Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 245 The days when I was the owner of Hualan Gymnasium

Chapter 245 The Days of Being the Head of the Hualan Gym ([-])

Two days later, afternoon.

"This is Hualan City."

Long Yi got off the airport bus and looked at this strange city.

Hualan City is known as the water city of Kanto, and there is a big river running through it.The north of the city is adjacent to the coastline, and there is Guanhai Cape, a world-famous scenic spot. There is also a lighthouse built nearby, and the well-known Dr. Zhenghui lives in this lighthouse.

Abundant water resources support a large number of water-type Pokémon, so Hualan City has the most water-type Pokémon trainers in the entire Kanto. In the heyday of Hualan Gymnasium more than a decade ago, almost the entire city's water system, this is a water-type Pokémon. city ​​of.

However, since the last gym owner passed away in a car accident, the level of the gymnasium has plummeted after the three daughters took over, and the reputation has gradually declined. I have developed an aversion to water-type Pokémon, and would rather go to farther places such as Hualan Cave and Yuejian Mountain to subdue the elves than use the water-type Pokémon that is close at hand.

But even so, the three Hualan sisters are still struggling to guard the gymnasium, even if they have been reduced to performing water ballet for profit, and have been reduced to hiring members of the Shuei Club to meet the assessment, they have not given up.

Walking on the street, Long Yi didn't feel anything special about this city except that there were a lot of rivers and bridges in Hualan City.

Then he came to Hualan gymnasium.

This is an isolated building, occupying a very large area, like a big bowl turned upside down on the lawn. The signboard is a huge white sea lion, and the words Hualan gymnasium are written under the white sea lion.

"Hualan Gym." Long Yi looked at the familiar building deep in his memory, took a deep breath, and walked in.

"Come on, Huiyuan."

Haibara, who was watching left and right, hurriedly quickened his pace.

Entering the gymnasium, after passing a short passage is the battle field, but at this time the battle field has been set up as a diving stage, with thousands of seats climbing around in circles, showing the glory of the Hualan gymnasium.

Every time the performance starts, it will be full of people who come from all over Kanto to watch the water ballet. However, usually, as a medium-sized city's official gymnasium, few people come here.

This has to be said to be a great irony.

Go down the stairs, enter the dedicated passage, and come to the inner living area on the next floor.

The lower floor of the entire Hualan gymnasium is almost built into a large aquarium, where various fish, lobsters, crabs, and shells live, and there are many water elves raised by the gymnasium.

You can find all common water-type elves in Kanto here, even the rare Lapras!

Here, Long Yi met the current owner of the Hualan gymnasium, the three sisters of Hualan beautiful girls.

"Hello, I'm Sakura." The person who spoke was a beautiful big sister with long golden curly hair. She looked generous and decent, and had the best figure. She was the eldest of the four Hualan sisters, Sakura.

"I'm Calamus." Calamus is very similar to Cherry Blossom, but with blue curly hair, ranking second, with a quiet temperament.

"I'm Peony." Peony was ranked third, shorter than Sakura and Iris, with short shoulder-length pink hair, and she was so cute that she stuck out her tongue when she spoke.

"We are the three sisters of Hualan beautiful girls!"*3
Long Yi looked at the three beautiful girls who were introducing themselves and suddenly started to posses, and suddenly understood why the current Hualan City was called the most garbage gym in Kanto.

Of course, the beauty of the three sisters is worthy of recognition, and their faces are similar to each other but their temperaments are different. Standing together is even more attractive.

It is a pity that the Xiaoxia whom Long Yi most wants to see is not in the gymnasium.

"I'm Ryuichi Miyazaki, a Level 4 member of Shueisha." Long Yi took out his membership card, unfolded it to the three sisters, and then asked, "You must have read my information."

After Long Yi accepts the task, the information he filed in Shueisha will be sent to the publisher, which includes the time of joining the club, identity photo, membership level, battle video, registered elves and other information.

"Yes, you are welcome, Miyazaki-kun." The elder sister Sakura said.

She is indeed the most mature and stable of the three sisters. As the three women who have no talent in trainers, she can lead the two younger sisters to persist in the Hualan Gym, and also guarantee a fairly good living condition. It's not easy.

A Shueisha member proved that Long Yi's strength is beyond doubt, so the conversation between the two parties was very pleasant.

"Long Yi...don't mind if I call you that?" Sakura smiled slightly, like a warm big sister next door.

Long nodded.

"The standard rule of the Gym Competition is to use three elves to fight. Our Hualan Gym is a water-type Gym. Although it is not impossible to use non-water-type elves, just to be on the safe side, it is better to be cautious."

"Of course, I know you only have two water-type elves, so during the mission, you can use all the elves in the Hualan Gym at will."

