Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 236 The Origin of the Alliance

Chapter 236 The Origin of the Alliance

This world has always been dangerous. In the super ancient times, human beings still lived in the form of tribes. In order to face all kinds of powerful elves in nature, ancient humans had to choose some of them with milder personalities to enshrine and pray for their protection.

This is the original beast.

For example, Phoenix King, Rogia, Dream, Guraton, Kyoka, Rikuza, Arceus, Giratina, etc., are all "gods" enshrined in that era.

Later, someone invented the most primitive elf sealing technology, and gradually human beings entered the dynasty era from the tribal era, which is what modern people call the modern era.

The elf sealing technology allowed people in ancient times to control and tame some elves, thus greatly reducing the danger of facing ordinary elves in nature, and greatly expanding the scope of activities and survivability of people at that time. This is also the main reason why the dynasty was able to take shape .

Of course, in the face of those extremely powerful legendary elves, people in ancient times still had no ability to resist, so the worship of the gods continued.

However, the longing for freedom exists in everyone's heart, and the rulers of each dynasty are not satisfied with the so-called gods who can make them betray their relatives with a single sentence on their heads. Powerful, or a technology that directly seals the gods.

This is the origin of secret skills and enlightenment elements. Countless geniuses have followed suit and died.

To a certain extent, this directly led to the formation of the dark period in the late modern era!

At the end of the modern era, the emperor of a large dynasty was ambitious and powerful. His long-distance and short-range attacks gradually swallowed up several surrounding dynasties, and his power was so great that he even ruled most of the territories in the current four major regions!
This person is the emperor with the title of Demon King of the Sixth Heaven in the Dark Ages, Oda Naganobu!

The gods and beasts only care about whether the human offerings are timely, and some don't even care about the offerings. They just like the quiet life created by humans, and they don't care who is offering them.

After annihilating most of the powerful countries, Oda Naganobu didn't care about the remaining sporadic small countries, instead he forcibly gathered the heirs of various ancient families, the heirs of mysterious power, etc., and opened up all the kingdoms, including his own kingdom and all that were wiped out by him. Most of the materials and results of secret research in the country.

With the help of this group of the most intelligent and knowledgeable people in the world at that time and the knowledge and experience accumulated by various countries for hundreds of years, it took a whole ten years, during which money, treasures, and countless elves were consumed, and finally he cultivated a terrifying head. elf.

A dragon!
The world's first dark attribute elf!

This magic dragon is the first element-level elf truly cultivated by humans in recorded history, and it is even more powerful than most of the enshrined beasts!

After getting the magic dragon, Oda Naganobu was ambitious and wanted to destroy all the so-called divine beasts enshrined by humans.

He eliminated many weak gods one after another, and then Oda Naganobu set his sights on King Ho.

No one knows the specifics of this battle. The history books only record that the fire and clouds in the sky burned for seven days and seven nights, and a high mountain was melted into a lava lake. None of the Praetorians survived.

After the death of Oda Naganobu, several of his sons fought each other for the throne, and the group of people he summoned to cultivate the dragon scattered away, and this huge empire suddenly fell apart.

A few years later, several royal families who were left behind from the extermination of the country rebelled one after another. Among them, more than one elf had reached the element level, but the sons of Oda Naganobu were seriously worn out in the internal struggle, and they were defeated and killed one after another.

Once united the world, the country that was feared by Oda Naganobu disappeared, but several major royal families did not choose to restore the country, but joined forces with some forces that took advantage of the opportunity to form a brand new parliamentary system. power.

The name of this faction is called the Elven Alliance!

The national royal family who once worshiped Fengwang chose to become a monk to practice, continued to worship Fengwang, and built a bell tower for it.

The people of water who once worshiped Rogia and had the ability to control water established the Sea God Temple.

The royal family who once worshiped Arceus established the Mijina Temple.

In addition to this, there are many other strengths, some of which have disappeared in the historical development, and some have remained until now, such as the Shansi family who once enshrined Dreams and controlled the power of Bird.

Long spent the whole night studying that diary, which didn't mention the history of the origin of the Elf Alliance, but mentioned people's research on Qi in ancient times.

You must know that in order to get rid of the control of the beasts and completely dominate the world, people at that time did not completely put their hopes on the elves.

superpower!The power of waveguide!The power of Chang Pan!The power of the curse!gas!Chakra blah blah blah!

