Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 237 The 3-Star Mission of the Alliance Military!

Chapter 237 The Alliance Military's Three Star Mission!
The quartz plateau is named for the large amount of exposed quartz on the ground, and it is the most important base camp of the Kanto branch of the Elven Alliance.

There are only three buildings in the entire quartz plateau.

The first is the contestant village, which is the residence of the contestants, audience, relatives and friends, staff and others of the Quartz Conference every year.

The second is the venue of the Quartz Conference - the Quartz Stadium, which includes a main venue and four sub-venues of rock, water, grass and ice.

These two buildings are very close, and there is a dedicated road with the nearest Tokiwa City.

However, many people don't know much about the last complex of buildings sitting on the quartz plateau.

Kanto Branch of the Elf Alliance!

If you want to go to the Kanto Branch of the League, you first have to drive or walk from Tokiwa City to the Players Village, and then continue to go deep into the Quartz Plateau.

In the depths of the Quartz Plateau, there is a cave called the Road of Champions.

This cave is a challenge that all trainers who want to challenge the current four kings of the alliance and the Kanto champion must overcome. The cave extends in all directions and the terrain is very complicated. Some hidden roads even have to dive underwater to find them.

On this champion road, for some reason, there are a large number of powerful wild elves, much stronger than the wild elves anywhere else in the Kanto region!

In the cave, there are not only common elves in caves such as big rock snakes, rumbling stones, big-mouthed bats, and mountain kings, but also rare elves such as flame horses, fiery monkeys, iron-clad tyrannosaurs, Gotha ducks, and fast-swimming frogs.

Even, according to the legend, the holy beast of the Kanto Alliance - the flame bird - lives in this cave!

This legend has indeed attracted a large number of powerful trainers, and some people have even been on the road to the championship all year round, just to subdue this powerful legendary elf.

However, every year people see the flame bird flying out of or flying into the cave, but no one has ever found it, let alone tamed it.

After passing through the road of champions, there is the Flower Trail, and at the end of the trail, stands the headquarters of the Kanto League.

Long Yi came this time to join the Shueisha, and he had a formal letter of recommendation, so he didn't need to go on the road to the championship. Instead, he boarded the official helicopter of the alliance in Tokiwa City, and landed more than an hour later. On the tarmac of Shueisha Kanto Branch.

wow wow wow~
The noisy helicopter propellers gradually faded away, and a middle-aged man in a white shirt and black suit walked up against the strong wind.

"Miyazaki Ryuichi?" he asked loudly.

Long nodded, took out the letter of recommendation and handed it over.

The man took the letter, opened it, read it, and put it away.

At this time, the propeller had almost stopped, and the two finally didn't have to shout loudly.

"I am Renhe Xiaotian who is in charge of reception, please follow me."

Long Yi followed the man who claimed to be Renhe Xiaotian into a house, the floor was covered with shiny ceramic tiles, the overall decoration was very grand and luxurious, and all kinds of decorations were worth a lot of money at a glance.

The two walked forward, and finally walked into a room, which was not very big. A curved table divided the room into two halves, with two sofas and a few potted plants on one side, and a young and beautiful female receptionist sitting on the other side. There is another door.

"Good morning, Yunzijiang." Ren and Oda greeted each other.

"Good morning, Oda-kun." The female receptionist responded with a smile, and at the same time gave Long Yi a curious look, as if surprised by his age.

"Please call out the trial task list." Renhe Oda said, then turned to explain to Long Yi, "Shueisha is very big, but for Miyazaki-kun, passing the trial task is the first priority."

If you can't pass the test, everything is empty talk, so naturally you don't need to spend those words.

Long nodded, expressing his understanding.

A display screen fell from the head of the female receptionist, and as Yun Zijiang operated the computer, the names of the trial tasks appeared on the screen one by one.

"What are you good at, Miyazaki-kun? Attack? Defense? Healing? Control?"

"Attack!" Long Yi did not hesitate.

So Yunzijiang added new keywords, a large number of tasks disappeared, and many new tasks appeared.

Long Yi took a look and found that there were a total of 37 attack-type trial missions, but each mission name was marked with a star, the least one star and the highest three stars.

Renhe Xiaotian introduced: "The number of stars represents the difficulty of the task. One star is the lowest, and three stars is the highest. At the same time, the number of stars also represents the level of membership you can obtain after completing the task. After completing the task of one star, you can become a first-level member. level, three-star level three."

