Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 240 VS Under the Giant Stinger Jellyfish!

Chapter 240 VS Under the Giant Stinger Jellyfish!
The artillery fire roared, and the waves rose everywhere!
The power of science and technology is displayed at this moment, but the jellyfish swarm is not an ordinary beast after all, and a powerful counterattack is imminent.

The first ones to suffer were eight fighter jets that dived and shot. The agate jellyfish and the stinger jellyfish have an innate ability that can use their bodies to refract light and shoot it out through the red agate crystal on their foreheads. It is as powerful as a laser gun and can even cause an explosion. .

The dense red lasers weaved a large net in the sky, and the eight fighter jets were all destroyed in one encounter, and fell into the sea with black smoke.

The stinging jellyfish stood out from the team and lined up at the front, roughly seventy or eighty of them.

The round of attack just now killed a large number of agate jellyfish, but for the stinger jellyfish in the jellyfish group, as long as they were not hit by the frontal shell, their lives would not be in danger at all.


A blue energy ball appeared under the thick stinger of each stinging jellyfish. Dozens of energy balls blasted into the sea at the same time, and a massive amount of water system energy exploded, suddenly setting off a tsunami more than ten meters high.

Group Water Fluctuation!

"This kind of power..." Long Yi seemed to recall the wrath of the Gyarados that he encountered when he was on the contact boat. The natural disaster-like effect produced by this kind of fusion attack is simply not something that elves below the element level can contend with.

Unless you use cheats!

Just as Long Yi was about to call out Yemengade, Ma Zhishi took a half step forward to block him.

"Raichu, use the Thunder Scythe!"

Leiqiu's tail suspended in mid-air suddenly became golden, as if cast from gold, but Long Yi knew that it was just an optical illusion caused by the extreme compression of a large amount of electric system energy.

Secret Skill - Thunder Scythe!

He once saw that one of the thunder hills of Ishida Yamato, the apprentice of Tie Xuan, the gymnasium trainer in Zijin City, could use the Thunder Sickle.

And now, he saw it again.

Twisting his body vigorously, a phantom of a golden sickle flew out from Lei Qiu's tail, and the place where the sickle passed was full of lightning and flint, like a hell of thunder.

The tsunami caused by dozens of stinging jellyfish was cut off by the thunder sickle. The energy of the internal water system evaporated into pure water vapor, and a large amount of entrained seawater fell down, mixing with countless stinging jellyfish and agate jellyfish.

puff puff!

In the water curtain, two extremely thick tentacles struck through the air, one shot at Leiqiu in mid-air, and the other shot at Ma Zhishi on the deck.

It's a giant stinger jellyfish!
"Lightning fist!" Ma Zhishi ordered decisively, regardless of the tentacles that were shooting at him.

Leiqiu's right fist shrouded in lightning and smashed open the tentacles, then took the opportunity to take a breath and use electromagnetic levitation to dodge.

On the other side, Long Yi stood up and ordered the Gyarados to use the destructive death light to intercept it.

The golden destructive death light was far more powerful than the Lightning Fist. The tentacle that was attacking Ma Zhishi was blown off in the middle, and the two-meter-long piece fell on the deck and was still twitching.


The huge stinging jellyfish tens of meters high stood up from the sea. Its right side had a large area of ​​scorched black, which was the result of the thunder fist and the mothership's main gun just now.

Dense stinging jellyfish and agate jellyfish are scattered on the sea surface, because the attack just now was out of formation.


Boom boom boom!
The frigates and submarines poured out their firepower, and the mothership's main gun roared again, but this time, the water cannon from the giant stinging jellyfish knocked the shells away and missed the target.

Elves wearing exoskeleton armor walked onto the deck. The lineup was mainly electric and water. The electric elves were responsible for guarding the battleship on the deck, and the water elves were responsible for launching into the water to protect the bottom of the ship.

The huge stinging jellyfish frantically fired water cannons at Leiqiu. Except for the elf and the mothership's main cannon, other sporadic shells couldn't break through its defense at all.

However, Leiqiu's slipperiness is beyond its imagination. Leiqiu, who uses electromagnetic levitation, is even more agile than Wang Yan!

"Thunder Fist!"

Raichu made another fast dash, and the terrifying power of Thunder Fist bloomed again. However, the huge stinging jellyfish that had been prepared was not knocked down this time, although it still suffered huge damage.

Down below, the jellyfish swarm finally approached the fleet after sacrificing a large number of agate jellyfish. The frigate's artillery fire was useless, and they could only rely on the elves wearing exoskeletons to defend and counterattack.

Long Yi's defensive pressure increased sharply, not only released Gyarados, but also Huiyuan, Lux, Bibi Bird and Gala Gala.


Dozens of giant stinging jellyfish tentacles struck at the same time, and seven elves wearing exoskeletons were caught by the tentacles. Under the terrible force, even the exoskeleton armor made of special alloys was distorted and deformed, and the elves inside were naturally sacrificed. Opposite fate.

Long Yi struggled to order the elves to guard against this wave, but the next moment more tentacles flew out of the water, twenty or thirty of them!
It is said that each stinging jellyfish has a full eighty tentacles, and this giant stinging jellyfish will only have more and no less!
Long Yi looked at Ma Zhishi.

The previous tsunami was an accident. Although he really wanted to see if his Yemengard could defeat the giant stinging jellyfish, the actions of the army were not a joke.

Although Yuan Tian Dazhi promised him that he would give Long Yi a special evaluation as long as he subdued the giant stinging jellyfish, but that was based on Ma Zhishi's failure.

Otherwise, let Long Yi try, if he fails, angers or makes the giant stinging jellyfish escape, who will bear the responsibility for the failure of this operation?

