Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 242 Three Secret Techniques!

Chapter 242 Three Secret Skills!

After handing over the room key, Ren and Oda left after exchanging communication numbers.

After putting the luggage in the room, Long looked at the time and found that it was still early, so he decided to go downstairs for a stroll.

The second to fifth floors are all functional areas, and the content is very common, Long Yi did not go there.

What he was more interested in was the reward redemption area on the first floor!
After all, the reason why Long Yi wanted to graduate early was because the teaching level of the Trainer Academy was unsatisfactory and the help to him was limited, and secondly, with the increase and evolution of the elves, the pressure on money also increased suddenly. In addition to the energy crystal of the element level that Long Yi wanted most, he found a way to join Shueisha.

Following the distribution map in the member handbook, Long Yi found the exchange hall.

The exchange hall of Shueisha occupies most of the space on the first floor, and the overall shape is elegant and grand.There are circular service desks distributed in the hall. Each service desk has a specially trained service person, and there is an LCD screen on the pillar behind it. There are also corresponding computer screens.

Long Yi didn't know how many members there were in the Kanto branch of Shueisha, but when he came to the exchange hall, there were not many people there, only one staff member stuck to his post.

I randomly found a service desk and sat down, and the receptionist was a cute girl in a suit and uniform.

"Hello, I want to see the list of items that I can exchange." Long handed over his membership card.


A large selection soon appeared on the computer screen next to it.

Long Yi is now a level 4 member of Shueisha, and can exchange for items in the normal list and special list.

The general list includes all kinds of normal goods that can be purchased in shopping malls and other places except houses and fields. The price is the same as the market price, but only the brands produced by the companies under the alliance can be selected.

In addition, the general list also includes resources such as the exchange of various popular elves, learning methods for unique skills, quotas for participating in alliance conferences, special elf food provided by breeders, individual tutoring by senior lecturers, and ordinary attribute treasures. The price of the output is the same as that of the outside world. If you cannot produce it yourself and need to buy it separately, the price is slightly higher by [-]% to [-]%, depending on the preciousness of the item.

After all, many things are priceless.

In general, for the vast majority of trainers in the world, the general list can almost meet all their normal needs about trainers.

Intermediate members above level 4 can exchange for a special list. Although there are a lot less things, they are even more precious!
For example, elf exchange, there are only public elves in the general list, and the first-class elves including Yusanjia, Nidowang, Gyarados, and Hudi can be exchanged in the special list!
Of course, the more evolved the price, the more expensive it is, and there is a quantity limit.

Among the treasures, there are only evolution stones, long beaks, thick bone sticks, etc. in the general list, but rare treasures such as dragon balls, dragon scales, and king's certificates appear in the special list, and even special elves made with orange fruit and other special techniques ball!

"Metallic coating!"

Long Yi's eyes stopped on a silver-gray liquid. This is a man-made treasure that can help the flying mantis evolve into a giant pincer mantis. Because of manufacturing costs and technical reasons, mass production cannot be achieved. The quantity is very limited, and it is not guaranteed to be purchased. A rare treasure that can be bought!
But now, he only needs 70 points, and he can get it in his pocket!
Long Yi clicked on the skill exchange list again. At the beginning, there are various ultimate tricks and training methods of ultimate profound meanings. In the middle are combination tricks and self-created tricks, all of which are registered and copyrighted by the alliance. At the end of the list of moves, Long Yi I saw the practice method of the three-stroke secret technique!
Water system secret skill - water pressure cannon!

The secret skill of the fire element - the sparking dragon sword!

Grass-type secret technique - Senluo Maze!
These are the three iconic secret skills of the alliance. After countless genius optimizations, they have reached the point where they cannot be changed. They have reached the highest level in terms of learning difficulty, popularity, power, and practicality.

Long Yi had seen the water pressure cannon in Zijin City before, it was a secret technique of compressing a large amount of water energy in the body into a cannonball, and then firing it out.

The water pressure cannon has a fast condensing speed and great power. Even elves who are good at speed can hardly avoid it. It is very practical and can be said to have a decisive effect in battle.

And this kind of secret technique, there are three kinds in front of Long Yi now.


Water pressure cannon, the exchange price is 150 million points plus 3 moon-level missions!
Sparkling Heavenly Dragon Sword, the exchange price is 200 million points plus 3 moon-level missions!
Senluo Labyrinth, the exchange price is 170 million points plus a March mission!
"Money." Long Yi sighed.

He once again felt the power of money in the profession of elf trainer.

If he has enough money, he can choose any non-beast elf he likes, eat the best elf food, have the best teacher to guide him at any time, countless combinations of tricks and even secret skills to choose from, and he can reach the level of others with a little effort. A result that can't be achieved with a hundred times of effort!

Long Yi doesn't even have any points now, even if he wants to exchange for the cheapest water pressure cannon, if he doesn't do extra tasks, he will have to wait at least 15 months, during which time he cannot exchange for anything.

And most importantly, a very difficult March-level task must be completed!
Star missions correspond to low-level members, moon missions correspond to mid-level members, and sun missions correspond to high-level members.

A March-level task, if it is converted into points, it can be exchanged for at least 3!
In other words, the actual price of the water pressure cannon should be 200 million points!

Long Yi shook his head, closed the skill list, and clicked on other services.

This includes the qualifications for listening to lectures by professor-level trainers, one-on-one tutoring, care from the top treatment team, and tailor-made recipes and food from top breeders.

The price of these services is definitely much lower than that of tricks and treasures, but it is not much lower, after all, the status is there.

Long Yi did the math, his 11 elves, except for Yemengjia who didn't need to eat, the other ten just had to spend more than a hundred thousand points per month just to order food, and it wasn't enough to throw them all in. Post yourself.

"Points! The key to everything is points!"

Long Yi tapped the table with his fingers, and the idea of ​​accepting the task rose in his heart.


Long Yi now has Yemengade who knows special moves, which can be said to be almost comparable to element-level trainers in terms of attack, so as long as he is careful and does not do promotion tasks, he can complete ordinary moon-level tasks with a high probability.

After the level is raised, not only the monthly benefits will increase, but also the task interval to maintain the level will be longer.

Once every six months for level 4, 5 year for level 1, and 6 years for level 3, it can be said that a lot of points are saved in disguise.

Go to pick up the mission and get promoted to level 6 member as soon as possible!
Then, it is to exchange enough metal coatings and triple secret skills for the evolution of the Flying Mantis!

Just as Long Yi made up his mind and was about to get up and leave, an old voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Young man, do you want to accept the mission?"

As soon as Long turned his head, an old man with white hair and wrinkled face stood behind him.The old man was wearing a purple suit, a yellow round cap on his head, and a cane in his hand.

"you are?"

"Master Baishi!" The waitress at the service desk stood up and said hello respectfully.

"Just an ordinary bad old man." Master Baishi waved his hand and sat down beside Long Yi.

The waitress took the initiative to introduce: "Master Shiraishi is one of the earliest senior members of Shueisha, a well-known master trainer in Kanto, but later fell to an intermediate member because of the death of the main elf in battle."

Long Yi was in awe.

All trainer masters are element-level trainers, but not every element-level trainer can be called a trainer master!

Since he can be called that, then the old man in front of him definitely has something worthy of praise on his journey to become a trainer.

This is a true old-timer!
"What advice do you always have?" Long Yi asked.

He believed that such an old man of status would not strike up a conversation casually.

"I want to negotiate a deal with you." Master Baishi coughed twice and said.

(End of this chapter)

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