Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 248 The days when I was the owner of Hualan Gymnasium

Chapter 248 The Days of Being the Head of the Hualan Gym ([-])
Running along the road that he had fantasized about countless times, Ryota quickly saw the tall and ancient building.

Hualan gymnasium!

Before I was born, this gymnasium had already stood here, and it is still there now.

"When I become a master trainer in the future, I must also establish my own Hualan Gym and become a person like the owner of Iizuka Gym!"

With bold words, Ryota, who had never fought against other trainers, entered the gym - after all, the treatment of elf injuries costs money.

Walking through the short passage, Ryota saw a huge space like a stadium.

"It's so big!" Ryota looked around curiously.

Below should be a standard water system battle field, but for some reason, the floating board on the water surface is missing, and there is an extra diving platform on one side.

"Good afternoon! I'm here to challenge the trainer of Hualan Gym!"

Ryota tried to shout, and his voice echoed in the empty venue.

The security guard who was dozing off in the monitoring room was awakened by Ryota's voice and fell off his chair.

When he regained his senses and figured out what happened, he quickly pressed a few buttons on the console.

These buttons are respectively connected to the set mobile phones, and the corresponding information will be sent immediately.

Because they are challengers, this time the sending objects are the professional referees in the gym, Long Yi who is the temporary owner of the gym, and of course the actual boss, the three sisters Sakura.

Soon, several people arrived one after another.

Sakura sent people to remove the diving platform by the pool, and then put on the combat floating board.

The referee is also a girl, with a flat body, short hair, and little expression.

Long Yi was looking at the challenger.

A very young and reserved person who looks weak.

Should be a rookie trainer.

Long Yi thought in his heart.

"Are you the challenger?" Long Yi asked.

Mrs. Liang was amazed at the beauty of the three Hualan sisters, when she suddenly heard a question, and then saw a handsome boy next to the three sisters stepping forward.

"Yes... yes, my name is Saito Ryota."

Long nodded slightly: "I am Miyazaki Ryuichi, the current owner of the Hualan Gym. The Gym rules use three elves for each person. Only the challenger has the right to change them. Is it okay?"


Ryota blinked: "Hey!!!"

"What, is there a problem?"

"No, it's not..." Liangtai hurriedly waved his hands, the sudden change of gym owner made him at a loss, and the new gym owner's eyes were very oppressive, which made Liangtai panic.

"Since there is no problem, let's start." Long Yi walked to the owner's position and stood up.

He is now [-]% sure that the opponent is a cute new trainer, unless the examiner is a movie king.But even if the examiner really has this acting skill, he doesn't need to do this, because the gym master will use different elves according to the opponent, and pretending to be a new look can't be used as an assessment test.

Ryota panicked and ran to the challenger seat on the other side.

The size of the pool is standard, with five or six long floating boards on it for non-water elves to stand on.

The referee briefly explained the rules and then announced the start of the game.

Because it is a gymnasium competition, Long Yi needs to get out the elves first.

"Since it's a new challenge, then too strong spirits are not suitable for use." Long Yi thought in his heart.

It was only after he really became a Gym Master that Long Yi discovered that this position could also allow him to learn a lot.

"It's my first elf!"

A pink and white elf falls into the field.

"It's a horned goldfish!" Ryota didn't have a picture book, but he still recognized this elf. Horned goldfish are very common in the rivers of Hualan City.

"Fortunately, the attributes haven't changed. If so, let's go!"

Ryota sent an elf with a dark blue body, cute facial features and feet, and several long grass leaves on the top of the head.

Walking grass, grass-type, and poison-type Pokémon are very common in forests and grass all over Kanto. When in danger, they will bury their bodies in the soil and pretend to be a normal plant.

Cao Keshui, this is the spirit that Ryota subdued specially for the gymnasium!
As soon as the walking grass appeared, Liang Tai's flustered heart finally calmed down a little: "Please, walking grass!"

"Just let go and attack." Long Yi put his hands on his chest.

"Use the paralyzing powder!"

"Dive into the water to avoid."

The walking grass shakes out a large yellow powder, but the horned goldfish is in the water, and the paralyzing powder has no effect at all.

Liang is too dumbfounded, this is different from what he said!
"Use suction!" He quickly changed his trick.

