Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 241 'New Home'

Chapter 241 'New Home'

Seeing Ma Zhishi's appearance, Long Yi couldn't help grinning: "You're welcome."

Ma Zhishi shook his head and gave a thumbs up.

There is no need for Long Yi to worry about the next thing, he and Ma Zhishi returned to the interior of the mothership, they were greeted with warm applause from the entire navy and a warm embrace from Yuan Tian Dazhi.

Although Motoda Taishi knew that he might not only have done nothing this time, but had done something—heavy casualties were the first, deserters were the second due to lack of strict control, and heavy casualties caused by poor investigation were even more sinful.

Although he clearly complained about Long Yi's strength, he didn't say it outright.

But he didn't say anything, and he didn't even show it on his face.

After the hug, he sent people to the desert island to disarm the navy in the last submarine and take charge of custody.

Ma Zhishi's Leiqiu naturally also sent a special person to go on a tour, and the agate jellyfish and ordinary sting jellyfish left after the death of the giant sting jellyfish dispersed in a hurry, and they were no longer a good thing.

In the end, he sent his deputy to take a small boat to the side of the giant stinger jellyfish, and threw the poke ball, but he didn't expect the poke ball to burst suddenly, unable to subdue the giant stinger jellyfish.

No way, Motoda Taishi had to be tied to the giant stinging jellyfish with a steel cable, ready to be dragged back to the naval base.

A few hours later, Long Yi returned to the Quartz Plateau by a fighter jet in the third naval base, and not only brought back the special evaluation certificate of Yuan Tian Taizhi, but also exchanged communication numbers with Ma Zhishi.


Quartz Plateau, Kanto Branch of the Elf Alliance, Jiying Community.

The fighter plane landed on the tarmac belonging to Shueisha, Long Yi got off the plane, and saw Ren and Oda waiting in the distance at a glance.

"Congratulations, Miyazaki-kun!" Ren and Oda walked up, with expressions of shock and doubt that could not be concealed.

He had already learned what happened through the connection with Yuan Tian Dazhi, so he naturally knew that Long Yi had obtained a special evaluation.

This is a special evaluation!

As soon as he entered Shueisha, he became a 4th-level intermediate member, even in the entire history of Shueisha, such a person is rare, and Long Yi is the only one that Ren and Oda have seen.

This is the real powerhouse!
And more importantly, he is still very young!
"Thank you." Long nodded.

"I have already understood the situation, this way please."

The two came to the room where they received the task last time. This time the person in charge of the front desk has changed, but it is still a young and beautiful woman.

With a bewildered expression on her face, the female receptionist helped Long Yi complete the task settlement, and at the same time collected the information. From this moment, Long Yi officially became a member of the Kanto Shueisha.

"This is your membership card, please keep it." The female receptionist pushed a new small blue book over.

"Thank you."

The size of Shueisha's membership card is similar to that of a driver's license. The cover is sky blue, with an embossed pattern of a Pokeball pattern printed on the front, the three characters Shueisha written in the center, and an S-shaped pattern buckled out of an octagon on the back. It is the emblem of Shueisha.

Open it, and on the left is Long Yi's identity certificate, including a one-inch photo, name, age, date of joining the club, and other information. With the special card reader software, it can also read the membership level, record elf, fighting style, and fighting video in the electronic file. and other details.

On the right is the point card belonging to each member, which records the points used for exchange, similar to a bank salary card.

"It's just a handbook for members." Ren and Xiaotian handed over a small, thin book.

The Shuei Club was originally created by the Alliance to make up for the shortage of powerful trainers, so naturally there would be no restrictions on its members.

It can be said that the Shuei Club is the most free among all the employees of the alliance, and the benefits are quite high, but correspondingly, they are also the group of people with the highest death rate when performing dangerous tasks.

Long Yi casually flipped through the rules, they were all fake and empty rules, and there were almost no actual restrictions.

"Come on, I'll take you to your room."

Every member of Shueisha has a dormitory assigned to them. Members of grades 1-3 share a room with two people, and members of grades 4-6 share a commercial room for one person. As for the element-level members of grades 7-9, each has a separate dormitory. villas.

These rooms are well-decorated, and you can move in with your bags. Of course, the ownership is not in the hands of the members, and there is no way to redeem them with points.


Ren and Xiaotian introduced to Long Yi while walking, and the two came to the innermost place and got on an elevator.