Using other people's elves to fight is a test of the trainer's own skills.

Moreover, although the Hualan gymnasium is notorious, because of its weak strength, it is not that there are usually no trainers who come to challenge it.

In the face of ordinary challengers, it is impossible for Long Yi to directly use his main elves to play. The role of the gymnasium master is to guide the growth of challengers, so it is also very important to have some elves with second-rate and third-rate strength. Not a qualified curator.

"Because the reviewer will not reveal his identity, but will come to challenge in the form of a challenger, so..."

Sakura looked at Long Yi pitifully, and the two younger sisters next to her also looked sad, I felt pity for it.

Although Long Yi knew they were acting, he still couldn't help sighing, unable to refuse the proposal: "I understand, this is also for the mission."

"It's really bothering you."

Next, the three sisters brought Long Yi to an empty room. After pressing the switch, the two iron plates in the center of the floor were retracted to the sides, exposing the sparkling water.

Sakura pressed a button on the wall, and not long after, water elves in Kanto colors emerged from the pool.

Long took a look, and found that the types of elves in the Hualan Gymnasium were quite comprehensive, including the family of Kodak Duck, the family of Mosquito-repellent Tadpoles (without the King of Mosquito-repellent Frogs), the family of Little Sea Lions, the family of Starfish, the family of Horned Goldfish, and the family of Black Seahorses ( There is no thorn dragon king), the big tongue clam family, the agate jellyfish family and Laplace.

The most numerous are horned goldfish, starfish, and agate jellyfish. These three can be said to be the most common water-type elves in Hualan City.

There is no Jenny turtle family, which is one of the three royal families monopolized by the alliance. There are really not many living outside, and private large-scale breeding is prohibited; there are no Gyarados and carp kings, it should be because of Xiaoxia’s psychological legacy when she was a child For the shadow's sake.

clap clap!

Sakura clapped her hands, attracting the attention of the elves, and introduced: "Everyone, this is Long Yi. In the next few days, Long Yi will command everyone to fight. Everyone must be obedient and know?"

Pairs of eyes fell on Long Yi's body, most of them were curious, and a few were somewhat resistant.

Long Yi scanned around, and could see that the elves in the Hualan Gym were not well cultivated, both in terms of character and quality, and even the few Laplaces, fast-swimming frogs, Powerful types of elves, such as gem starfish, also have a poor mental outlook.

Long Yi crossed his arms and watched indifferently, gradually the expressions of the elves became uneasy.

"Long Yi?" Sakura looked suspiciously at her.

"You don't mind if I show my authority." Long Yi said.

Cherry blossoms:"???"

Without waiting for Sakura's answer, Long Yi took off a poke ball and threw it casually.

A white light suddenly appeared, and then there was a loud sound of falling water, a large amount of clear water overflowed the pool and lay on the ground, and a huge black elf fell into the pool.

"It's Gyarados!" Peony exclaimed.

Calamus accidentally bit his tongue and shouted in his heart: "It's still a flash elf"

"Listen well, from today onwards, I have the final say." Long Yi said.

The terrifying aura of the Gyarados swept the audience, 9% of the elves were trembling, and a few timid ones even passed out directly, with their white bellies exposed on the water.

Long Yi silently wrote down the few frightened ones.

But there are also a few that have been aroused to resist!

The strongest of the three fast-swimming frogs in the gym roared, jumped up and punched the Gyarados on the head, the fist was covered with a dazzling orange light.

Long Yi's eyes lit up - it was the Exploding Fist!
It's a pity that courage is not equal to strength. This fast-swimming frog has a lot of courage, but it has been trained too badly and its speed is too slow.

The Gyarados contemptuously glanced at it, swept its tail, and the fast-swimming frog flew back at a faster speed, and dived directly into the wall of the room, with its eyes rolling over the mosquito coils.

With one move, the fast-swimming frog loses its ability to fight!
A horned goldfish attacked the Gyarados from the water, but its sharp horns hit and sparks scattered, but it couldn't break any of the scales, and the attack was not good.

A gem starfish jumped up, and a golden electric current erupted all over its body, using one hundred thousand volts.

This move did a little damage to the Gyarados, but the energy reserves in the gem starfish's body were too low, and the [-] volts soon became unsustainable, and the Gyarados sent it away with a water cannon.

The few elves who resisted in the first place fell into a coma, and the rest suddenly lost their courage, bowing their heads one by one to express their submission.

Long Yi shook his head, took the Gyarados back, and said to Sakura: "Call someone to treat them, I will choose someone who challenges me."

Huiyuan saw a little sea lion clapping his hands happily, and curiously leaned over to sniff it. The little sea lion spit out his mouth, and there was a blue badge in the shape of a water drop on his tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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