Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 235 Dragon 1's ambition!

Chapter 235 Long Yi's Ambition!
Long gave Huiyuan a small punishment, and then let it go.

"This is what you received this time?" Long Yi walked to the pile of 'treasures'.


Mentioning this, Huiyuan immediately forgot the unhappiness just now, and walked to Long Yi's feet with his head held high.

Only a small part of this pile of 'treasures' was snatched or found by Huiyuan himself, and most of them were paid tribute by defeating various wandering elf groups in the southern area of ​​Empress Bru.

For the precarious wandering elves, what is the most important thing?


So most of the things here are all kinds of expired and unexpired cans, gnawed bread, half-drunk juice, etc.

"Lax, use your mind power."

Lux's thought power controlled all the 'treasures' to fly into the air, and then separated all the food under Long Yi's order, the pile of treasures shrank by more than half immediately.

Among the remaining items, nearly [-]% are all kinds of old clothes, quilts, etc. After all, after eating enough, the first goal of the rest is to keep warm, otherwise, when winter comes, the wandering elves will be easily frozen to death.

After removing these garbage things again, the remaining part has a little value.

There is a pile of dirty coins and banknotes, but the sum is only a few hundred yuan, Long Yi is not greedy for this.

There is a guitar with two broken strings, an old player with a broken screen, a tape recorder that I don't know if it will work, and some other sundries.

These things are completely useless to Long Yi.

"It's useless, throw it away, garbage."

Every time Long Yi uttered a sound, the pile of treasures in mid-air would shrink by a circle. After throwing away all kinds of garbage, only 4 things that seemed to be useful were left behind.

The first is a bird's beak, light yellow, about ten centimeters in length, with the tip slightly bent downwards, forming a hook.

"It looks like the beak of a dead natural bird." Long Yi judged.

After the death of an elf, most of the corpses will rot with the passage of time like other lives, but some special parts may retain part of the energy in front of them, and under certain conditions have the property of self-absorbing energy scattered in the air , thus becoming a natural attribute treasure.

For example, the scales on the wings of butterflies and moth elves; for example, certain scales on dragon elves; for example, the poisonous fangs and needles on poison elves; for example, a certain stone on rock elves...

And so on, all kinds, all kinds.

For bird elves, there are two parts that are most likely to form attribute treasures, one is the beak and the other is the feather.

Long Yi asked Lux ​​to put down the beak and hold it in his hand, Ji Laqi really reminded that there was energy in it, which contained 65 points.

"It's a pity that the energy of the super energy system of the natural bird is not retained, but the energy of the flight system." Long Yi felt a little regretful.

Flying attribute props are more common, the price is a bit cheaper, and it is relatively easy to buy; while super power elves are rare and rare, and even fewer attribute props are left behind after death, so not only are they expensive, but they are often found. There is no price.

What's more, Long Yi's Bibi Bird was bred very well by him, and the remaining flight-type energy strength can be gradually strengthened even if he relies on his own hard work, but because Lacus used the mysterious sealing secret technique, The energy intensity of the super energy system cannot grow by itself at all, it can only be instilled by the system.

Therefore, after knowing that the beak was probably left by a natural bird, a thought inevitably appeared in Long Yi's heart, but it was a pity that it didn't come true.


Lacus gently grabbed Long Yi's left hand.

Long took a look at her and said with a smile, "I'm fine, I'm just a little greedy."

The energy in it was absorbed casually, and the originally bright beak quickly became shriveled and dull, and cracked into several pieces with a 'click'.

The second treasure is a glass bead with a lightning bolt inside.

Long Yi originally thought it was an electric bead, that is, the attribute treasure that might be born in Pikachu's two cheeks, but when he got it in his hand, he found that it was just an ordinary glass bead, worthless.

The third one is a pearl, about 5 cm in diameter, pure white and delicate, Long Yi can't tell the real from the fake, but it looks real.

This pearl was attached to a necklace, but the necklace has been damaged, and some of the hollows on it may have been inlaid with gemstones, but now only this large pearl remains.

This pearl is the largest and most beautiful one that Long Yi has seen so far, he reckoned it should be worth some money, so he asked Lacus to use super power to take the pearl off the necklace, and put it away carefully.

The fourth is a wooden box.

It was a brown-black box, about thirty centimeters long, ten centimeters wide, and about ten centimeters high.

The reason why Long Yi left this wooden box is because there are many people carved on it, people holding samurai swords.

