Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 243 Old Man Baishi

Chapter 243 Old Man Baishi
"I want to negotiate a deal with you," said the old man.

Long Yi sized him up, from the outside, he looked like an ordinary old man dressed a bit aggressively.

A face full of wrinkles and age spots, a pair of cloudy eyes, and a stooped back.

The old man Baishi is very thin, which can be seen from his palms, as thin as if only a layer of brown skin is left covering the bones and tendons.

But since he has been crowned the title of master trainer, no matter how inconspicuous his appearance is, the old man in front of him cannot be treated as an ordinary old man.

There is no way for an ordinary old man to maintain the rank of a mid-level member at such an advanced age.

"What deal." Long Yi asked.

Master Baishi replied: "I have lost all the things in my life, and only the experience of this life is left. I want to use this experience to make a deal with you. I will teach you how to cultivate elves and how to become more It’s so good to grow up in Shuei Club, and as a price, you need to pay me 10 points every month, and help me complete a January-level mission every six months.”

[-] points per month is just a matter of a mission. If the other party is really a former master trainer, it is not too expensive to exchange for his advice.

To be honest, Long Yi was a little moved.

He has been able to achieve today's achievements along the way, mostly due to the magic of the system, and a small part is due to his own efforts.

But Long Yi knew that his own proportion was not much, and the reason was because he didn't have a good teacher, he was groping alone, wasting a lot of time, energy and resources.

And if there is a master trainer who specializes in guiding, to put it mildly, getting twice the result with half the effort is the most basic.

But the premise is that the master Baishi in front of him is genuine!And he's not old-fashioned yet.

"I need to confirm." Long Yi said.

Master Baishi made a gesture of excuse.

Long Yi immediately dialed the communication numbers of Ren and Xiaotian, and not long after, the latter hurried over.

"Master Baishi!"

Ren and Oda bowed 90 degrees to the old man as soon as they arrived.

This scene made Long Yi let go of some worries.

Long Yi talked about Master Baishi's proposal, and Renhe Xiaotian immediately said that Master Baishi had no problem at all. In fact, Long Yi was not his first trading partner, and several members who had completed the three-star trial mission before also agreed. I have traded with the old man Baishi and got a lot of help.

However, they either became element-level trainers themselves, or they felt that old man Baishi was no longer needed, or something happened to them, and they canceled the transactions one by one.

Now, it's Long Yi's turn.

"I agree, but the condition is that Renhe Jun will be the guarantor, and I have the right to cancel the transaction at any time." Long Yi put forward his request.

Master Baishi didn't seem to care about this, and nodded in agreement.

So Ren and Xiaotian went to draw up the contract, and the two parties signed it in triplicate, one for Long Yi, one for Master Baishi, and one for Ren and Xiaotian.

It was not until this time that Long Yi knew the full name of Master Baishi, which was Baishi Zhangyan.

After the contract is signed, the transaction is formally established.

Because Long Yi had just become a member of Shueisha, and old man Shiraishi was easy to talk to, he agreed to pay the [-] points for the first month at the end of the month.

"What's your purpose of joining Shueisha?" asked the old man Shiraishi, "or, your goal at this stage."

Long Yi replied: "Rare attribute treasures, secret skills, the best elf food, better teacher guidance, etc."

The old man Baishi nodded.

"People's desires are unlimited, but energy is limited, and financial resources are limited. Regarding the cultivation of elves, my first suggestion is: use limited resources and give them the most suitable."

"Most suitable?"

What Long Yi has always thought of is to give the elves the best conditions, and then instill them with his own system, so that they can grow quickly, so that they have more time to cultivate their elements.

But now, the old man Baishi pointed out another way for him.

"The best is not necessarily the most suitable."

"follow me."

Long Yi followed old man Baishi all the way to the outside, to the eight battle fields.

Here, two trainers are fighting, and several trainers are watching. They glanced at Long Yi and old man Baishi from a distance, but no one spoke to them.

After finding an empty battle field, the old man Baishi said, "Let one of your elves out."

Long Yi released the Flying Mantis.

The old man Baishi pointed to the flying mantis and said: "A trainer, when he cultivates his elves, he must first know what he wants."