People are researching various powerful abilities. Among them, the main force in the army, the ancient warriors have discovered the strengthening effect of qi on the body, but they have no idea how to go further.

The research at that time also laid the groundwork for the boldness and aura that emerged after the establishment of the alliance.

"According to the notes, although courage and momentum take completely different paths, the end point is actually the same, that is, step by step to strengthen a person's essence, energy, and spirit, and then combine the three that have reached their limits into one. "Long Yi closed the diary, tapped his fingers on the table in thought.

It doesn't mean that you don't need to strengthen your spirit if you take courage, and it doesn't mean that you don't need to strengthen your body if you take momentum.

this is not right.

No matter which way to go, the three of spirit, energy and spirit must reach the limit that a person can achieve, so that it is possible to go further, gather courage or succeed in momentum.

The only difference is that a brave warrior needs to strengthen his body with qi, and a stronger body can condense more qi.

And when the body is strong, the spirit will naturally be better. This is actually the reason why a strong body is nourished for a long time and one's own spirit is improved.

Warriors who follow momentum use Qi to strengthen their spirit, and when their spirit is strong, they can use meditation to strengthen their own Qi.

But a strong spirit needs a stronger body to accommodate it, so a part of Qi must be allocated to strengthen the body during cultivation.

Chipo-style samurai cannot use qi to strengthen the spirit, and the body is stronger than the spirit for a long time.

The momentum-style samurai can only use Qi to strengthen the body when the spirit is too strong to support the body.

It can be said that since Long Yi used qi to strengthen his body for the first time, he has already embarked on the path of chi po, but he didn't know it.

"According to the diary, the Qi Po style is actually the orthodox samurai style. Although the Qi Po style is more troublesome to cultivate, it is essentially a crooked way, but it can be 'immortal', which is unmatched by the Chi Po style warriors.

But this 'immortality' is premised, and there are great hidden dangers.

"Qi Po Flow itself does not require any cultivation methods. Although some secret methods can make Qi strengthen the body better and shorten the training time, there is actually not much difference between having and not having it. It is just a matter of time."

"The only thing I lack is the last moment, a way to gather courage!"

This is the most critical point, without a specific method, it is impossible to talk about cohesiveness, and Long Yi will never be able to be compared with elemental elves.

It is a pity that this method is not written in the diary in his hand.

"There must be such a method in the league, but I don't know if there is one in Shueisha, and if so, what price would it take to get it."

Long Yi murmured.

After a while, he put the diary in a wooden box and put it away, checked the time, and went back to bed for a nap.


On the second day, Long Yi rarely slept late.

Near noon, Long Yi woke up for daily exercise, and then went to the elf center after lunch to retrieve the Flying Mantis after treatment.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, he took the airship to Chenghua City, an international city next to his hometown, Guchen Town.

Eight hours later, the airship landed in Chenghua City, Long Yi stayed in a hotel in Chenghua City for one night, and returned to Guchen Town early the next morning.

He happened to be in time this time, and when he returned home, he happened to meet his father, Miyazaki Takashi, who was rarely on vacation.

After the warm reunion, Long Yi told the dinner table that he had applied for early graduation and that he was going to participate in the assessment of the Kanto Shueisha branch.

Although there was some reluctance and disapproval, in the end Miyazaki Takashi and Mieko agreed with Ryuichi's impulse and gave him due encouragement.

On the contrary, Mayu, the younger sister who was the most clingy to Ryuichi before, sulked all night because of this.

It wasn't until Long Yi said that if he gained a firm foothold in Kanto, he could take Mieko and Mayu to live together, which made this lovely sister smile again.

As for his father, Takashi Miyazaki, he spends more than half of the year archaeologically outside, and he and his family usually gather less and leave more.

After staying at home for one night, Long Yi went to the deserted villa in the town the next day, intending to trouble the dream monster.

But things didn't go as planned, he searched the villa inside and out, and even spent the night inside, but he didn't find any trace of the Dream Demon at all.

It seems that the dream monster left after cursing the painting last time, and even the breath left behind has disappeared.

Long Yi stayed in Guchen Town for three days, but couldn't find the Dream Demon, so he could only set off on the road, head to Chenghua City, take an airship, and fly to the Kanto Quartz Plateau.

There is not only the venue for the annual Kanto Quartz Conference, but also the branch of the Kanto Federation. The Shueisha Kanto Branch is also located on this quartz-filled plateau.

Six hours later, the airship landed.

(End of this chapter)

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