Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 244 New Missions

Chapter 244 New Missions
Elves cultivation is a complicated, precise and rigorous subject. Long Yi feels that the conversation that has benefited him a lot, but to Bai Shi Zhang Yan, it is only equivalent to the opening remarks before the formal teaching begins.

In fact, a student from any other high-level institution would not have the deep feelings Long Yi has now. The reason why he is like this is because the trainer academy has been eroded and corrupted too much in the past few years. High-quality professors and lecturers have long since found other jobs, and very few of them remain.

The Trainer Academy itself is the one with the lowest qualifications and background among the several top universities. It finally gained momentum under the struggle of the first principal and Long Tianwangdu. It even got a bad reputation.

Among the several top universities, the Fengyuan Seven Families and the God Omitina Temple are good at cultivating specific types of elves; Chengdu Jingtu Temple is good at cultivating elves with specific attributes. Only the Shenshan Noble Academy in Kanto has the deepest background in this regard. Among them, no less than Baishi Zhangyan, a senior trainer master, served as a guest professor, and ordinary teachers are also well versed in the three flavors.

In the next half month, Bai Shizhangyan thoroughly designed a special breeding method for the 11 elves in Long Yi's hands.

He is worthy of being a master trainer who has been famous for a long time. He is familiar with all kinds of elf materials in existence. Potential and other information can be said to be a tailor-made cultivation method.

Long Yi accepts this humbly, but he does not train them completely according to the method designed by Baishi Zhangyan.

After all, he possesses system powers, which cannot be treated with common sense.Moreover, Long Yi found that those elves who evolved after reaching the limit value of their race also grew faster than the same kind after evolution. It can be said that although it takes a lot of energy to cultivate an elf from a child to the limit according to the data, but In actual operation, it only takes as much energy as an evolutionary stone to make the elf in its initial form reach its limit. After evolution, the elf can reach its peak quickly by growing by itself, without spending extra energy at all!

Of course, if it had already evolved when it was subdued, the energy consumed would increase tenfold and a hundredfold.

After completing the cultivation plan, the immediate problem facing Long Yi is the more stretched points.

For the past half month, his food, elves' food, medical expenses, etc. are all supported by his own savings, and at the end of the month, he needs to pay Baishi Zhangyan a total of 20 points for two months, so before that, Long Yi If you don't want your wallet to bleed, you must complete a moon-level mission.

Regarding task acceptance, Baishi Zhangyan provided his rich experience and lessons.

"For a member of Shueisha, the most important thing when accepting a mission is never the height of revenge, but the assessment of the danger and change of the mission."

Bai Shizhangyan showed a look of reminiscence on his old face, as if he was recalling his element-level elf who died in the mission.

"Why are the benefits of Shueisha members so good? Because this is a group of mercenaries supported by the alliance!"

"The missions that can be released on Shueisha, except those released by individuals and other forces themselves, all official missions released by the alliance are all extremely dangerous missions!"

"The main culprit that causes members to drop in rank and even be expelled from membership every year is these alliance missions that are extremely lucrative but conceal key information."

Long Yi specifically asked Ren and Xiaotian to find out that the missions released by ordinary individuals and forces have a minimum quota limit according to the difficulty of the mission.

For example, for the moon-level tasks that Long Yi currently accepts as mid-level members, the reward for the 1-moon task is worth at least 10 points, and there is no upper limit.

However, the official mission of the alliance, under the same level, the reward is at least three times that of other missions!
What does this triple mean?
Means multiplied danger!

Many Shueisha members like to accept such lucrative missions, and then lose their main elves during the mission, or die, or become disabled, resulting in a serious decline in combat power, unable to complete other missions, resulting in a drop in their own level, and even from the Shuei Club. delisted.

Bai Shizhangyan was the same way back then, his self-confidence plummeted, he accepted the official missions of the alliance time and time again to gain a lot of points, but in the end he stumbled, and the element-level elves who accompanied him all his life died in battle, and were immediately captured by the swarming challengers. Leaving the position of a senior member, he disappeared from everyone.

"I know that you are very confident in your own strength. Everyone here has confidence in your own strength, and they are not blindly arrogant. They really have strength. Those who have no strength have been brushed out long ago."

"But reality is like this. The danger in the mission is beyond your imagination, sometimes from the enemy, sometimes from the environment, and sometimes even from... the back."

"If you really have feelings for your elves, then listen to my advice, don't accept those vague quests, don't accept quests related to divine beasts and fetishes, and most importantly - don't accept Those tasks related to evil organizations!"

"I have gotten to know you a little bit during this time, and I think this mission is quite suitable for you."

Bai Shizhangyan said a name and asked the staff to filter out the tasks.

Long Yi looked up.

[Task name: Qualification assessment of Hualan gymnasium. 】

[Mission Difficulty: 1 Moon Level]

[Publisher: The current owner of Hualan Gymnasium]

[Mission Objective: Serve as the temporary owner of the Hualan Gymnasium for a week, and pass the qualification assessment of the alliance examiner]

[Access requirements: at least one powerful water elf. 】

[Task brief introduction: The mission is completed only if it passes the alliance assessment. If the mission fails, Hualan Gymnasium needs to pay 100 million alliance coins. 】

This mission is not an official mission of the alliance, and the reward is quite generous, with 20 points, which is comparable to ordinary February-level missions.

It's just that the penalty for failure is a bit too heavy.

Baishi Zhangyan explained: "This kind of task of finding a temporary museum owner to meet the assessment is relatively common, and the reward is also high. The advantage is that there is no danger. As long as the strength is sufficient, it can be said to be free money; the disadvantage is that if the task fails, Generally, a huge amount of money needs to be paid to make up for the loss of the gymnasium.”

It is very difficult to establish a gymnasium, and gymnasiums in many places are inherited by families.If the offspring are not strong enough, it is very likely that they will fail the assessment. In this way, if they are disqualified, it can be said that the efforts of several generations will be in vain.

In order to deal with this crisis, after the establishment of Shueisha, some people relied on their connections to release missions in Shueisha, and hired powerful Shueisha members to cope with the assessment of the alliance. fee.

Bai Shizhangyan is now recommending such a task.

As for whether Long Yi accepts it or not, that is Long Yi's own business.

In fact, not everyone is qualified to enjoy the special guidance of Baishi Zhangyan. He will only talk to new members who have passed the 3-star trial task. No matter what, he respects the other party's choice.

"Okay, I'll accept this task." Long Yi agreed.

His straightforwardness made Bai Shizhangyan look sideways, as if he couldn't connect with the character he had observed before.

[Hualan Gym... I don't know if I will meet that person when I go this time. 】

At this moment, Long Yi thought in his heart, a girl with orange hair appeared in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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