Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 238 The Strong in the Military

Chapter 238 The Strong in the Military

Long Yi took Shueisha's special plane to a fleet on the ocean.

This fleet consists of a huge mothership and six frigates that are two sizes smaller but of different sizes.

According to what Long Yi saw on the plane, the frigates should be two different types of ships. As for the specific types of ships, or whether they are really called frigates, Long Yi, who is not military blind, can know. .

In addition, Long Yi also saw some long shadows under the sea surface, it seems that there are submarines under the water.

The plane landed on the tarmac of the mothership, after getting off the plane, Long Yi followed the officer in charge of reception to the inside of the mothership to meet the commander of this operation.

Boom boom boom!
The officer brought Long Yi to a door and knocked on it.

"Come in." A magnetic male voice came from inside the door.

The officer opened the door, and Long Yi found that it was a luxurious room that was even more extravagant than imagined. There was a huge two-meter-long desk, a private bar, a sofa and coffee table for meeting guests, and a bookshelf full of books. There is also a door inside that leads to another room.

There are two people in the room, one in his 40s, wearing a military uniform, with his hair combed meticulously, sitting behind his work, and seems to be working.

The other looked about 30 years old, tall and big, with short blond hair and neat short hair, wearing an open camouflage vest that showed a strong chest, and camouflage trousers and boots on his feet also matched his military style.

The second person sat directly on the bar counter, crossed his legs, and held a glass with half a glass of amber liquid and two ice cubes in his hand.

"Report to the captain! The assistant sent by Shueisha has arrived!" The officer leading the way reported to the middle-aged man behind the desk.

The captain looked up.

Before he could speak, the strong man sitting on the bar was the first to speak: "Shueisha has really gone back and forth. Why did you send a baby over this time?"

"I'm not a baby!" Long Yi suppressed his anger.

He didn't come to be angry!

"A baby is a baby. Although your size is okay, I can tell that you are definitely not an adult." The strong man drank the wine in his glass nonchalantly, and even the two ice cubes "creaked" Chewing and swallowing.

Long Yi was nearly 1.8 meters tall, and his body, which was strong and powerful due to martial arts training, could only be exchanged for one sentence!
Although judging by his size, this man who is close to two meters tall is indeed one or two heavyweights above Long Yi.

"I heard that the assistants of the first two times are at least some well-known trainers. What's your record, baby, have you ever participated in a league competition?"

He put down his cup and jumped off the bar, as if he wanted to come over and rub Long Yi's hair.

Long Yi silently put his right hand on the handle of Mo Yan's knife at his waist, put on an attack posture, and said word by word: "I said, I'm not a baby!"

A black circle loomed behind him, traces of faint black energy emanated from Long Yi's body, especially Mo Yan, the demon sword in his hand, the black energy was even more intense, completely in line with the name of the demon knife.

This is the new achievement that Long Yi has researched after he regained his motivation to practice martial arts after he got that diary. Before that, he had improved the killing swordsmanship inherited by Mo Yan, the demon sword, and switched to triggering with fear, but there were still quite a few hidden dangers at that time. .

But now, Long Yi successfully solved this hidden danger!Not only that, but he also successfully connected his improved Fear Sword Dao with Yemengade in the secondary plane, so that his Fear Sword Dao can use Yemengade's innate ability to greatly increase its power!
At this moment, the captain and the leading officer seemed to have seen the roar of artillery fire, the tragic experience of the fleet fighting a group of crazy howler whale kings a few years ago.

At this moment, the sharp sound of a specially-made fighter jet sounded in the ear of the strong man with short blond hair. He recalled seeing the fighter planes his comrades were flying in being destroyed one by one, leaving no bones left.

How powerful!

Suddenly, a translucent Haoli phantom appeared strangely behind the strong man, that Haoli let out an angry roar, and the hallucinated man suddenly woke up.

"What kind of kendo is this!"

The man's voice became serious, changing from the frivolity before.

At the same time, the other two came back to their senses under the mighty roar, and a cold sweat broke out from their vests.

"Ma Zhishi, don't be impulsive!" The captain subconsciously shouted, only to realize that the situation in front of him was different from what he had imagined.

It wasn't Ma Zhishi who made the move just now.