Therefore, although Long Yi has Yemengjiade's hole card, when to use it depends on whether Ma Zhishi needs help.

"Need not."

Ma Zhishi shook his head, looked up at the nearly thirty tentacles flying up into the sky, and smiled coldly: "Scythe of Thunder."


Lei Qiu, who was dodging in the air, suddenly stopped suddenly, his tail became golden again, and then the golden sickle flew out, and all the tentacles that flew up into the sky were cut off from it, even the part that was still attached to the giant stinging jellyfish was also cut off. The powerful electric current scorched it and shrank it, losing its activity.


The giant stinging jellyfish let out a scream.

This blow alone destroyed nearly one-third of its tentacles, which was more painful than the two thunder fists just now!

"How many times can your Raichu use secret skills?" Long Yi asked.

Although the secret technique is powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy. A race limit elf with full physical strength can't use the secret technique a few times. At present, Raichu has used Thunder Fist twice and Thunder Sickle twice.

Although the huge stinging jellyfish was seriously injured, it was still fierce.

"It's enough to kill it." Ma Zhishi didn't answer directly.

In fact, the answer in his mind was 4 times for Thunder Fist and 3 times for Thunder Scythe!
Thunder Fist is a layered attack secret skill. The higher the level of cultivation, the greater the power, and of course the greater the consumption.

However, the Sickle of Thunder is not, the Sickle of Thunder is a special attack-type secret skill!

This kind of secret technique requires the elves to condense a thunder sickle at ordinary times, and then store it on the body and seal it.

When it comes time to fight, as long as the elf has a thought, he can use the Thunder Sickle sealed on his body without consuming any energy.

The only disadvantage is that the power of the Sickle of Lightning is fixed, and it can be regarded as a low-medium attack skill; and every time there is a Sickle of Lightning on the elf, the difficulty of sealing the next one will double.

The limit of Ma Zhishi's Thunder Hill is to seal 5 Thunder Sickles on his body, and there are still 3 shots available for use!
Seeing that he answered affirmatively, Long Yi nodded and didn't say much.

The battle was extremely fierce. Except for Ma Zhishi, who was protected by Long Yi, the other naval elves who participated in the battle suffered heavy losses from the huge jellyfish swarm attack and the occasional sneak attack of the huge stinging jellyfish. Soon the two frigates were destroyed by the agate jellyfish. If it is sunk, it is unreasonable for the soldiers on it to fall into the sea full of angry jellyfish.

Under the water, 4 submarines blew up 3 of them, and one of them rushed to the deserted island. Although it survived, the navy among them had to face a deserter trial by a military court after the battle.

The human side has suffered heavy losses, and the jellyfish group is even more so!
More than [-]% of the thousands of jellyfish were lost, less than a thousand were still fighting, and there were only thirty or so ordinary stinging jellyfish left.

"What a difficult monster." In the command room, Motoda Taishi raised his fist and slammed the table hard.

The loss is too great!
Through the first two battles, Motoda Taishi learned about the attack and defense power of the giant stinging jellyfish, but he didn't realize its terrifying vitality!
The young agate jellyfish's attraction to the giant stinger jellyfish was unexpectedly strong, even though it was already on the verge of collapse, it still refused to retreat.

What was even more unexpected to Taishi Motoda was the huge jellyfish around him!
In the second siege, the elves of Kona, the King of Ice, killed a large number of agate jellyfish and stinger jellyfish. Only a few hundred escaped with the giant stinger jellyfish. However, this time, they faced more than [-] enemies!
Five thousand!

God knows where those thousands of agate jellyfish and stinger jellyfish came from.

At sea, the battle continues.

"Thunder Fist!" Ma Zhishi gritted his teeth and ordered.

The panting Raichu once again broke through the defense of the giant stinging jellyfish - after losing a large number of tentacles, Raichu's attack became easier. It shone brightly, and soon a terrifying electric current erupted.

This is the fourth Thunder Fist in it!


The huge stinging jellyfish, which was almost scorched all over, let out a terrible roar, and the remaining ten tentacles stirred the sea water, and suddenly fired a huge water cannon to attack Leiqiu.

Leiqiu just wanted to dodge, but unexpectedly he didn't catch his breath and slowed down a step.

Just this step caused it to be hit head-on by the water cannon, and the electric current formed by the electromagnetic levitation on its body exploded instantly. The body was carried by the water cannon and flew high into the sky. Where is the sea.

"Not good!" Ma Zhishi's expression changed greatly, and the expressions of all the people in the boat who saw this scene changed greatly.

The blood on Yuan Tian Dazhi's face faded completely. He is the only person who knows the details of Ma Zhishi. This gym trainer who retired from the Air Force Major a few years ago is truly a powerful elf. It's just mound!

"It's over." Yuantian Dazhi said, and the effort fell short.

The giant stinging jellyfish turned its head and landed on Ma Zhishi with eyes full of malicious intent.


The water gun with the thickness of the truck body hits, and the impact brought by the gentle water flow at high speed even breaks down the steel, not to mention the mere human body?
"The tyrannical carp dragon, destroy the dead light."

A golden destructive death light intercepted the water cannon of the giant stinging jellyfish.

Long Yi turned his head and said with a smile to Ma Zhishi: "It seems that I got my special evaluation."

Saying that, without looking back, he raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

"Come out, Jormungandr!"

"Use the Dread Demon!"

It was dark, and then there was a loud thud.

Long Yi snapped his fingers again, and Ye Mengjiade disappeared, leaving only the sleeping figure of the huge stinging jellyfish leaning on the sea surface.

Ma Zhishi made the sound of teeth chattering, raised his finger, opened his mouth to speak, but had nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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