Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 246 The days when I was the owner of Hualan Gymnasium

Chapter 246 The Days of Being the Head of the Hualan Gymnasium ([-])
Long Yi stayed in the Hualan gymnasium just like that.

All the gymnasiums in the Elf World are officially certified and privately operated, and the ownership does not belong to the alliance. Therefore, as long as there are no extremely bad situations and are reported by others, and pass the annual qualification assessment, no one will care about what they usually do. you.

It can be said that everything in the gymnasium is decided by the gymnasium owner, and whether to give you a badge is a matter of one sentence.

The task this time is not complicated. Although there are 7 days, there are usually no one to challenge the declining gymnasium like Hualan gymnasium.

When the year-end competition is approaching, there are at most thirty or fifty people to challenge in a month, and when the number is the least, there may not even be a challenger in a month.

It can be said that besides dealing with the alliance's assessors, Long Yi can receive at most three or five ordinary challengers.

Of course, if other things belong to the gymnasium owner's responsibility, then he also needs to be responsible during this period.


The next day was also Long Yi's first day as the head of the Hualan Gym.

Long Yi went to check the elves in the gym early in the morning, when he went, the breeder in the gym was feeding the elves.

The three Cherry Blossom sisters usually spend a lot of time training, maintaining, and performing, and there is no extra time to train and take care of the elves, so they are all responsible for this aspect.

Of course, due to economic reasons, the personnel they hire will not be very high-level, and high-level breeders will not raise a pool of elves like this.

The breeders are two young girls who are pretty and wear one-piece swimsuits. One is plump and the other is thinner.

"Mr. Miyazaki!" Seeing Long Yi coming in, the two girls quickly stood up, folded their hands and bowed deeply to their lower abdomen, and the plump one squeezed out a deep gully.

One of the two girls is Miyo and the other is Qianxiang. They both met yesterday under the introduction of Sakura.

As for the full name, Long Yi didn't ask, neither did Sakura.

"I'm just looking, you guys are busy with your stuff, don't worry about me." Long Yi waved his hand.


That being said, Long Yi could still tell that the two of them were still rather cautious.

Not only them, but even the elves who were having breakfast became much more uneasy, many elves who had been buried in the bowls eating fast slowed down their eating speed, secretly observing Long Yi with their big dark eyes.

There is no way, what Long Yi did yesterday was too domineering, the Gyarados left a deep impression on these elves.

For these elves in the Hualan gymnasium, they are used to the usual leisurely life. Although they have to fight and lose miserably every once in a while, it is just pecking at each other. I have never seen a tyrannosaurus like this. horrifying.

In recent years, those who will challenge the Hualan Gym are either freshmen, those who are not strong enough to get a badge, or autistic trainers who have never heard of the name of the Hualan Gym, or Hualan Admirers of the three sisters.

A truly capable trainer doesn't even bother to get this blue badge.

This also further deepened the horror of the Gyarados in their eyes.

Long Yi watched from the side for a while, the three of Sakura didn't put much effort into the strength of the gym, but they spent a lot of money on the types and numbers of elves.

Hualan Gymnasium is full of [-] to [-] water-type spirits. Naturally, these spirits cannot be subdued by the three sisters themselves. They are all bought with money. This alone is a lot of money.

Then there is evolution.

Like gem starfish, fast-swimming frogs, and iron shell shells, the number of elves that need water stones to evolve is very small in the wild, and there are very few people who sell them. Long Yi estimates that most of them are the three sisters who bought the degenerated ones themselves. Evolved from buying water stones.

This is another hundreds of thousands of expenses.

There are also daily food, treatment costs, and treatment for illnesses, etc., which also cost a lot.

Long Yi estimated that most of the money the three sisters earned from performances, excluding daily consumption, was spent on these elves.

Long Yi didn't know where the obsession of the three sisters came from, but he could probably know where their motivation was.

After all, there is still a youngest who is quite talented in trainers, what the three sisters of Sakura can do is to give her the greatest material support.

"Come out, Lobster Minions."

The act of Long Yi taking out the elf ball startled the dozen or so elves.

The big red lobster appeared beside Long Yi with a blank face, and then ran around Long Yi with a flattering face.


The lobster soldier who didn't eat dinner yesterday was already growling with hunger.

Looking down at it, Long Yi said with a smile: "Little Lobster, are you hungry?"

The lobster soldier nodded quickly, almost an afterimage appeared.

[I'm almost starving to death! 】

In fact, the lobster soldier is very resistant to hunger, even if there is nothing, it will be fine for three to five days; and if it is left in the water, the microorganisms and algae in the water alone are enough to live for a year and a half.

But that was a wild lobster soldier, Long Yi hadn't eaten three meals a day since it was tamed, and it had been kept in its mouth long ago, and he was so hungry that he didn't eat a single meal.

"I'm hungry." Long nodded, "But I forgot to prepare breakfast for you today, so you can wait a little longer, and you will have something to eat at noon."


As if a thunderbolt flashed across the sky, Little Lobster's body suddenly stiffened, and he looked at his master in disbelief.

