rock and shattered it, and then went upstream to its feet, and a strong khaki-colored air wave soared into the sky from the crack. In the blink of an eye, Queen Nido was cut into scars.

Ni...... much
Nidohou wailed and fell on his back.

Gala Gala carried the bone stick on her shoulders, walked back to the sofa step by step without the pile of treasures like a normal person, leaned on the sofa and closed her eyes to rest.

The brown-haired boy swallowed, frightened by the power of the crackling ground.

The Bibi bird in the sky was also trembling with fright, not daring to ask Gala Gala why he intervened in his battle, so he could only vent his anger on the provocative brown-haired boy for no reason.

Bi Xiu, Bi Xiu!
An air blade landed in front of the brown-haired boy, cutting a hole in the ground.

[Just fight me honestly, why do you want to piss off Boss Huiyuan! 】

Bibi Bird was very angry, as if he was loyally protecting the lord.

The brown-haired boy was taken a step back by the air blade.

The moon elves stood in front of the boy.

"Moon Elf."

The moon elf turned his head and nodded, his gaze was firm.

"Okay, then I will send you on the field and use the shadow ball!"

The pitch-black shadow ball flew into the air, Bibi Bird threw another air slash, collided with the shadow ball in mid-air and exploded into a smoke screen.

"Use flying sand feet!"

The floor of the warehouse is made of cement, so there is no way to use flying sand feet, but the place where Queen Nido fought Gala Gala just now exposed the soil underneath.

The moon elf jumped down, turned around and swung his hind legs, sending the large canopy of fine sand flying into the sky.

[Use Gale Storm. 】

Gray had spoken.

So Bibi Bird raised a storm and blew all the sand back, falling on the Moon Elf.

[Chop with air. 】

A large amount of flight-type energy condensed under Bibi Bird's wings, finally forming two crescent-like air blades.

An air blade fell, and the moon elf was falling in the crack at this moment, so it was inconvenient to dodge.

The boy had no choice but to order: "Jump out and use the shadow clone technique."

The moon elf jumped out of the crack to avoid the first air slash, and then separated seven or eight shadow clones in the blink of an eye, making Bibi Bird's second air slash miss again.

"Use the shadow ball!"

Eight moon elves, which are difficult to distinguish between real and fake, condensed shadow balls at the same time, and shot them into the sky from different angles.

Huiyuan became impatient, and ordered [Use the storm! 】

Bibi Bird paused, and finally obeyed Hui Yuan's order.

Violent flight-type energy gathers around Bibi Bird. It flaps its wings violently, creating a violent hurricane. The hurricane contains countless tiny miniature wind knives. The fake shadow ball disappears instantly, and the real one also because of its instability Sex was detonated by the successive wind knives, blasting a safe area in the air.

"Even the storm!"

The brown-haired boy has been surprised for the first time, not every Bibi Diao can master this ultimate trick, but now he actually saw it on a Bibi Bird.

Fortunately, his Moon Elf still has a hidden trump card: "Moon Elf, use protection!"

The front body of the moon elf fell slightly, and a green bowl-shaped energy cover covered it and a small piece of ground around it, and then a terrifying storm descended.

The hurricane swept everything, and the wind knife was sharp and compelling!

Under the attack of Bibi Bird's storm, the concrete floor quickly saw knife-cut holes. The protective cover in front of the Moon Elf also received unimaginable pressure in the storm, and the flashing speed of the light almost caught up with the vibration of the needle bee The frequency makes people worry whether it will be breached in the next second.

In the end, though, the shield remained intact until the storm died down.

"Good! Moon Elf!"

The boy was about to command the moon elves to counterattack, but he saw the Bibi bird wobbled to the sofa and landed.

The brown-haired boy looked at Ga La Ga La with his eyes closed, he didn't dare to let the moon elves attack.

【Boss Huiyuan, I'm out of strength. 】

Bibi Bird said, kicking heavily.

【Why are you so useless? 】Hui Yuan hates iron but not steel.

Bibi Bird felt aggrieved: If you didn't let me use the storm, I could still fight for a long time.

Of course it didn't dare to say this, it could only murmur in its heart.