The walking grass emits a burst of green energy again, and the energy absorbed can be extended into the water. In Ryota's opinion, it will definitely have an effect this time.

"Use horn attack." Long Yi ordered.

The horned goldfish he chose was very ordinary, so ordinary that it could no longer be ordinary, but there was only one thing special - this horned goldfish liked to bump into things very much.

It swims and bumps everywhere when it has nothing to do all day long. It can be said that the power of other tricks is poor, but only corner bump has developed its own characteristics.

The floating board under the foot of the walking grass swayed suddenly, the suction in use was cut off immediately, and the walking grass also swayed from side to side.

"Bump it down."

The continuous corner bumps made the floating board shake more violently. The balance of the walking grass is not good, and it is usually wobbly when walking, let alone walking on this kind of floating board on water.

Soon, the walking grass fell into the pool, and the horned goldfish took the opportunity to attack. The sharp horns on the top of the head hit the fragile body of the walking grass, and it fainted and floated on the water.

"The walking grass loses its ability to fight!"

"Although the grass-type elves can restrain the water-type, they have to be used in different situations. No matter how powerful the trick is, it will be useless if it cannot hit the enemy." Long Yi reminded.

From the perspective of attributes, Ryota's choice is not wrong, but he first ignored the battlefield.

The characteristics of the walking grass itself make it unsuitable for fighting in this kind of water floating board environment, and although it is a grass type, it does not have enough grass-type tricks to take advantage of this.

Second, he ignored the enemy. As the horned goldfish knows from its name, it is a water-type elf who is good at attacking with horns. Like the walking grass, it lacks the unique skills to take advantage of its own department, so even if it uses ground-type, rock-type or even fire-type Elf, facing horned goldfish will not have much disadvantage.

After tidying up his mood, Ryota released his second elf, which is little Lada!

Little Rada is Ryota's original elf, and also his favorite one.

However, although the little Lada is very fast and has a strong bite force, the only thing it is better than the walking grass is its better balance, and it doesn't even have any long-range attack ability.

Facing the horned goldfish attacking from the bottom of the water, little Lada couldn't fight back at all.After evading the attack by jumping the floating board several times, he was directly intercepted by the horned goldfish halfway, and hit the abdomen with a horn impact. After falling into the water, the impact continued, and he quickly lost his fighting ability.

"It is best not to use the same method repeatedly in battle, as it is easy for the enemy to see through and use it." Long Yi said.

He doesn't know Liangtai's story, so naturally it won't affect his life choices. As the gym master, what Long Yi can do is to point out the mistakes he made in the battle and let him grow.

As for whether the challenger will listen or not, and how much he will gain, that is the challenger's own business.

Only a few minutes after the start of the match, Ryota had already lost two elves, and Long Yi hadn't even suffered a little injury to the weakest horned goldfish.

"Do you want to abstain?" Seeing that Liangtai hadn't released the third spirit, Long Yi asked, "Abstaining in a competition is not something to be ashamed of. It is the duty of any trainer."

"It's his elf's responsibility!"

Liangtai still has two elves left, one is a sparrow and the other is a supersonic bat. Although they are not afraid of being hit by the floating board, they are also elves that cannot effectively attack the horned goldfish.

Coupled with Long Yi's strong aura, Ryota, who was already hesitating, heaved a sigh of relief when he heard these words, and let go of the hand holding the poke ball.

"I surrender."

Long nodded, and took back the tired horned goldfish: "A wise choice."

No matter how weak the elves in Hualan Gym are, it's not something a rookie trainer like Ryota can win at will.

Of course, if it is directed by the three Hualan sisters, then it is not necessarily the case.

"Thank you for your advice, I'm leaving." I came with a dream, but was taught by reality.Ryota, who was holding back tears, bowed deeply, then turned and ran away.

Because he lowered his head, he didn't notice that there was a person walking in the aisle, and he bumped into him immediately, and sat down on the ground.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Ryota hurriedly stood up and apologized.

It was also a young man, who seemed to be about his age, taller, with short purple hair and an indifferent expression.

The purple-haired young man took a look at Ryota, walked straight down, and said to Long Yi: "Mr. Miyazaki Ryuichi."

"Are you?" Long Yi asked, feeling that the person was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

"I'm Shinji from Tobari City, please join me in a Pokémon battle."

(End of this chapter)

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