Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 247 The days when I was the owner of Hualan Gymnasium

Chapter 247 The Days of Being the Head of the Hualan Gymnasium ([-])
Bai Shizhang Yan is really amazing!

The more he understood, the more Long Yi was shocked by the weight of the words "Master Trainer".

It has not been a short time to subdue his lobster minions, but the water element is good, but the progress in the evil ability has been unsatisfactory.

Even if Long Yi absorbs attribute treasures to instill energy into the lobster soldiers, the data on the panel and the actual combat power displayed by the lobster soldiers are completely different.

Just like Huiyuan, who evolved unexpectedly at the beginning.

But in just a few days, Bai Shizhangyan saw through the problem of the lobster soldier and gave a solution.

In the final analysis, the reason still lies in Long Yi himself, it is because his cultivation method has gone wrong.

The lobster soldier itself is a water-type elf, but it is domineering in nature and likes to grab territory and food. The evolved iron-clawed lobster has added evil attributes. It can be said that this is a very bad character elf.

This is not a bad individual character of an elf, but a characteristic of the entire race.

The evil type itself needs such an elf to exert its true power.

However, after the lobster soldiers were subdued by Long Yi, they could eat and drink without any worries, and no longer needed to be competitive and domineering. They deviated more and more from their racial personalities, and slowly and naturally went further and further on the road of evolution.

If Long Yi continues to cultivate like this, his lobster soldier will not be able to evolve for a lifetime, just like Xiao Zhi's wonderful frog seed.

The Brilliant Frog Seed belongs to the symbiotic spirit of animals and plants, but the seeds on its back actually occupy a larger proportion.

Therefore, its evolution is the natural growth of the seed.

But Xiaozhi's animal's nature suppresses the nature of plants' natural growth, so even if the king of the forest, Miao Frog Flower, tried to help it evolve forcibly, it failed.

This is also a kind of deviation from the nature of the race, which is actually harmful to the growth of elves.

It's like a naughty child who is so stubborn that he doesn't want to grow up, refuses to admit birth, old age, sickness and death, and violates the laws of race.

Today's scene is naturally not that Long Yi really forgot to prepare food for the lobster soldier, but a routine designed by Bai Shizhangyan, using the strong attraction of food to the lobster soldier, to lure it back to the correct racial path.

The elves of Hualan Gym just happened to meet.

And the effect is naturally remarkable!

In Longyan's eyes, the power of the evil-type special moves that the lobster soldiers could not use half of their strength is skyrocketing, and even the energy intensity of the evil-type on the system panel is increasing bit by bit!
The increase is small, but that is relative to the energy infusion, for other trainers, such an increase is unbelievable!

This scene can be regarded as a typical accumulation of accumulation. I suppressed my nature for too long before, so that when I recovered, there was an explosive enhancement.

Even physical strength is rapidly increasing.

The color of the lobster minion's carapace is getting darker little by little!

Finally, the rampant lobster soldiers aroused public outrage after knocking down more than a dozen elves, and the remaining 100 elves stopped eating at the same time, and surrounded the lobster soldiers under the leadership of the leaders of various tribes.

The door was kicked open suddenly, and a sullen Long Yi walked in.

"What are you doing!"

Long Yi let out a loud shout.

The elves of Hualan gymnasium shook together, and quickly returned to their original place to have breakfast.

The lobster soldier who didn't bow his head in the face of more than a hundred elves saw Long Yi approaching, immediately shrank his neck, and ran over weakly like a child who did something wrong.

Long took a look at it.

"Hmph, come with me."

Bringing the lobster soldiers to another room, Long Yi released Lacus, healed its injuries, and then took out a basin full of meat: "Eat it, for the sake of not being scared to pee and embarrassing me , I will not pursue your fault."

The lobster soldier immediately cheered, and started to eat before throwing down the basin.

The intimacy of the lobster minions in the system panel has directly increased by 20 points!

This is also the plot of Baishi Zhangyan's design.

It is necessary to train lobster soldiers to return to the right track of the race, but they can be tyrannical to others, but they must be cowardly when facing trainers.Otherwise, even if it is barely successful, it can only breed an iron-clawed lobster that does not obey the trainer's orders after evolution.

Just like Ash's Fire Dinosaur.

Therefore, cultivating elves is really a very rigorous and precise knowledge.

The commotion in the morning disappeared quickly after Long Yi came forward, but on the first day of taking office, a dozen elves were beaten into the elf center by their own people without even a single challenger coming, which made the three Sakura sisters feel a little bit slanderous.

Fortunately, they also knew that the elves of the gymnasium could not play any role in dealing with the examiners, and mainly relied on Long Yi's own strength, so they didn't say anything gossip about it.


The morning was fleeting.

In the afternoon, Long Yi had a detailed understanding of more than 100 elves in the gymnasium.

After rounds of testing and screening, he picked out some of them and prepared to use them in the later gymnasium competitions.

The first day passed like this without any surprise.

It's worth mentioning that Long Yi didn't give the lobster soldier during the feeding time at noon and night, but put it in the room where the elves in the Hualan Gym were.

After the training in the morning, the lobster soldiers are quite familiar with the way, and they grabbed the food of a small sea lion when they came up.

Because of Long Yi's previous experience, the elves in the Hualan gymnasium did not dare to besiege the lobster soldiers on a large scale, but the elves who were robbed would still resist.

It's a pity that there is really no one here who can beat the lobster minions.

Since they are all facing water-type elves, the water-type tricks that Lobster Minion is best at are not easy to use, so it began to consciously use evil-type tricks.

It is in this kind of battle that his own evil energy and evil unique skills are quickly familiarized and mastered.


My name is Ryota Saito, I am 16 years old!

A young lad was revealed in the wardrobe mirror.He looks a little thin, not tall, wearing a pair of round glasses, dressed in rustic clothes, like those honest students who are often bullied by school bullies.

In fact, Ryota has been the target of all kinds of bullying since kindergarten. It is precisely because of this experience, coupled with a special encounter, that he aspires to become a powerful Pokémon trainer!
A trainer like a Pokémon master!

With such a dream in mind, coupled with the fact that culture and physical education were not very good, Ryota did not continue to study after finishing junior high school. Instead, with the support of his father, he bought his own initial elf—a Little Lada.

There is no way, after all, the family conditions are not very good, and they cannot afford too expensive elves.

Although the initial elf is the little Lada that can be seen everywhere, Ryota is not discouraged.He didn't go to a trainer school, but with the trainer books and various TV programs he bought with his pocket money, he worked hard to train in his own way.

Because of family conditions and his own personality, Ryota has not been to far places, but he still relies on little Rada to catch several elves in the surrounding Hualan caves, woods and grasslands.

However, with the increase of elves, the rapidly increasing food expenses became Ryota's biggest problem.

And for a newcomer trainer like him who is fledgling and has no reputation, even if he wants to find a suitable job-after all, he is only 16 years old, and he has to spend a lot of time training.

Therefore, Liangtai made a decision—to challenge the Hualan Gym!

As a local and adores trainers, Liangtai certainly knows what the Hualan Gym is like now.

But he couldn't help it, he needed a gym badge to prove his worth in order to find a job, and Hualan City was close and weak, so it was the perfect candidate.

"keep it up, you can do it!"

Encouraging himself, Ryota quickly ran downstairs.

"I go out for a while!"

"Remember to come back early, there will be your favorite eel rice in the evening." Mom said in the kitchen without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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