【What did you say? 】

[You must be joking, right? ! 】

Then it watched Long Yi walk out like that, and closed the door.

The lobster soldier suddenly collapsed.

It's actually true!
His boss's boss, the great master who always provided him with delicious food without asking for anything in return, forgot to prepare his breakfast!
And yesterday's dinner!

[You have become a second dog! 】

The Lobster Minion protested loudly, but the Dragon left early in the morning and couldn't be heard at all.

There was a sound like thunder in the stomach, and the lobster soldier put two large pincers on the abdomen, feeling that the whole world had become gray.

The lobster minion moved his nose.

[Did I hallucinate after being hungry for too long? Why did I smell food? 】

Turning around and looking, the lobster soldier was shocked.


So much to eat!

Hundreds of pots of delicious food were placed there, and the rich aroma seemed to be scratching the nose of the lobster soldier with a gentle hand.

【Master, you are the best! 】

The lobster soldier kept his breath and rushed towards the nearest pot of elf food. It couldn't see which ones were eating the water-type elves, and it completely regarded the hundreds of pots of food as its own private products.

A mosquito coil tadpole was knocked into the air and fell into the pool.

The lobster soldier was so happy that he picked up the food with his tongs and ate it, completely oblivious to the fact that he knocked an elf into the air just now.

The mosquito-repellent tadpole that was knocked into the air surfaced, and its eyes were red when it saw this scene.

water gun!

Under the anger, the water gun reached the peak of the mosquito coil tadpole in terms of power and accuracy, and hit the lobster soldier's head accurately.

The lobster soldier was stunned, stunned, and then became angry.

It's not because of the pain, but because the food is soaked and can't be eaten!

Can't eat it!

wasting food!Unforgivable!
Foam light!

The lobster minions unleashed a counterattack of their own.

Mosquito-repellent tadpoles are elves with the ability to store water. This mosquito-repellent tadpole has just awakened this characteristic, and opened its mouth to swallow water bubbles into its belly.

However, the energy intensity of the water system contained in the foam light of the lobster minions was completely beyond the expectation of the mosquito coil tadpole. It barely swallowed more than a dozen of them and could no longer swallow them. On the body, amidst the sound of explosions, the mosquito-repellent tadpoles, which had lost their fighting ability, floated on the water and lost consciousness.

The lobster soldier shook his hand, pushed the soaked food aside in disgust, and looked around.

Only then did it discover that these foods all belonged to them.

Before being subdued by Long Yi, the first reaction of the lobster soldiers in this situation was to rush up and grab them, but since they followed the boss of Huiyuan, they have been educated a lot. The most important point is that grabbing things is not okay. You can only grab it if you grab it, and you can't take it if you are not allowed to grab it and put it in front of you.

【But I'm so hungry...】

The lobster soldier covered his stomach again.

It’s okay to just be hungry, the problem is that when you are hungry, there are many people around who are eating, and the most important thing is that you just ate a bite.

It's more uncomfortable to be hungry all the time!

The lobster soldier was still debating whether to grab some to fill his stomach, when a fast-swimming frog came to him.

This fast-swimming frog was the one that challenged Gyarados yesterday and was knocked out with one move, and it was also the father of the mosquito-repellent tadpole just now.

The lobster soldier was getting annoyed, and didn't have time to listen to what it had to say, so he pushed it aside.

This annoyed the fast-swimming frog, who came up with a series of slaps.

The lobster soldier was unprepared, and he ate it solidly.

The strength of this fast-swimming frog is actually good, otherwise it would not be able to learn the burst punch. Its weakness is that its defense is too low and its speed is too slow, but its attack power is acceptable.

A series of slaps hurt the lobster soldier quite a bit, and also knocked out its last care.

[Boss Huiyuan, I didn't take the initiative to snatch this, but self-defense! 】

The big red pincers were covered with a dense black light, and then one pincer clamped the fast swimming frog's arm.

Evil's ultimate move - to crush!
Blood flowed, and the fast-swimming frog screamed in pain, danced and danced, and the empty door opened wide.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Little Lobster's eyes lit up, and his free left pincer was also wrapped in black light, and he hit the fast-swimming frog's eyes with one pincer.

The ultimate evil move - sneak attack!
Hit the nail on the head!

The fast-swimming frog passed out.


After taking the first step, the rest became much easier. He casually threw the unconscious fast-swimming frog aside, and the lobster soldier touched the two pincers, feeling a surge of long-lost excitement in his heart.

The black light on the pincers gradually spread from the double pincers to the whole body, and the lobster soldier made a provocative gesture, and suddenly a dozen elves couldn't bear it and rushed up.

"No, hurry up and invite Mr. Miyazaki!"

Only then did Miyo and Qianxiang, who were watching blankly, come to their senses, rushed out the door, and saw Long Yi behind the door as soon as they opened it.


Long Yi made a quiet gesture, and said softly: "Go to contact the elf center, I'll watch here."

Miyo and Qianxiang looked at each other, wondering what this guy was up to.

But they didn't dare to disobey, so they nodded and left together.

Long Yi stood at the door, looking inside through the round glass window, with an excited expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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