Shueisha members are divided into grades 1-9. The grade not only determines the amount of monthly benefits, but is also directly linked to the rewards that can be exchanged.

Long Yi had learned more detailed information through Masakazu Aoki's channels before, and knew that Levels 1-3 are low-level members, probably the strongest of second-rate trainers can pass the assessment, and those who are over 40 years old and have not been promoted to Level 4 will automatically be stripped of their Shueisha membership status.

The monthly benefits of low-level members are [-], [-], and [-] points respectively. Each point is equivalent to the alliance currency, and a common item exchange list is provided.

Levels 4-6 are mid-level members, most of whom are top-notch trainers. The upper age limit has been increased to 60 years old, and the monthly benefits are 30, 50, and [-], respectively. The exchange list for special items is open.

Levels 7-9 are senior members, all of them are element-level trainers, or special talents equivalent to this, not only the monthly benefit amount is as high as 100 million, 300 million and 500 million, but also can be exchanged for most of the special resources in the alliance!
Long Yi bowed his head and thought: The symbol of a first-class trainer is an elf that has reached the limit value of the race. I have Jormungandr, and with the special skill Fear Demon, I can completely reach the peak of a first-class trainer in terms of attack. A normal three-star task It shouldn't stop me.

The benefits of each level of Shuei Club members are very different, and there are a lot of tasks to be completed in order to upgrade, Long Yi does not want to spend a lot of time and energy on this.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have a trial task of more than three stars, he even wanted to become a middle-level member in one fell swoop!
"Please help me filter out all the three-star attack trial missions!" Long made a decision.

Ren and Xiaotian glanced at him, then turned their heads and said to Yun Zijiang, "Do it."

As a result, the original two-page task list was instantly reduced to three lonely lines.

Long Yi looked up, his pupils shrank, and asked Yun Zijiang to click on the first task.

[Task name: Assist in capturing giant stinging jellyfish]

[Task difficulty: Samsung]

[Publisher: The Seventh Detachment of the Kanto Third Navy of the Alliance Military]

[Mission objective: When the strong military is fighting with the giant stinging jellyfish, help defend against the jellyfish swarm under its command]

[Mission brief introduction: More than a year ago, there was an elf riot of stinging jellyfish and agate jellyfish at the pier of Yumachi City.The director of the local group, Mrs. Kim, invaded the habitat of the sting jellyfish and the agate jellyfish in order to build a floating hotel, triggering a counterattack from the agate jellyfish and the stinger jellyfish.During the process, an agate jellyfish mutated and evolved into a huge stinging jellyfish with a height of tens of meters!Under the leadership of this huge stinger jellyfish, thousands of agate jellyfish and stinger jellyfish set off a tsunami, flooding most of Yumachi City, causing thousands of deaths and injuries, and various losses reaching hundreds of millions of dollars! 】

"This mission..." Long Yi was in a complicated mood. The giant stinging jellyfish that appeared in the mission description was one of the few elves in his memory.

Renhe Xiaotian said: "This is the third time this mission has appeared. Last year, the elf riot was very violent, and there were too many victims, which led to public dissatisfaction. Miss Kona, one of the four heavenly kings of Kanto, was once ordered to kill This giant stinging jellyfish, but because the military needs to capture it alive, and it is very cunning, it has been escaped many times."

"Although the task is only to assist in the capture, after all, it is a battle involving thousands of elves, and anything can happen in the chaos. The trainers who took this task the first two times, one of the main elves died, and the other's ship was bombed Destroyed, no bones left."

Ren and Xiaotian didn't mean to persuade Long Yi to give up, he just stated clearly the hidden harm of this task, whether Long Yi chooses or not, it is his own business.

Long nodded, and asked to check the other two three-star missions, both of which were very dangerous and difficult.

Wealth and wealth are sought, the three-star mission can directly jump to the third-level members, the difficulty is naturally unusual, and even the official members of the 4-6 levels may capsize in the gutter if they are not careful.

"I'll just choose it." Long Yi finally chose the task of assisting in catching the giant stinging jellyfish.

"Okay." Ren and Oda didn't say much, and let Yunzijiang go through the relevant procedures.

"The seventh detachment will depart in five days. This is your mission proof. The society will send a special plane to take you to Yumachi City. The completion status is subject to the military report."

"Thank you." Long Yi accepted the proof.

(End of this chapter)

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