"For example, this flying mantis, what kind of elf do you want to breed from it?"

Long Yi really didn't think about this question.

As he thought about it, the strengths and weaknesses, attributes, evolutionary attributes and skills of the Flying Mantis flashed through his mind, as well as the characteristics of elves.

"Attacking elf." Long Yi said.

Isn't the reason why Flying Mantis is famous because it is the only handsome and powerful elf among the insect elves?

"Attacker, very good." The old man Baishi nodded, "So, are you going to let it evolve into a giant pincer mantis?"

"???" Long Yi was stunned: "Why not?"

After the time travel, all kinds of knowledge that Long Yi came into contact with was that the more the elves evolve, the stronger they become. Maybe before the time travel, there were people such as Master Zhi who would not allow the elves to evolve and become stronger, but in this world, it is obvious that this road is No way.

But listening to the old man Baishi's tone, it seems that this is not the case?
Old man Baishi is so old, who hasn't seen him?He saw through Long Yi's thoughts at a glance, and explained: "Normally speaking, elves are the strongest when they evolve to their final form, and they also have higher development potential, but that refers to evolution under natural circumstances."

"The giant pincer mantis is different. This is an evolution caused by human intervention. Although compared with the newly developed mega evolution, this evolution is already very mature, but it does not mean that it is the most suitable."

"Especially among all the evolution paths artificially researched, the Flying Mantis and the Giant Pincer Mantis are also a very special combination, because its evolution only changes the shape, attributes and direction of the Flying Mantis, and its strength will not appear huge. improvement."

"Therefore, every trainer of the Flying Mantis should plan at the beginning of the cultivation. Whether to evolve into a Giant Pincer Mantis or not are two completely different cultivation methods."

To evolve, or not to evolve?

Long Yi looked at Flying Mantis, it obviously couldn't think about such a complicated problem, it just looked back at Long Yi coldly.

Just get stronger!
Long Yi sounded the promise of Flying Mantis, but the problem now is that both ways can become stronger.

"It seems that you haven't thought it through yet." Elder Baishi obviously couldn't make up his mind for Long Yi, so he said, "Skip the Flying Mantis first, what elves do you have?"

"I have Gyarados, Gala Gala, Lobster Soldier, Pipi, Bibi Bird, Coco Dora and Gengar."

Huiyuan, Lacus and Yermunga are in special situations, Long Yi didn't say anything for now.

"Gyarados is obviously also an attacker. This kind of elf does not need to be fed too carefully. You only need to feed it about as much meat as a cow every three days. It is usually enough to let it fight enough, but it is healing. On the one hand, we need to pay attention to avoid leaving hidden wounds and chronic diseases."

"Meat food is to provide enough energy, and good treatment is to keep the elves healthy. Frequent battles and strong pressure are the most suitable environment for the growth of Gyarados."

"Giving Gyarados too high-grade food is a waste of their own resources."

Long Yi was shocked.

The old man Baishi continued: "We are trainers. Our goal in cultivating elves is to make them stronger. Breeders are more like nutritionists for elves. The purpose is to make elves grow and live healthier. "

"The breeder's high-level elf food can indeed play a helpful role in cultivation, but it cannot be adopted and praised blindly, otherwise it will be contrary to one's own goals."

For breeders, what a tyrannosaurus needs are symbols such as shiny scales, slender beard, and healthy teeth without tooth decay.

For trainers, the requirements for Gyarados are firm scales, sharp teeth, and strong muscles. As for whether the teeth are damaged or not, the luster of the scales is not within the scope of consideration.

Sometimes on the contrary, the broken teeth prove that it has been used for a long time, and the bite force of such a tyrannosaurus is much stronger than that bred by breeders!

It is reflected in the battle, that is, the power of such unique moves as crushing and thundering teeth is even greater!

After talking about the Gyarados, the old man Baishi raised a series of questions and suggestions to Galagala, Pippi and other elves.

Gala Gala and Geng Gui, who are already the ultimate evolutionary type, are pointers to the direction of combat; those that can still evolve, such as Pippi and Bibi Bird, are pointers to cultivation in the direction of evolution.

This talk lasted for more than half an hour, and Long Yidun felt that he had benefited a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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