【Oh, stupid bird, you are still so imaginary. 】 Flying Mantis taunted while enduring the pain in his back.

Not to be outdone, Bibi Bird: [You still have the face to criticize me? 3 minutes is a real bug, if you have the ability, fight with me for 5 minutes! 】

Flying Mantis decided to ignore it.

Its racial disadvantage is destined to be unable to support high-intensity battles for a long time. Every time it fights Bibi Bird, as long as the battle lasts for more than 3 minutes, it will definitely lose.

Therefore, this sentence cannot be accepted.

Huiyuan licked his paws agitatedly, looked at Gala Gala, who didn't intend to move, and jumped off the sofa by himself.


Huiyuan raised his hand to search, and made a gesture of letting the horse come over.

The brown-haired boy's eyes lit up.

He has basically given up on subduing this group of elves now, but he is still very interested in this unknown elf.

"Moon Elf, use the shadow ball!"

A shadow ball condensed from the moon elf's mouth, and shot it towards Huiyuan.

A black bead the size of a longan quickly formed in Huiyuan's mouth, and then spit it out with a 'poof'.

The black bead directly pierced through the shadow ball and hit the Moon Elf's forehead. At the same time, the attacked shadow ball continued to fly for half a second before it exploded with a bang.

The moon elf shook his head, feeling his mind was in a trance for a moment.

At this moment, a black ice path quickly extended from Huiyuan's feet, and it approached the Moon Elf lightly and quickly along this ice path, while spitting out white flames from its mouth covering the whole body.

The trick - skating!
The trick - the flame car!

This combination trick that used to be used against the boss of Akasaka sword cat appeared again. The white flame and the black frost got along very harmoniously, and there was no life-and-death relationship between ordinary ice and fire at all.

"This trick is..." The brown-haired boy covered his forehead. He seemed to have seen this trick somewhere, but his memory was very weak and he couldn't remember it.

The moon elf's screams brought back the thoughts of the brown-haired boy, reminding him that he was still fighting.

Looking up, the Moon Elf's whole body was wrapped in raging white flames, and no matter how it rolled, the flames didn't diminish in the slightest.

Huiyuan had already followed the ice path away from the Moon Elf, watching the scene quietly.

Enemies hit by the tarsus white flame will only receive more and more damage until the white flame consumes the last trace of energy in the target's body, and then it will gradually go out.

Hearing the screams of the moon elves, and seeing that the flames could not be extinguished, the brown-haired boy ignored the principle of single-handedly, and released his trump card elf, the water arrow turtle.

"Water arrow turtle, use the water gun on the moon elves!"


The two big guns on the back of the water arrow turtle sank, locked on to the target, and then the water gun, which deliberately suppressed its power, fell on the moon elf.

Water and fire exchanged, but the imaginary scene of rising steam did not appear. Instead, the moon elf was hit by a water gun and crashed into an abandoned iron box.

A white flame that is not afraid of water!
The combination of black ice track and white flame car is a unique trick!
Memory jigsaw puzzles gathered in the brown-haired boy's mind, allowing him to recall more memories about this incident.

That happened last year, and it seemed to be a piece of news that my grandfather talked about when I went back to my hometown.

In a certain closed island academy in the sea, someone cultivated an extinct ancient elf!

The elves of that person include: Ancient Chi Ming, Gala Gala, Lobster Soldier, Gyarados, Geng Gui, etc.!
All the clues were collected and turned into a person's name in the brown-haired boy's mind.

"Ancient Chiming!"

"You are Miyazaki Ryuichi's elf!"

"Could it be..." He scanned the six elves one by one, and defeated the six elves of his main team one-on-one without the trainer's command, "Are you all?"

[Do you still fight or not! 】

Huiyuan flicked his tail irritably, and traces of white sparks scattered along with it.

The brown-haired boy naturally didn't understand the meaning of Hui Yuan's cry.

Seeing that he didn't move, Huiyuan jumped back on the sofa and waved his hand lazily, meaning that he can leave without hitting you.

The brown-haired boy understood this action.

Just at this time, the moon elf was also drained of the last trace of energy in his body by the white fire of the tarsus, and passed out from severe burns. The brown-haired boy immediately took back the water arrow turtle and the moon elf, turned and left.