The exterior side of the elevator is a glass wall.

Through this wall, Long Yi can see that there are eight standard battle arenas distributed on the backside of the building, and separated by these eight arenas are twelve villas, and in the center of these twelve villas is a circular artificial The lake is built along the lake, and each building occupies one point of the clock.

"Those are the villas where the senior members live." Ren and Oda introduced in a respectful tone.

"12 villas, does it mean that the Kanto Shueisha has 12 senior members?" Long Yi asked.

There are not only elf trainers in the Shuei Club, but high-level members must be people of equal value to the element level, such as courage-level samurai and imposing-level samurai.

Ren and Xiaotian shook their heads and said, "There are only twelve buildings."

"???" Long Yi had a question mark on his face.

"This is the alliance's regulation. There can only be 12 senior members. Whenever a mid-level member wants to be promoted to a senior member, it will inevitably result in a former senior member being downgraded to a mid-level member."

The underlying meaning is that there are not only these 12 element-level trainers in the Kanto branch of Shueisha, but some of them are only intermediate members.

Long Yi was taken aback, and flipped through the member handbook he just got, and sure enough, he saw this item in it.

There is no limit to the number of low-level and middle-level members, because they must perform tasks every once in a while to ensure that they are not relegated, and they are valuable to the alliance.

However, senior members are different. Senior members no longer need to perform tasks, and enjoy huge benefits for nothing every month, which is more like an offering from the alliance!
Unless there are special circumstances, senior members can't generate any value at all, only the alliance is paying.

Of course, the number of such people must be limited.

And the competition for places can make those element-level trainers contribute to the alliance in a disguised form.After all, if every level 6 member wants to advance, he needs to perform a very difficult promotion task. After completing it, he will challenge a current senior member, and he can replace him only after he wins.

Those who are sure to challenge are naturally all trainers at the element class level.

And those who were replaced, after getting used to the treatment of senior members, would definitely not be able to bear the benefits of middle-level members, so they also went to complete the tasks and challenge them with all their strength. In this cycle, the alliance will eventually benefit.

Shueisha members can get extra points rewards for completing tasks, except for two types of tasks, one is the task used to maintain the level at regular intervals, and the other is the promotion task.

The quota of 12 senior members is like 12 attractive carrots hanging in front of your eyes, prompting those element-level trainers to complete extremely difficult urgent tasks time and time again, and the price that the alliance needs to pay is only tens of millions per month Points, compared to directly hiring or posting as a task, I don't know how much I saved.

However, low-level and mid-level members use mandatory tasks to make them continue to create value and make up for losses. Every motivated trainer wants to climb higher, but they need to complete a different number of tasks to upgrade. They are also very shrewd calculation.

Long Yi finally understood the thinking behind the Shueisha system, and couldn't help secretly praising the person who designed this system.

"Fortunately, I became a level 4 member in one step, which saved me a lot of time." Long Yi rejoiced in his heart.

At the same time, he is also very curious about how many strong people there are in the Shuei Club: "Renhe-kun, how many element-level trainers are there in the Shuei Club?"

Ren and Oda smiled, but did not answer.

At this time, the elevator stopped on the 13th floor.

"We have arrived."

Each floor has 10 rooms, Long Yi followed Ren and Xiaotian and stopped at the door of room 1307, watching him take out the key and open the door.

"have a look."

"Starting today, it's yours."

This is a well-decorated commercial house, which consists of living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, master bedroom with bathroom, second bedroom without bathroom and a study room.

Long Yi put down his luggage and sat down on the sofa, which was soft and comfortable.

These empty rooms are cleaned and maintained by special cleaning staff every day, so not to mention the peculiar smell, there is not even dust on the furniture.

Turning on the TV, it happened to be broadcasting a P1 Elf Fighting Contest. Two fighting elves punched to the flesh, their blood boiling.

Long Yi took a deep breath.

"Come out, Huiyuan, Lux!"

"Huiyuan, Lacus, this will be our home for a long time to come." Long Yi said with a smile.

Lacus sat down beside Long Yi, Xiaojiabiyu.

Huiyuan jumped onto the coffee table and spun around in excitement, his small eyes were dark and bright.

Long Yi suddenly thought of something, quickly picked up Hui Yuan, pointed to its nose, and warned: "You must never demolish the house! Did you hear that!"

Huiyuan immediately lost interest.

(End of this chapter)

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