It's that young man!

"Fear of swordsmanship, I improved it myself." Long Yi said, his heart was not calm.

Ma Zhishi!
Just now the captain called him Ma Zhishi!
Long Yi has heard of this name before, he is the gym trainer of the Kuye Gym in Kanto Kuye City, and he is one of the eight gym trainers defeated by the protagonist Xiaozhi in Kanto in his previous life.

According to the official information, Ma Zhishi has a military background and is a retired soldier, and now it seems that this is the case.

However, what is the powerful phantom behind him? Is it momentum?

"Improved by myself?" Ma Zhishi looked surprised.He stood up straight, and the Haoli phantom behind him disappeared without a trace, "I apologize to you, you are a real warrior, I hope your spirit is as strong as you."

"It will only be stronger than you think." Long Yiyi let go of his right hand, and the black circle of black energy disappeared immediately.

The tense atmosphere disappeared, and the captain and the other officer breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is the power behind you the aura?"

"You actually know aura?" Ma Zhishi is a person who is not good at hiding his emotions, the surprise on his face is stronger than before, and at the same time, he is more and more sure that Long Yi is the heir of some ancient kendo.

"No, it's the prototype of my spirit."

"Chi Po?" Now it was Long Yi's turn to be surprised.

According to the information he learned, the aura is thus condensed from the body, and the aura is created out of nothing behind the scenes.

Ma Zhishi explained: "I practice the Haoli Hundred and Eight Styles of Grappling Hands, which is just a very common military fighting technique, and I have no chance to gather courage. But I have obtained another method, which can find another way, through the method of warming and nourishing momentum. The way to condense the prototype of the spirit, and then merge with the body, can also form the spirit."

Long nodded.

Ma Zhishi has already condensed the rudimentary form of spirit, and it can be said that he is only one step away from becoming a spirit-level warrior comparable to element-level trainers.

Of course, this alternative method definitely has its own flaws, Long Yi reckons that the hidden dangers are not small, otherwise it would have spread the word a long time ago.

After all, the aura itself is the result of heretics, and to gather the aura based on the aura, the way is even more crooked.

Next, Captain Motoda Taishi introduced himself, and then briefly introduced Ma Zhishi's identity.

This arrest operation is the third attempt by the military. Because the previous two failed, Yuan Tian Dazhi specially asked someone to invite Ma Zhishi, a former air force major and now the trainer of the Dead Leaf Gymnasium, to participate. With the help of his powerful electric spirit, completely knock down the giant stinging jellyfish and capture it.

Long Yi's task is to assist Ma Zhishi in this process, defeat the wandering sting jellyfish and agate jellyfish, and give Ma Zhishi's elf and giant sting jellyfish a space to fight each other.

If Ma Zhishi loses to the giant stinger jellyfish, of course, needless to say, but if he has the upper hand, the giant stinger jellyfish will definitely send out a signal, and then hundreds of thousands of stinger jellyfish and agate jellyfish ruled by it will come out. Crazy impact on the area where Ma Zhishi is located, so the pressure faced by the supporters is second only to Ma Zhishi who is fighting the huge stinging jellyfish.

The military system is self-contained, so there are very few pure elf trainers in the army. Although there are masters, they are also special trainers who are deeply branded by the military habits.

They are good at large-scale combat, but the military is a bit stretched for tasks that require elite trainers.

It is precisely because the military system, police system, special search department and forest rangers will more or less face this dilemma, so the alliance organized the establishment of Shueisha.

Shueisha, to put it nicely, is a group of elite trainers brought together by the Alliance. To put it bluntly, it is actually the high-level mercenaries that the Alliance usually keeps. The relationship between the two parties is not deep, and they are all connected by interests.

And to join such an organization, Long Yi naturally needs to prove that he has the value of being raised.

"What if I take down the giant stinging jellyfish?" Before leaving, Long Yi asked suddenly.

Both Yuantian Dazhi and Ma Zhishi were stunned.

Afterwards, Motoda Taishi laughed and said: "If you can do this, I will give you a special evaluation, which is enough for you to have the rank of a 4th-level intermediate member as soon as you join Shueisha!"

Long Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"A word is settled!"

(End of this chapter)

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