【Huihara, enough trouble, it's almost time to go back. 】

Gala Gala opened his eyes and said.

Huiyuan pointed to the pile of treasures and said: [But what about my treasures? 】

Bibibird slapped the Flying Mantis to the ground with one wing: 【This embarrassing green caterpillar can't even walk. 】

[Who said I can't walk! 】Flying Mantis yelled, but it was so painful that he couldn't even stand up.

Cocoa Dora and Lobster Minions stood aside.

The Lobster Soldier educates Coco Dora: [Did you see, these four are big bosses who can't be messed with. 】

[Who are you talking about? 】X3!

Even Gala Gala cast his gaze.

The lobster soldier was scared in seconds, grabbed Cocoa Dora and covered his face.

Withdrawing his gaze, Gala Gala said: [It has a way. 】

As he spoke, he tapped the ground with a bone stick.

[Geng Gui, come out, I know you are here. 】

So the purple-black Geng Gui popped up from the ground, with evil eyes and big mouth no matter how you look at it.

【Jie Jiejie, I can help you with this, Xiao Huiyuan. 】

Among all the elves in Long Yi, the grayest one is Lux, who always looks like a big sister, the most respectful is the reliable Gala Gala, and the most afraid is the Gyarados, which drools every time he sees it , the most annoying thing is Geng Gui.

Because it likes to play tricks.

But Haibara thought about it, and nodded in agreement.

One is that he really has no way to take away this pile of treasures, nor can he take away the injured Flying Mantis; secondly, Huiyuan is also very curious about how Geng Gui can do this.

So Geng Gui grinned, stretched out his long, red tongue, and tore off a purple eye-like pattern from it.

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Huiyuan's heart.

【stop! 】

It was too late, Geng Gui squished the pattern with a strange smile.

In the hotel, in the room, a purple eye suddenly appeared on the forehead of the sleeping Lacus.

"Not good! Ashes are in danger!"

Lux's voice sounded in his head, and Long Yi suddenly became energized, the air in his body turned around, and the drowsiness was instantly swept away.

He jumped out of the bed, grabbed Mo Yan, the demon sword with one hand, and the battle belt with five poke balls left in the other, before he even had time to put on his clothes, he hurriedly said, "Lax, teleport!"

The superpower was activated, and Long Yi and Lacus disappeared into the hotel room.

At the same time, in the abandoned warehouse in the south of Binhai City, Long Yi and Lacus in pajamas appeared at the same time.

"Yemengarde, sure...huh?" Just as he was about to release Yemengarde to fight, Long Yi suddenly froze when he saw the surrounding situation clearly.

What about the good enemy?

What about the danger of Huiyuan?


Long Yi was so aggressive that he looked at Geng Gui, who instantly pointed at Hui Yuan who was about to run away, splashed dirty water and said, "Gengga Gengga!"

【It was Huiyuan who asked me to call you and Lacus to help! 】

Soon, Lacus translated Geng Gui's words to Long Yi.

"Okay, so it's you!" Long Yi grabbed Hui Yuan's tail and lifted it upside down, "Not to mention taking my elf on a night tour at night, how dare you play tricks on me! You are so courageous!"

Huiyuan squeezed out an ugly smile, and argued: [No, master, this is all Geng Gui's own idea! 】

Lacus glanced at Huiyuan, and translated: [Stupid devil, what's wrong with you, I'll do it again next time! 】

Huiyuan: [! 】

"I can't cure you anymore!" Long put the ashes on his knees, raised his hand and hit his butt three times.

Huiyuan's delicate butt was attacked, and in front of many younger brothers, he could only look at Lacus in resentment, and covered his eyes with his paws in pain.

[I hope this nightmare can wake up faster. 】

So it didn't see, after covering its eyes, Long Yi and Lacus looked at each other tacitly.

 Who is the boy who fought with Haibara? I think everyone should have guessed it, right?

  In addition, Moon Eevee's name is really not convenient, so I simply changed it back to Moon Elf. Anyway, everyone knows which elf it is, so don't mind calling it too much.

(End of this chapter)

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