Some of the warriors on these reliefs have just closed their knives, some raised their heads high, some stabbed forward, and some slashed vigorously. Their postures and expressions are different, but the common thing is that they are all carved vividly!
Of course, due to improper preservation, some of the reliefs are a bit incomplete, which makes the value of this wooden box, which can be called a work of art, plummet.

On the top cover of the box, there is a knife engraved, a knife standing on the water surface, the water surface spreads circles of ripples under the knife, this knife is a common style samurai sword much shorter than Long Yi's Mo Yan .

The knife is engraved with words.

"Shuiyue." Long Yi whispered the words on it, "Is this the name of this knife?"

Of course the box is used to put things, Long Yi observed it, stretched out his hand to press the top cover of the box, pressed it down and then pushed it.

Ka Ka Ka ~
The top cover was pushed away, revealing the dry interior, a book with a black cover and no title lying quietly inside.

"It's so well preserved?" Long Yi was a little surprised, and then took out the book.

This book is not too thin, and the cover is made of some kind of animal skin, which is very flexible and smooth to the touch.

Long Yi casually flipped open the cover.

On the first page, on the yellowed paper was written ugly childlike cursive fonts, not much, just a few words, but the picture below shows a man with a killer haircut holding a knife to chop a big A doodle of a bird takes up most of the first page.

"Today, Dad hacked and killed a big bird that could discharge electricity."

"The meat of the big bird tastes numb, super super super delicious! I have never eaten such delicious meat, but my father said that this kind of bird is rare and cannot be eaten every day. I am really angry."

"Dad said, the big bird is called Lightning Bird because it can discharge electricity?"

"I've decided, I want to learn knives from my dad! I want to become as good as my dad, and then kill big birds and eat meat!"

The sound of the wooden box falling on the ground awakened Long Yi, his eyes widened, and he looked at the ugly font on the book in disbelief.

Is it true what is written on it?
A person, holding a knife, killed a lightning bird?

That's Lightning Bird! ! !

Long Yi took a deep breath, held his breath, and quickly turned backwards.

From the second page, the font on the book is completely different. It is no longer a child's scribbles, but it is correct and the paper is newer. It is obviously from the hands of an adult.

This book is a practice diary, and the person who wrote the book is the little boy on the first page. In the book, he wrote about all kinds of difficulties he encountered in the process of learning knives, but he didn't write about other daily chores at all. Long Yi didn't even know his name.

Long Yi didn't look carefully, but just scanned quickly, at a certain moment he stopped, staring straight at the words on the page.

"Ten years! I have practiced for a full ten years, and today I finally got out of the practice, and I know the road ahead!"

"After possessing qi, if you use qi to polish your body and strengthen your physique, then when your body is strong to the limit, you can disperse your qi into your flesh and blood and dissolve your spirit into your whole body, and you will be able to integrate your own spirit, energy, and spirit, and condense the so-called qi! "

"Body protection can be invulnerable to swords and guns, energy is not invaded, and with a good knife, it is not impossible to kill even a beast! This is the road my father took!"

"And if Qi is used to strengthen the spirit and strengthen the consciousness, then with the unique concept of thinking, one day you can sacrifice the essence and Qi in the body, feed back the spirit, and condense the momentum!"

"Momentum is also a combination of a warrior's own energy and spirit. After possessing momentum, the body will no longer be important. Even if the body dies, it can continue to exist in the form of momentum."

Two brand-new roads that had never been heard of appeared in front of Long Yi's eyes, allowing him to see a brand-new world!

"It turns out that not only ordinary elves can cultivate elements to achieve strength comparable to that of divine beasts, but even humans themselves can!"

Long Yi stopped flipping through the books, hurriedly put away the books, thought for a while and then picked up the box on the ground.

Maybe it will be useful in the future.

"Hui Yuan, where's Bibi Niao's Poké Ball?"

Huiyuan yelled twice, and Lacus was responsible for the translation, and then Geng Gui said that it hid the poke ball.

So Long Yi asked Lacus to teleport back to the hotel with Geng Gui, brought a few elf balls, and took them back one by one.

"Let's go to the elf center."

After handing the Flying Mantis to Ms. Joy from the Elf Center for help in treatment, Long Yi, Hui Yuan and Lacus went back to the hotel and continued to read the cultivation notes left by the unknown person.

The flame of ambition that had dimmed in Long Yi's heart at some point, was burning blazingly again!
I also want to become stronger!
(End of this chapter)

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